{ "mysql":{ "hosts":"localhost", "user":"root", "password":"admin", "port":3306, "dbname":"jfg", "chart":"utf-8" }, "redis":{ "host":"localhost", "user":"test1", "password":"test123test", "port":"6379" } }
import json load 将文件中json的文件读取出来 loads 将json的字符串转换成字典 jump 将文件中的字符串写入到json的文件中 jumps 将字典转换成字符串 cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #当前文件夹下的路径,更加的方便。不需要将路径写死 print cur_path #json中load的使用 #第一种方法 with open(‘c:\peizhi.json’,‘r‘) as f: db = json.load(f) #第二种方法(不写死路径) with open(cur_path + "\\" + "peizhi",‘r‘) as f: db = json.load(f) jumps的用法 a = { "a" : "123", "b" : "456" } b = json.jumps(a) print b #打印出来的是json的值 print type(b) #查看一下json的类型 jump with open(‘‘c:\test.json","w") as d: check = json.dump(a)#写入json中
import os,json,logger class DB_Confg(): ‘‘‘读取mysql的json配置文件‘‘‘ cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) try: if not os.path.exists(cur_path + "\\" + "peizhi"): log.info("缺少配置文件") with open(cur_path + "\\" + "peizhi",‘r‘) as f: db = json.load(f) except Exception as e: print "Error %s" %e @staticmethod #静态方法 def User_sql(): return DB_Confg.db["mysql"]["user"] @staticmethod def Password_Sql(): return DB_Confg.db["mysql"]["password"] @staticmethod def Host_Sql(): return DB_Confg.db["mysql"]["hosts"] @staticmethod def Port_Sql(): return DB_Confg.db["mysql"]["port"] @staticmethod def Dbname_Sql(): return DB_Confg.db["mysql"]["dbname"] @staticmethod def Charset_Sql(): return DB_Confg.db["mysql"]["chart"]
import MySQLdb from comm.mod_config import * class MysqldbHelper: #获取数据库连接
def getCon(self): try: conn=MySQLdb.connect(host=DB_Confg.Host_Sql(), user=DB_Confg.User_sql(), passwd=DB_Confg.Password_Sql(), db=DB_Confg.Dbname_Sql(), port=DB_Confg.Port_Sql(), charset=DB_Confg.Charset_Sql()) return conn except MySQLdb.Error,e: print "Mysqldb Error:%s" % e