
Posted 新宇泽起







//Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0)


//IE8 新特征一览: http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/articles/1716755.html
//2010 4 16日更新
        ie678 = !+"\\v1" ;
        ie678 = !-[1,];//IE9预览版中失效
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        ie678 = (\'a~b\'.split(/(~)/))[1] == "b"
        ie678 = 0.9.toFixed(0) == "0"
        IE8 = window.toStaticHTML
        IE9 = window.msPerformance
        IE6-10 = !!document.createStyleSheet
        ie = !!document.recalc
        ie = !!window.VBArray
        ie = !!window.ActiveXObject
        ie678 = 0//@cc_on+1;
        ie = !!window.createPopup;
        ie = /*@cc_on!@*/!1;
        ie = document.expando;//document.all在opera firefox的古老版本也存在
        ie = /\\w/.test(\'\\u0130\') //由群里的abcd友情提供
        ie6 = !"1"[0] //利用IE6或IE5的字符串不能使用数组下标的特征
        ie8 = !!window.XDomainRequest;
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        var ieVersion = eval("\'\'+/*@cc_on"+" @_jscript_version@*/-0")*1
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        ie7 = ieVersion === 5.7
        ie6 = ieVersion === 5.6
        ie5 = ieVersion === 5.5
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        netscape = !!window.GeckoActiveXObject
        gecko  = !!window.netscape //包括firefox
        firefox = !!window.Components
        firefox = !!window.updateCommands
        firefox = !!window.sidebar
        safari = !!(navigator.vendor && navigator.vendor.match(/Apple/))
        safari = window.openDatabase && !window.chrome;
        chrome= !!(window.chrome && window.google)
        opera=!!window.opera ;
        wpIE = \'msmaxtouchpoints\' in window.navigator //判定当前是否在IE的移动版中
        //傲游2 3
        maxthon = /maxthon/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
        is360se = /360se/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
          var isFF = !!arguments.length;
        }, 0);
      ie = (function(undefined){
        var v = 3, div = document.createElement(\'div\');
        while (
        div.innerHTML = \'<!--[if gt IE \'+(++v)+\']><i></i><![endif]-->\',
        return v> 4 ? v : undefined;
//判定IE版本 2011.2.24 IE 条件注释在
       ie = (function() {
          var v = 3, div = document.createElement(\'div\');
          while (div.innerHTML = \'<!--[if gt IE \'+(++v)+\']>1<![endif]-->\', div.innerHTML);
          return v > 4 ? v : !v;
//手机的相关判定 2011.9.21
 isIPhone = /iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
 isIPhone4 = window.devicePixelRatio >= 2
//在网页中,pixel与point比值称为device-pixel-ratio,普通设备都是1,iPhone 4是2,有些android机型是1.5
var ua =  navigator.userAgent;
isAndroid = /Android/i.test(ua);
isBlackBerry = /BlackBerry/i.test(ua)
isWindowPhone = /IEMobile/i.test(ua)
isios = /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(ua)
isMobile = isAndroid || isBlackBerry || isWindowPhone || isIOS
if(window.external+"" == "undefined" || window.external == undefined)
            //网站不能识别你的浏览器 不支持window.external 很可能为360浏览器
            browseInfo.extend   = "360SE";
            browseInfo.name     = "360浏览器";
var pf = (navigator.platform || "").toLowerCase(),
        ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
function toFixedVersion(ver, floatLength) {
    ver = ("" + ver).replace(/_/g, ".");
    floatLength = floatLength || 1;
    ver = String(ver).split(".");
    ver = ver[0] + "." + (ver[1] || "0");
    ver = Number(ver).toFixed(floatLength);
    return ver;
function updateProperty(target, name, ver) {
    target = QApp[target]
    target.name = name;
    target.version = ver;
    target[name] = ver;
// 提供三个对象,每个对象都有name, version(version必然为字符串)
// 取得用户操作系统名字与版本号,如果是0表示不是此操作系统
var platform = QApp.platform = {
    name: (window.orientation != undefined) ? \'iPod\' : (pf.match(/mac|win|linux/i) || [\'unknown\'])[0],
    version: 0,
    iPod: 0,
    iPad: 0,
    iPhone: 0,
    android: 0,
    win: 0,
    linux: 0,
    mac: 0
(s = ua.match(/windows ([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("platform", "win", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
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        (s = ua.match(/linux ([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("platform", "linux", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
        (s = ua.match(/mac ([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("platform", "mac", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
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        (s = ua.match(/android ([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("platform", "android", toFixedVersion(s[1])) : 0;
var browser = QApp.browser = {
    name: "unknown",
    version: 0,
    ie: 0,
    firefox: 0,
    chrome: 0,
    opera: 0,
    safari: 0,
    mobileSafari: 0,
    adobeAir: 0 //adobe 的air内嵌浏览器
(s = ua.match(/trident.*; rv\\:([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("browser", "ie", toFixedVersion(s[1])) : //IE11的UA改变了没有MSIE
        (s = ua.match(/msie ([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("browser", "ie", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
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        (s = ua.match(/adobeair\\/([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("browser", "adobeAir", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
        (s = ua.match(/version\\/([\\d.]+).*safari/)) ? updateProperty("browser", "safari", toFixedVersion(s[1])) : 0;
//mobile safari 判断,可与safari字段并存
(s = ua.match(/version\\/([\\d.]+).*mobile.*safari/)) ? updateProperty("browser", "mobileSafari", toFixedVersion(s[1])) : 0;
if (platform.iPad) {
    updateProperty("browser", \'mobileSafari\', \'0.0\');
if (browser.ie) {
    if (!document.documentMode) {
        document.documentMode = Math.floor(browser.ie)
        //IE下可以通过设置 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">改变渲染模式
    } else if (document.documentMode !== Math.floor(browser.ie)) {
        updateProperty("browser", "ie", toFixedVersion(document.documentMode))
QApp.engine = {
    name: \'unknown\',
    version: 0,
    trident: 0,
    gecko: 0,
    webkit: 0,
    presto: 0
(s = ua.match(/trident\\/([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("engine", "trident", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
        (s = ua.match(/gecko\\/([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("engine", "gecko", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
        (s = ua.match(/applewebkit\\/([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("engine", "webkit", toFixedVersion(s[1])) :
        (s = ua.match(/presto\\/([\\d.]+)/)) ? updateProperty("engine", "presto", toFixedVersion(s[1])) : 0;
if (QApp.browser.ie) {
    if (QApp.browser.ie == 6) {
        updateProperty("engine", "trident", toFixedVersion("4"));
    } else if (browser.ie == 7 || browser.ie == 8) {
        updateProperty("engine", "trident", toFixedVersion("5"));
//by 司徒正美
//thanks to
QApp.support = {
    //判定是否支持CSS3的transition, animation,支持返回可用的属性名,不支持返回null
    cssTransition: avalon.cssName("transition"),
    cssAnimation: avalon.cssName("animation"),
    cssAnimation3D: transform3dTest(),
    cssPseudoElement: !!avalon.cssName("content"),
    cssPointerEvents: cssPointerEventsTest(),
    boxShadow: !!avalon.cssName("boxShadow"),
    touchOverflow: !!avalon.cssName("overflow-scrolling"),
    //要弄明media query,先要了解一下media type,其实这个大家会比较熟悉一点,
    //我们通常会用到的media type会是all 和screen,然后是print,
    //media type的浏览器支持
    //* IE5.5/6/7不支持在@import中使用媒体类型
    //* Safari/firefox只支持all,screen,print三种类型(包括iphone)
    //* Opera 完全支持
    //* Opera mini  支持handheld,未指定则使用screen
    //* Windows Mobile系统中的IE支持handheld,其它支持不明…
    //media query是CSS 3对media type的增强,事实上我们可以将media query看成是media type+css属性判断。
    //     @media screen and (min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1280px){
    //          body{font-size:medium;}
    //     }
    //详见 http://www.qianduan.net/media-type-and-media-query.html
    mediaquery: mediaTest("only all"),
    touch: "ontouchend" in document,
    pushState: "pushState" in history &&
            "replaceState" in history &&
            // When running inside a FF iframe, calling replaceState causes an error
            !(window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0 && window.top !== window) &&
            (window.navigator.userAgent.search(/CriOS/) === -1),
    boundingRect: typeof document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect !== "undefined",
    orientation: "orientation" in window && "onorientationchange" in window,
    fixedPosition: true, //下面会修正
    inlineSVG:!! (window.SVGAngle && document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1") )
var matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function(doc, undefined) {
    var bool,
            docElem = doc.documentElement,
            refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild,
            // fakeBody required for <ff4 when="" executed="" in="" <head="">
            fakeBody = doc.createElement("body"),
            div = doc.createElement("div");
    div.id = "mq-test-1";
    div.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:-100em";
    fakeBody.style.background = "none";
    return function(q) {
        div.innerHTML = "­<style media=\\"" + q + "\\"> #mq-test-1 { width: 42px; }</style>";
        docElem.insertBefore(fakeBody, refNode);
        bool = div.offsetWidth === 42;
        return {
            matches: bool,
            media: q
var mediaTest = function(q) {
    return matchMedia(q).matches;
function cssPointerEventsTest() {
    var element = document.createElement("x"),
            documentElement = document.documentElement,
            getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle,
    if (!("pointerEvents" in element.style)) {
        return false;
    element.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
    element.style.pointerEvents = "x";

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