25个C++ API设计错误和避免方法

Posted islinyoubiao


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了25个C++ API设计错误和避免方法相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。




April 24, 2019//  by Deb Haldar//  12 Comments

Top 25 C++ API design mistakes and how to avoid themhttps://www.acodersjourney.com/top-25-cplusplus-api-design-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them/

For many C++ developers, API Design probably makes number 3 or 4 on their priority list. Majority of developers flock to C++ for the raw power and control it provides. Consequently, performance and optimization is what occupies the thoughts of these devs eighty percent of the time.

Of course, there are aspects of header file design that every C++ dev thinks about – but API design is so much more than just header file design. In fact, I highly recommend that every developer give some though on the design of their API, whether public facing or internal, as it can save you a lot in maintenance cost, provide a smooth upgrade path and save headaches for your customers.

Many of the mistakes cataloged below are a combination of my own experience and things I learnt from Martin Reddy’s fantastic book C++ API Design, which I highly recommend. If you really want a deep understanding of C++ API Design, you should read Martin Reddy’s book and then use the list below as more of a checklist to enforce for code review purposes.

Mistake # 1: Not putting your API in a namespace

Why is this a mistake?

Because you have no idea in which code base your API will be used, especially for external APIs. If you do not constrain your API functionality to a namespace, it might cause name conflicts with other APIs used in that system.


Let’s consider a very simple API and a client class that uses it

//API - In Location.h
class vector

  vector(double x, double y, double z);
  double xCoordinate;
  double yCoordinate;
  double zCoordinate;

//Client Program
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Location.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()

  vector<int> myVector;

  return 0;

If someone tries to use this class in a project that also uses std::vector, they’ll get an error “error C2872: ‘vector’: ambiguous symbol“. This is because the compiler can’t decide which vector the client code is referring to – the std::vector or the vector object defined in Location.h

How to Fix this?

Always put your API in a custom namespace like:

namespace LocationAPI

  class vector
    vector(double x, double y, double z);
    double xCoordinate;
    double yCoordinate;
    double zCoordinate;

The other alternative is to put a unique prefix to all your public API symbols.If following this convention we’d call our class “lvector” instead of “vector”. This method is used in OpenGL and QT.

In my opinion, this makes sense if you are developing a pure C API. It’s an additional headache to ensure that all your public symbols conform to this unique naming convention. If you’re using C++, you should just group your API functionality in a namespace and let the compiler do the heavy lifting for you.

I’d also highly encourage you to use nested namespaces for grouping functionalities or segregating public APIs from internal ones. A great example of this is the The Boost libraries which liberally makes use of nested namespaces. Inside of the root “boost” namespace, for example, boost::variant contains the public symbols for the Boost Variant API and boost::detail::variant contains the internal details for that API.

Mistake # 2: Incorporating the “using namespace ”  in the global scope of your public API headers

Why is this a mistake?

This’ll cause all the symbols in the referenced namespace to become visible in the global namespace and nullify the benefits of using namespaces in the first place.


  1. It is not possible for a consumer of your header file to undo the namespace include – thus they are forced to live with your namespace using decision, which is undesirable.
  2. It dramatically increases the chance of naming collissions that namespaces were meant to solve in the first place.
  3. It is possible that a working version of the program will fail to compile when a new version of the library is introduced. This happens if the new version introduces a name that conflicts with a name that the application is using from another library.
  4. The “using namespace” part of the code takes effect from the point where it appears in the code that included your header, meaning that any code appearing before that might get treated differently from any code appearing after that point.

How to fix this ?

1. Try to avoid putting any using namespace declarations in your header files. If you absolutely need some namespace objects to get your headers to compile, please use the fully qualified names (Eg. std::cout , std::string )in the header files.

class MyClass
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr _parent;
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr _child;

2. If recommendation #1 above causes too much code clutter – restrict your “using namespace” usage to within the class or namespace defined in the header file. Another option is using scoped aliases in your header files as shown below.


class MyClass

namespace wrl = Microsoft::WRL; // note the aliasing here !
    wrl::ComPtr _parent;
    wrl::ComPtr _child;

For additional gotchas associated with C++ header files, please refer to the post “Top 10 C++ header file mistakes and how to fix them.

Mistake # 3: Ignoring the Rule of Three

What is Rule of Three?

The Rule of three states that If a class defines a destructor, copy constructor or copy assignment operator then it should probably explicitly define all three, and not rely on their default implementation.

Why is Ignoring rule of three a mistake ?

If you define any of them, chances are that your class is managing a resource( memory, fileHandle, socket etc.). Thus:

  • If you write/disable either the copy constructor or the copy assignment operator, you probably need to do the same for the other: If one does “special” work, probably so should the other because the two functions should have similar effects.
  • If you explicitly write the copying functions, you probably need to write the destructor: If the “special” work in the copy constructor is to allocate or duplicate some resource (e.g., memory, file, socket), you need to deallocate it in the destructor.
  • If you explicitly write the destructor, you probably need to explicitly write or disable copying: If you have to write a nontrivial destructor, it’s often because you need to manually release a resource that the object held. If so, it is likely that those resources require careful duplication,  and then you need to pay attention to the way objects are copied and assigned, or disable copying completely.

Let’s take a look at an example – in the API below, we’ve a resource int* managed by MyArray class. We created a destructor for the class because we know that we have to deallocate the memory for the int* when we destroy the managing class. So far so good.

Now let’s assume the client of your API uses it as below.

int main()

  int vals[4] =  1, 2, 3, 4 ;

  MyArray a1(4, vals); // Object on stack - will call destructor once out of scope
  MyArray a2(a1); // DANGER !!! - We're copyin the reference to the same object

  return 0;

So what happened here?

The client created an instance of the class a1 on eth stack via the constructor. Then he created another instance a2 by copying from a1. When a1 goes out of scope, the destructor deletes the memory for the underlying int*. But then when a2 goes out of scope, it invokes the destructor again and tries to free the memory for the int* again [ this problem is known as a double free] which leads to a heap corruption.

Since we did not provide an copy constructor and did not mark our API as non-copyable, there was no way for the client to know that he should not copy MyArray objects.

How to Fix this?

There’s essentially a few things we can do:

  1. Provide copy constructor for the class that creates a deep copy of the underlying resource – (int* ) in this case
  2. Make the class non-copyable by deleting the copy constructor and copy assignment operator
  3. Finally, provide that info in the API header documentation.

Here’s the code to fix the issue by providing the copy constructor and copy assignment operator:

// File: RuleOfThree.h

class MyArray

  int size;
  int* vals;

  MyArray(int s, int* v);
  MyArray(const MyArray& a); // Copy Constructor
  MyArray& operator=(const MyArray& a); // Copy assignment operator

// Copy constructor
MyArray::MyArray(const MyArray &v)

  size = v.size;
  vals = new int[v.size];
  std::copy(v.vals, v.vals + size, checked_array_iterator<int*>(vals, size));

// Copy Assignment operator
MyArray& MyArray::operator =(const MyArray &v)

  if (&v != this)
    size = v.size;
    vals = new int[v.size];
    std::copy(v.vals, v.vals + size, checked_array_iterator<int*>(vals, size));
  return *this;

The second way to fix this is to make the class non-copyable by deleting the copy constructor and copy assignment operator.

// File: RuleOfThree.h

class MyArray

  int size;
  int* vals;

  MyArray(int s, int* v);
  MyArray(const MyArray& a) = delete;
  MyArray& operator=(const MyArray& a) = delete;

Now when the client tries to make a copy of the class, he’ll encounter a compile time error :  error C2280: ‘MyArray::MyArray(const MyArray &)’: attempting to reference a deleted function


Addendum for C++11:

The rule of three has now transformed into the rule of 5 to factor in the move constructor and move assignment operator. So in our case, if we’re to make the classnon-copyable and non-movable, we’ll mark the Move constructors and movbe assignment operators as deleted.

class MyArray

  int size;
  int* vals;

  MyArray(int s, int* v);
  //The class is Non-Copyable
  MyArray(const MyArray& a) = delete;
  MyArray& operator=(const MyArray& a) = delete;
  // The class is non-movable
  MyArray(MyArray&& a) = delete;
  MyArray& operator=(MyArray&& a) = delete;

ADDITIONAL WARNING: If you define a copy constructor for the class (including marking it as deleted), no move constructor is created for that class. So if your class just contains simple data types and you planned on using the implicitly generated move constructor, it’ll not be possible if you define a copy constructor. In that case, you must explicitly define the move constructor.

Mistake # 4: Not marking the move constructor and move assignment operator in your API as noexcept

In general, a move operation is not expected to throw. You’re basically stealing a bunch of pointers from the source object and gicing it to your destination object – which theoretically should not throw.

Why is this a mistake ?

An STL container can only use the move constructor in it’s resizing operation if that constructor does not break its strong exception safety guarantee. For example, std::vector wont use the move constructor of an your API object if that can throw an exception. This is because if an  exception is thrown in the move then the data that was being processed could be lost, whereas in a copy constructor the original will not be changed.

So if you don’t mark your MOVE CONSTRUCTOR and MOVE ASSIGNMENT OPERATOR in your API as noexcept, it can have deep performance ramifications for your client if they plan to use the STL containers. This article shows that a class that cannot be moved takes about twice the time to be placed in a vector and experience unpredictable memory spikes when compared to a class that can be moved.

How to fix it ?

Simply mark the move constructor and move assignment operator as “noexcept”

class Tool

  Tool(Tool &&) noexcept;

Mistake # 5: Not marking non-throwable APIs as noexcept

Why is this an API Design mistake?

There are multiple ramifications of marking an API as noexcept including certain compiler optimizations such as the one for move constructors. However, from an API design perspective, if your API truly does not throw, it reduces the code complexity on your client because now they don’t need to have multiple try/catch blocks in their code. This also has two additional benefits:

  1. The client does not need to write unit tests for these exception codepaths
  2. The code coverage number for the client software is probably going to be higher due to reduced code complexity.

How to fix it ?

Just mark APIs that does not throw as noexcept.

Mistake # 6: Not marking single parameter constructors as explicit

Why is this an API design mistake ?

The compiler is allowed to make one implicit conversion to resolve the parameters to a function. This implies that the compiler can use constructors callable with  *single argument* to convert from one type to another in order to get the right type of parameter.

For example, if we have the following single parameter constructor in the location API:

namespace LocationAPI

  class vector
    vector(double x);
    // .....

We can invoke the following code:

LocationAPI::vector myVect = 21.0;

This will call the vector single-argument constructor with the double argument of 21.0. However, this type of implicit behavior can be confusing, unintuitive, and, in most cases, unintended.

As a further example of this kind of undesired implicit conversion, consider the following function signature:

CheckXCoordinate(20.0, 20.0);

This weakens the type safety of your API because now the compiler will not enforce the type of the first argument to be an explicit vector object.

As a result, there’s the potential for the user to forget the correct order of arguments and pass them in the wrong order.

How to Fix this ?

This is why you should always use the explicit keyword for any single-argument constructors unless you know that you want to support implicit conversion.

class vector

  explicit vector(double x);

Mistake # 7: Not marking read-only data/methods as const

Why is this a mistake?

Sometimes, your API will take as input some data structure from your clients. Marking the methods and method parameters as const indicates to the client that you’ll be using that data in a read only mode. Conversely, if you do not mark your APIs methods and parameters as const , your client might be inclined to pass you a copy of the data because you’re making no such guarantees. Depending on how frequently the client code is acalling your API, the performance implication can run from minor to severe.

How to fix this?

When your API needs read-only access to client data, mark the API methods and/or parameters as const.

Let’s assume you need a function to just *check* of two coordinates are the same.

//Don't do this:
bool AreCoordinatesSame(vector& vect1, vector& vect2);

Instead, mark the method as const such that the client knows you’ll not modify the vector objects the client passes in.

bool AreCoordinatesSame(vector& vect1, vector& vect2) const;

Const correctness is a huge topic – please refer to a good C++ text book or read the FAQ section in Standard C++.

Mistake # 8:  Returning the internals of your API via a const reference

Why is this a mistake ?

On the face of it, returning an object by const reference seems like a win-win. This is because:

  1. It avoids unnecessary copying.
  2. The client cannot modify the data because it is a const reference

However, this could lead to some searious issues – namely:

  1. What if the client API holds and uses the reference after the object has been deallocated internally ?
  2. What is the client casts aways the constness of the object using a const cast and modifies it ?

How to fix this ?

Follow the three step rule:

  1. First, try not to expose the internals of your API objects by having a better design
  2. If #1 is too expensive, consider returning the objects by value (create a copy).
  3. If this is a heap allocated object, consider returning it via a shared_pointer to ensure that the reference is accessible even if your core object is deallocated.

Mistake # 9: Cluttering public headers with template implementation details when using implicit template instantiation

In implicit instantiation, the the internals of your template code has to be put in the header files. There is no way around it. However, you can separate the template declaration ( which your API users will refer to) from the template instantiation by putting the instantiation in separate header file as follows:

// File: Stack.h ( Public interface)
#pragma once

#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

#include <vector>

template <typename T>
class Stack

  void Push(T val);
  T Pop();
  bool IsEmpty() const;

  std::vector<T> mStack;

typedef Stack<int> IntStack;
typedef Stack<double> DoubleStack;
typedef Stack<std::string> StringStack;

// isolate all implementation details within a separate header
#include "stack_priv.h"

// File: Stack_priv.h ( hides implementation details of the Stack class)
#pragma once
#ifndef STACK_PRIV_H
#define STACK_PRIV_H

template <typename T>
void Stack<T>::Push(T val)


template <typename T>
T Stack<T>::Pop()

  if (IsEmpty())
    return T();

  T val = mStack.back();

  return val;

template <typename T>
bool Stack<T>::IsEmpty() const

  return mStack.empty();


This technique is used by many high-quality template-based APIs, such as various Boost headers. It has the benefit of keeping the main public header uncluttered by implementation details while isolating the necessary exposure of internal details to a separate header that is clearly designated as containing private details.

Mistake # 10: Not using explicit template instantiation when use cases are known

Why is this a mistake?

Implicit instantiation is plagued by the following problems from an API design perspective:

  1. the compiler is now responsible for lazily instantiating the code at the right place and making sure that only one copy of that code exists to prevent duplicate symbol linking errors. This take a toll on your client’s build and link time.
  2. The internals of your code logic is now exposed which is never a great idea.
  3. The client can instantiate your template with some arbitary type that you haven’t tested before and run into weird failures.

How to fix this ?

If you know that your template will only ever be used with int, double and string – you can use explicit instantiation to generate  template specializations for those three types. It brings down your client’s build time, isolates you from having to seal with untested types in your templates and keeps your template code logic hidden in your cpp files.

To do this is simple – just follow the three step process:

Step 1: Move the implementation of the stack template code in a cpp file

At this point, Let’s try to insstantiate and use the push() method of a stack,

Stack<int> myStack;

We’ll get a linker error:

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall Stack<int>::Push(int)" (?Push@?$Stack@H@@QAEXH@Z)

This is the linker telling us that it could not locate the definition of the push method anywhere. No wonder, because we have not instantiated it yet.

Step 2: Create a template instance of the int, double and string types at the bottom of your cpp file:

// explicit template instantiations

template class Stack<int>;

template class Stack<double>;

template class Stack<std::string>;

Now you’ll be able to build and run the stack code.

Step 3: Tell the client that your API supports the three specializations for int, double and string by putting the following typedefs at the end your header file:

typedef Stack<int> IntStack;

typedef Stack<double> DoubleStack;

typedef Stack<std::string> StringStack;

WARNING: If you do explicit specialization, the client will not be able to create further specializations (and the compiler will not be able to create implicit instantiations for the user either) because the implementation details are hidden in our .cpp file. Please make sure that this is the intended use case for your API.

Mistake # 11: Exposing internal values in default function parameters

Why is this a problem ?

Default arguments are often used to extend an API in newer version to augment functionality in a way that does not break backwards compatibility of the API.

For example, let’s say that you released an API with the following signature:

Circle(double x, double y);

Later you decide that specifying the radius as an argument will be useful. So you release a new version of the API with the radius as the third argument. However, you do not want to break existing clients – so you prive the radius a default argument:

// New API constructor
Circle(double x, double y, double radius=10.0);

In this way, any client that was using the API with just the x and y coordinates can keep using it. The approach sounds like a good idea.

However, it suffers from multiple issues:

  1. This will break binary(ABI) compatibility, as the mangled symbol name for the method will necessarily change.
  2. the default values will be compiled into your client’s programs. This means that your clients must recompile their code if you release a new version of the API with a different default radius.
  3. Multiple default parameters can cause the client to make mistake while using the API. For example, if your provide default values for all your arguments like below, the client might mistakenly use a combination that does not make logical sense – like providing a x value without an Y value.
    Circle(double x=0, double y=0, double radius=10.0);
    Circle c2(2.3); // Does it make sense to have an x value without an Y value? May or may not !

  4. Finally, you are exposing the behavior of the API when you do not explicitly specify a radius value. This will be bad because if you later add support for the notion of different default units, letting the user switch between values specified in meters, centimeters, or millimeters.In this case, a constant default radius of 10.0 would be inappropriate for all units.

How to Fix this ?

Provide multiple overloaded methods instead of using default arguments. For example,


Circle(double x, double y);

Circle(double x, double y, double radius);

The implementation of the first two constructors can use a default value for the attributes that are not specified. ut importantly, these default values are specified in the .cpp file and are not exposed in the .h file. As a result, a later version of the API could change these values without any impact on the public interface.

Additional Notes:

  1. Not all instances of default arguments need to be converted to overloaded methods. In particular, if the default argument represents an invalid or empty value, such as defining NULL as the default value for a pointer or “” for a string argument, then this usage is unlikely to change between API versions.
  2. As a performance note, you should also try to avoid defining default arguments that involve constructing a temporary object because these will be passed into the method by value and can therefore be expensive.

Mistake # 12: Using #Defines for C++ APIs

#defines were used in C code to define constants. For example:

#define GRAVITY 9.8f

Why is this a mistake ?

In C++, you should not use #defines for internal constants because of the following reasons:

  1. Using #define in your public headers will leak implementation details.
  2. A #define does not provide any type checking for the constant you are defining and can lead us susceptable to implicit conversions and rounding errors.
  3. A #define statement is global and is not limited to a particular scope, such as within a single class.Thus they can pollute the global namespace of your customer. They’ll have to jump through multiple hoofs to #undef the #define. But it could be always a hassle to find the right place to #undef due to inclusion order dependencies.
  4. #define does not have access control.  You cannot mark a #define as public, protected, or private. It is essentially always public. You therefore cannot use #define to specify a constant that should only be accessed by derived classes of a base class that you define.
  5. The symbolic names of #defines like “GRAVITY” above is removed by the preprocessor and hence not entered in symbol tables. This can cause a huge pain during debugging because this can hide valuable information from your clients when they try to debug code using your API because they will simply see the constant value of 9.8 used in the debugger, without any descriptive name.

How to Fix this?

Use static consts in code instead of #defines for simple constants. For example:

static const float Gravity;

Even better, if the value is known at compile time, use a constexpr:

constexpr double Gravity = 9.81;

For more details on consts vs constexpr – please check out : c++ - const vs constexpr on variables - Stack Overflow

In C code, sometimes #defines are used to define network states like :

#define BATCHING 1
#define SENDING 2
#define WAITING 3

In C++, always use an enum class to do this:

enum class NetworkState  Batching, Sending, Waiting ;  // enum class

Mistake # 13:Using Friend Classes

In C++, friendship is a way for your class to grant full access privileges to another class or function. The friend class or function can then access all protected and private members of your class.

While this flies in the face of Object Oriented Design and Encapsulation, this can be useful in practice. If you’re developing a large system with many components and want to expose functionality in one compoennet to only selected clients(Test classes?), this can really  make things a lot easier.

In fact, the [InternalsVisible] attribute in .Net does serve a similar objective.

However, friend classes should not be exposed in public APIs.

Why is using friends in C++ a mistake?

Because the friendship in a public API can allow a client to break your encapsulation and use your system objects in a way that was not intended.

Even if we set aside the general problem of internal discovery/ IP, the client might use the API in a way not intended, tank their system and then call your support team to fix the problem they created by not using the API in an unintended way in the first place.

So is it their fault ? No ! It is your fault for allowing them to shoot themselves in the foot in the first place by exposing the friend class.

How to fix it ?

Avoid using friends in Public API classes. They tend to indicate a poor design and can allow users to gain access to all protected and private members of your API.

Mistake # 14: Not avoiding unnecessary header includes

 Why is this a mistake ?

Unnecessary header files can significantly increase the compilation times. This not only causes time lost for developers who need to build the code with your APIs locally, but also incurss heavy cost by consuming cycles on automated build agents which probably needs to build the code thousands of times every day.

Additionally,anecdotally speaking,  having large monolithic headers will compromise the effectiveness of build parallelization systems like Incredibuild and FastBuild.

How to fix this?

  1. Your API should only include headers it absolutely needs to compile. Using Forward declarations can be useful because:
    • It reduces compile times
    • It can be useful to break cyclic dependency between headers
  2. Using precompiled headers can also significantly reduce build times.

Mistake # 15: Using forward declarations for foreign (not your own) object types

Why is this a mistake?

Using forward declaration for API objects not owned by you can break the client code in unexpected ways. For example, If the client decides to move to a different version of the foreign API header, your forward declaration will break if the forward declared class has been changed to a typedef or a templated class.

Viewed another way, if you forward declare a class from a foreign header, you’re basically locking in your client to always use the version of the foreign header you’ve declared — so basically he can’t upgrade that foreign dependency anymore !!!

How to fix this ?

You should only forward declare symbols from your on API. Also, never forward declare STL types etc.

Please see this question on stackoverflow for additional discussion on this topic: c++ - What are the risks to massively forward declaration classes in header files? - Stack Overflow

Mistake # 16: Not making a header file must be compilable by itself

A header file should have everything it needs to compile by itself , i.e., it should explicitly #include or forward declare the types/ structs it needs to compile.

If a header file does not have everything it needs to compile but the program incorporating the header file compiles, it indicates that somehow the header file is getting what it needs because of an include order dependency. This typically happens because another header file gets included in the compile chain before this incompilable header file which provides the missing functionality.

If the include order/build order dependency changes, then the whole program might break in unexpected ways. The C++ compiler is notorious for misleading error messages and it might not be easy to locate the error at that point.

How to fix this ?

Check your header filies by compiling them in isolation via a testMain.cpp that includes nothing but the header file under test. If it produces a compilation error, then something either needs to get included in the header file or forward declared. The process  should be repeated for all header files in the project using a bottoms-up approach. This’ll help prevent random build break as the code base grows larger and code blocks are moved around.

Mistake # 17: Not providing versioning info for your API

The client should be able to check both at compile time and runtime what version of your API is integrated into their system. If such information is lacking, they’ll not be able to take effective updates/patches.

It’ll also be difficult to add backwards compatibility for their code on different platforms.

Also, version number of the product is the first thing our escalation engineers ask when a customer reports an issue.

Mistake # 18: Not deciding on a static or dynamic library implementation from beginning

Whether your clients prefers a static library or a dynamic link library should dictate a lot of your design choices. For example:

  1. Can you use STL types in your API interface ? This might be fine if you’re shipping your product as a static library but might cause a proliferation of binaries by platform type and compiler version if using a dynamic library. If shipping a DLL, a flat C style API might be preferable.
  2. How much functionality do you lump into the API? For static libraries, you have to worry less because Only the needed object files from the archive get linked into the executable. On the other hand, for DLLs, even if the client is using 5% of the DLL functionality, the whole DLL is loaded into the process space which is inefficient. So if you’re using the DLL approach, it might be better to break out the functionality in multiple DLLs ( For example, for a Math library,you might want to seperate the calculus library from trigonometry library etc. )

How to avoid this?

There is no magic to this – it boils down to plain old requirements gathering – just make sure to bring up the static vs dynamic library implications with you client in the early stages of discussion.

Mistake # 19: Not being cognizant of ABI compatibility

Wikipedia defines application binary interface (ABI) is an interface between two binary program modules; often, one of these modules is a library or operating system facility, and the other is a program that is being run by a user.

A library is binary compatible, if a program linked dynamically to a former version of the library continues running with newer versions of the library without the need to recompile.

Binary compatibility saves a lot of trouble. It makes it much easier to distribute software for a certain platform. Without ensuring binary compatibility between releases, people will be forced to provide statically linked binaries. Static binaries are bad because they waste resources (especially memory) don’t allow the program to benefit from bug fixes or extensions in the libraries. There is a reason why the windows subsystem is packaged as a collection of DLLs — this makes those windows updates(patching) a breeze – well, maybe not really, but that’s because of other issues 

For example, here are the mangled names of two different functions (i.e., the symbol names that are used to identify a function in an object or library file):

// version 1.0

void SetAudio(IAudio *audiostream) //[Name Mangling] ->_Z8SetAudioP5Audio

// version 1.1

void SetAudio(IAudio *audioStream, bool high_frequency = false) // [Name Mangling] ->_Z8SetAudioP5Audiob

These two methods are source compatible, but they are not binary compatible, as evidenced by the different mangled names that each produces. This means that code compiled against version 1.0 cannot simply use version 1.1 libraries because the _Z8SetAudioP5Audio symbol is no longer defined.

How to be ABI Compatible?

First of all, familiarize yourself with the ABI compatible and ABI breaking changes . Then, follow the additional guidance given by Martin Reddy in his book:

  1. Use  flat C style API can make it much easier to attain binary compatibility simply because C does not offer you features such as inheritance, optional parameters, overloading, exceptions, and templates. For example, the use of std::string may not be binary compatible between different compilers. To get the best of both worlds, you may decide to develop your API using an object-oriented C++ style and then provide a flat C style wrapping of the C++ API.
  2. If you do need to make a binary-incompatible change, then you might consider naming the new library differently so that you don’t break existing applications. This approach was taken by the libz library. Builds before version 1.1.4 were called ZLIB.DLL on Windows. However, a binary-incompatible compiler setting was used to build later versions of the library, and so the library was renamed to ZLIB1.DLL, where the “1” indicates the API major version number.
  3. The pimpl idom can be used to help preserve binary compatibility of your interfaces because it moves all of the implementation details—those elements that are most likely to change in the future—into the .cpp file where they do not affect the public .h files.
  4. Instead of adding parameters to an existing method, you can define a new overloaded version of the method. This ensures that the original symbol continues to exist, but provides the newer calling convention, too. Inside of your .cpp file, the older method may be implemented by simply calling the new overloaded method.

Mistake # 20: Adding pure virtual methods to already released class APIs

Why is this a mistake?

Consider the following code:

class SubClassMe

    virtual ~SubClassMe();

    virtual void ExistingCall() = 0;

    virtual void NewCall() = 0; // added in new release of API

This is an API breaking change for all your existing clients because now they must now define an implementation for this new method, as otherwise their derived classes will not be concrete and their code will not compile.

How to fix this ?

The fix is simple – provide a default implementation for any new methods that you add to an abstract base class, that is, to make them virtual but not pure virtual.

class SubClassMe

    virtual ~SubClassMe();

    virtual void ExistingCall() = 0;

    virtual void NewCall(); // added in new release of API

Mistake# 21:Not documenting if an API is Synchronous or Asynchronous

Consider the following piece of code in a public header file:

static void ExecuteRequest(CallRequestContainer& reqContainer);

When i look at this, I have absolutely no idea whether this method will return immediately ( async) or block ( synchronous). This’ll immesely influence of how and where i can use this code. For example, if this is a synchronous call, I’d never use it in a time critical code path like a game scene render loop.

How to fix this ?

There are a couple of things that can help:

  1. Using more recent C++11 features like futures in return values immediately indicates that this is an async method.
      std::future<StatusCode> ExecuteRequest(CallRequestContainer& reqContainer);

  2. Appending the method name with the “Sync” or “Async” keywords
    static void ExecuteRequestAsync(CallRequestContainer& reqContainer);

  3. Adequate documentation on top of the method in header file regarding it’s synchronous or asynchronous behavior.

Mistake # 22: Not using the lowest common denominator for platform / compiler support

You should always have a good idea about what compiler/C++ standards your customers are primarily using. For example, if you know that a lot of your customers are adding functionality to their existing product which is using C++11, do not take a dependency on any C++14 features.

We had a recent support request submitted to us where the customer was using an older version of visual studio and the C++14 function make_unique wasn’t available. We had to make a conditional compilation fix for the customer – luckily this was in just a few places.

Mistake # 23 : Not considering header only implementations for open source projects

If you distribute your API as source code, please consider using header only libraries.

There are several advantages to distributing header only libraries:

  1. You don’t need to worry about distributing .lib and .dll/ .so files for different platforms and different compiler versions. This reduces your build and distribution logistics immensely.
  2. Your customers can have full access to the source code.
  3. Your customers saves the extra step of having to compile your binaries and make sure it uses the same settings as his exe ( CRT linkage, iterator debug level, threading model …)
  4. The customer saves the cost of having to  package your binaries. Packaging binaries can be quite a hassle for game engines like Unreal.
  5. There are situations when a header-only library is the only option, for example when dealing with templates (unless you choose to specialize the template for specific types via explicit instantiation)

This is a very popular model used by many open source projects including Boost and RapidJson.

Mistake # 24: Having inconsistent parameter types

This came up as part of a recent review of some legacy code we inherited( exact code changed changed for privacy).

The header file had the following typedefs:

typedef Stack<int> IntStack;
typedef Stack<double> DoubleStack;
typedef Stack<std::string> StringStack;

There were a few methods scattered over the codebase that did not use the typedefs and used Stack<T> types explicitly. One of the public methods, if i recollect correctly had the following signature:

void CheckStackFidelity(IntStack testIntStack, Stack<std::string> testStringStack);

How to fix this ?

It doesn’t really matter if you choose the typedef version or non-typedef version. The key thing is “STAY CONSISTENT” – just pick one convention and stick with it.

Mistake # 25: Not having an API review process !

I’ve very often seen and personally guity of not holding an API review early in the development process.This was due to not having any structured directives in place for API reviews in place.

I’ve seen multiple problems crop up when there is no process in place including:

  1. The API does not meet the use case of the Beta customers ( typically people wait till Beta before API reviews)
  2. The API is not similar to other parts of the system or the same product family.
  3. The API has legal/ compliance/ Marketing issues. We had a case where an API was named in a certain way that was not congruent with how

Marketing wanted it and it caused a lot of late stage refactoring and delays.

How to fix this ?

In order to avoid the type of hassles pointed out above, you should establish a process which will at least do the following:

  1. APIs should be designed up front before the actual coding starts. In C++ context, this is typically the header file with associated user facing documentation.
  2. The APIs should be reviewed by all stakeholders including partner teams, Beta( private preview customers), marketing, legal and developer evangelists( if your company has one).
  3. Hold another API review a few months before Private Preview with all stakeholders in #2 to ensure they’re happy.
  4. Explicitly communicate that any API changes past private preview is expensive and people should put forward their suggestions in early stages of development.

Well, there you go – those were the top 25 mistakes I’d watch out for C++ APIs. The list is in no way comprehensive – you should definitely pick up a copy of Martin Reddy’s book for an in-depth treatment of the subject. Happy API Reviewing 

Category: ALLCODE CRAFTTag: C++C++ 11C++ 14

以上是关于25个C++ API设计错误和避免方法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

25个C++ API设计错误和避免方法

C++ 中不容忽视的API 错误设计

使用 JNA 从 Java 调用 C++ dll 方法并避免方法名称修改

如何避免特定类方法的 C++ 强制转换?设计模式?

