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由于推荐系统巨大的商业价值,一直以来都是学术界与工业界的研究热点,尤其受到互联网公司的热捧,阿里、京东、腾讯、谷歌、微软等知名大厂都在推荐系统上做了大量的研究工作,并提出了一系列卓有成效的模型与算法。 为了缩小学术界与工业界之间的鸿沟,把握工业界推荐系统的研究动向,了解工业界的经典工作与近期研究热点,我们在RSPapers的基础上新增了工业界推荐系统论文的汇总,收录了工业界关于推荐系统的经典论文与近期的研究工作。 工业界的推荐系统研究比较关注点击率预测、社会化推荐,以及尽可能充分利用商业平台上用户产生的信息来提高模型效果,同时也在强化学习推荐系统、图神经网络推荐系统等新兴方向做了诸多探索。

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  • Mihajlo et al. Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb. KDD.2018.


  • Kun et al. Learning Piece-wise Linear Models from Large Scale Data for Ad Click Prediction. arXiv, 2017.

  • Zhibo et al. Billion-scale Commodity Embedding for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba. KDD, 2018.

  • Guorui et al. Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. AAAI, 2019.

  • Guorui et al. Deep Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. KDD, 2018.

  • Xiao et al. Entire Space Multi-Task Model: An Effective Approach for Estimating Post-Click Conversion Rate. SIGIR, 2018.

  • Han et al. Learning Tree-based Deep Model for Recommender Systems. KDD, 2018.

  • Lin et al. Visualizing and Understanding Deep Neural Networks in CTR Prediction. SIGIR, 2018.

  • Qiwei et al. Behavior Sequence Transformer for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba. KDD,2019.

  • Wentao et al. Click-Through Rate Prediction with the User Memory Network. KDD, 2019

  • Yufei et al. Deep Session Interest Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. arXiv, 2019.

  • Wentao et al. Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Click-Through Rate Prediction. KDD, 2019.

  • Han et al. Joint Optimization of Tree-based Index and Deep Model for Recommender Systems. NIPS, 2019.

  • Chao et al. Multi-Interest Network with Dynamic Routing for Recommendation at Tmall. CIKM, 2019.

  • Qi et al. Practice on Long Sequential User Behavior Modeling for Click-Through Rate Prediction. KDD, 2019.

  • Wentao et al. Representation Learning-Assisted Click-Through Rate Prediction. arXiv, 2019.

  • Fuyu et al. SDM: Sequential Deep Matching Model for Online Large-scale Recommender System. CIKM, 2019.

  • Wentao et al. MiNet: Mixed Interest Network for Cross-Domain Click-Through Rate Prediction. CIKM, 2020.

  • Zhe et al. COLD: Towards the Next Generation of Pre-Ranking System. KDD, 2020.

  • Weinan et al. Deep Interest with Hierarchical Attention Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. SIGIR, 2020.

  • Ze et al. Deep Match to Rank Model for Personalized Click-Through Rate Prediction. AAAI, 2020.

  • Shu-Ting et al. Deep Time-Stream Framework for Click-Through Rate Prediction by Tracking Interest Evolution. AAAI, 2020.

  • Changhua et al. Personalized Re-ranking for Recommendation. RecSys, 2019.

  • Liyi et al. A Deep Prediction Network for Understanding Advertiser Intent and Satisfaction. CIKM, 2020.

  • Yu et al. EdgeRec: Recommender System on Edge in Mobile Taobao. CIKM, 2020.

  • Yufei et al. MTBRN: Multiplex Target-Behavior Relation Enhanced Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. CIKM, 2020.


  • Xiangyu et al. Whole-Chain Recommendations. CIKM, 2020.


  • Yuchin et al. Field-aware Factorization Machines for CTR Prediction. RecSys, 2016.


  • Xinran et al. Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook. KDD, 2014.

  • Maxim et al. Deep Learning Recommendation Model for Personalization and Recommendation Systems. arXiv, 2019.


  • James et al. The YouTube Video Recommendation System. RecSys, 2010.

  • Jason et al. Label Partitioning For Sublinear Ranking. JMLR, 2013.

  • Paul et al. Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations.** RecSys, 2016.

  • Heng-Tze et al. Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems. DLRS, 2016.

  • Ruoxi et al. Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Predictions. KDD, 2017.

  • Alex et al. Latent Cross: Making Use of Context in Recurrent Recommender Systems. WSDM, 2018.

  • Alex et al. Fairness in Recommendation Ranking through Pairwise Comparisons. KDD, 2019.

  • Xinyang et al. Sampling-Bias-Corrected Neural Modeling for Large Corpus Item Recommendations. RecSys, 2019.


  • Huifeng et al. DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction. IJCAI, 2017.

  • Bin et al. Feature Generation by Convolutional Neural Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. WWW, 2019.

  • Huifeng et al. PAL: A Position-bias Aware Learning Framework for CTR Prediction in Live Recommender Systems. RecSys, 2019.

  • Kai et al. Automatic Feature Engineering From Very High Dimensional Event Logs Using Deep Neural Networks. KDD, 2019.

  • Yishi et al. GraphSAIL Graph Structure Aware Incremental Learning for Recommender Systems. CIKM, 2020.


  • Huifeng et al. DeepFM: An End-to-End Wide & Deep Learning Framework for CTR Prediction. arXiv, 2018.

  • Meizi et al. Micro Behaviors: A New Perspective in E-commerce Recommender Systems. WSDM, 2018.

  • Xiangyu et al. Recommendations with Negative Feedback via Pairwise Deep Reinforcement Learning. KDD, 2018.

  • Xiangyu et al. Deep Reinforcement Learning for List-wise Recommendations. arXiv, 2019.

  • Wenqi et al. Deep Social Collaborative Filtering. RecSys, 2019.

  • Wenqi et al. Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation. WWW, 2019.


  • Hongwei et al. Knowledge-aware Graph Neural Networks with Label Smoothness Regularization for Recommender Systems. KDD, 2019.


  • Po-Sen et al. Learning Deep Structured Semantic Models for Web Search using Clickthrough Data. CIKM, 2013.

  • Ali Elkahky et al. A Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems. WWW, 2015.


  • Hongwei et al. DKN: Deep Knowledge-Aware Network for News Recommendation. WWW, 2018.

  • Guanjie et al. DRN: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for News Recommendation. WWW, 2018.

  • John et al. Modeling and Simultaneously Removing Bias via Adversarial Neural Networks. arXiv, 2018.

  • Chen et al. Privileged Features Distillation at Taobao Recommendations. KDD, 2020.

  • Hongwei et al. RippleNet: Propagating User Preferences on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems. CIKM, 2018.

  • Jianxun et al. xDeepFM: Combining Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions for Recommender Systems. KDD, 2018.

  • Zhongxia et al. Co-Attentive Multi-Task Learning for Explainable Recommendation. IJCAI, 2019.

  • Chuhan et al. Neural News Recommendation with Attentive Multi-View Learning. IJCAI, 2019.

  • Le et al. Personalized Multimedia Item and Key Frame Recommendation. IJCAI, 2019.

  • Fuyu et al. SDM: Sequential Deep Matching Model for Online Large-scale Recommender System. CIKM, 2019.

  • Shu et al. Session-Based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks. AAAI, 2019.

  • Le et al. SocialGCN: An Efficient Graph Convolutional Network based Model for Social Recommendation. arXiv, 2019.


  • Balazs et al. Session-based recommendations with recurrent neural networks. ICLR, 2016.


  • Junlin et al. FAT-DeepFFM: Field Attentive Deep Field-aware Factorization Machine. arXiv, 2019.


  • Qitian et al. Dual graph attention networks for deep latent representation of multifaceted social effects in recommender systems. WWW, 2019.

  • Wen et al. Beyond Clicks: Modeling Multi-Relational Item Graph for Session-Based Target Behavior Prediction. WWW, 2020.

  • Ruobing et al. Deep Feedback Network for Recommendation. IJCAI, 2020

  • Tongwen et al. GateNet:Gating-Enhanced Deep Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction. arXiv, 2020.


  • Junwei et al. Field-weighted Factorization Machines for Click-Through Rate Prediction in Display Advertising. WWW, 2018.

  • Shaunak et al. Learning to Create Better Ads Generation and Ranking Approaches for Ad Creative Refinement. CIKM, 2020



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