threesixty.min.js 和jquery.threesixty.js使用总结----实现360度展示

Posted 半夏微澜ぺ


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了threesixty.min.js 和jquery.threesixty.js使用总结----实现360度展示相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


treesixty.min.js 源码:


/*! threesixty-slider 2015-01-06 verison 2.0.5 */
/* */
!function (a) {
    "use strict";
    a.ThreeSixty = function (b, c) {
        var d, e = this, f = [];
        e.$el = a(b), e.el = b, e.$"ThreeSixty", e), e.init = function () {
            d = a.extend({}, a.ThreeSixty.defaultOptions, c), d.disableSpin && (d.currentFrame = 1, d.endFrame = 1), e.initProgress(), e.loadImages()
        }, e.resize = function () {
        }, e.initProgress = function () {
                width: d.width,
                height: d.height,
                "background-image": "none !important"
            }), d.styles && e.$el.css(d.styles), e.responsive(), e.$el.find(d.progress).css({marginTop: d.height / 2 - 15 + "px"}), e.$el.find(d.progress).fadeIn("slow"), e.$el.find(d.imgList).hide()
        }, e.loadImages = function () {
            var b, c, g, h;
            b = document.createElement("li"), h = d.zeroBased ? 0 : 1, c = d.imgArray ? d.imgArray[d.loadedImages] : d.domain + d.imagePath + d.filePrefix + e.zeroPad(d.loadedImages + h) + d.ext + (e.browser.isIE() ? "?" + (new Date).getTime() : ""), g = a("<img>").attr("src", c).addClass("previous-image").appendTo(b), f.push(g), e.$el.find(d.imgList).append(b), a(g).load(function () {
        }, e.imageLoaded = function () {
            d.loadedImages += 1, a(d.progress + " span").text(Math.floor(100 * (d.loadedImages / d.totalFrames)) + "%"), d.loadedImages >= d.totalFrames ? (d.disableSpin && f[0].removeClass("previous-image").addClass("current-image"), a(d.progress).fadeOut("slow", function () {
                a(this).hide(), e.showImages(), e.showNavigation()
            })) : e.loadImages()
        }, e.showImages = function () {
            e.$el.find(".txtC").fadeIn(), e.$el.find(d.imgList).fadeIn(), e.ready = !0, d.ready = !0, d.drag && e.initEvents(), e.refresh(), e.initPlugins(), d.onReady(), setTimeout(function () {
            }, 50)
        }, e.initPlugins = function () {
            a.each(d.plugins, function (b, c) {
                if ("function" != typeof a[c])throw new Error(c + " not available.");
                a[c].call(e, e.$el, d)
        }, e.showNavigation = function () {
            if (d.navigation && !d.navigation_init) {
                var b, c, f, g;
                b = a("<div/>").attr("class", "nav_bar"), c = a("<a/>").attr({
                    href: "#",
                    "class": "nav_bar_next"
                }).html("next"), f = a("<a/>").attr({
                    href: "#",
                    "class": "nav_bar_previous"
                }).html("previous"), g = a("<a/>").attr({
                    href: "#",
                    "class": "nav_bar_play"
                }).html("play"), b.append(f), b.append(g), b.append(c), e.$el.prepend(b), c.bind("mousedown touchstart",, f.bind("mousedown touchstart", e.previous), g.bind("mousedown touchstart", e.play_stop), d.navigation_init = !0
        }, e.play_stop = function (b) {
            b.preventDefault(), d.autoplay ? (d.autoplay = !1, a(b.currentTarget).removeClass("nav_bar_stop").addClass("nav_bar_play"), clearInterval(, = null) : (d.autoplay = !0, = setInterval(e.moveToNextFrame, d.playSpeed), a(b.currentTarget).removeClass("nav_bar_play").addClass("nav_bar_stop"))
        }, = function (a) {
            a && a.preventDefault(), d.endFrame -= 5, e.refresh()
        }, e.previous = function (a) {
            a && a.preventDefault(), d.endFrame += 5, e.refresh()
        }, = function (a) {
            var b = a || d.playSpeed;
            d.autoplay || (d.autoplay = !0, = setInterval(e.moveToNextFrame, b))
        }, e.stop = function () {
            d.autoplay && (d.autoplay = !1, clearInterval(, = null)
        }, e.moveToNextFrame = function () {
            1 === d.autoplayDirection ? d.endFrame -= 1 : d.endFrame += 1, e.refresh()
        }, e.gotoAndPlay = function (a) {
            if (d.disableWrap)d.endFrame = a, e.refresh(); else {
                var b = Math.ceil(d.endFrame / d.totalFrames);
                0 === b && (b = 1);
                var c = b > 1 ? d.endFrame - (b - 1) * d.totalFrames : d.endFrame, f = d.totalFrames - c, g = 0;
                g = a - c > 0 ? a - c < c + (d.totalFrames - a) ? d.endFrame + (a - c) : d.endFrame - (c + (d.totalFrames - a)) : f + a > c - a ? d.endFrame - (c - a) : d.endFrame + (f + a), c !== a && (d.endFrame = g, e.refresh())
        }, e.initEvents = function () {
            e.$el.bind("mousedown touchstart touchmove touchend mousemove click", function (a) {
                a.preventDefault(), "mousedown" === a.type && 1 === a.which || "touchstart" === a.type ? (d.pointerStartPosX = e.getPointerEvent(a).pageX, d.dragging = !0) : "touchmove" === a.type ? e.trackPointer(a) : "touchend" === a.type && (d.dragging = !1)
            }), a(document).bind("mouseup", function () {
                d.dragging = !1, a(this).css("cursor", "none")
            }), a(window).bind("resize", function () {
            }), a(document).bind("mousemove", function (a) {
                d.dragging ? (a.preventDefault(), !e.browser.isIE && d.showCursor && e.$el.css("cursor", "url(assets/images/hand_closed.png), auto")) : !e.browser.isIE && d.showCursor && e.$el.css("cursor", "url(assets/images/hand_open.png), auto"), e.trackPointer(a)
            }), a(window).resize(function () {
        }, e.getPointerEvent = function (a) {
            return a.originalEvent.targetTouches ? a.originalEvent.targetTouches[0] : a
        }, e.trackPointer = function (a) {
            d.ready && d.dragging && (d.pointerEndPosX = e.getPointerEvent(a).pageX, d.monitorStartTime < (new Date).getTime() - d.monitorInt && (d.pointerDistance = d.pointerEndPosX - d.pointerStartPosX, d.endFrame = d.pointerDistance > 0 ? d.currentFrame + Math.ceil((d.totalFrames - 1) * d.speedMultiplier * (d.pointerDistance / e.$el.width())) : d.currentFrame + Math.floor((d.totalFrames - 1) * d.speedMultiplier * (d.pointerDistance / e.$el.width())), d.disableWrap && (d.endFrame = Math.min(d.totalFrames - (d.zeroBased ? 1 : 0), d.endFrame), d.endFrame = Math.max(d.zeroBased ? 0 : 1, d.endFrame)), e.refresh(), d.monitorStartTime = (new Date).getTime(), d.pointerStartPosX = e.getPointerEvent(a).pageX))
        }, e.refresh = function () {
            0 === d.ticker && (d.ticker = setInterval(e.render, Math.round(1e3 / d.framerate)))
        }, e.render = function () {
            var a;
            d.currentFrame !== d.endFrame ? (a = d.endFrame < d.currentFrame ? Math.floor(.1 * (d.endFrame - d.currentFrame)) : Math.ceil(.1 * (d.endFrame - d.currentFrame)), e.hidePreviousFrame(), d.currentFrame += a, e.showCurrentFrame(), e.$el.trigger("frameIndexChanged", [e.getNormalizedCurrentFrame(), d.totalFrames])) : (window.clearInterval(d.ticker), d.ticker = 0)
        }, e.hidePreviousFrame = function () {
        }, e.showCurrentFrame = function () {
        }, e.getNormalizedCurrentFrame = function () {
            var a, b;
            return d.disableWrap ? (a = Math.min(d.currentFrame, d.totalFrames - (d.zeroBased ? 1 : 0)), b = Math.min(d.endFrame, d.totalFrames - (d.zeroBased ? 1 : 0)), a = Math.max(a, d.zeroBased ? 0 : 1), b = Math.max(b, d.zeroBased ? 0 : 1), d.currentFrame = a, d.endFrame = b) : (a = Math.ceil(d.currentFrame % d.totalFrames), 0 > a && (a += d.totalFrames - (d.zeroBased ? 1 : 0))), a
        }, e.getCurrentFrame = function () {
            return d.currentFrame
        }, e.responsive = function () {
            d.responsive && e.$el.css({height: e.$el.find(".current-image").first().css("height"), width: "100%"})
        }, e.zeroPad = function (a) {
            function b(a, b) {
                var c = a.toString();
                if (d.zeroPadding)for (; c.length < b;)c = "0" + c;
                return c

            var c = Math.log(d.totalFrames) / Math.LN10, e = 1e3, f = Math.round(c * e) / e, g = Math.floor(f) + 1;
            return b(a, g)
        }, e.browser = {}, e.browser.isIE = function () {
            var a = -1;
            if ("Microsoft Internet Explorer" === navigator.appName) {
                var b = navigator.userAgent, c = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\\\\.0-9]{0,})");
                null !== c.exec(b) && (a = parseFloat(RegExp.$1))
            return -1 !== a
        }, e.getConfig = function () {
            return d
        }, a.ThreeSixty.defaultOptions = {
            dragging: !1,
            ready: !1,
            pointerStartPosX: 0,
            pointerEndPosX: 0,
            pointerDistance: 0,
            monitorStartTime: 0,
            monitorInt: 10,
            ticker: 0,
            speedMultiplier: 7,
            totalFrames: 180,
            currentFrame: 0,
            endFrame: 0,
            loadedImages: 0,
            framerate: 60,
            domains: null,
            domain: "",
            parallel: !1,
            queueAmount: 8,
            idle: 0,
            filePrefix: "",
            ext: "png",
            height: "300px",
            width: "300px",
            styles: {},
            navigation: !1,
            autoplay: !1,
            autoplayDirection: 1,
            disableSpin: !1,
            disableWrap: !1,
            responsive: !1,
            zeroPadding: !1,
            zeroBased: !1,
            plugins: [],
            showCursor: !1,
            drag: !0,
            onReady: function () {
            imgList: ".threesixty_images",
            imgArray: null,
            playSpeed: 100
        }, e.init()
    }, a.fn.ThreeSixty = function (b) {
        return Object.create(new a.ThreeSixty(this, b))
}(jQuery), "function" != typeof Object.create && (Object.create = function (a) {
    "use strict";
    function b() {

    return b.prototype = a, new b
View Code


treesixty.css 源码

.threesixty {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 0 auto;
.threesixty .threesixty_images {
  display: none;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.threesixty .threesixty_images img {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
.threesixty .threesixty_images img.previous-image {
  visibility: hidden;
  width: 0;
.threesixty .threesixty_images img.current-image {
  visibility: visible;
  width: 100%;
.threesixty .spinner {
  width: 60px;
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
  height: 30px;
  background: #333;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
  -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
  -moz-border-radius: 5px;
  border-radius: 5px;
.threesixty .spinner span {
  font-family: Arial, "MS Trebuchet", sans-serif;
  font-size: 12px;
  font-weight: bolder;
  color: #FFF;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 30px;
  display: block;
.threesixty .nav_bar {
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  right: 10px;
  z-index: 11;
.threesixty .nav_bar a {
  display: block;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
  float: left;

  text-indent: -99999px;
.threesixty .nav_bar a.nav_bar_play {
  background-position: 0 0 !important;
.threesixty .nav_bar a.nav_bar_previous {
  background-position: 0 -73px !important;
.threesixty .nav_bar a.nav_bar_stop {
  background-position: 0 -37px !important;
.threesixty .nav_bar a.nav_bar_next {
  background-position: 0 -104px !important;
/* html */
.threesixty:-webkit-full-screen {
  background: #ffffff;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin-top: 0;
  padding-top: 200px;
.threesixty:-moz-full-screen {
  background: #ffffff;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin-top: 0;
  padding-top: 200px;
View Code



<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/threesixty.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/threesixty.min.js"></script>
<div class="threesixty">
        <div class="spinner">
        <ol class="threesixty_images "></ol>
View Code


                            totalFrames: 12,//图片的总数
                            endFrame: 2,
                            currentFrame: 1,//初始化时现实的第几个元素
                            imgList: \'.threesixty_images\',//显示图片的父级div
                            progress: \'.spinner\',//显示进度的div
                            imagePath: \'images/car/\',//图片的路径
                            filePrefix: \'\',//用到的图片的前缀名称
                            ext: \'.png\',//存放的图片的后缀名(要一致)
                            height: "30%",//显示区域的高度
                            width: "100%",//显示区域的宽度
                            navigation: true,//是否显示导航条(可以进行的操作:上一步   下一步   开始自动旋转)
                            disableSpin: false



navigation:true 就会添加
<div class="nav_bar"><a href="#" class="nav_bar_previous">previous</a><a href="#" class="nav_bar_play">play</a><a href="#" class="nav_bar_next">next</a></div>


jquery.threesixty.js 源码:


 * ThreeSixty: A jQuery plugin for generating a draggable 360 preview from an image sequence.
 * Version: 0.1.2
 * Original author: @nick-jonas
 * Website:
 * Licensed under the MIT license

;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {

var scope,
    pluginName = \'threeSixty\',
    defaults = {
        dragDirection: \'horizontal\',
        useKeys: false,
        draggable: true
    dragDirections = [\'horizontal\', \'vertical\'],
    options = {},
    $el = {},
    data = [],
    total = 0,
    loaded = 0;

     * Constructor
     * @param {jQuery Object} element       main jQuery object
     * @param {Object} customOptions        options to override defaults
    function ThreeSixty( element, customOptions ) {
        scope = this;
        this.element = element;
        options = options = $.extend( {}, defaults, customOptions) ;
        this._defaults = defaults;
        this._name = pluginName;

        // make sure string input for drag direction is valid
        if($.inArray(options.dragDirection, dragDirections) < 0){
            options.dragDirection = defaults.dragDirection;


    // PUBLIC API -----------------------------------------------------

    $.fn.destroy = ThreeSixty.prototype.destroy = function(){
        if(options.useKeys === true) $(document).unbind(\'keydown\', this.onKeyDown);

    $.fn.nextFrame = ThreeSixty.prototype.nextFrame = function(){
            var $this = $(this),
                val = $\'lastVal\') || 0,
                thisTotal = $\'count\');

            val = val + 1;

            $\'lastVal\', val);

            if(val >= thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1);
            else if(val <= -thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1);
            if(val > 0) val = thisTotal - val;

            val = Math.abs(val);

            $this.find(\'.threesixty-frame\').css({display: \'none\'});
            $this.find(\'.threesixty-frame:eq(\' + val + \')\').css({display: \'block\'});

    $.fn.prevFrame = ThreeSixty.prototype.prevFrame = function(){
            var $this = $(this),
                val = $\'lastVal\') || 0,
                thisTotal = $\'count\');

            val = val - 1;

            $\'lastVal\', val);

            if(val >= thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1);
            else if(val <= -thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1);
            if(val > 0) val = thisTotal - val;

            val = Math.abs(val);

            $this.find(\'.threesixty-frame\').css({display: \'none\'});
            $this.find(\'.threesixty-frame:eq(\' + val + \')\').css({display: \'block\'});

    // PRIVATE METHODS -------------------------------------------------

     * Initializiation, called once from constructor
     * @return null
    ThreeSixty.prototype.init = function () {
        var $this = $(this.element);

        // setup main container
        $el = $this;

        // store data attributes for each 360
            var $this = $(this),
                path = $\'path\'),
                count = $\'count\');
            data.push({\'path\': path, \'count\': count, \'loaded\': 0, \'$el\': $this});
            total += count;



     * Start loading all images
     * @return null
    ThreeSixty.prototype.initLoad = function() {
        var i = 0, len = data.length, url, j;
        for(i; i < len; i++){
            j = 0;
            for(j; j < data[i].count; j++){
                url = data[i].path.replace(\'{index}\', j);
                $(\'<img/>\').data(\'index\', i).attr(\'src\', url).load(this.onLoadComplete);

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onLoadComplete = function(e) {
        var index = $(e.currentTarget).data(\'index\'),
            thisObj = data[index];
        if(thisObj.loaded === thisObj.count){

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onLoadAllComplete = function(objIndex) {
        var $this = data[objIndex].$el,
            html = \'\',
            l = data[objIndex].count,
            pathTemplate = data[objIndex].path,
            i = 0;

        // remove preloader

        // add 360 images
        for(i; i < l; i++){
            var display = (i === 0) ? \'block\' : \'none\';
            html += \'<img class="threesixty-frame" style="display:\' + display + \';" data-index="\' + i + \'" src="\' + pathTemplate.replace(\'{index}\', i) + \'"/>\';


    var startY = 0,
        thisTotal = 0,
        $downElem = null,
        lastY = 0,
        lastX = 0,
        lastVal = 0,
        isMouseDown = false;
    ThreeSixty.prototype.attachHandlers = function(objIndex) {
        var that = this;
        var $this = data[objIndex].$el;

        // add draggable events
            // if touch events supported, use
            if(typeof document.ontouchstart !== \'undefined\' &&
                typeof document.ontouchmove !== \'undefined\' &&
                typeof document.ontouchend !== \'undefined\' &&
                typeof document.ontouchcancel !== \'undefined\'){
                var elem = $this.get()[0];
                elem.addEventListener(\'touchstart\', that.onTouchStart);
                elem.addEventListener(\'touchmove\', that.onTouchMove);
                elem.addEventListener(\'touchend\', that.onTouchEnd);
                elem.addEventListener(\'touchcancel\', that.onTouchEnd);

        // mouse down
            thisTotal = $(this).data(\'count\');
            $downElem = $(this);
            startY = e.screenY;
            lastVal = $\'lastVal\') || 0;
            lastX = $\'lastX\') || 0;
            lastY = $\'lastY\') || 0;
            isMouseDown = true;

        // arrow keys
        if(options.useKeys === true){
            $(document).bind(\'keydown\', that.onKeyDown);

        // mouse up
        $(document, \'html\', \'body\').mouseup(that.onMouseUp);
            that.onMove(e.screenX, e.screenY);

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onTouchStart = function(e) {
        var touch = e.touches[0];
        $downElem = $(;
        thisTotal = $\'count\');
        startX = touch.pageX;
        startY = touch.pageY;
        lastVal = $\'lastVal\') || 0;
        lastX = $\'lastX\') || 0;
        lastY = $\'lastY\') || 0;
        isMouseDown = true;

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onTouchMove = function(e) {
        var touch = e.touches[0];
        scope.onMove(touch.pageX, touch.pageY);

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onTouchEnd = function(e) {


    ThreeSixty.prototype.onMove = function(screenX, screenY){
            var x = screenX,
                y = screenY,
                val = 0;


            if(options.dragDirection === \'vertical\'){
                if(y > lastY){
                    val = lastVal + 1;
                    val = lastVal - 1;
                if(x > lastX){
                    val = lastVal + 1;
                }else if(x === lastX){
                    val = lastVal - 1;

            lastVal = val;
            lastY = y;
            lastX = x;

            $\'lastY\', lastY);
            $\'lastX\', lastX);
            $\'lastVal\', lastVal);

            if(val >= thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1);
            else if(val <= -thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1);
            if(val > 0) val = thisTotal - val;

            val = Math.abs(val);

            $downElem.find(\'.threesixty-frame\').css({display: \'none\'});
            $downElem.find(\'.threesixty-frame:eq(\' + val + \')\').css({display: \'block\'});

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onKeyDown = function(e) {
            case 37: // left
            case 39: // right

    ThreeSixty.prototype.onMouseUp = function(e) {
        isMouseDown = false;

     * Disables text selection and dragging on IE8 and below.
    var _disableTextSelectAndDragIE8 = function() {
      // Disable text selection.
      document.body.onselectstart = function() {
          return 以上是关于threesixty.min.js 和jquery.threesixty.js使用总结----实现360度展示的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

区别和详解:jQuery extend()和jQuery.fn.extend()

区别和详解:jQuery extend()和jQuery.fn.extend()




jquery源码学习—— jquery.prototype主要属性和方法