Britney Spears 个人资料



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Britney Spears 个人资料相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


  姓名:Britney Jean Spears



  父母:Jamie Spears;Lynne Spears

  兄妹:Bryan Spears(哥哥);Jamie Lynn Spears(妹妹)

  丈夫:Kevin Federline

  儿子:Sean Preston Federline









  最爱的演员:Brad Pitt

  最爱的歌手:Mariah Carey、Madonna、Michael Jackson...

  这是一个令人诧异的惊人事实:自从布兰妮的歌坛处女专辑《爱的初告白...Baby One More Time》发行至今,不过短短五年又六个月的时间,在这还不到2000个日子之中,布兰妮已经创造了五千五百万张的专辑销售成绩,如果仔细算起来的话,大约每天销售可达三千张专辑,真的很难想象,如果当初没有布兰妮,现在的流行音乐及文化的样貌,不知道会演变成什么样子?如果当初布兰妮决定不往流行乐坛发展,而是要去当医生、律师、或是老师的话,今天的流行音乐新世代,真难以想象不知道会变成什么样子? 当年的布兰妮,穿着淘气的学生制服,首度在MTV音乐频道中曝光,正式出道。当初没有人预见布兰妮会对现今流行音乐有着如此巨大的影响!从略带腼腆的布兰妮,一边嚼着口香糖、一边唱着「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」,到今天布兰妮的举手投足,充满巨星魅力的唱着冠军单曲「中你的毒Toxic」,这张精选辑,充分展现了布兰妮邻家女孩初长成、出落成一个成熟小女人的过程,并且布兰妮慑人的巨星风采,一举一动都备受世人的瞩目。


  故事要从1998年说起,当年布兰妮「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」这支音乐录像带造成全球立即的轰动及影响,带领起一股青少年的流行风潮。在《爱的初告白...Baby One More Time》专辑封面,布兰妮跪在粉红色的背景前,带着她充满天真甜美的笑容摆出迷人的姿态,那时的她,看起来便是一副初生之犊不畏虎的样势。不过,这个形象跟她在音乐录像带中,将学校制服衬衫绑在腰上,一副超有自信的小女人模样,实在不太一样。从来没有一个明星的肚脐,能像她造成如此大的骚动及引起世人如此剧烈的反应及讨论,而现在,只要有小女孩露出自己的肚脐,但却红着脸、一副超级保守书呆子的样子,那你就知道应该要怪罪布兰妮了!但是,布兰妮本人,却说这一切没有那么复杂深奥。那些骚动及讨论,带来的其实是广大的欢迎及回响。「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」这支单曲迅速获得冠军,而同名专辑在发行后六周,便已销售超过一百万张。接下来推出的单曲「有焙?/span>Sometimes」以及「(你让我)神魂颠倒(You Drive Me) Crazy」依然表现锐利,让布兰妮的处女作,在排行榜上停留了超过103周的惊人时间。

  在首张专辑还没退烧之际,2000年布兰妮又推出新作《爱的再告白Oops!...I Did It Again》。这张专辑制作人,麦克斯马汀Max Martin为布兰妮量身订作的首支单曲,与先前的代表作「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」非常神似,完全延续她的音乐风格。布兰妮嘟起小嘴,唱着I think I did it again!布兰妮的少女宣言,强烈而清楚,让大家无法忘怀。布兰妮又成功了一次!不同于「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」,这支新的冠军单曲「爱的再告白Oops!...I Did It Again」充满顽皮淘气的感觉及挑逗煽情的味道,还带有一些倔强,布兰妮唱着:「糟糕…你以为我爱上了你 / 以为我是天上掉下来的礼物 / 但我没那么天真 Oops!...You think I'm in love / That I'm sent from above / I'm not that innocent)」。如果布兰妮的首张专辑,暗示我们她还有更多我们并不了解的面向,那第二张专辑《爱的再告白Oops!...I Did It Again》对于这项讯息的传达,便是再清楚不过了!在这支音乐录像带中段,有一个暗恋布兰妮的男生,给了她一条神似铁达尼号之中海洋之星的红宝石项链。布兰妮嘲弄的问了她的小跟班:「我以为那个老太太把项链丢到海里去了呢?」,他回答说:「宝贝,这是我跳到海里去捡回来给你的。」在这支歌曲中,她穿着红色的紧身衣,展现出她强烈的掌控欲及她坚定的女人主张。

  然而「幸运Lucky」,是另一首可以传达布兰妮内心的单曲。一个年轻的超级巨星,在她成功的背后,却有许多不为人知的悲伤。伴随她的全球成功佳绩,接踵而来的却是一波波令人无法闪躲、无处可逃的巨大压力。在这首歌曲中,她唱着:世界不停地转,她不断赢得目光焦点/但谁能告诉我这一切都停止后该怎么办?这歌词不太像是她自己的心声,却比较像是一种深层的忧虑。在「更坚强Stronger」这首歌曲中,她的敏感情绪更加明显的展露出来,延续在「爱的初告白...Baby One More Time」中的意涵,她唱着:「寂寞再也不能影响我 / 我已经更坚强 My loneliness ain't killing me no more. I'm stronger than yesterday.」!

  布兰妮一直以来都让不同的词曲创作者为她操刀,直到第三张专辑《布兰妮Britney》,她自己尝试参与了创作,她曾经在《爱的再告白Oops!...I Did It Again》专辑中,写了一首告白式的情歌〈Dear Diary〉,但是随着年龄的成长,她在音乐上的品味蜕变得更加独特。同时,她对自己声音的感觉更加敏锐,她也尝试学习弹吉他,并在闲暇之余,开始歌词的创作。在专辑中,最明显可以探查出她心情的作品,便是「过度保护Overprotected」及「少女已过,熟女未满I'm Not A Girl Not Yet A Woman」这两首。那时的她,还未满20岁,正在努力蜕变为成人的阶段,布兰妮表示:我必须经由一些错误,来学习了解我自己。于是她的方法便是,她大声高唱着:我不要成为温室之中不解世事的花朵…!


  这个蜕变的历程,必须从她歌声唱腔的改变做起。从当初简单的泡泡糖流行音乐,逐渐转变成一种比较隐晦、舞曲曲风的旋律及节奏。在当时的音乐环境而言,「爱情奴隶I'm A Slave 4 U」这首歌,可以说是布兰妮所有发行歌曲中,最不像布兰妮的作品。曲中浓浓的中东风味、及令人难以抗拒的节奏感,对于布兰妮之后的作品,造成了极大的影响力。「爱情奴隶I'm A Slave 4 U」由查德雨果及法瑞儿威廉斯共同制作,非常诱人、又具有浓的化不开的异国风情。在这支音乐录像带中,布兰妮与舞者们,在香汗淋漓中不停起舞。布兰妮解释说,这首歌要表达的其实是她作为音乐节奏及舞蹈的奴隶。当然,这也可以解释成是布兰妮直接而单纯的性感魅力表现。布兰妮首度在MTV音乐录像带大奖的颁奖典礼上表演这首歌曲时,在舞台上,布兰妮被一只巨型蟒蛇缠绕着全身,许多她身边的人,都不断的告诉布兰妮,这个表演太危险了,但是其实这首歌的歌词,也说明了她想要单挑这项演出的心情:「你们所有的人都看着,以为我还是一个小女孩,你们有没有想过,我已经可以向世界跨出我的一大步!All you people look at me like I'm a little girl / Well did you ever think it would be okay for me to step into this world.」

  2002年,布兰妮再度回到录音室,灌录了第四张专辑《流行禁区In The Zone》,参与的制作人包括了魔比Moby、超害羞以及前卫组Bloodshy & Avant、盖西格沃司Guy Sigsworth、红色禁区RedZone及骇客组The Matrix等重量级制作人。这个强势的制作组合,为布兰妮量身打造了「中你的毒Toxic」、「呛音乐Me Against The Music」及「肆无忌惮Outrageous」等畅销单曲。音乐上展现了全新的面貌,也更展现了布兰妮超级性感的魅力。这张《流行禁区In The Zone》充满了舞曲曲风、嘻哈风味、以及未来感。在「中你的毒Toxic」中,布兰妮的造型,就像是007电影的庞德女郎一样,更多加了日本风味。而接下来的单曲「每一次Everytime」,及劳凯利R.Kelly为布兰妮亲手打造的性感单曲「肆无忌惮Outrageous」,则展现了完全不同的音乐风情。这首歌曲,清楚的彰显了布兰妮令人诧异的个人特质。然而,在「每一次Everytime」这首歌曲中,布兰妮深情款款的唱出了她对过往情人挥之不去的想念。

  无论是布兰妮的歌迷或是敌手,大家都绞尽脑汁想要知道,布兰妮到底是一个纯真的天使,还是一个带着面具的魔鬼?其实这个问题的答案非常明显,但却不太容易回答。老实说,布兰妮两个都是!既是魔鬼又是天使。布兰妮不仅像她外表呈现出来的样子,而且这一切只是她计划中的一小部份而已。她是一个非常知道自己目标的女孩,她的每一步棋,都有象征性的意义。她其实一点也不天真,或许从她最新推出的单曲,这首翻唱自1998年巴比布朗Bobby Brown的代表作「我的特权My Prerogative」中可以一窥究竟。歌词中唱道:「大家都在谈论我的一举一动 / 为什么不放过我?(告诉我) / 我不需要别人批准 / 我要自己做主 / 这是我的特权 Everybody's talking all this stuff about me / Why don't they just let me live? / I don't need permission, make my own decisions / That's my prerogative.」


参考技术A Birth name
Britney Jean Spears


5' 4" (1.63 m)

Mini biography
Britney Jean Spears was born in rural Louisiana (Kentwood) on December 2, 1981, to Jamie and Lynne Spears. As a child, Britney attended dance classes, and she was great at gymnastics, winning many competitions and the like. But, most of all, Britney loved to sing. At age 8, Britney tried out for "MMC" (1989), but was turned down due to her young age. This directed her to an off-Broadway show, "Ruthless", for a 2-year run as the title character. At age 11, she again tried for "MMC" (1989) and this time made it as a mouseketeer along side many stars of today (Justin Timberlake and J.C. Chasez of N*Sync and Ryan Gosling). Her big break, however, came when she was signed as a Jive Recording Artist in the late 90s. With the release of her debut album, "...Baby One More Time" in early 1999, Britney became an international success, selling 13 million copies of "Baby" and 9 million (as of July 2001) of her sophomore album, "Oops!...I Did It Again," released in May of 2000.


IMDb mini-biography by
Matt Zerby

Mini biography
"Pop Phenomenon" doesn't come close to describing Britney Spears. The name is legend around the world. So famous is Britney Spears now that it's impossible to imagine a World in which she doesn't exist.

Born on 2 December 1981 in the small town of Kentwood, Louisiana, to parents Jamie and Lynne Spears, Britney is their second child of three. Her older brother Brian was born in April 1977 and her younger sister, Jamie-Lynn was born in April 1991. From a young age, Britney was always fixing to be a star with idols such as Madonna, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, the young Britney could always be heard singing, no matter what else was going on around her. After taking extensive dance and vocal lessons and performing in numerous talent shows and fairs, Britney auditioned for "The Mickey Mouse Club" when she 8, however she was too young to get the part. Instead, Britney, her mother and baby sister moved to New York where she starred in several TV adverts and an off broad-way play "Ruthless", where she was under-study with Natalie Portman. Her love of music and dance took over and 2 years later she auditioned for a part in Mickey Mouse again and this time won the part along with Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. As a Mouseketeer, Britney received extensive training in dance, drama and singing and had to grow up a lot during that time. However, after the show was canceled two years later, Britney returned home and did "the normal teenager thing", attending pool parties and she was also the homecoming Queen. As a young teenager, Britney soon grew restless again and this time was desperate to become a star yet again. Again, she traveled to New York and sent out demo tapes to various labels including Sony and Mercury, but was turned down. It was Jive Records that finally took the young Britney on and set out on making her the star she is today.

She hit the studio with writers/producers such as Max Martin and Eric Foster White and the result was her debut album. In late 1998, Jive released her debut single "(Hit me) Baby one more time" which was a pop hit around the Globe, accompanied by the sixteen year old first of many controversial acts - the video, which featured Britney dressed in a Catholic Schoolgirl Uniform, baring her midriff, which was soon to become her trademark. Nonetheless, the single was a smash worldwide and Britney was instantly a Household name. She toured with popular boy band N*Sync and the single shot to the top of the charts for 3 weeks. Her debut album was released a few months later in early 1999 and like the single took to the top of the album charts, where it remained number one for six weeks. The album has now sold millions worldwide and is officially 14 x platinum in the US. Her next controversial act, after the video, was to take the cover of Rolling Stones magazine in a suggestive pose, but as Britney mania took off, the 17 year-old became more and more popular. Appealing to young girls, teenage boys and older men, Britney was on her way, yet nobody could have predicted at that time the impact she would have on Pop Culture. The second single, "Sometimes" was released in June 1999 followed on by the top 10 hit "Crazy" in September and "from the bottom of my broken heart" soon after. Britney ended 1999 selling over 10 million copies of her debut and as the Billboard Top Female Pop Artist (singles and albums), Top New Pop Artist, Top Billboard 200 album Artist and Top 100 singles Artist - female. The American Awards, MTV and Teen Choice awards soon began rolling in and in early 2000 Britney was nominated for two Grammy awards.

At just 18, Britney released her second album in 2000, the #1 smash "Oops! I did it again" and single of the same title, which topped the singles chart for 5 weeks. Smash singles "Stronger" and "Lucky" followed, but it was around this time that Britney was beginning to raise more than a few eyebrows. It seemed some people weren't too happy with the message she was sending their impressionable young children. On one hand, Britney was the perfect picture of innocence, declaring herself a Virgin until marriage yet on the other hand, she was sexually charged and provocative, with performance such as the MTV Video Music Awards in 2000, when her costume made her appear scantily-clad. As the young woman was growing up, it seemed there was an internal conflict between her, her management and her mother, all pulling her in different directions. Yet the image the public saw was a gorgeous young woman, beautifully dressed and damn close to perfection, often labeled the "Pop Princess" around the world. Still, the awards kept rolling in and in early 2001 Britney struck a lucrative deal with Pepsi-Cola for Sponsorship and advertising. The 19 year-old was growing up fast, with the media constantly fixed on what she was and wasn't doing, her "rivalry" with former fellow Mouseketeer Christina Aguilera and also her blossoming relationship with N*Sync heartthrob Justin Timberlake. Britney was keen that people saw her as a growing woman as she began to ready the public for her next LP release in late 2001.

In November, she hit the top 10 with the sexually charged "I'm a slave 4 u" which took a completely different turn in musical direction from her previous singles and in the same month released her third LP, self-titled "Britney" which shot to the top of the albums charts, breaking records for a female artist. Her performance of "Slave" at the MTV VMA's caused outrage among animal rights campaigners, as she performed with a live giant Snake and wearing little herself. It was a far cry from the Britney of just three years ago, and perhaps the critical moment when what some people would say "she started going downhill". Sales of her third album, while impressive, where not nearly as high as her former releases, perhaps due to the increase of new pop female singers flooding the market, yet Britney, still incredibly popular, carried on. In early 2002, the 20 year-old Britney released "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman", taken from the soundtrack of her debut movie "Crossroads" which was released in February that year. She soon after hit the charts with "Overprotected" and also toured Worldwide on the "Dream within a dream tour". Yet it seemed it was all getting too much for Britney, her four year relationship with Timberlake ended suddenly and very publicly and she soon announced she was to take 6 months off, after all, she had achieved so much by such a young age and in such a short space of time. Her star was by no means fading, with "Forbes" declaring her "The Worlds most powerful celebrity" in mid-2002.

While she may have been on a break from her career, she was by no means breaking from the media, who followed her relentlessly, even more keen to track her down and find out what she was up to. Britney was increasingly letting her pop princess crown slip, admitting she had lost her sacred virginity to Timberlake, outside of marriage. Britney could also be seen smoking and drinking to excess on wild nights out and famously breaking down in tears while being interviewed by Diane Sawyer about her parents (who were recently divorced) and her bitter split from Timberlake. Britney was linked to men such as Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit and openly kissed Colin Farrell at a movie premiere. However, she seemed to get herself back together for her new album released in late 2003. In a blitz of publicity which included the infamous "Like a Virgin" performance and Madonna kiss at the MTV Video Music Awards in August that year. The new album "In The Zone" was a bid to be seen as a woman and caused controversy with songs on it such as "Breathe on me" and "Touch of my hand" - which was about masturbation - however, the appeal of Britney was still there and the album topped the Billboard 200 albums charts. The first single to be lifted was "Me against the music" a club hit that featured pop icon Madonna and singing with her was a dream come true for Britney. Now 22, it seemed Britney was in a lot more control over her career, yet her personal life still seemed to be slipping. In January 2004, Britney got "married" to childhood friend Jason Alexander in a Las Vegas ceremony. The incident shocked the world, especially when the marriage was annulled 55 hours later and was described as "a joke taken too far" by her management.

Britney soon released one of her biggest singles, "Toxic" which topped various charts around the world including the UK and Canadian singles charts. The single was a smash-hit and silenced any critics that said Britney no longer had what it took to make a comeback. She soon began her highly publicized and overtly sexual "Onyx Hotel Tour" which was canceled a few months later after Britney damaged her knee during a video shoot and had to receive medical treatment. Other singles off the album included the Gold Selling "Everytime" which topped the UK singles charts and like usual, also carried a fair amount of controversy for its video, which allegedly depicted the star committing suicide, however, this was "changed" to an accident in which she drowns yet reincarnates. It was around this time that Britney began dating Kevin Federline, a former back up dancer who she had taken on tour with her a few months previously. The snag here was that Kevin came with baggage - in the form of an "ex" girlfriend, heavily pregnant "Moesha" actress Shar Jackson and their young child. Britney and Kevin soon became engaged and in September 2004 were married in a secret ceremony, soon after the birth of Kevin's second child. That same month, Britney released a single off her upcoming "Greatest Hits" album (released in November 2004) a cover of Bobby Browns 1988 hit "My Prerogative".

Britney was a changed woman, no longer concerned with what the public thought of her or her appearance, she parted ways with her manager who she had had since she was 13, and was increasingly stepping out looking more "trailer trash" than Multi-Millionaire. In February 2005, Britney won her first Grammy for the single "Toxic" as Best Dance Recording. Just two months later, it was announced Britney was pregnant her first child. A reality TV Series "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic" which featured the pair getting to know each other the previous year, leading up to their wedding aired on UPN and eventually got a world wide audience, despite harsh criticism. In September 2005, Britney evolved yet again, this time as a devoted wife and mother, with the birth of her first child, a Son, which she named Sean Preston. In November that year, she released a remix album "B in the mix, the Remixes".

Looking back over the last seven years of this remarkable ladies career and life, it really is hard to imagine what the face of Pop would look like without her. Here is a 24 year-old woman who has grown in the face of the glaring media from innocent School-girl to Sexual Pop Vixen to Young wife and Mother. Who knows what is next for Britney? Rumours of a comeback album for 2006 have been circulating for a while and also a few more movie productions, yet one thing is for certain: Britney Spears has worked hard to get to where she is today and by no means will she be disappearing any time soon. Her name and face is legend in the media and celebrity circuit and it's surely only a matter of time before Spears shocks us all again, with her next album or tour or movie or personal move. One thing is for certain though: the public will be watching.


IMDb mini-biography by
James Bryant (December 2005)

Kevin Federline (18 September 2004 - present) 1 child
Jason Allen Alexander (3 January 2004 - 5 January 2004) (annulled)


Trade mark
Shows her midriff during performances

Lip-synchs and synthesized vocals in her albums and during live performances.


Attended Parklane Academy, a private school in McComb, Mississippi until October 1994. She was on the girls basketball team.

Was offered a role in Scary Movie (2000), but was forced to turn it down, due to concert scheduling.

Older brother, Bryan Spears, was born in April 1977.

Her idols are Madonna and Mariah Carey.

Younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, was born in 1991.

Studied at NYC's Professional Performing Arts School.

Mother, 'Lynne spears' , was a second grade teacher. Dad, Jamie, is a building contractor.

First Solo Artist ever to have a number one Album and Single on the Billboard Charts at the same time with a Debut.

Worked at a novelty shop before making it big.

One of "Teen People" Magazine's "21 Hottest Stars Under 21." [1999]

Caused a stir with the American Family Association by posing in her underwear on the cover of Rolling Stone. [1999]

Fought rumors of breast implants. [1999]

Was one of People's 50 Most Beautiful People. [1999]

Ended up as the youngest cast member of "MMC" (1989); during the initial audition, she won the part after Jessica Simpson freaked out at the final question during the initial audition.

Dated Justin Timberlake. [1998-2002]

Purchased a $1.5 million loft in Greenwich Village, Manhattan for her brother Bryan. [2000]

Announced that she will attend college and that she eventually wants to study entertainment law. [2000]

In Britney's first song 'Baby One More Time' there is a line "My loneliness is killing me" and in another of her songs, 'Stronger', there is a line "My loneliness ain't killing me no more."

Is a natural-born blonde. However, she dyed her hair brown in 2003 for a short period.

Britney's flesh-colored outfit at the MTV Video Music Awards created a stir, as it made her look scantily clad. [September 2000]

Requested that writers change the lyrics of her song "Born to Make You Happy." The original version contained sexually explicit lyrics, and Britney felt she was too young to be singing it.

Chicago-based DNA Visual Business Solutions filed a lawsuit against Britney and her marketing companies, including Britney Brands, Inc., claiming that they failed to pay fees due to the web-designing company for helping to set up the pop star's website [October 2000]

Accepted an endorsement from Pepsi to do TV commercials promoting the soft drink. The first commercial was slated for the 2001 Academy Awards. [2001]

Was selected as #2 among the 100 sexiest women in FHM Magazine. Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez was #1, and Christina Aguilera was in the Top 20. [2001]

Her third album is slated for release in October 2001. [February 2001]

Her video for "Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know" features Britney doing a love scene with a 23-year old male model. The original cut contained material so sexually explicit that her mother Lynne Spears ordered that some parts of the video be edited for content before its release to the public in the spring of 2001. [March 2001]

In her first starring role in film, Britney's character was supposed to swear. Britney ordered that the curse words be taken out so not to tarnish her image for the younger pre-teen viewers of her movie. [2001]

During the concert "Rock in Rio" in Brazil, a tape recorder caught Britney swearing on a microphone she wasn't aware was connected. She was complaining about the fact that they weren't playing a vamp before she was to go on stage. Tape recordings of the incident were downloaded by Napster users. [2001]

Host of the American Music Awards 2001.

Two Texas DJs created a panic for Britney's fans when they falsely reported that the pop princess and her boyfriend, 'NSYNC's Justin Timberlake, were in a car accident and that Britney Spears had died in the crash. In reality, both Britney and Justin were alive and well and had not been in any car wreck. [June 2001]

Wrote 2 books about herself, one with her mom.

Jive Records announced that her third LP is due November 6, 2001. [July 2001]

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) complained to her about the use of four caged cheetahs and a snake for her performance at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards, claiming that animals trained for performances are mistreated during the training. [September 2001]

Announced that she aims to raise $2 million from her fall tour earnings to donate to the children of police officers and firemen who died when the World Trade Center collapsed. [September 2001]

Her deal with Pepsi will net her upwards of $10,000,000 million. [2001]

She was the big winner at the 1999 MTV Europe Music Awards held in Dublin, winning the awards for Best Female, Best Pop, Best Breakthrough Artist, and Best Song for her hit "...Baby One More Time." [November 11, 1999]

Named one of E!'s "top 20 entertainers of 2001".

She was a aerobic instructor at the gym her parents owned.

Turned down an offer to pose nude for a PETA anti-fur campaign ad. [2001]

Voted one of the "Fun and Fearless Females" by Cosmopolitan Magazine (2002.)

Though it had been rumored that she would be guesting on the sexually suggestive HBO series "Sex and the City" (1998), playing the niece of Kim Cattrall's character Samantha Jones, a spokesman for HBO denied the reports, saying no such negotiations ever took place.

her Crossroads (2002) co-star Taryn Manning denied reports that she, Spears, and Zoe Saldana did a topless scene that was cut from the final edit of the film. According to her and the film's producer, Ann Carli, the "flashing" scene was filmed only from the neck up, and none of the three actresses involved was actually topless during the shoot. [March 2002]

Arrived an hour late for the UK premiere of Crossroads (2002) in 2002 and snubbed fans who had been waiting for her to arrive.

She and boyfriend Justin Timberlake broke up. [March 2002]

Was voted by 'People' magazine in 2000 as the fourth most influential person of that year.

Was named one of the 50 Most Beautiful People by People Magazine in 2002.

Was ranked 5th of the 100 Sexiest Women by FHM Taiwan (2001).

Came in at #2 in the American edition of FH
参考技术B 出生于1981年12月2日的Britney Spears“小甜甜”布兰妮是“新好男孩”同门师妹,这位来自USA路易斯安那现年18岁的小女生,可算是全球最爱国民美少女,首张专辑“Baby One More Time爱的初告白”不到短短的10天即登上Billboard告示排行榜专辑榜的冠军,更令人难以置信的是与专辑同名的单曲也同时拿下了单曲榜第一名,一举打破“美国史上最年轻歌手”一周内同时拥有冠军单曲与冠军专辑等6项吓坏大人的惊世记录,并获欧洲MTV大奖的“最佳女歌手”、“最佳流行艺人”、“年度最佳成就艺人”三项殊荣,而且一举夺下第27届全美音乐奖的“最佳新人”。
Britney Spears的全名是Britney Jean Spears。她生于美国路易斯安那州一个名叫肯伍德的小镇。4岁时她在家乡的教堂里做了生平头回演唱,演唱的歌曲是“What Child Is This”(这个孩子是干什么的)。她真正的演艺生涯在她8岁时开始,那时她来到乔治亚州的亚特兰大,应征迪斯尼电视频道下属的米老鼠俱乐部(Mickey Mouse Club,简称MMC)的队员一职。虽然她年纪尚小,但是一个制作人一眼相中了她的潜力,并成为她的代理人。在接下来的3个夏天,Britney在纽约的非百老汇舞蹈中心和职业表演艺术学校进行了专门的培训。辛苦的付出得到了回报,1991年她在非百老汇戏剧《Ruthless》(冷酷无情)中获得一角。
1998年秋季,正值她的单曲《...Baby,One More Time》(……宝贝,再来一次)正式发行前的3个月,Britney开始周游美国推销自己的征程。这和她的前辈Tiffany在10年前所做的十分相似。在为期一月的巡演中她携两名伴舞者为观众献上了4首歌,这些歌曲都被灌录成她的音带。1998年10月她正式推出了首支单曲“...Baby,one more time”。就象预料中的一样,这首由Max Martin创作的歌曲在商业上获得了成功。来自听众们友好的支持使得Britney圆满地完成了次年1月为N’Sync巡演做暖场嘉宾的工作。
1999年1月12日对Britney而言是她事业中最重要的一个日子。就在这一天,"Baby, One More Time" 正式发行。这位前MMC成员最终发现她的专辑竟登上了公告牌排行榜的第一名,而她的伙伴'N Sync的专辑却屈居第二。这对来年19岁的她来说,是个不坏的结果。
在首张专辑“Baby One More Time”一战全胜,掳获全球歌迷芳心之后,布兰妮便获得众多知名厂商的青睐,一一地请她代言,例如:雀屏中选担任服饰Tommy Hilfiger新年度代言人、麦当劳速食食品的最新电视广告…等。顶著傲人的音乐肯定及广告媒介,看来“小甜甜”布兰妮的魅力真正争服了全世界,拥有如此令人称羡成绩俨然就是新世纪的新流行天后。


【中文标题】如何创建用户个人资料图像【英文标题】:How to create a user profile image 【发布时间】:2019-12-06 16:49:42 【问题描述】:

当我的用户注册时,他的所有用户信息都会直接进入 Firebase 存储和数据库(例如:用户名和个人资料图片)。当我的用户注册时,用户名出现在他的个人资料上,但没有出现个人资料图片如何修复此代码以更改它? 我需要我的用户注册时使用的个人资料图片才能在他的个人资料屏幕上弹出

 import Firebase

class InteractivViewController: UIViewController 
    @IBOutlet weak var UsernameText: UILabel!

    @IBOutlet weak var ProfileImage: UIImageView!

    @IBOutlet weak var DisplayText: UILabel!

    var DatabaseRef: DatabaseReference!
    override func viewDidLoad() 

       DatabaseRef = Database.database().reference()

  if let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid 
        DatabaseRef.child("users").child(userID).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with:  (snapshot) in
          // Get user value
          let dictionary = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
         let username = dictionary?["username"] as? String ?? "username"
          if let profileImageUrl = dictionary?["photo"] as? String 

              func getProfileImage(uid: String, success: @escaping (UIImage?)->Void)

              let storageRef ="usersImages")
              storageRef.child("\(uid).jpg").getData(maxSize: 1024*1024)  (data, error) in
                  guard let data = data else return
                      success(UIImage(data: data))

                  getProfileImage(uid: userID)  image in
                      self.ProfileImage.image = image
            func upload(image: UIImage, to firebasePath: String, completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void) 
                //... creates data from the image...
                var data = NSData()
                //Compress the image by any percent
                data = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8)! as NSData
                //...sets the upload path
                let filePath = "\(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)0)" // path where you wanted to store img in storage
                let metaData = StorageMetadata()
                metaData.contentType = "image/jpg"

                let storageRef =
                storageRef.putData(data as Data, metadata: metaData)(metaData,error) in
                    if let error = error 
                        completion(nil, error)
                        storageRef.downloadURL(completion:  (url, error) in
                            //Returns the url string to the newly uploaded image so that we can set the user's photoURL database property to this string
                            completion(url!.absoluteString, nil)

            let image = UIImage(named: "someImage")
            upload(image: image!, to: "Users/\(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)/photoUrls/0", completion:  urlString, error in
                Database.database().reference().child("Users/\(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)/photoUrls/0").observeSingleEvent(of: .value)  (snapshot) in
                    let urlString = snapshot.value as! String
                    let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: urlString)!) (data, response, error) in

                        if let image: UIImage = UIImage(data: data!) 
                                //update the image
                                self.ProfileImage.image = image


                                   self.UsernameText.text = username
                                       self.DisplayText.text = username





您必须使用从 firebase 检索到的 url 并使用他们的 Storage API 下载它

let storage =
let storageRef = storage.reference()
let ref = storage.reference(forURL: profileImageUrl)
ref.getData(maxSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024)  data, error in
   if let error = error 
     // Uh-oh, an error occurred!

     self.ProfileImage = UIImage(data: data!)



您需要将指向存储桶中引用的 url 存储在数据库中的用户对象中。这是我使用的函数,它采用 UIImageString 表示 Firebase 路径并返回上传图片的 URL:

func upload(image: UIImage, to firebasePath: String, completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void) 
    //... creates data from the image...
    var data = NSData()
    //Compress the image by any percent
    data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.8)! as NSData
    //...sets the upload path
    let filePath = "\(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)0)" // path where you wanted to store img in storage
    let metaData = StorageMetadata()
    metaData.contentType = "image/jpg"

    let storageRef =
    storageRef.putData(data as Data, metadata: metaData)(metaData,error) in
        if let error = error 
            completion(nil, error)
            storageRef.downloadURL(completion:  (url, error) in
                //Returns the url string to the newly uploaded image so that we can set the user's photoURL database property to this string
                completion(url!.absoluteString, nil)


let image = UIImage(named: "someImage")
upload(image: image, to: "Users/\(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)/photoUrls/0", completion:  urlString, error in


Database.database().reference().child("Users/\(Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)/photoUrls/0").observeSingleEvent(of: .value)  (snapshot) in
    let urlString = snapshot.value as! String
    let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: urlString)!) (data, response, error) in

        if let image: UIImage = UIImage(data: data!) 
                //update the image
                self.ProfileImage.image = image


Database.database().reference().child("Users/(Auth.auth().currentUser.uid)/photoUrls/0").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) (快照)在让 urlString = snapshot.value as! String let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: URL(string: urlString)!) (data, response, error) in if let image: UIImage = UIImage(data: data!) DispatchQueue.main.async / /更新图像 self.ProfileImage.image = image task.resume() ERROR 调用中的额外参数 我不在家,但这是用于已部署应用程序的代码,我们对此没有任何问题。它可能没有正确应用。有时间我看看能不能给你修改一下 我真的很感激 这是一个链接,解释了您如何错误地实施它。这是一个简单的 Swift 格式化的东西。

以上是关于Britney Spears 个人资料的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



绕过 facebook 个人资料图片,个人资料 ID 到个人资料视图控制器。


朋友个人资料图片与 android 中 facebook 的个人资料名称不匹配

个人资料不是“iOS App Store”个人资料