



They had planned on marrying as soon as they graduated from high school but "Uncle Sam" had other ideas.

Most of us know the "Uncle Sam" means the government of United States. But suppose we don't know it, we will got misunderstanded.

Here the "Uncle Sam" comes from:

"Uncle Sam"是美国人的绰号。它源自1812-1814年间美英战争时期的一个历史传说。相传在纽约州的特洛伊城(Troy)有位年长的肉类加工商,名叫山缪尔·威尔逊(Samuel Wilson)。他勤劳、诚实、能干,很有威信,人们亲切地叫他"山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)"(注:Sam为Samuel的昵称)。这位山姆大叔也是一位爱国者,他与父兄曾参加过美国独立战争。在1812年的美英战争中,他的工厂与政府签了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的合同,美国政府每当收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉,就将肉装入特制的木桶,并在桶上盖上US的记号。由于Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美国(The United States)的缩写也是U.S.,于是人们便把这两个名称合二为一了,意即那些经"山姆大叔"之手的牛肉,成了"美国"的财产。于是当地的人们就把"山姆大叔"当成美国的绰号,并逐渐流传开来。


美国人的绰号,除了"Uncle Sam"外,还有"Brother Jonathan"和"Yankee"。"Brother Jonathan"代表美国人,源自华盛顿的好友,美国民族英雄、革命志士"Jonathan Trumbull"(1710-1785)。据说,华盛顿经常向他请教问题,而且亲切地唤他作"Brother Jonathan(乔纳森兄弟)"。至于"Yankee",最初是指在美国东北部新英格兰地区定居的殖民者。在美国南北战争(1861-1865)期间,"Yankee"的含义扩大了。南方军人把北方各州的士兵都叫作"Yankee(北方佬)"。在第一次世界大战(1914-1918)期间,"Yankee"简化成"Yank"。一唱起"The Yanks Are Coming(扬克来了)"这支歌,欧洲那些处境艰难的协约国人民无不欢欣流泪。从那时起,"Yankee"对于欧洲人来说,就成了美国兵或美国人的代称了。在拉丁美洲,Yankee拼作Yanqui,在民族独立运动风起云涌的五十年代,长期遭受美国剥削和压迫的拉丁美洲人民发出了Yanqui go home!(美国佬滚回老家去!)的吼声,对美国的经济利益和政治影响可说是一个巨大的打击。

用英语 !!

参考技术A "Uncle Sam" is the American people's nicknames.British inter-war period from 1812-1814, it is a historical legend.Troy legend in the New York City (Troy) One of the oldest meat processors.Muirhead Hill named Wilson (Samuel Wilson).He hardworking, honest, competent, very credibility of cordial people called him "Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam)" (Note :Samuel Sam for SLE).The Uncle Sam is a patriot, and his elder brothers had participated in the American War of Independence.The U.S.-British war in 1812, his factory and the government signed a contract for the military production of barreled beef,Whenever he received the U.S. government's turn to personally check their beef, meat would be put into a special cask.and the introduction of U.S. barrel mark.As Uncle Sam is the first alphabet U.S.,and the United States (The United States) is the acronym for the U.S.. .People simply the combination of two names, which means those "Uncle Sam" in the hands of beefbecome a "United States" of property.So the local people will bring in "Uncle Sam" as a nickname of the United States, and gradually spread to.19 1930s, the United States cartoonist history and legends give "Uncle Sam" image.So there is a simple thin-bearded old man image.He wore a high hat decorated star, wearing a red, white and blue stripes and color coattail pants (American Stars and Stripes pictured).Although hair Cangran, hearty and was carrying.Since then, the image has become the symbol of the United States."Uncle Sam" hardworking and cheerful temperament and patriotism embody the character and spirit of the American people.Therefore, in 1961, Congress officially recognized "Uncle Sam" as the national symbol and the United States.American nicknames, in addition to "Uncle Sam",There was also the "Brother Jonathan" and "Yankee.""Brother Jonathan" the American, a good friend from Washington, the United States national hero.revolutionary fighters "Jonathan Trumbull" (1710-1785).It is said that Washington often asked him for advice.He also called for a cordial "Brother Jonathan (Jonathan brothers)."As for the "Yankee" is the first in New England in the northeastern part of the United States to settle the colonists.In the American Civil War (1861-1865), "Yankee," meaning widened.Southern soldiers of the Northern states have soldiers called "Yankee (Beifanglao)."In the First World War (1914-1918), "Yankee" simplified "Yank."I sing "The Yanks Are Coming (to the Yankees)," Wages,the beleaguered people of these countries in Europe who were delighted with tears in his eyes.Since then, "Yankee" For Europeans, Americans or on behalf of United States soldiers claimed a.In Latin America, the fight for the Yankee Yanqui, national independence movement surged in the 1950s.long-term exploitation and oppression in Latin America from the United States issued a Yanqui go home! (Yankees go home! ), the unbridledto the economic interests and political influence is said to be a tremendous blow. 参考技术B "The Uncle Sam" is the American's nickname.It derives from for 1812-1814 years, is a history legend of the beautiful English war period.It is rumored there is an old meat to process a company in the Troy city of New York, named the mountain Samuel Wilson.His diligence,honesty,able, have a prestige very much, people call benignly he"Uncle Sam"(note:The Sam is a Samuel pet name).The this Uncle Sam is also a patriot, he attended American independent war with head of family once.In the beautiful English war of 1812, his factory and the government label a produces a contract for packing beef for the troops, American government whenever receive him to hand over to come of examine qualified beef in person by it, pack the meat into the wooden pail of the specially made, and cover US mark on the bucket.Because the head letter of alphabet of the Uncle Sam is an US, and the abbreviation of the United States are also an U.S., hence people matched two of these two names to a then, the idea is namely those became the property of"the United States"s through the beef of"Uncle Sam" its hand.Hence people of the region take"Sam big uncle" as the nickname of the United States, and spread to open gradually.

30's in 19 centuries, American cartoonist according to the history legend, give"Sam big uncle" image, hence appeared the high and thin old man image of the beard.He wears a high crest of the star a hat, the body wears red,white and blue three color swallow-tailed coat and the grain trousers.(the American star the pattern of the ensign)Although the grey hair , the spirit is hale and hearty, one parties dignity.From now on, this image became the symbol of the United Stateses."Sam big uncle" diligence bright personality with patriotic enthusiasm, the body was now the disposition and the spirit of the American people.Therefore, 1961, the U.S. Congress formally admits"Sam big uncle" is the race symbol of the United Stateses and representative.

The American's nickname, in addition to"Uncle Sam", there is also"the Brother Jonathan" with"Yankee"."The Brother Jonathan" representative American, derive from Washington's good friend, American race hero,revolution person with ideals and integrity"the Jonathan Trumbull".(1710-1785)It is said, Washington usually ask a problem toward him, and calls him to make"Brother Jonathan(乔纳森兄弟)" benignly.As for"Yankee", mean at the beginning to settle down in the American northeast new England, region of colonize.At south north war(1861-1865) period in the United States, the meaning of"Yankee" extend.The southern soldier makes the soldiers of each state of north be called"Yankee(northern guy)" all.Period in World War I(1914-1918), "Yankee" simplification become"Yank".While singing this song of"the The Yanks Are Coming(扬克来了)", those circumstanceses in Europe difficult entente people all the high spirits shed tears.From then on, "Yankee" says for the European, became the generation of the American soldier or American to call.At Latin America, the Yankee puts together to make Yanqui, the 50's in the race movement for national independence like rising winds and surging clouds, suffer the United States to exploit over a long period of time with oppress of the Latin American people sent out Yanqui go home!(美国佬滚回家去!)Of roaring cry, to the economic benefits and the political influence of the United States can be treated as a huge great blow.本回答被提问者采纳


JAR files are Zip files that package Java classes and other resources that are ready to be used in some type of application. JARs are used for packaging applets, Java applications, JavaBeans, web applications (servlets and JSPs), and Enterprise JavaBeans. A JAR file containing one or more enterprise beans includes the bean classes, component interfaces, and supporting classes for each bean. It also may contain a deployment descriptor if the bean developer has decided to use XML to define a bean's metadata. When a bean is deployed, the JAR file's location is given to the container's deployment tools.

When the container opens the JAR file, it looks for classes that are annotated as EJBs and/or reads the deployment descriptor (if one has been defined) to learn about the bean and how it should be managed at runtime. From the annotations and/or the deployment descriptor, the deployment tools know what kinds of beans are in the JAR file (session or message-driven), how they should be managed in transactions, who has access to the beans at runtime, and other information. The person deploying the bean can alter some of these settings, such as transactional and security access attributes, to customize the bean for a particular application.

参考技术A 广口瓶文件是拉链文件包裹爪哇班级和准备好被用于一些类型的申请其他的资源。 广口瓶作为包装支程序,爪哇申请, JavaBeans ,网申请 (servlets 和 JSPs) 和企业 JavaBeans 。 一个包含一或较多的企业豆子的广口瓶文件包括豆子班级,成份接口, 而且为每粒豆子支援班级。 如果豆子开发者已经决定使用可扩展标示语言定义豆子的 metadata ,资讯科技也可能包含一个配置记述件。 当一粒豆子被展开的时候,广口瓶文件的位置有到容器的配置工具。

当容器打开广口瓶文件的时候, 它找寻被注解的班级当 EJBs 及[或] 读配置记述件 (如果一已经被定义) 学习关于豆子的事和它如何应该在运行时间被处理。 从注解及[或] 配置记述件,配置工具知道是什么类型的豆子在广口瓶中文件 ( 会议或信息驱动的),他们应该在交易中被处理的方式,在运行时间有机会接近豆子, 和其他的数据。展开豆子的人能改变像 transactional 和安全通路属性这样的一些设定, 为一个特别的申请定制豆子。



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