React native Util 常用工具类



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了React native Util 常用工具类相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

参考技术A 'use strict';

import moment from 'moment'




const utils =

type :

'string': '[object String]',

'number': '[object Number]',

'boolean': '[object Boolean]',

'function': '[object Function]',

'array': '[object Array]',

'object': '[object Object]',

'date': '[object Date]',

'null': '[object Null]',

'undefined': '[object Undefined]'


isNumber( obj )

return !isNaN(parseInt( obj ));


isString( obj )

return this.typeOf( obj ,'string')


isArray( obj )

return this.typeOf( obj ,'array')


isDate( obj )

return this.typeOf( obj ,'date')


typeOf( obj , type )

return Object obj )=== this. type [ type ]






































export default utils



 * @param tel

 * @returns boolean

 * @constructor


function isMobile( tel )

let reg = new RegExp (/^13[\d]9$|^14[5,7]1\d8$|^15[^4]1\d8$|^17[0,6,7,8]1\d8$|^18[\d]9$/);

return tel .match( reg );



 * @param email

 * @constructor


function isEmail( email )

//let reg = /^(\w)+(\.\w+)*@(\w)+((\.\w2,3)1,3)$/;

let reg = /[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`|~-]+(?:\.[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`|~-]+)*@(?:[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?\.)+[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?/;

return email .match( reg );



 * @param lang

 * @constructor


function isChinese( lang )

let reg = /[^\u0000-\u00FF]/;

return lang .match( reg );



 * @param idCard

 * @constructor


function isIDCard( idCard )

let reg = /^[1-9]\d7((0\d)|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2]\d)|3[0-1])\d3$|^[1-9]\d5[1-9]\d3((0\d)|(1[0-2]))(([0|1|2]\d)|3[0-1])\d3([0-9]|X)$/;

return idCard .match( reg );



 * @param str

 * @param time

 * @param addZero

 * @returns string|*

 * @constructor


function timeStampToStr( time , str , addZero = true)

str = str ? str .toLowerCase(): 'y-m-d h:i:s';

let weeks =['日','一','二','三','四','五','六'];

let t = new Date ( time );

let year = t .getFullYear();

let month , day , hour , minute , second ;

if( addZero )

month =( t .getMonth()+ 1)< 10 ? '0' +( t .getMonth()+ 1):( t .getMonth()+ 1);

day = t .getDate()< 10 ? '0' + t .getDate(): t .getDate();

hour = t .getHours()< 10 ? '0' + t .getHours(): t .getHours();

minute = t .getMinutes()< 10 ? '0' + t .getMinutes(): t .getMinutes();

second = t .getSeconds()< 10 ? '0' + t .getSeconds(): t .getSeconds();


month =( t .getMonth()+ 1);

day = t .getDate();

hour = t .getHours();

minute = t .getMinutes();

second = t .getSeconds();

let week = weeks [ t .getDay()];

return str .replace('y', year )

.replace('m', month )

.replace('d', day )

.replace('h', hour )

.replace('i', minute )

.replace('s', second )

.replace('w', week );



 * @param str

 * @returns number


function strToTimeStamp( str )

if( utils .isString( str ))

str = str .replace(/\-/g,',')

.replace(/ /g,',')



for(let key in str )

str [ key ]= parseInt( str [ key ])

return new Date ( str [0], str [1]- 1, str [2], str [3], str [4], str [5]).getTime()

return str ;



 * @param n

 * @returns string


function generateMixed( n )

let chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ02345789';

let res = "";

for(let i = 0; i < n ; i ++)

let id = Math .ceil( Math .random()*( chars .length - 1));

res += chars .charAt( id );

return res ;



 * @param value

 * @param arr

 * @param accurate是否严格匹配,默认否

 * @returns boolean


function inArray( arr , value , accurate = false)

if( accurate !== false)

for(let key of arr )

if( arr [ key ]=== value )

return true;


for(let key of arr )

if( arr [ key ].indexOf( value )!== -1 || arr [ key ]== value )

return true;

return false;



 * @param num

 * @returns string


function toThousands( num )

num =( num || 0).toString();

let result = '';

while( num .length > 3)

result = ',' + num .slice(-3)+ result ;

num = num .slice(0, num .length - 3);

if( num )

result = num + result ;

return result ;



 * @param str

 * @returns string | *


function removeHTMLTag( str )

str = str .replace(/<\/?[^>]*>/g,'')//去除HTML tag


.replace(/\n[\s| |]*\r/g,'\n')//去除多余空行

.replace(/ /ig,'');

return str ;



 * @param url

 * @returns *


function getRequestParam( url )

if( url .indexOf("?")=== -1)return null;

let urlString = url .substring( url .indexOf("?")+ 1);

let urlArray = urlString .split("&");

let urlObject =[]

for(let i = 0, len = urlArray .length; i < len ; i ++)

let urlItem = urlArray [ i ];

let item = urlItem .split("=");

urlObject [ item [0]]= item [1];

return urlObject ;



 * @param source

 * @returns & any


function copyObj( source )

return Object .assign(, source )



 * @param content

 * @param limit

 * @param ellipsis

 * @returns *


function strLimit( content , limit = 50, ellipsis = '……')

if( content . length <= limit )

return content ;

return content .substring(0, limit )+ ellipsis



 * @param doubleArrays必须为二维数组

 * @returns *


function exchangeSpec( doubleArrays =[



if(! utils .isArray( doubleArrays ))

console .warn('params must be doubleArrays')


for(let item of doubleArrays )

if(! utils .isArray( item ))

console .warn('params must be doubleArrays')


let len = doubleArrays .length;

if( len >= 2)

let len1 = doubleArrays [0]. length ;

let len2 = doubleArrays [1]. length ;

let newLen = len1 * len2 ;

let temp = new Array ( newLen );

let index = 0;

for(let i = 0; i < len1 ; i ++)

for(let j = 0; j < len2 ; j ++)

temp [ index ]= doubleArrays [0][ i ]+ '|' + doubleArrays [1][ j ];

index ++;

let newArray = new Array ( len - 1);

for(let i = 2; i < len ; i ++)

newArray [ i - 1]= doubleArrays [ i ];

newArray [0]= temp ;

return exchangeSpec( newArray );


return doubleArrays [0];



 * @returns string


function generateNumber( length = 1)

const min = 1

const max = 21

if( length <= min ) length = 1

if( length >= max ) length = max

let n = '1';

for(let i = 0; i < length ; i ++)

n += '0'

return Math .round( Math .random()* parseInt( n ));


 *随机生成start - end之间的数字

 * @param start

 * @param end

 * @returns *


function randInt( start , end )

if( arguments .length <= 1)

return nextInt( start )

if( start > end )

console .warn("Start value must be smaller end value.")


if( start < 0)

console .warn("Both range values must be non-negative.")


return start === end ? start : start + nextInt( end - start + 1)


 *随机生成0 - bound之前的数字

 * @param bound

 * @return


function nextInt( bound = 10)

return Math .round( Math .random()* bound );


 * XOR加解密

 * @param str待加解密的字符串

 * @param key密钥

 * @returns string


function cryptXOR( str , key = 1234567890)

let text = '';

for(let i = 0; i < str . length ; i ++)

text += String .fromCharCode( str .charCodeAt( i )^ key )

return text ;

function timeStampToFriendlyTime( unixTime )

if( unixTime instanceof Date )

unixTime = new Date ( unixTime )

unixTime =( unixTime / 1000).toFixed(0)

const now =(+new Date ()/ 1000).toFixed(0)

const second = now - unixTime

if( second <= 60)

return '刚刚'

else if( Math .floor( second / 60)< 60)

return Math .floor( second / 60)+ '分钟前'

else if( Math .floor( second / 3600)< 24)

return Math .floor( second / 3600)+ '小时前'

else if( Math .floor( second /(3600 * 24))< 3)

return Math .floor( second /(3600 * 24))+ '天前'


unixTime = unixTime * 1000

const year = new Date ( unixTime ).getFullYear()

if( year < new Date ().getFullYear())

return timeStampToStr( unixTime ,'y-m-d')

return timeStampToStr( unixTime ,'m月d日',false)



 * @param similar

 * @returns any


function formatSimilar( similar = 0)

if(! similar || similar <= 0)

return 0

return( similar * 100)=== 100 ? 100 :( similar * 100).toFixed(2)



 * @param func

 * @returns any[]


function getFuncName( func )

return func . toString ().match(/function\s*(\w*)/i)[1];



 * @param sex

 * @returns string


function getGender( sex )

if( Number ( sex )=== 1)

return '男'

else if( Number ( sex )=== 2)

return '女'

return '未知';


 *生成start - end之间的有序数组

 * @param start

 * @param end

 * @returns Array


function generateSerialNumArray( start , end )

const len = end - start + 1

let arr =[]

for(let i = 0; i < len ; i ++)

arr [ i ]= start + i

return arr



 * @param year

 * @param month

 * @returns number


function getMonthDate( year , month )

return new Date ( year , month ,0).getDate();




function formatBirth( birth =[1990,1,1], formatStr = 'y-m-d')

let y = parseInt( birth [0]);

let m = parseInt( birth [1])>= 10 ? parseInt( birth [1]): '0' + parseInt( birth [1]);

let d = parseInt( birth [2])>= 10 ? parseInt( birth [2]): '0' + parseInt( birth [2]);

return formatStr .replace('y', y )

.replace('m', m )

.replace('d', d )




function numberToTenThousand( num , unit = '万')

return num > 10000 ?( num / 10000).toFixed(0)+ unit : num || 0

function showTime( msgDate )

msgDate = new Date ( msgDate );

let nowDate = new Date ();

let result = "";

let startTime = nowDate .getTime();

let endTime = msgDate .getTime();

let dates = Math .abs(( startTime - endTime ))/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

// let d = moment.duration(moment(nowDate,'YYYYMMDD').diff(moment(msgDate,"YYYYMMDD")));

// let dates = d.asDays();

if( dates < 1)//小于24小时

if( nowDate .getDate()=== msgDate .getDate())//同一天,显示时间

result = moment( msgDate ).locale("en").format("HH:mm");


result = moment( msgDate ).locale("en").format("昨天HH:mm");

else if( dates < 2)//昨天

let yesterday = new Date (new Date (new Date ().toLocaleDateString()).getTime()- 1);

if( msgDate .getDate()=== yesterday .getDate())

result = moment( msgDate ).locale("en").format("昨天HH:mm");


result = moment( msgDate ).locale("en").format("前天HH:mm");

// else if(dates <= 2)//前天


// result = moment(msgDate).format("前天HH:mm");


else if( dates < 7)//一周内

result = moment( msgDate ).locale("en").format("M月D日");


result = moment( msgDate ).locale("en").format("YYYY/MM/DD");

return result ;



 * @param list


function sortByPinYin( list =[])

list .sort(( a , b )=>

return a . letters > b . letters


let obj = ;

list .forEach(( v , i )=>

if(! obj [ v . letters ])

obj [ v . letters ]=[];

obj [ v . letters ].push( v );


let temp = obj ['#'];

if( temp )

delete obj ['#'];

obj ['#']= temp ;

return obj ;


function formatData( arr =[])

arr .sort(function( a , b )

return b . createdAt - a . createdAt


return arr ;

function formatTimer( second = 0)

if( second <= 0)

return '00:00';

let s = Math .floor( second );

let m = Math .floor( s / 60);

if( m < 0)


return s >= 10 ? '00:' + s : '00:0' + s ;


s = s >= 10 ? s : '0' + s ;

return m >= 10 ? m + ':' + s : '0' + m + ':' + s ;

function stringToBytes( str )

if(! str || typeof str !== 'string')


let ch , st , re =[];

for(let i = 0; i < str .length; i ++)

ch = str .charCodeAt( i );  // get char

st =[];                // set up "stack"


st .push( ch & 0xFF);  // push byte to stack

ch = ch >> 8;          // shift value down by 1 byte

while( ch );

// add stack contents to result

// done because chars have "wrong" endianness

re = re .concat( st .reverse());

// return an array of bytes

return re ;

function mbStringLength( str )

return unescape (encodeURIComponent( str )). length * 8;



 * @param targetStr目标字符串

 * @param searchStr要替换的字符串

 * @param replaceStr替换成的字符串

 * @returns *


function replaceAll( targetStr , searchStr , replaceStr )

let reg = new RegExp ( searchStr ,"g");

return targetStr .replace( reg , replaceStr );

function checkIsSymbol( value )

const pattern = new RegExp ("[`~!%@#$^&*()=|':;',\\[\\].<>《》/?~!@#¥……&*()——|【】‘;:”“'。,、?]");

return pattern .test( value )

function checkIsChinese( value )

const pattern = new RegExp ("[\\u4E00-\\u9FFF]+","g");

return pattern .test( value )



 * @param str

 * @returns boolean


function checkPassword( str )

const regNum = /[0-9]/;

const regLetter = /[a-zA-Z]/i;

const isNumber = regNum .test( str );

const isLetter = regLetter .test( str );

if(! isNumber || ! isLetter )

return false;

return true;


以上是关于React native Util 常用工具类的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

react native 常用组件汇总

React Native常用第三方组件汇总--史上最全 之一


react native 生命周期详解

react native 常用学习或查资料网址

react-native 如何调用子子组件的方法或者属性