abstract sealed trait Rule[A] {
def roomId: Option[Long] = None
def valid(in: A): Boolean
abstract sealed trait ValueRule[A, B] extends Rule[A] {
def value: B
abstract sealed trait NoValueRule[A] extends Rule[A]
case class OnlyDuringWorkHours(override val roomId: Option[Long] = None) extends NoValueRule[((ResStart, ResEnd), Center)] {
override def valid(in: ((ResStart, ResEnd), Center)): Boolean = true
case class MaxLeadTime(override val roomId: Option[Long] = None, override val value: Int) extends ValueRule[ResStart, Int] {
override def valid(in: ResStart): Boolean = true
case class MaxDuration(override val roomId: Option[Long] = None, override val value: String) extends ValueRule[(ResStart, ResEnd), String] {
override def valid(in: (ResStart, ResEnd)): Boolean = true
case class Rules(centerId: Long, ruleList: Seq[Rule[_]])
object Rule {
implicit def ruleReads[R, V](implicit rReads: Reads[R], vReads: Reads[V] = null): Reads[Rule[R]] = {
val theVRead = Option(vReads)
val nvr = ???
if (Option(theVRead).isDefined) {
val vr = ???
__.read[ValueRule[R, V]](vr).map(x => x.asInstanceOf[Rule[R]]).orElse(__.read[NoValueRule[R]](nvr).map(x => x.asInstanceOf[Rule[R]]))
} else {
__.read[NoValueRule[R]](nvr).map(x => x.asInstanceOf[Rule[R]])
implicit def ruleWrites[R, V](implicit rWrites: Writes[R], vWrites: Writes[V] = null): Writes[Rule[R]] = Writes[Rule[R]]{
case nv: NoValueRule[R] => Json.writes[NoValueRule[R]].writes(nv)
case v: ValueRule[R, V] => Json.writes[ValueRule[R, V]].writes(v)
object ValueRule {
implicit def valueRuleReads[R, V](implicit rReads: Reads[R], vReads: Reads[V]): Reads[ValueRule[R, V]] = {
val mlt = Json.reads[MaxLeadTime]
val md = Json.reads[MaxDuration]
__.read[MaxDuration](md).map(x => x.asInstanceOf[ValueRule[R, V]])
__.read[MaxLeadTime](mlt).map(x => x.asInstanceOf[ValueRule[R, V]])
implicit def valueRuleWrites[R, V](implicit rWrites: Writes[R], vWrites: Writes[V]): Writes[ValueRule[R, V]] = Writes[ValueRule[R, V]]{
case mlt: MaxLeadTime => Json.writes[MaxLeadTime].writes(mlt)
case md: MaxDuration => Json.writes[MaxDuration].writes(md)
object NoValueRule {
implicit def noValueRuleReads[R](implicit rReads: Reads[R]): Reads[NoValueRule[R]] = {
val odwh = Json.reads[OnlyDuringWorkHours]
__.read[OnlyDuringWorkHours](odwh).map(x => x.asInstanceOf[NoValueRule[R]])
implicit def noValueRuleWrites[R](implicit rWrites: Writes[R]): Writes[NoValueRule[R]] = Writes[NoValueRule[R]]{
case odwh: OnlyDuringWorkHours => Json.writes[OnlyDuringWorkHours].writes(odwh)
object OnlyDuringWorkHours {
implicit val format: Format[OnlyDuringWorkHours] = Json.format[OnlyDuringWorkHours]
object MaxLeadTime {
implicit val format: Format[MaxLeadTime] = Json.format[MaxLeadTime]
object MaxDuration {
implicit val format: Format[MaxDuration] = Json.format[MaxDuration]
object Rules {
import play.api.libs.json.Reads._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
implicit val rulesReads: Reads[Rules] = (
(JsPath "centerId").read[Long] and
(JsPath "ruleList").read[Seq[Rule]]
)(Rules.apply _)
implicit val rulesWrites: Writes[Rules] = (
(JsPath "centerId").write[Long] and
implicit val format: Format[Rules] = Format(rulesReads, rulesWrites)
和Json.reads[ValueRule[R, V]]
cmd16.sc:8: type mismatch;
found : play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Helper.this.OnlyDuringWorkHours]
required: play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Helper.this.NoValueRule[R]]
val nvr = Json.reads[NoValueRule[R]]
^cmd16.sc:11: type mismatch;
found : play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Helper.this.MaxLeadTime]
required: play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Helper.this.ValueRule[R,V]]
val vr = Json.reads[ValueRule[R, V]]
cmd17.sc:71: No Json deserializer found for type Seq[cmd17Wrapper.this.cmd16.wrapper.Rule]. Try to implement an implicit Reads or Format for this type.
(JsPath "ruleList").read[Seq[Rule]]
虽然我认为你应该尝试一些基于宏的库,可以通过谷歌搜索“播放json密封特性”,如Play JSON Derived Codecs ,这里有一个手写的解决方案可能适合你:
object PlayJson {
import play.api.libs.json._
// fake types instead of your real ones
type ResStart = Int
type ResEnd = Int
type Center = Int
sealed trait Rule[A] {
def roomId: Option[Long] = None
def valid(in: A): Boolean
sealed trait ValueRule[A, B] extends Rule[A] {
def value: B
sealed trait NoValueRule[A] extends Rule[A]
case class OnlyDuringWorkHours(override val roomId: Option[Long] = None) extends NoValueRule[((ResStart, ResEnd), Center)] {
override def valid(in: ((ResStart, ResEnd), Center)): Boolean = true
case class MaxLeadTime(override val roomId: Option[Long] = None, override val value: Int) extends ValueRule[ResStart, Int] {
override def valid(in: ResStart): Boolean = true
case class MaxDuration(override val roomId: Option[Long] = None, override val value: String) extends ValueRule[(ResStart, ResEnd), String] {
override def valid(in: (ResStart, ResEnd)): Boolean = true
case class Rules(centerId: Long, ruleList: Seq[Rule[_]])
object CompoundFormat {
final val discriminatorKey = "$type$"
private case class UnsafeFormatWrapper[U, R <: U : ClassTag](format: OFormat[R]) extends OFormat[U] {
def typeName: String = {
val clazz = implicitly[ClassTag[R]].runtimeClass
try {
catch {
// getSimpleName might fail for inner classes because of the name mangling
case _: InternalError => clazz.getName
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[U] = format.reads(json)
override def writes(o: U): JsObject = {
val base = format.writes(o.asInstanceOf[R])
base + (discriminatorKey, JsString(typeName))
class CompoundFormat[A]() extends OFormat[A] {
import CompoundFormat._
private val innerFormatsByName = mutable.Map.empty[String, UnsafeFormatWrapper[A, _]]
private val innerFormatsByClass = mutable.Map.empty[Class[_], UnsafeFormatWrapper[A, _]]
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[A] = {
val jsObject = json.asInstanceOf[JsObject]
val name = jsObject(discriminatorKey).asInstanceOf[JsString].value
val innerFormat = innerFormatsByName.getOrElse(name, throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown child type $name"))
override def writes(o: A): JsObject = {
val innerFormat = innerFormatsByClass.getOrElse(o.getClass, throw new RuntimeException(s"Unknown child type ${o.getClass}"))
def addSubType[R <: A : ClassTag](format: OFormat[R]): Unit = {
val wrapper = new UnsafeFormatWrapper[A, R](format)
innerFormatsByName.put(wrapper.typeName, wrapper)
innerFormatsByClass.put(implicitly[ClassTag[R]].runtimeClass, wrapper)
def buildRuleFormat: OFormat[Rule[_]] = {
val compoundFormat = new CompoundFormat[Rule[_]]
def test(): Unit = {
implicit val ruleFormat = buildRuleFormat
implicit val rulesFormat = Json.format[Rules]
val rules0 = Rules(1, List(
MaxLeadTime(Some(2), 2),
MaxDuration(Some(3), "Abc")
val json = Json.toJsObject(rules0)
println(s"encoded: '$json'")
val rulesDecoded = Json.fromJson[Rules](json)
println(s"decoded: $rulesDecoded")
编码:'{“centerId”:1,“ruleList”:[{“roomId”:1,“$ type $”:“OnlyDuringWorkHours”},{“roomId”:2,“value”:2,“$ type $ “:” MaxLeadTime “},{” roomId “:3”,值 “:” ABC”, “$类型$”: “MaxDuration”}]}”
object ExplicitRuleFormat {
implicit val format: OFormat[Rule[_]] = new ExplicitRuleFormat()
private object InnerFormats {
final val discriminatorKey = "$type$"
implicit val onlyDuringWorkHoursFormat = Json.format[OnlyDuringWorkHours]
final val onlyDuringWorkHoursTypeName = "OnlyDuringWorkHours"
implicit val maxLeadTimeFormat = Json.format[MaxLeadTime]
final val maxLeadTimeTypeName = "MaxLeadTime"
implicit val maxDurationFormat = Json.format[MaxDuration]
final val maxDurationTypeName = "MaxDuration"
class ExplicitRuleFormat extends OFormat[Rule[_]] {
import ExplicitRuleFormat.InnerFormats._
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Rule[_]] = {
val jsObject = json.asInstanceOf[JsObject]
val name = jsObject(discriminatorKey).asInstanceOf[JsString].value
name match {
case s if onlyDuringWorkHoursTypeName.equals(s) => Json.fromJson[OnlyDuringWorkHours](jsObject)
case s if maxLeadTimeTypeName.equals(s) => Json.fromJson[MaxLeadTime](jsObject)
case s if maxDurationTypeName.equals(s) => Json.fromJson[MaxDuration](jsObject)
override def writes(r: Rule[_]): JsObject = r match {
case rr: OnlyDuringWorkHours => writeImpl(rr, onlyDuringWorkHoursTypeName)
case rr: MaxLeadTime => writeImpl(rr, maxLeadTimeTypeName)
case rr: MaxDuration => writeImpl(rr, maxDurationTypeName)
def writeImpl[R <: Rule[_]](r: R, typeName: String)(implicit w: OWrites[R]): JsObject = {
Json.toJsObject(r) + (discriminatorKey, JsString(typeName))
def test(): Unit = {
import ExplicitRuleFormat.format
implicit val rulesFormat = Json.format[Rules]
val rules0 = Rules(1, List(
MaxLeadTime(Some(2), 2),
MaxDuration(Some(3), "Abc")
val json = Json.toJsObject(rules0)
println(s"encoded: '$json'")
val rulesDecoded = Json.fromJson[Rules](json)
println(s"decoded: $rulesDecoded")
实际上你只需用implicit val ruleFormat = buildRuleFormat
替换import ExplicitRuleFormat.format