
Posted Java学习小记




struct ListNode {

  int val;

  ListNode *next;

  ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}



  1. class Solution {

  2. public:

  3. ListNode *insertionSortList(ListNode *head) {

  4. // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as

  5. // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.

  6. if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)return head;

  7. ListNode *p = head->next, *pstart = new ListNode(0), *pend = head;

  8. pstart->next = head; //为了操作方便,添加一个头结点

  9. while(p != NULL)

  10. {

  11. ListNode *tmp = pstart->next, *pre = pstart;

  12. while(tmp != p && p->val >= tmp->val) //找到插入位置

  13. {tmp = tmp->next; pre = pre->next;}

  14. if(tmp == p)pend = p;

  15. else

  16. {

  17. pend->next = p->next;

  18. p->next = tmp;

  19. pre->next = p;

  20. }

  21. p = pend->next;

  22. }

  23. head = pstart->next;

  24. delete pstart;

  25. return head;

  26. }

  27. };


  1. class Solution {

  2. public:

  3. ListNode *selectSortList(ListNode *head) {

  4. // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as

  5. // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.

  6. //选择排序

  7. if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)return head;

  8. ListNode *pstart = new ListNode(0);

  9. pstart->next = head; //为了操作方便,添加一个头结点

  10. ListNode*sortedTail = pstart;//指向已排好序的部分的尾部

  11. while(sortedTail->next != NULL)

  12. {

  13. ListNode*minNode = sortedTail->next, *p = sortedTail->next->next;

  14. //寻找未排序部分的最小节点

  15. while(p != NULL)

  16. {

  17. if(p->val < minNode->val)

  18. minNode = p;

  19. p = p->next;

  20. }

  21. swap(minNode->val, sortedTail->next->val);

  22. sortedTail = sortedTail->next;

  23. }

  24. head = pstart->next;

  25. delete pstart;

  26. return head;

  27. }

  28. };




  1. void quicksort(vector<int>&arr, int low, int high)

  2. {

  3. if(low < high)

  4. {

  5. int middle = mypartition(arr, low, high);

  6. quicksort(arr, low, middle-1);

  7. quicksort(arr, middle+1, high);

  8. }

  9. }


  1. class Solution {

  2. public:

  3. ListNode *quickSortList(ListNode *head) {

  4. // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as

  5. // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.

  6. //链表快速排序

  7. if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)return head;

  8. qsortList(head, NULL);

  9. return head;

  10. }

  11. void qsortList(ListNode*head, ListNode*tail)

  12. {

  13. //链表范围是[low, high)

  14. if(head != tail && head->next != tail)

  15. {

  16. ListNode* mid = partitionList(head, tail);

  17. qsortList(head, mid);

  18. qsortList(mid->next, tail);

  19. }

  20. }

  21. ListNode* partitionList(ListNode*low, ListNode*high)

  22. {

  23. //链表范围是[low, high)

  24. int key = low->val;

  25. ListNode* loc = low;

  26. for(ListNode*i = low->next; i != high; i = i->next)

  27. if(i->val < key)

  28. {

  29. loc = loc->next;

  30. swap(i->val, loc->val);

  31. }

  32. swap(loc->val, low->val);

  33. return loc;

  34. }

  35. };




  1. class Solution {

  2. public:

  3. ListNode *quickSortList(ListNode *head) {

  4. // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as

  5. // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.

  6. //链表快速排序

  7. if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)return head;

  8. ListNode tmpHead(0); tmpHead.next = head;

  9. qsortList(&tmpHead, head, NULL);

  10. return tmpHead.next;

  11. }

  12. void qsortList(ListNode *headPre, ListNode*head, ListNode*tail)

  13. {

  14. //链表范围是[low, high)

  15. if(head != tail && head->next != tail)

  16. {

  17. ListNode* mid = partitionList(headPre, head, tail);//注意这里head可能不再指向链表头了

  18. qsortList(headPre, headPre->next, mid);

  19. qsortList(mid, mid->next, tail);

  20. }

  21. }

  22. ListNode* partitionList(ListNode* lowPre, ListNode* low, ListNode* high)

  23. {

  24. //链表范围是[low, high)

  25. int key = low->val;

  26. ListNode node1(0), node2(0);//比key小的链的头结点,比key大的链的头结点

  27. ListNode* little = &node1, *big = &node2;

  28. for(ListNode*i = low->next; i != high; i = i->next)

  29. if(i->val < key)

  30. {

  31. little->next = i;

  32. little = i;

  33. }

  34. else

  35. {

  36. big->next = i;

  37. big = i;

  38. }

  39. big->next = high;//保证子链表[low,high)和后面的部分连接

  40. little->next = low;

  41. low->next = node2.next;

  42. lowPre->next = node1.next;//为了保证子链表[low,high)和前面的部分连接

  43. return low;

  44. }

  45. };



  1. class Solution {

  2. public:

  3. ListNode *mergeSortList(ListNode *head) {

  4. // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as

  5. // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.

  6. //链表归并排序

  7. if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)return head;

  8. else

  9. {

  10. //快慢指针找到中间节点

  11. ListNode *fast = head,*slow = head;

  12. while(fast->next != NULL && fast->next->next != NULL)

  13. {

  14. fast = fast->next->next;

  15. slow = slow->next;

  16. }

  17. fast = slow;

  18. slow = slow->next;

  19. fast->next = NULL;

  20. fast = sortList(head);//前半段排序

  21. slow = sortList(slow);//后半段排序

  22. return merge(fast,slow);

  23. }

  24. }

  25. // merge two sorted list to one

  26. ListNode *merge(ListNode *head1, ListNode *head2)

  27. {

  28. if(head1 == NULL)return head2;

  29. if(head2 == NULL)return head1;

  30. ListNode *res , *p ;

  31. if(head1->val < head2->val)

  32. {res = head1; head1 = head1->next;}

  33. else{res = head2; head2 = head2->next;}

  34. p = res;

  35. while(head1 != NULL && head2 != NULL)

  36. {

  37. if(head1->val < head2->val)

  38. {

  39. p->next = head1;

  40. head1 = head1->next;

  41. }

  42. else

  43. {

  44. p->next = head2;

  45. head2 = head2->next;

  46. }

  47. p = p->next;

  48. }

  49. if(head1 != NULL)p->next = head1;

  50. else if(head2 != NULL)p->next = head2;

  51. return res;

  52. }

  53. };


  1. class Solution {

  2. public:

  3. ListNode *bubbleSortList(ListNode *head) {

  4. // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as

  5. // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.

  6. //链表快速排序

  7. if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)return head;

  8. ListNode *p = NULL;

  9. bool isChange = true;

  10. while(p != head->next && isChange)

  11. {

  12. ListNode *q = head;

  13. isChange = false;//标志当前这一轮中又没有发生元素交换,如果没有则表示数组已经有序

  14. for(; q->next && q->next != p; q = q->next)

  15. {

  16. if(q->val > q->next->val)

  17. {

  18. swap(q->val, q->next->val);

  19. isChange = true;

  20. }

  21. }

  22. p = q;

  23. }

  24. return head;

  25. }

  26. };








