. 简介
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更好的阅读体验请访问:Gradle 用户指南版本 2.14.1 - Gradle User Guide Version 2.14.1http://gradledoc.githang.com/2.14.1/userguide/。
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第一章. 简介
Chapter 1. Introduction
Table of Contents
1.1. 关于本用户指南 - About this user guide
We would like to introduce Gradle to you, a build system that we think is a quantum leap for build technology in the Java (JVM) world. Gradle provides:
A very flexible general purpose build tool like Ant.
可切换的,基于约定构建的框架,就像 Maven。但我们不会对你做任何限制。
Switchable, build-by-convention frameworks a la Maven. But we never lock you in!
Very powerful support for multi-project builds.
(基于Apache Ivy的)非常强大的依赖管理。
Very powerful dependency management (based on Apache Ivy).
Full support for your existing Maven or Ivy repository infrastructure.
文件。Support for transitive dependency management without the need for remote repositories or
files. -
Ant 任务和构建是Gradle的第一公民。
Ant tasks and builds as first class citizens.
Groovy 构建脚本。
Groovy build scripts.
A rich domain model for describing your build.
在 《第二章,概述》,你将会看到有关Gradle的详细介绍。另一方面, 教程 在等你,开始吧。
In Chapter 2, Overview you will find a detailed overview of Gradle. Otherwise, the tutorials are waiting, have fun :)
1.1. 关于本用户指南
1.1. About this user guide
与Gradle本身一样,本指南也在不断地更新。一些Gradle的内容并没有像它们所需要的那样完全地记录下来。有些内容并未完整描述,或者是假定了你对Gradle有一定的了解。我们需要你来帮助一起改进本用户指南。有关如何参与贡献文档的更多信息,可以在 Gradle 官方网站上找到。
This user guide, like Gradle itself, is under very active development. Some parts of Gradle aren't documented as completely as they need to be. Some of the content presented won't be entirely clear or will assume that you know more about Gradle than you do. We need your help to improve this user guide. You can find out more about contributing to the documentation at the https://coder.blog.csdn.net/article/details/123960247.
在整个用户指南中,你会看到一些表示 Gradle 任务之间依赖关系的关系图。它们使用类似于 UML 依赖关系表示法的东西,这种表示法使用箭头,从一个任务指向它所依赖的任务。
Throughout the user guide, you will find some diagrams that represent dependency relationships between Gradle tasks. These use something analogous to the UML dependency notation, which renders an arrow from one task to the task that the first task depends on.

以上是关于. 简介的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章