Posted 有点懒惰的大青年
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escape("Visit W3School!") "Visit%20W3School%21" unescape("Visit W3School!") "Visit W3School!" unescape("Visit%20W3School%21") "Visit W3School!" encodeURIComponent("Visit W3School!") "Visit%20W3School!" decodeURIComponent("Visit W3School!") "Visit W3School!" encodeURI("Visit W3School!") "Visit%20W3School!"
注释:ECMAScript v3 已从标准中删除了 unescape() 函数,并反对使用它,因此应该用 decodeURI() 和 decodeURIComponent() 取而代之。
<body id="box"> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var winWidth = 0; function addEventOnResize() { $(window).resize(function () { winWidth = $(this).width(); var dom = document.getElementById(\'box\'); if (!dom) { return; } if (winWidth > 1366) { dom.className = \'box1240\'; } else { dom.className = \'box1000\'; } }).resize(); } addEventOnResize(); </script>
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> x=0; $(document).ready(function(){ $(window).resize(function() { $("span").text(x+=1); }); $("button").click(function(){ $(window).resize(); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <p>窗口的大小被调整了 <span>0</span> 次。</p> <p>请试着调整浏览器窗口的大小。</p> <button>触发窗口的 resize 事件</button> </body> </html>

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insertBefore() 方法在您指定的已有子节点之前插入新的子节点。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <ul id="myList"><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li></ul> <p id="demo">请点击按钮向列表插入一个项目。</p> <button onclick="myFunction()">试一下</button> <script> function myFunction() { var newItem=document.createElement("LI") var textnode=document.createTextNode("Water") newItem.appendChild(textnode) var list=document.getElementById("myList") list.insertBefore(newItem,list.childNodes[0]); } </script> <p><b>注释:</b><br>首先请创建一个 LI 节点,<br>然后创建一个文本节点,<br>然后向这个 LI 节点追加文本节点。<br>最后在列表中的首个子节点之前插入此 LI 节点。</p> </body> </html>

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>动态加载js和css</title> </head> <body> <button class="btn btn-danger">bootstrap样式按钮</button> <script src="jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //动态加载os.js var js = document.createElement("script"); js.type = "text/javascript"; js.src="os.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js); //动态加载css var css = document.createElement("link"); css.type = "text/css"; css.href = "bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css"; css.rel = "stylesheet"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); </script> </body> </html>

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<script type="text/javascript"> var uid = uid(); console.log(uid); //打印 15062136704724854 //获取UID function uid() { u_id = (+new Date()) + Math.random().toString(10).substring(2, 6); return u_id; } /* (+new Date()): 1506213347503 Math.random().toString(10): "0.44199265208142435" toString()函数用于将当前对象以字符串的形式返回。 该方法属于Object对象,由于所有的对象都"继承"了Object的对象实例,因此几乎所有的实例对象都可以使用该方法。 所有主流浏览器均支持该函数。 number.toString(radix) radix: 可选。规定表示数字的基数,使 2 ~ 36 之间的整数。若省略该参数,则使用基数 10。但是要注意,如果该参数是 10 以外的其他值,则 ECMAScript 标准允许实现返回任意值。 2 - 数字以二进制值显示 8 - 数字以八进制值显示 16 - 数字以十六进制值显示 例子: var num = 15; num.toString(); "15" var num = 15; num.toString(2); "1111" var num = 15; num.toString(8); "17" */ </script>
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9.效仿体育网站动态加载js,加载js完成后 执行回调函数;

<script type="text/javascript"> /** * type 为广告类型 * 0:百度ssp正常加载方式 * 1:淘宝afp加载 * 2:防屏蔽代码加载方式 * 3:百度ssp广告异步加载方式 * 4:防屏蔽广告立即加载方式 * @type type */ function getQueryString(name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; } $.eastday = { qid: function () { return getQueryString(\'qid\') ? getQueryString(\'qid\') : ""; }, //加载js,并且js加载完成后执行回调函数 getScript: function(url, callback, element) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName(\'head\')[0], js = document.createElement(\'script\'); js.setAttribute(\'type\', \'text/javascript\'); js.setAttribute(\'src\', url); if(element){ element.appendChild(js); } else { head.appendChild(js); } //执行回调 var callbackFn = function(){ if(typeof callback === \'function\'){ callback(); } }; if (document.all) { // IE js.onreadystatechange = function() { if (js.readyState === \'loaded\' || js.readyState === \'complete\') { callbackFn(); } }; } else { js.onload = function() { callbackFn(); }; } }, //ssp正常加载方式 ssp_writer:function (corp_id,data_id) { var s = "_" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); document.write(\'<div class="eastday_da" data_id="\' + data_id + \'" id="\' + s + \'"></div>\'); (window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({id: corp_id, container: s, display: \'display\'}); }, //ssp普通加载方式 ssp_normal : function (corp_id,data_id){ if(data_id == \'news_content_ad_top\'){ this.ssp_writer(corp_id,data_id) return } var width = parseInt(__da_size[data_id]["width"]) || 0; if(!width){ this.ssp_writer(corp_id,data_id) return } document.write(\'<iframe class="iframeDA" style="border:0 none; width:\'+__da_size[data_id].width+\'px; height:\'+0+\'px; " frameborder="0" scrolling=no src="/asspd.html?corp_id=\'+corp_id+\'&data_id=\'+data_id+\'"></iframe>\') }, //ssp JS动态加载方式 ssp_dynamic : function (corp_id,data_id){ return \'<iframe style="border:0 none; width:\'+__da_size[data_id].width+\'px; height:\'+__da_size[data_id].height+\'px;" frameborder="0" scrolling=no src="/asspd.html?corp_id=\'+corp_id+\'&data_id=\'+data_id+\'"></iframe>\'; }, //afp JS动态加载方式 afp_dynamic : function(corp_id,data_id){ //淘宝AFP广告 var width = parseInt(__da_size[data_id]["width"]) || 0; var height = parseInt(__da_size[data_id]["height"]) || 0; var dom = $(\'<iframe style=" width:\'+__da_size[data_id].width+\'px; height:\'+__da_size[data_id].height+\'px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="/mmad.html?mmid=\'+corp_id+\'"></iframe>\'); return dom; }, //防屏蔽代码正常加载方式,本身为异步 fangpingbi : function (corp_id,data_id){ document.write(\'<script type="text/javascript" src="//tt123.eastday.com/\' + corp_id + \'.js"></script>\'); }, //防屏蔽代码JS动态加载方式,本身为异步 fangpingbi_dynamic: function (corp_id,data_id){ var s = "_" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); var dom = $(\'<div id="\'+data_id+\'+s+\'"></div>\'); dom.ready(function () { $.eastday.getScript(\'//tt123.eastday.com/\' + corp_id + \'.js\', function(){}, dom[0]); }); return dom; } }; // 广告位高度自适应 window.setInterval(function () { $(\'.iframeDA\').each(function (k,iframe) { if(iframe.contentWindow.document.body){ var bHeight = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight; var dHeight = iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight; var height = Math.max(bHeight, dHeight); iframe.style.height = height+\'px\'; } }); }, 200); </script>
appendChild() 方法:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <ul id="myList"><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li></ul> <p id="demo">请点击按钮向列表中添加项目。</p> <button onclick="myFunction()">亲自试一试</button> <script> function myFunction() { var node=document.createElement("LI"); var textnode=document.createTextNode("Water"); node.appendChild(textnode); document.getElementById("myList").appendChild(node); } </script> <p><b>注释:</b>首先创建 LI 节点,然后创建文本节点,然后把这个文本节点追加到 LI 节点。最后把 LI 节点添加到列表中。</p> </body> </html>
scrollHeight: 参考网站 http://www.cnblogs.com/nanshanlaoyao/p/5964730.html

<script type="text/javascript"> /** * 判断客户端操作系统类型 * 不过没有看到windows xp的。不是很全 */ function getOsType() { var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); console.log(agent); var os_type = ""; if (/android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var index = agent.indexOf("android"); version = agent.substr(index + 8, 3); os_type = "Android " + version; } if (/(iPhone|iPad|iPod|iOS)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var index = agent.indexOf("os"); version = agent.substr(index + 3, 3); os_type = "iOS " + version; } if (/Linux/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/android/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/(iPhone|iPad|iPod|iOS)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { os_type = "Linux"; } if (/windows|win32/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { os_type = "windows32"; } if (/windows|win64/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { os_type = "windows64"; } return os_type; }; var a = getOsType(); console.log(a); </script>

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1. adAjax: function () { var self = this; $.ajax({ type: \'get\', url: self.recommend_param(), timeout: 3000, dataType: \'jsonp\', jsonp: \'jsonp\', success: function (data) { self.addDom(data, self) } }) }
<script type="text/javascript"> var array1 = [\'a\', \'c\', \'b\']; var array2 = [\'a\', \'c\', \'b\']; console.log(isArrayEql(array1, array2)); console.log(array1); //true //["a", "b", "c"] /* 比较两个数组是否完全相等 */ function isArrayEql(arr1, arr2){ if(arr1 instanceof Array && arr2 instanceof Array){ var len1 = arr1.length; var len2 = arr2.length; if(len1 == len2){ arr1 = arrSort(arr1); arr2 = arrSort(arr2); return arr1.toLocaleString() == arr2.toLocaleString(); }else{ return false; } }else{ return false; } } /* * 对数组排序 * order排序规则,asc- 升序,默认 desc - 倒序 */ function arrSort(arr, order){ if(arr instanceof Array){ arr.sort(function(v1, v2){ if(v1 < v2){ return order==\'desc\'? 1:-1; }else if(v1 > v2){ return order==\'desc\'? -1:1; }else{ return 0; } }); return arr; }else{ return arr; } } </script>
谷歌浏览器调试jsp 引入代码片段,如何调试代码片段中的js