Posted 跟我学VB
Option Explicit
Dim x0 As Long, y0 As Long '拖动过程中保存鼠标的位置
Dim left0 As Long, top0 As Long '被拖动多张牌中最上方牌的位置
Dim inmove As Boolean '如果为True表示处于拖动过程中
Dim cardsmove() As Integer '动态数组,保存移动中的多张牌(0~cardsmovenum-1)
Dim cardsmovenum As Integer '移动牌的张数
Dim movefrom As Integer '保存拖动的源序列号
Dim min As Long, sec As Integer '游戏的分与秒
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
j = 0
For i = 0 To 4
imgBack(i).Picture = GetPicture(5, 14)
imgBack(i).Top = conVerGap
imgBack(i).Left = conHorGap * (j + 1) + conCardWidth * j
j = j + 1
If i = 0 Then j = j + 2
For i = 2 To 52
Load imgCards(i)
If Dir(App.Path & "\cards.txt") <> "" Then
If MsgBox("是否恢复上次保存的牌局?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "接龙") = vbYes Then
Open App.Path & "\cards.txt" For Input As 1
Input #1, back
For i = 0 To 12
For j = 0 To 30
Input #1, queues(i, j)
If queues(i, j) <> 0 Then Input #1, updown(queues(i, j))
Input #1, min, sec
Close 1
back = 1 + Rnd * 12 '背面图案
Call Shuffle '随机洗牌
End If
back = 1 + Rnd * 12 '背面图案
Call Shuffle '随机洗牌
End If
Call ShowCards '显示所有牌
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
If MsgBox("是否保存牌局?下次启动后继续。", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "接龙") = vbYes Then
Open App.Path & "\cards.txt" For Output As 1
Write #1, back
For i = 0 To 12
For j = 0 To 30
Write #1, queues(i, j),
If queues(i, j) <> 0 Then Write #1, updown(queues(i, j)),
Write #1,
Write #1, min, sec '记录游戏的分与秒
Close 1
If Dir(App.Path & "\cards.txt") <> "" Then
Kill App.Path & "\cards.txt"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub mnuNew_Click()
sec = 0
min = 0
Call Shuffle ' 洗牌
Call ShowCards '显示所有牌
End Sub
Private Sub ShowCards()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim offset As Integer '每个序列中牌的纵向偏移量
For i = 0 To 6 '显示下列7个序列
j = 0
offset = 0
k = queues(i, j)
Do While k <> 0
If updown(k) Then '正面
imgCards(k) = GetPicture((k - 1) \ 13 + 1, (k - 1) Mod 13 + 1)
Else '反面
imgCards(k) = GetPicture(5, back)
End If
imgCards(k).Top = offset + conCardHeight + 2 * conVerGap '纵坐标
imgCards(k).Left = conHorGap * (i + 1) + conCardWidth * i '横坐标
imgCards(k).ZOrder 0
imgCards(k).Visible = True
j = j + 1
If updown(k) Then offset = offset + conVerGap Else offset = offset + conMiniVerGap '反面的和正面的间柜不同
k = queues(i, j)
For i = 7 To 8 '显示左上角2个序列
j = 0
k = queues(i, j)
Do While k <> 0
If updown(k) Then '正面
imgCards(k) = GetPicture((k - 1) \ 13 + 1, (k - 1) Mod 13 + 1)
Else '反面
imgCards(k) = GetPicture(5, back)
End If
imgCards(k).Top = conVerGap
imgCards(k).Left = conHorGap * (i - 7 + 1) + conCardWidth * (i - 7)
imgCards(k).ZOrder 0
imgCards(k).Visible = True
j = j + 1
k = queues(i, j)
For i = 9 To 12 '显示右上角的4个序列
j = 0
k = queues(i, j)
Do While k <> 0
If updown(k) Then '正面
imgCards(k).Picture = GetPicture((k - 1) \ 13 + 1, (k - 1) Mod 13 + 1)
Else '反面
imgCards(k).Picture = GetPicture(5, back)
End If
imgCards(k).Top = conVerGap
imgCards(k).Left = conHorGap * (i + 1 - 9 + 3) + conCardWidth * (i - 9 + 3)
imgCards(k).ZOrder 0
imgCards(k).Visible = True
j = j + 1
k = queues(i, j)
End Sub
Private Sub imgBack_Click(Index As Integer) '如果点击的是序列7最下面的空牌,则将序列8中的牌移至序列7
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
If Index = 0 Then
j = queuetop(8) '查找第8序列中最顶牌的序号
i = 0
Do While j >= 0
queues(7, i) = queues(8, j)
queues(8, j) = 0
updown(queues(7, i)) = False '反面
imgCards(queues(7, i)).Picture = GetPicture(5, back)
imgCards(queues(7, i)).Left = conHorGap
imgCards(queues(7, i)).ZOrder 0
i = i + 1
j = j - 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub imgCards_DblClick(Index As Integer) '如果双击了序列8最顶层牌,判断该牌是否可以放置在序列9-12之一的顶层
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim queueclicked As Integer '被双击的序列号
queueclicked = queueno(Index)
If queueclicked = 7 Or queueclicked >= 9 And queueclicked <= 12 Then Exit Sub '这几个序列不接受双击操作
k = queuetop(queueclicked)
If queues(queueclicked, k) <> Index Then Exit Sub '如果双击的牌不是该序列最顶层牌,则不反应
If Not updown(Index) Then Exit Sub '如果双击的背面,则不反应
If Index Mod 13 = 1 Then '判断此牌是否为A
For i = 9 To 12
j = queuetop(i) '查找空序列
If j = -1 Then
queues(i, j + 1) = Index
queues(queueclicked, k) = 0
imgCards(Index).Top = conVerGap
imgCards(Index).Left = conHorGap * (i - 9 + 4) + conCardWidth * (i - 9 + 3)
Exit For
End If
Else '如果不是A ,则搜索比其小1,同花色的牌
For i = 9 To 12
j = queuetop(i) '查找非空序列
If j <> -1 Then
If queues(i, j) = Index - 1 Then
queues(i, j + 1) = Index
queues(queueclicked, k) = 0
imgCards(Index).Top = conVerGap
imgCards(Index).Left = conHorGap * (i - 9 + 4) + conCardWidth * (i - 9 + 3)
Exit For
End If
End If
If ifFinish() Then '判断是否完成
MsgBox "祝贺接龙成功!" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "用时" & min & "分" & sec & "秒。", vbInformation, "接龙"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub imgCards_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim fTop As Boolean '判断点击的牌是否位于序列顶部
Dim que As Integer, ind As Integer '当前点击牌位于的序列和序号
Dim topind As Integer '本序列中最顶牌的序号
Dim mousepos As POINTAPI '保存鼠标位置
que = queueno(Index) '点击的序列
ind = queueindex(Index) '被点击牌的序号
topind = queuetop(que) '被点击序列的顶张牌的序号
If queues(que, ind + 1) = 0 Then fTop = True Else fTop = False '判断点击的牌是否最顶层
If que = 7 And fTop Then
For i = 30 To 0 Step -1 '查找第8序列
If queues(8, i) <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
i = i + 1
queues(8, i) = queues(7, ind) '移动牌
queues(7, ind) = 0
updown(Index) = True '将牌翻起
imgCards(Index).Picture = GetPicture((Index - 1) \ 13 + 1, (Index - 1) Mod 13 + 1)
imgCards(Index).Left = conCardWidth + 2 * conHorGap
imgCards(Index).ZOrder 0
ElseIf que >= 0 And que <= 7 And fTop And updown(Index) = False Then '如果点击的是序列0-7中顶反面牌,则将其反转
Call Turn(Index, True)
ElseIf updown(Index) Then '如果点击的是其他正面牌,则进入拖动状态
left0 = imgCards(Index).Left
top0 = imgCards(Index).Top
Call GetCursorPos(mousepos)
x0 = mousepos.x
y0 = mousepos.y
inmove = True
cardsmovenum = topind - ind + 1 '移动的牌数
movefrom = que '拖动的源序列
ReDim cardsmove(1 To cardsmovenum) '保存每个被拖动的牌号
For i = 1 To cardsmovenum
cardsmove(i) = queues(que, ind + i - 1)
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).ZOrder 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub imgCards_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim i As Integer
Dim mousepos As POINTAPI
If inmove Then
Call GetCursorPos(mousepos) '得到新的鼠标位置
For i = 1 To cardsmovenum
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Left = imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Left + mousepos.x - x0
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Top = imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Top + mousepos.y - y0
x0 = mousepos.x
y0 = mousepos.y
End If
End Sub
Private Sub imgCards_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim moveto As Integer '鼠标释放时所处的序列
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim delx As Long, dely As Long
Dim newx As Long, newy As Long
Dim fmoveback As Boolean '是否移回原位置
If inmove Then
moveto = getqueueatcursor()
If moveto = -1 Or movefrom = moveto Then '拖动的位置不对(不在序列0-7和9-12上),返回初始位置
fmoveback = True
ElseIf moveto >= 9 And moveto <= 12 And cardsmovenum > 1 Then '拖多张至9-12序列
fmoveback = True
End If
If Not fmoveback Then
If moveto >= 9 And moveto <= 12 Then '拖至9-12序列
If queuetop(moveto) = -1 And cardsmove(1) Mod 13 <> 1 Then '序列空,但拖来的不是A
fmoveback = True
ElseIf queuetop(moveto) <> -1 Then
If queues(moveto, queuetop(moveto)) + 1 <> cardsmove(1) Then '序列非空,但不连续
fmoveback = True
End If
End If
ElseIf moveto >= 0 And moveto <= 7 Then '拖至0-7序列
If queuetop(moveto) = -1 And cardsmove(1) Mod 13 <> 0 Then '序列空,但拖来的不是K
fmoveback = True
ElseIf queuetop(moveto) <> -1 Then
If Not ((queues(moveto, queuetop(moveto)) - 1) Mod 13 = (cardsmove(1) Mod 13) And _
((queues(moveto, queuetop(moveto)) - 1 - 1) \ 13 + ((cardsmove(1) - 1) \ 13)) Mod 2 = 1) Then '序列非空,但不连续
fmoveback = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
If fmoveback Then '移回开始拖动的序列中
delx = imgCards(cardsmove(1)).Left - left0
dely = imgCards(cardsmove(1)).Top - top0
For i = 1 To cardsmovenum
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Left = imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Left - delx
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Top = imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Top - dely
Else '移到目标序列中
k = queuetop(movefrom)
For i = 1 To cardsmovenum '从源序列中删除
queues(movefrom, k - i + 1) = 0
k = queuetop(moveto)
For i = 1 To cardsmovenum '移至目标序列中
queues(moveto, k + i) = cardsmove(i)
If k = -1 Then '目标序列为空时,计算放置位置
If moveto >= 0 And moveto <= 6 Then
newx = conHorGap * (moveto + 1) + conCardWidth * moveto
newy = conVerGap * 2 + conCardHeight
ElseIf moveto >= 9 And moveto <= 12 Then
newx = conHorGap * (moveto + 1 + 3 - 9) + conCardWidth * (moveto + 3 - 9)
newy = conVerGap
End If
Else '目标序列非空时,计算放置位置
newx = imgCards(queues(moveto, k)).Left
If moveto >= 9 And moveto <= 12 Then
newy = imgCards(queues(moveto, k)).Top
newy = imgCards(queues(moveto, k)).Top + conVerGap
End If
End If
For i = 1 To cardsmovenum '放置被拖动的图片
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Left = newx
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).Top = newy + conVerGap * (i - 1)
imgCards(cardsmove(i)).ZOrder 0
If ifFinish() Then '判断是否完成
MsgBox "祝贺接龙成功!" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "用时" & min & "分" & sec & "秒。", vbInformation, "接龙"
End If
End If
inmove = False
End If
End Sub
Private Function getqueueatcursor() As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim mousepos As POINTAPI
Call GetCursorPos(mousepos)
x = mousepos.x - Me.Left / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
y = mousepos.y - Me.Top / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
If y > 2 * conVerGap + conCardHeight Then '0-6序列
getqueueatcursor = x \ (conHorGap + conCardWidth)
If getqueueatcursor < 0 Then getqueueatcursor = -1
If getqueueatcursor > 6 Then getqueueatcursor = -1
Exit Function
getqueueatcursor = x \ (conHorGap + conCardWidth) + 7
If getqueueatcursor < 7 Then getqueueatcursor = -1
If getqueueatcursor > 13 Then getqueueatcursor = -1
If getqueueatcursor <= 9 Then
getqueueatcursor = -1
If getqueueatcursor >= 10 Then
getqueueatcursor = getqueueatcursor - 1
End If
End If
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Sub mnuSelectBack_Click()
Dim oldback As Integer
Dim i As Integer
oldback = back
frmSelectBack.Show 1, Me
If oldback <> back Then
For i = 1 To 52
If Not updown(i) Then
imgCards(i).Picture = GetPicture(5, back)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
sec = sec + 1
If sec = 60 Then
min = min + 1
sec = 0
End If
Me.Caption = "接龙-" & Format(min, "00") & ":" & Format(sec, "00")
End Sub
