WebRTC音频系统 之audio技术栈简介-2

Posted shichaog


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了WebRTC音频系统 之audio技术栈简介-2相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


1.8 ACM模块

ACM是audio coding module的简称。

WebRTC 的audio coding 模块可以处理音频接收和发送,acm2目录是接收和发送的API实现。每个音频发送帧使用包含时长为10ms音频数据,通过Add10MsData()接口提供给音频编码模块,音频编码模块使用对应的编码器对音频帧进行编码,并将编码好的数据传给预先注册的音频分组回调,该回调将编码的音频打包成RT包,并通过传输层发送出去,WebRTC内置的音频编码器包括G711、G722, ilbc, isac, opus,pcm16b等,音频网络适配器为音频编码器(目前仅限于OPU)提供附加功能,以使音频编码器适应网络条件(带宽、丢包率等)。音频接收包通过IncomingPacket()实现,接收到的数据包将有jitter buffer(NetEq)模块处理,处理的内容包括解码,音频解码器通过解码器工厂类创建,解码后的数据通过PlayData10Ms()获取。

1.8.1 编码模块接口类



// modules/audio_coding/include/audio_coding_module.h 
 30 // forward declarations
 31 class AudioDecoder;
 32 class AudioEncoder;
 33 class AudioFrame;
 34 struct RTPHeader;
 62 class AudioCodingModule 
 66  public:
 67   struct Config 
 68     explicit Config(
 69         rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory> decoder_factory = nullptr);
 70     Config(const Config&);
 71     ~Config();
 73     NetEq::Config neteq_config;
 74     Clock* clock;
 75     rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory> decoder_factory;
 76     NetEqFactory* neteq_factory = nullptr;
 77   ;
 //这是设计模式中类和对象的创建方法,即通过这个static 方法创建  
 79   static AudioCodingModule* Create(const Config& config);

 136   virtual int32_t Add10MsData(const AudioFrame& audio_frame) = 0;
 172   virtual int32_t InitializeReceiver() = 0;
 192   virtual int32_t IncomingPacket(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
 193                                  size_t payload_len_bytes,
 194                                  const RTPHeader& rtp_header) = 0;
 216   virtual int32_t PlayoutData10Ms(int32_t desired_freq_hz,
 217                                   AudioFrame* audio_frame,
 218                                   bool* muted) = 0;

这里使用工厂类设计模式,是对编解码接口类的实现,这一接口对大部分实时音视频频应用场景,并不需要做更改,和编码相比,接收的待解码数据是通过网络传输的,这会导致丢包、抖动以及延迟到达、乱序等问题,所以需要实现jitter buffer功能,因而AudioCodingModuleImpl在实现编码接口类AudioCodingModule方法的时候,定义了AcmReceiver(NetEq以及解码)成员,接收到的数据被送到这个模块去解码了。

42 class AudioCodingModuleImpl final : public AudioCodingModule 
58   // Add 10 ms of raw (PCM) audio data to the encoder.
59   int Add10MsData(const AudioFrame& audio_frame) override;
72   // Initialize receiver, resets codec database etc.
73   int InitializeReceiver() override;
77   // Incoming packet from network parsed and ready for decode.
78   int IncomingPacket(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
79                      const size_t payload_length,
80                      const RTPHeader& rtp_info) override;
82   // Get 10 milliseconds of raw audio data to play out, and
83   // automatic resample to the requested frequency if > 0.
84   int PlayoutData10Ms(int desired_freq_hz,
85                       AudioFrame* audio_frame,
86                       bool* muted) override;

98  private:
128   int Add10MsDataInternal(const AudioFrame& audio_frame, InputData* input_data)
129       RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(acm_mutex_);
131   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10739): change `absolute_capture_timestamp_ms` to
132   // int64_t when it always receives a valid value.
133   int Encode(const InputData& input_data,
134              absl::optional<int64_t> absolute_capture_timestamp_ms)

137   int InitializeReceiverSafe() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(acm_mutex_);

162   rtc::Buffer encode_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(acm_mutex_);
163   uint32_t expected_codec_ts_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(acm_mutex_);
164   uint32_t expected_in_ts_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(acm_mutex_);
165   acm2::ACMResampler resampler_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(acm_mutex_);
166   acm2::AcmReceiver receiver_;  // AcmReceiver has it's own internal lock.

209 AudioCodingModuleImpl::AudioCodingModuleImpl(
210     const AudioCodingModule::Config& config)
211     : expected_codec_ts_(0xD87F3F9F),
212       expected_in_ts_(0xD87F3F9F),
213       receiver_(config),
214       bitrate_logger_("WebRTC.Audio.TargetBitrateInKbps"),
215       encoder_stack_(nullptr),
216       previous_pltype_(255),
217       receiver_initialized_(false),
218       first_10ms_data_(false),
219       first_frame_(true),
220       packetization_callback_(NULL),
221       codec_histogram_bins_log_(),
222       number_of_consecutive_empty_packets_(0) 
223   if (InitializeReceiverSafe() < 0) 
224     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Cannot initialize receiver";
226   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Created";
633 AudioCodingModule* AudioCodingModule::Create(const Config& config) 
634   return new AudioCodingModuleImpl(config);

1.8.2 编码数据流


231 int32_t AudioCodingModuleImpl::Encode(
232     const InputData& input_data,
233     absl::optional<int64_t> absolute_capture_timestamp_ms) 
234   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10739): add dcheck that
235   // `audio_frame.absolute_capture_timestamp_ms()` always has a value.
236   AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo encoded_info;
237   uint8_t previous_pltype;
264   encoded_info = encoder_stack_->Encode(
265       rtp_timestamp,
266       rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t>(
267           input_data.audio,
268           input_data.audio_channel * input_data.length_per_channel),
269       &encode_buffer_);

334 // Add 10MS of raw (PCM) audio data to the encoder.
335 int AudioCodingModuleImpl::Add10MsData(const AudioFrame& audio_frame) 
336   MutexLock lock(&acm_mutex_);
337   int r = Add10MsDataInternal(audio_frame, &input_data_);
338   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/10739): add dcheck that
339   // `audio_frame.absolute_capture_timestamp_ms()` always has a value.
340   return r < 0
341              ? r
342              : Encode(input_data_, audio_frame.absolute_capture_timestamp_ms());


1.8.3 收包解码数据流


559 // Incoming packet from network parsed and ready for decode.
560 int AudioCodingModuleImpl::IncomingPacket(const uint8_t* incoming_payload,
561                                           const size_t payload_length,
562                                           const RTPHeader& rtp_header) 
563   RTC_DCHECK_EQ(payload_length == 0, incoming_payload == nullptr);
564   return receiver_.InsertPacket(
565       rtp_header,
566       rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t>(incoming_payload, payload_length));

1.8.4 获取解码数据流


569 // Get 10 milliseconds of raw audio data to play out.
570 // Automatic resample to the requested frequency.
571 int AudioCodingModuleImpl::PlayoutData10Ms(int desired_freq_hz,
572                                            AudioFrame* audio_frame,
573                                            bool* muted) 
574   // GetAudio always returns 10 ms, at the requested sample rate.
575   if (receiver_.GetAudio(desired_freq_hz, audio_frame, muted) != 0) 
576     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "PlayoutData failed, RecOut Failed";
577     return -1;
579   return 0;




 64 // This is the interface class for encoders in AudioCoding module. Each codec
 65 // type must have an implementation of this class.
 66 class AudioEncoder 
 67  public:
 68   // Used for UMA logging of codec usage. The same codecs, with the
 69   // same values, must be listed in
 70   // src/tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml in chromium to log
 71   // correct values.
 72   enum class CodecType 
 73     kOther = 0,  // Codec not specified, and/or not listed in this enum
 74     kOpus = 1,
 75     kIsac = 2,
 76     kPcmA = 3,
 77     kPcmU = 4,
 78     kG722 = 5,
 79     kIlbc = 6,
 81     // Number of histogram bins in the UMA logging of codec types. The
 82     // total number of different codecs that are logged cannot exceed this
 83     // number.
 84     kMaxLoggedAudioCodecTypes
 85   ;

 144   // Accepts one 10 ms block of input audio (i.e., SampleRateHz() / 100 *
 145   // NumChannels() samples). Multi-channel audio must be sample-interleaved.
 146   // The encoder appends zero or more bytes of output to `encoded` and returns
 147   // additional encoding information.  Encode() checks some preconditions, calls
 148   // EncodeImpl() which does the actual work, and then checks some
 149   // postconditions.
 150   EncodedInfo Encode(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
 151                      rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
 152                      rtc::Buffer* encoded);

 154   // Resets the encoder to its starting state, discarding any input that has
 155   // been fed to the encoder but not yet emitted in a packet.
 156   virtual void Reset() = 0;
 158   // Enables or disables codec-internal FEC (forward error correction). Returns
 159   // true if the codec was able to comply. The default implementation returns
 160   // true when asked to disable FEC and false when asked to enable it (meaning
 161   // that FEC isn't supported).
 162   virtual bool SetFec(bool enable);
 164   // Enables or disables codec-internal VAD/DTX. Returns true if the codec was
 165   // able to comply. The default implementation returns true when asked to
 166   // disable DTX and false when asked to enable it (meaning that DTX isn't
 167   // supported).
 168   virtual bool SetDtx(bool enable);
 170   // Returns the status of codec-internal DTX. The default implementation always
 171   // returns false.
 172   virtual bool GetDtx() const;
 174   // Sets the application mode. Returns true if the codec was able to comply.
 175   // The default implementation just returns false.
 176   enum class Application  kSpeech, kAudio ;
 177   virtual bool SetApplication(Application application);
  // Subclasses implement this to perform the actual encoding. Called by
  // Encode().
  virtual EncodedInfo EncodeImpl(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
                                 rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
                                 rtc::Buffer* encoded) = 0;

这个接口类编码API Encode的实现位于api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder.cc

AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoder::Encode(
   uint32_t rtp_timestamp, //rtp时间戳的作用是用于音视频播放和同步
   rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio, //带编码PCM数据
   rtc::Buffer* encoded) //编码后的数据
 TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "AudioEncoder::Encode");
              static_cast<size_t>(NumChannels() * SampleRateHz() / 100));

 const size_t old_size = encoded->size();
 EncodedInfo info = EncodeImpl(rtp_timestamp, audio, encoded);
 RTC_CHECK_EQ(encoded->size() - old_size, info.encoded_bytes);
 return info;

1.8.6 Opus编码器类实现


// modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus.h

 32 class AudioEncoderOpusImpl final : public AudioEncoder 
 33  public:
 136  protected:
 137   EncodedInfo EncodeImpl(uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
 138                          rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
 139                          rtc::Buffer* encoded) override;
 141  private:
 146   static void AppendSupportedEncoders(std::vector<AudioCodecSpec>* specs);
 185   std::vector<int16_t> input_buffer_;
 186   OpusEncInst* inst_;
 199   friend struct AudioEncoderOpus;
 // modules/audio_coding/codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus.cc
648 AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoderOpusImpl::EncodeImpl(
649     uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
650     rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
651     rtc::Buffer* encoded) 
652   MaybeUpdateUplinkBandwidth();
654   if (input_buffer_.empty())
655     first_timestamp_in_buffer_ = rtp_timestamp;
657   input_buffer_.insert(input_buffer_.end(), audio.cbegin(), audio.cend());
658   if (input_buffer_.size() <
659       (Num10msFramesPerPacket() * SamplesPer10msFrame())) 
660     return EncodedInfo();
665   const size_t max_encoded_bytes = SufficientOutputBufferSize();
666   EncodedInfo info;
667   info.encoded_bytes = encoded->AppendData(
668       max_encoded_bytes, [&](rtc::ArrayView<uint8_t> encoded) 
669         int status = WebRtcOpus_Encode(
670             inst_, &input_buffer_[0],
671             rtc::CheckedDivExact(input_buffer_.size(), config_.num_channels),
672             rtc::saturated_cast<int16_t>(max_encoded_bytes), encoded.data());
674         RTC_CHECK_GE(status, 0);  // Fails only if fed invalid data.
676         return static_cast<size_t>(status);
677       );
678   input_buffer_.clear();
680   bool dtx_frame = (info.encoded_bytes <= 2);

682   // Will use new packet size for next encoding.
683   config_.frame_size_ms = next_frame_length_ms_;
685   if (adjust_bandwidth_ && bitrate_changed_) 
686     const auto bandwidth = GetNewBandwidth(config_, inst_);
687     if (bandwidth) 
688       RTC_CHECK_EQ(0, WebRtcOpus_SetBandwidth(inst_, *bandwidth));
690     bitrate_changed_ = false;


AudioEncoder::EncodedInfo AudioEncoderIlbcImpl::EncodeImpl(
    uint32_t rtp_timestamp,
    rtc::ArrayView<const int16_t> audio,
    rtc::Buffer* encoded) 
  // Save timestamp if starting a new packet.
  if (num_10ms_frames_buffered_ == 0)
    first_timestamp_in_buffer_ = rtp_timestamp;

  // Buffer input.
  std::copy(audio.cbegin(), audio.cend(),
            input_buffer_ + kSampleRateHz / 100 * num_10ms_frames_buffered_);

  // If we don't yet have enough buffered input for a whole packet, we're done
  // for now.
  if (++num_10ms_frames_buffered_ < num_10ms_frames_per_packet_) 
    return EncodedInfo();

  // Encode buffered input.
  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_10ms_frames_buffered_, num_10ms_frames_per_packet_);
  num_10ms_frames_buffered_ = 0;
  size_t encoded_bytes = encoded->AppendData(
      RequiredOutputSizeBytes(), [&](rtc::ArrayView<uint8_t> encoded) 
        const int r = WebRtcIlbcfix_Encode(
            encoder_, input_buffer_,
            kSampleRateHz / 100 * num_10ms_frames_per_packet_, encoded以上是关于WebRTC音频系统 之audio技术栈简介-2的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

WebRTC Windows Native音频中的Core Audio API

WebRTC Windows Native音频中的Core Audio API

没有 <audio> 元素的 WebRTC 音频 (RTCMultiConnection)


webrtc 音频编解码器代码路径

从 mp4 中提取音轨并将其保存到可播放的音频文件中