
Posted 宗而研之



0 背景

最近调研了几款 c/c++ 代码静态检查工具,包括 cppcheck、cpplint、cppdepend、splint、tscancode、sonaqube 等,对比后认为 cppcheck 使用起来最方便,检查内容相对全面,支持多平台应用(linux 和 windows),且免费,因此选用 cppcheck 作为 c/c++ 代码静态检查的第一选择。本文对该工具的使用方法进行一个总结介绍。

1 特性介绍

cppceck 是一个 C/C++ 代码分析工具。与 C/C++ 编译器和许多其他分析工具不同,它不检测语法错误。cppcheck 仅检测编译器通常无法检测到的错误类型。目标是没有误报


  • error:出现的错误
  • warning:为了预防bug防御性编程建议信息越
  • style:编码格式问题(没有使用的函数、多余的代码等)
  • portablity:移植性警告。该部分如果移植到其他平台上,可能出现兼容性问题
  • performance:建议优化该部分代码的性能
  • information:一些有趣的信息,可以忽略


  • 自动变量检查;
  • 数组的边界检查;
  • class类检查;
  • 过期的函数,废弃函数调用检查;
  • 异常内存使用,释放检查;
  • 内存泄漏检查,主要是通过内存引用指针;
  • 操作系统资源释放检查,中断,文件描述符等;
  • 异常STL 函数使用检查;
  • 代码格式错误,以及性能因素检查。

cppcheck 官方手册


cppcheck 支持的检查内容列表如下

cppcheck / Wiki / ListOfChecks

2 linux 端

安装方法很简单,直接通过 apt 即可安装

sudo apt-ge intall cppcheck

使用 help 指令查看使用方法,重要的部分标红处理

$ cppcheck --help
Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis

    cppcheck [OPTIONS] [files or paths]

If a directory is given instead of a filename, *.cpp, *.cxx, *.cc, *.c++, *.c,
*.tpp, and *.txx files are checked recursively from the given directory.

                         Analysis output directory. Useful for various data.
                         Some possible usages are; whole program analysis,
                         incremental analysis, distributed analysis.
    --check-config       Check cppcheck configuration. The normal code
                         analysis is disabled by this flag.
    --check-library      Show information messages when library files have
                         incomplete info.
                         Path (prefix) to be excluded from configuration
                         checking. Preprocessor configurations defined in
                         headers (but not sources) matching the prefix will not
                         be considered for evaluation.
                         A file that contains a list of config-excludes
    --dump               Dump xml data for each translation unit. The dump
                         files have the extension .dump and contain ast,
                         tokenlist, symboldatabase, valueflow.
    -D<ID>               Define preprocessor symbol. Unless --max-configs or
                         --force is used, Cppcheck will only check the given
                         configuration when -D is used.
                         Example: '-DDEBUG=1 -D__cplusplus'.
    -U<ID>               Undefine preprocessor symbol. Use -U to explicitly
                         hide certain #ifdef <ID> code paths from checking.
                         Example: '-UDEBUG'
    -E                   Print preprocessor output on stdout and don't do any
                         further processing.
    --enable=<id>        Enable additional checks. The available ids are:
                          * all
                                  Enable all checks. It is recommended to only
                                  use --enable=all when the whole program is
                                  scanned, because this enables unusedFunction.
                          * warning
                                  Enable warning messages
                          * style
                                  Enable all coding style checks. All messages
                                  with the severities 'style', 'performance' and
                                  'portability' are enabled.
                          * performance
                                  Enable performance messages
                          * portability
                                  Enable portability messages
                          * information
                                  Enable information messages
                          * unusedFunction
                                  Check for unused functions. It is recommend
                                  to only enable this when the whole program is
                          * missingInclude
                                  Warn if there are missing includes. For
                                  detailed information, use '--check-config'.

                         Several ids can be given if you separate them with
                         commas. See also --std
    --error-exitcode=<n> If errors are found, integer [n] is returned instead of
                         the default '0'. '1' is returned
                         if arguments are not valid or if no input files are
                         provided. Note that your operating system can modify
                         this value, e.g. '256' can become '0'.
    --errorlist          Print a list of all the error messages in XML format.
    --doc                Print a list of all available checks.
                         Used when certain messages should be displayed but
                         should not cause a non-zero exitcode.
    --file-list=<file>   Specify the files to check in a text file. Add one
                         filename per line. When file is '-,' the file list will
                         be read from standard input.
    -f, --force          Force checking of all configurations in files. If used
                         together with '--max-configs=', the last option is the
                         one that is effective.
    -h, --help           Print this help.
    -I <dir>             Give path to search for include files. Give several -I
                         parameters to give several paths. First given path is
                         searched for contained header files first. If paths are
                         relative to source files, this is not needed.
                         Specify directory paths to search for included header
                         files in a text file. Add one include path per line.
                         First given path is searched for contained header
                         files first. If paths are relative to source files,
                         this is not needed.
                         Force inclusion of a file before the checked file. Can
                         be used for example when checking the Linux kernel,
                         where autoconf.h needs to be included for every file
                         compiled. Works the same way as the GCC -include
    -i <dir or file>     Give a source file or source file directory to exclude
                         from the check. This applies only to source files so
                         header files included by source files are not matched.
                         Directory name is matched to all parts of the path.
    --inconclusive       Allow that Cppcheck reports even though the analysis is
                         There are false positives with this option. Each result
                         must be carefully investigated before you know if it is
                         good or bad.
    --inline-suppr       Enable inline suppressions. Use them by placing one or
                         more comments, like: '// cppcheck-suppress warningId'
                         on the lines before the warning to suppress.
    -j <jobs>            Start <jobs> threads to do the checking simultaneously.
    -l <load>            Specifies that no new threads should be started if
                         there are other threads running and the load average is
                         at least <load>.
    --language=<language>, -x <language>
                         Forces cppcheck to check all files as the given
                         language. Valid values are: c, c++

    --library=<cfg>      Load file <cfg> that contains information about types
                         and functions. With such information Cppcheck
                         understands your code better and therefore you
                         get better results. The std.cfg file that is
                         distributed with Cppcheck is loaded automatically.
                         For more information about library files, read the
    --output-file=<file> Write results to file, rather than standard error.
    --project=<file>     Run Cppcheck on project. The <file> can be a Visual
                         Studio Solution (*.sln), Visual Studio Project
                         (*.vcxproj), or compile database
                         (compile_commands.json). The files to analyse,
                         include paths, defines, platform and undefines in
                         the specified file will be used.
                         Maximum number of configurations to check in a file
                         before skipping it. Default is '12'. If used together
                         with '--force', the last option is the one that is
    --platform=<type>, --platform=<file>
                         Specifies platform specific types and sizes. The
                         available builtin platforms are:
                          * unix32
                                 32 bit unix variant
                          * unix64
                                 64 bit unix variant
                          * win32A
                                 32 bit Windows ASCII character encoding
                          * win32W
                                 32 bit Windows UNICODE character encoding
                          * win64
                                 64 bit Windows
                          * avr8
                                 8 bit AVR microcontrollers
                          * native
                                 Type sizes of host system are assumed, but no
                                 further assumptions.
                          * unspecified
                                 Unknown type sizes
                         Generate Clang-plist output files in folder.
    -q, --quiet          Do not show progress reports.
    -rp, --relative-paths
    -rp=<paths>, --relative-paths=<paths>
                         Use relative paths in output. When given, <paths> are
                         used as base. You can separate multiple paths by ';'.
                         Otherwise path where source files are searched is used.
                         We use string comparison to create relative paths, so
                         using e.g. ~ for home folder does not work. It is
                         currently only possible to apply the base paths to
                         files that are on a lower level in the directory tree.
    --report-progress    Report progress messages while checking a file.
    --rule=<rule>        Match regular expression.
    --rule-file=<file>   Use given rule file. For more information, see:
    --std=<id>           Set standard.
                         The available options are:
                          * posix
                                 POSIX compatible code
                          * c89
                                 C code is C89 compatible
                          * c99
                                 C code is C99 compatible
                          * c11
                                 C code is C11 compatible (default)
                          * c++03
                                 C++ code is C++03 compatible
                          * c++11
                                 C++ code is C++11 compatible
                          * c++14
                                 C++ code is C++14 compatible (default)
                         More than one --std can be used:
                           'cppcheck --std=c99 --std=posix file.c'
    --suppress=<spec>    Suppress warnings that match <spec>. The format of
                         <spec> is:
                         [error id]:[filename]:[line]
                         The [filename] and [line] are optional. If [error id]
                         is a wildcard '*', all error ids match.
                         Suppress warnings listed in the file. Each suppression
                         is in the same format as <spec> above.
    --template='<text>'  Format the error messages. E.g.
                         'file:line,severity,id,message' or
                         'file(line):(severity) message' or
                         'callstack message'
                         Pre-defined templates: gcc, vs, edit.
    -v, --verbose        Output more detailed error information.
    --version            Print out version number.
    --xml                Write results in xml format to error stream (stderr).
                         Select the XML file version. Currently only versions 2 is available.


(1)检查当前路径下的代码,并输出到 txt 文件

  cppcheck . --output-file=err.txt


  cppcheck --quiet ../myproject/


  cppcheck --enable=all --inconclusive --std=posix test.cpp

 (4)输出 xml 格式的日志文件

cppcheck src --enable=all --output-file=log.xml --xml

3 windows 端


 打开 cppcheck 后新建一个扫描项目,导入代码路径

 即可开始分析,分析完后可以在 查看--统计--统计 中查看总的扫描结果





静态代码检查工具 cppcheck 的使用(可分别集成到VS和QT Creator里)




静态代码分析工具(如 CppCheck)与将编译器警告设置为更严格的级别 [关闭]
