
Posted 闫平平





  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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  5     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  6     <title>账号登录</title>
  7     <style>
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 13         html,
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 73         #login{
 74             width: 50%;
 75             height: 100%;
 76             min-height: 500px;
 77             background: linear-gradient(45deg, #9a444e, #e06267);
 78             position: relative;
 79             float: right;
 80         }
 81         #login #status{
 82             width: 90px;
 83             height: 35px;
 84             margin: 40px auto;
 85             color: #fff;
 86             font-size: 30px;
 87             font-weight: 600;
 88             position: relative;
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 94             transition: .5s
 95         }
 96         #login span{
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 98             position: absolute;
 99             left: 50%;
100             margin-left: -150px;
101             top: 52%;
102             margin-top: -140px;
103         }
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106             color: #fff;
107             display: block;
108             margin-top: 80px;
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112             background: linear-gradient(45deg, #211136, #bf5853);
113             height: 100%;
114         }
115         /*绘图*/
116         #login_img{
117             width: 50%;
118             min-height: 500px;
119             background: linear-gradient(45deg, #221334, #6c3049);
120             float: left;
121             position: relative;
122         }
123         #login_img span{
124             position: absolute;
125             display: block;
126         }
127         #login_img .circle{
128             width: 200px;
129             height: 200px;
130             border-radius: 50%;
131             background: linear-gradient(45deg, #df5555, #ef907a);
132             top: 70px;
133             left: 50%;
134             margin-left: -100px;
135             overflow: hidden;
136         }
137         #login_img .circle span{
138             width: 150px;
139             height: 40px;
140             border-radius: 50px;
141             position: absolute;
142         }
143         #login_img .circle span:nth-child(1){
144             top: 30px;
145             left: -38px;
146             background: #c55c59;
147         }
148         #login_img .circle span:nth-child(2){
149             bottom: 20px;
150             right: -35px;
151             background: #934555;
152         }
153         #login_img .star span{
154             background: radial-gradient(#fff 10%,#fff 20%,rgba(72, 34, 64, 0));
155             border-radius: 50%;
156             box-shadow: 0 0 7px #fff;
157         }
158         #login_img .star span:nth-child(1){
159             width: 15px;
160             height: 15px;
161             top: 50px;
162             left: 30px;
163         }
164         #login_img .star span:nth-child(2){
165             width: 10px;
166             height: 10px;
167             left: 360px;
168             top: 80px;
169         }
170         #login_img .star span:nth-child(3){
171             width: 5px;
172             height: 5px;
173             top: 400px;
174             left: 80px;
175         }
176         #login_img .star span:nth-child(4){
177             width: 8px;
178             height: 8px;
179             top: 240px;
180             left: 60px;
181         }
182         #login_img .star span:nth-child(5){
183             width: 4px;
184             height: 4px;
185             top: 20px;
186             left: 200px;
187         }
188         #login_img .star span:nth-child(6){
189             width: 4px;
190             height: 4px;
191             top: 460px;
192             left: 410px;
193         }
194         #login_img .star span:nth-child(7){
195             width: 6px;
196             height: 6px;
197             top: 250px;
198             left: 350px;
199         }
200         #login_img .fly_star span{
201             width: 90px;
202             height: 3px;
203             background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.67), rgba(255,255,255,0));
204             background: -o-linear-gradient(left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.67), rgba(255,255,255,0));
205             background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.67), rgba(255,255,255,0));
206             transform: rotate(-45deg);
207         }
208         #login_img .fly_star span:nth-child(1){
209             top:60px;
210             left: 80px;
211         }
212         #login_img .fly_star span:nth-child(2){
213             top: 210px;
214             left: 332px;
215             opacity: 0.6;
216         }
217         #login_img p{
218             text-align: center;
219             color: #af4b55;
220             font-weight: 600;
221             margin-top: 365px;
222             font-size: 25px;
223         }
224         #login_img p i{
225             font-style: normal;
226             margin-right: 45px;
227         }
228         #login_img p i:nth-last-child(1){
229             margin-right: 0;
230         }
231         /*提示*/
232         #hint{
233             width: 100%;
234             line-height: 70px;
235             background: linear-gradient(-90deg, #9b494d, #bf5853);
236             text-align: center;
237             font-size: 25px;
238             color: #fff;
239             box-shadow: 0 0 20px #733544;
240             display: none;
241             opacity: 0;
242             transition: .5s;
243             position: absolute;
244             top: 0;
245             z-index: 999;
246         }
247         /* 响应式 */
248         @media screen and (max-width:1000px ) {
249             #login_img{
250                 display: none;
251             }
252             #login_wrap{
253                 width: 490px;
254                 margin-right: -245px;
255             }
256             #login{
257                 width: 100%;
259             }
260         }
261         @media screen and (max-width:560px ) {
262             #login_wrap{
263                 width: 330px;
264                 margin-right: -165px;
265             }
266             #login span{
267                 margin-left: -125px;
268             }
269             .form input{
270                 width: 250px;
271             }
272             .btn{
273                 width: 113px;
274             }
275         }
276         @media screen and (max-width:345px ) {
277             #login_wrap {
278                 width: 290px;
279                 margin-right: -145px;
280             }
281         }
282         label.error{
283             color: red;
284         }
285     </style>
286     <script src="js/jquery-1.8.3.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
287     <script src="js/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
288     <script src="js/messages_zh.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
289 </head>
292 <body>
293     <div id="bg">
294         <div id="hint"><!-- 提示框 -->
295             <p>登录失败</p>
296         </div>
297         <div id="login_wrap">
298             <div id="login"><!-- 登录注册切换动画 -->
299                 <div id="status">
300                     <i style="top: 0">Log</i>
301                     <i style="top: 35px">Sign</i>
302                     <i style="right: 5px">in</i>
303                 </div>
304                 <span>
305                     <form action="#" id="formChick">
306                         <p class="form"><label for="txt_cname">
307                             <input type="text" name="user" id="user" paceholder="username"></label></p>
308                         <p class="form"><input type="password" name="passwd" id="passwd" placeholder="password"></p>
309                         <p class="form confirm"><input type="password" id="confirm-passwd" placeholder="confirm password"></p>
310                         <input type="button" value="Log in" class="btn" onclick="login()" style="margin-right: 20px;">
311                         <input type="button" value="Sign in" class="btn" onclick="signin()" id="btn">
312                     </form>
313                     <a href="#">Forget your password?</a>
314                 </span>
315             </div>
317             <div id="login_img"><!-- 图片绘制框 -->
318                 <span class="circle">
319                     <span></span>
320                     <span></span>
321                 </span>
322                 <span class="star">
323                     <span></span>
324                     <span></span>
325                     <span></span>
326                     <span></span>
327                     <span></span>
328                     <span></span>
329                     <span></span>
330                     <span></span>
331                 </span>
332                 <span class="fly_star">
333                     <span></span>
334                     <span></span>
335                 </span>
336                 <p id="title"><i>C</i><i>L</i><i>O</i><i>U</i><i>D</i></p>
337             </div>
338         </div>
339     </div>
341 <script>
342     var onoff = true//根据此布尔值判断当前为注册状态还是登录状态
343     var confirm = document.getElementsByClassName("confirm")[0]
345     //自动居中title
346     var name_c = document.getElementById("title")
347     name = name_c.innerHTML.split("")
348     name_c.innerHTML = ""
349     for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++)
350         if (name[i] != ",")
351             name_c.innerHTML += "<i>" + name[i] + "</i>"
352     //引用hint()在最上方弹出提示
353     function hint() {
354         let hit = document.getElementById("hint")
355         hit.style.display = "block"
356         setTimeout("hit.style.opacity = 1", 0)
357         setTimeout("hit.style.opacity = 0", 2000)
358         setTimeout(‘hit.style.display = "none"‘, 3000)
359     }
360     //注册按钮
361     function signin() {
362         let status = document.getElementById("status").getElementsByTagName("i")
363         let hit = document.getElementById("hint").getElementsByTagName("p")[0]
364         if (onoff) {
365             confirm.style.height = 51 + "px"
366             status[0].style.top = 35 + "px"
367             status[1].style.top = 0
368             onoff = !onoff
369         } else {
370             if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/.test(user.value))
371                 hit.innerHTML = "账号只能为英文和数字"
372             else if (user.value.length < 6)
373                 hit.innerHTML = "账号长度必须大于6位"
374             else if (passwd.value.length < 6)
375                 hit.innerHTML = "密码长度必须大于6位"
376             else if (passwd.value != con_pass.value)
377                 hit.innerHTML = "两次密码不相等"
378             else if (passwd.value = con_pass.value) {
379                 submit(function(res) {
380                     if (res == "exist")
381                         hit.innerHTML = "该账号已存在"
382                     else if (res == true) {
383                         hit.innerHTML = "账号注册成功,两秒后自动刷新页面"
384                         setTimeout("window.location.reload()", 2000)
385                     } else if (res == false)
386                         hit.innerHTML = "账号注册失败"
387                 })
388             }
389             hint()
390         }
391     }
393     //登录按钮
394     function login() {
395         if (onoff) {
396             let request = new XMLHttpRequest()
397             let url = ""
398             request.open("post", url, true)
399             let data = new FormData()
400             data.append("user", user.value)
401             data.append("passwd", passwd.value)
402             request.onreadystatechange = function() {
403                 if (this.readyState == 4) {
404                     if (this.responseText == false)
405                         hint()
406                     else
407                         window.location.href = this.responseText;
408                 }
409             }
410             request.send(data)
411         } else {
412             let status = document.getElementById("status").getElementsByTagName("i")
413             confirm.style.height = 0
414             status[0].style.top = 0
415             status[1].style.top = 35 + "px"
416             onoff = !onoff
417         }
418     }
420 </script>
423 </body></html>



Vue + Element UI:优化登录流程

BBS项目 登录界面代码详解



Django Form组件实例:登录界面[Form表单提交,Ajax提交]
