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Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Many westerners find it so interesting that they always see Chinese people carry a vacuum cup no matter which season it is. If you go to a restaurant in western countries, they usually serve you a cup of cold water, sometimes even with ice. And every time when Chinese people ask the waiter if they can change to hot water, actually they may receive a strange look from the waiter or people nearby. Hot water? Seriously?
For lots of Chinese people, nothing is more common than drinking hot water every day. But for most of the Westerners, the idea of drinking plain hot water is really odd since they drink cold water even in winter. Why do Chinese people drink hot water? Hot water vs cold water, which one is better? Follow us to find an ideal answer.
Water Quality
Water became a matter of civic debate by the 1930s in China, while the water supplies were polluted. In order to prevent people from infectious diseases, the government suggested people drinking boiled water, because they considered it a way to kill off microbes and bacteria. They always boil water daily and store it in a thermos to keep the water warm for the day. Even now, you can find hot water dispensers everywhere, in schools, factories, and government departments across the country.
While for western countries, as a result of the loss from severe plague, they took water quality seriously from then on, so that people can drink water directly from the tap rather than having to boil it.
Eating Habits
It is well known that Chinese people prefer hot meals every day. Moreover, some parents always teach their children to drink hot water with meals, because they think mixing cold liquids with hot meals is really bad for the stomach, and cold liquids may solidify fats in your stomach, which can cause digestive problems, whereas hot liquids aid in digestion.
According to the eating habits in western countries, they prefer “raw” food, so they also prefer their water “raw”. At the same time, they are fond of hamburgers, cheese and fried stuff, which are all with high calorie. As a matter of fact, they need cold drinks to cool them off.
Chinese people all believe that hot food is better to the stomach. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine, cold food may decrease the temperature of your internal organs which causes chill into your body, makes you easily suffer from cold. Hot water can warm your internal organs, keep the Yang in your body. Thus, hot water can warm your stomach, by this way, your stomach will function well, and it gives less chance to gastrointestinal diseases.
Since Chinese people prefer hot meals every day, they’re also used to having hot drinks with it, because it’s better for digestion. That’s the reason why waiters always serve you a glass of hot water or hot tea when you are in a Chinese restaurant.
Medical Basis
Under the influence of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese people consider drinking hot water as a kind of panacea. They think hot water increases blood circulation and helps decrease complications associated with cramps and indigestion. It washes away the coldness clogged up in one’s body, and thus eases pain.
On the contrary, for most westerners, the idea of drinking hot water is odd enough. They believe that drinking hot water may weaken your body immunity. If you are used to drinking hot water, the body is unable to stand water below your body temperature after a long period of time. That is to say, the body endurance and stress capability decline, which goes against the state of natural survival.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Cultivation
Let’s talk about the main functions of drinking hot water from the standpoint of traditional Chinese medicine.
According to the traditional Chinese medicine, health is due to an internal balance of Yin and Yang. In the Yin-Yang theory, water is Yin-type while hot stuff is Yang-type, drinking hot water can enrich Yin and tonify Yang in your body, keeping Yin and Yang in equilibrium.
If you have cold symptoms or other Yin-type imbalances such as frequent chills, thirst, depression, sleepiness, bloating or retention of fluids, hot water plays the role of the Yang and brings your body back into balance. Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine always tell patients to drink more hot water. They call it the method of resolving exterior.
This summer, I was visiting family in England. There was a heat wave. It was hot, and it was humid. There was very little breeze. The temperature was hovering around 29 degrees centigrade for days on end, and the nights were not much better. In our little bungalow, there was nowhere to get cool. We had one fan moving hot air around. I was worried for my mom. Heat can send your heart rate all the way up. The only place to get cool, the only relief, was at the supermarket in town, standing in front of the chiller cabinets.
这个夏天,我去英国探望家人。碰上一场热浪,又热又潮,也没什么风。接连几日,温度都在29°C上下,夜晚也不凉快。在我们狭小的平房里, 热气笼罩,无处可逃。我们只有一架风扇,搅动着热气。我很担心我妈妈,因为炎热会使心率飙升。唯一的清凉之地,也是唯一的放松之地,在镇上的超市——站在那里的冰柜前,就凉快了。
In 2021, extreme heat has captured the headlines on every continent. And globally in July, surface temperatures were the highest recorded since records began in 1880. The problem is that the way we cool things down is heating the planet even more.
Today’s air-conditioning is energy inefficient, depends on polluting refrigerants such as hydrofluorocarbons and many traditional cooling technologies waste heat. I’m sure you’ve had that experience of walking in an alley behind a convenience store and feeling that blast of hot air on your face coming from the chillers inside.
And the demand for cooling is going up. The International Energy Agency estimates that by 2050, today’s two billion air conditioners will have multiplied to more than 5.5 billion, and that by 2030, electricity demand for cooling buildings could jump by 50 percent. And think about this: most households in hot countries have not bought their first air conditioner yet.
I've worked on sustainable energy for many years in different ways; on energy access in the Sahel, to cold chains in East Africa, to financing large-scale energy infrastructure projects around the world and to getting access to cooling in low-income communities in the UK and the US. I've always focused on the twin problems of sustainability and fairness. I think cooling gets at the heart of these challenges.
Why? Well, because most wealthy people can stay cool. They often live in wealthy, leafy suburbs with an air conditioner and a generator out back, and they have cool offices, cool schools and hospitals. But many people on low income live and work in urban concrete jungles void of green space and shade, or live in rural areas well beyond the cold chains needed for produce and vaccines. Almost a billion people live without energy access today; billions more live without access to reliable energy; and 2.3 billion can only afford a highly inefficient or polluting air conditioner. These people's quest for sustainable energy, for cooling, for comfort, for cold chain, for a healthy diet or better health care, can drive a virtuous circle where we can provide cooling for everyone without warming the planet.
Entrepreneurs with new technologies are emerging everywhere. Framework agreements guiding government action are in place, and there are big and new commitments being made. The solutions go well beyond just fixing air-conditioning. The solutions range from city design to architecture, from building materials to appliances, from geoengineering to green roofs. The solutions can be high-tech, they can be low-tech, and there are four areas of promise, four areas where solutions could be transformative if we step up to the plate, prioritize, regulate and invest. We’ll go through them one by one.
First, we need to build and design differently for cooling. For the last 70 years or more, air-conditioning has driven building design. We need to change that, and we need to move away from hermetically sealed concrete and glass boxes where you can switch on an air conditioner but you cannot open the window. You know it doesn't have to be a window rattler as a solution. District cooling can provide cooling solutions for building complexes by running water through insulated pipes. And in Denmark, better known for its wind and its rain, district cooling provides, with a combination of heat pumps, wastewater and groundwater, cooling solutions for offices and homes.
And we can make roofs cool, too. The race is on for the brightest, whitest paint that reflects 98 percent of sunlight that hits its surface, much better than the 80 to 90 percent we achieve today. And if not white then green. Green because they're planted with gardens and vegetables, also contributing to the food that has to come from urban farming. Roofing materials matter, too. In India, modular roofing panels made from paper and waste wood can reduce the temperatures by up to 10 degrees centigrade in the homes below.
And we can change windows, too. In the European Union, solar control glass is available that provides high daylight transmission, thermal insulation, transparency and low reflection.
Second, we need to make cooling hyper efficient. In the developed world, if you buy a high-end air conditioner today, it's probably 25 to 50 percent more efficient than anything you could have bought 10 years ago. Now we need every air conditioner for sale everywhere to be at least 50 percent more efficient than the most efficient air conditioner on the market today. It helps if we think of energy efficiency as our first fuel. That's not the priority we give it in policy. We need much more of our economic activity to be covered by energy efficiency standards that are much tougher than today's.
Radical efficiency is important for heating too. Heating accounts for most emissions from building, but emissions from cooling are the fastest rising. So, we need much more synergy between heating and cooling. Remember the alley behind the convenience store? High-efficiency energy pumps will be solutions for both.
Third, we need our air-conditioning to be hydrofluorocarbon or HFC-free. In 2016, governments agreed to phase down the production and the consumption of polluting HFCs, a refrigerant that accelerates global warming. That agreement, the Kigali Amendment, is now ratified by 125 countries and the European Union, including China, the largest producer of air-conditioning. India, a growing producer and a big consumer, has agreed to follow suit. And while not a party to the agreement — yet — the United States announced in September 2021 a new regulation that would insist that US manufacturers reduce HFCs by 85 percent in the next 15 years.
其三,空调不能再使用氢氟碳化物,即要使用无氟空调。2016年,各国政府达成协议逐步减少氢氟碳化物的生产和使用,正因其会加剧全球变暖。该协议为《基加利修正案》,现已获得125个国家和欧盟的批准,其中包括全球最大的空调生产国中国。印度也同意跟进,它不仅是空调消费大国,空调生产也在不断增长。尽管还没有参与这个协议,但美国也于2021年9月宣布了一项新规,要求美国的空调制造商在未来15年内将氢氟碳化物使用量减少85% 。
Now what's interesting is that there are existing, emissions-free, non-polluting technologies on the market today, ready to go to scale, including membrane technologies that can both cool and dehumidify air without using compressors or refrigerants. So, the Kigali Amendment, together with a ban on the exports and imports of illegal HFCs, could make a real difference and grow that market fast.
And fourth, we need cold chains for food, medicines — especially vaccines — for everyone. Distributing vaccines along a secure cold chain to reach the most vulnerable is essential. Solar, nontoxic vaccine refrigerators, cold boxes and carriers operating on off-grid energy are increasingly on order. And mobile cold storage units that run on solar convert energy into ice. And so, when the sun goes down, that ice can be used to keep temperatures steady and cool. And using Bluetooth technology, even in areas where there is no energy access, we can monitor all the way along the cold chain to guarantee safety. And using drones, we can shorten the cold chain.
Today, change is often portrayed as expensive or scary, but you can see that there’s nothing scary about living in a community designed for cool, where affordable, efficient, nontoxic air-conditioning and refrigerators run on clean energy, on and off the grid, and in a community where farmers get more income because more of their produce gets to market and everyone rests easier knowing that their vaccines are safely stored in the clinic — a clinic which, with a different roof and different glass in the windows, is safer for the nurse to work in.
What is scary is that we are not having enough conversations in enough places and driving enough investments into affordable, nonpolluting, efficient solutions for cooling for everyone on this warming planet.
Scientists are seeing that animals, especially birds, are beginning to shape-shift to adapt to climate change. As their environments get hotter — so their ears are growing and their beaks are growing to help them cool down. Now our species is not shapeshifting yet, nor do I think bigger ears will help.
But we can shape-shift our cities and our towns, and we can change the way that we cool ourselves down and we can change the way that we keep our medicines and food safe.