Posted 飘然离去
var YANMethod = { using:function() { var a = arguments, o = this, i = 0, j, d, arg, isExist; arg = a[0], isExist = a[1]; if (arg && arg.indexOf(\'.\')) { d = arg.split(\'.\'); for (j = (d[0] == \'YAN\') ? 1 : 0; j < d.length; j++) { if(!o[d[j]] && isExist) return null; o[d[j]] = o[d[j]] || {}; o = o[d[j]]; } } else { o[arg] = o[arg] || {}; } return o; }, /*-- 用新Cookie方法,但是兼容老的东西 -ver 2014-04-22 */ cookie:function(name, value, options) { if(typeof value===\'undefined\'){ return Cookie.get(name); } if(options){ options.exp = typeof options.expires===\'number\' ? options.expires * 24 : options.expires; //原来的cookie是按天算的 } Cookie.set(name, value, options); }, /** *JSON序列化,如果传入的是字符串则反序列化为对象;若传入的是对象则反序列化为字符串 */ json:function(value){ if(typeof value==="string"){ return this.jsontoObject(value); }else{ return this.jsontoJSON(value); } }, jsontoJSON:function(object){ var type = typeof object; if (\'object\' == type) { if (Array == object.constructor) type = \'array\'; else if (RegExp == object.constructor) type = \'regexp\'; else type = \'object\'; } switch (type) { case \'undefined\': case \'unknown\': return; break; case \'function\': case \'boolean\': case \'regexp\': return object.toString(); break; case \'number\': return isFinite(object) ? object.toString() : \'null\'; break; case \'string\': return \'"\' + object.replace(/(\\\\|\\")/g, "\\\\$1").replace(/\\n|\\r|\\t/g, function() { var a = arguments[0]; return (a == \'\\n\') ? \'\\\\n\': (a == \'\\r\') ? \'\\\\r\': (a == \'\\t\') ? \'\\\\t\': "" }) + \'"\'; break; case \'object\': if (object === null) return \'null\'; var results = []; for (var property in object) { var value = this.jsontoJSON(object[property]); if (value !== undefined) results.push(this.jsontoJSON(property) + \':\' + value); } return \'{\' + results.join(\',\') + \'}\'; break; case \'array\': var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { var value = this.jsontoJSON(object[i]); if (value !== undefined) results.push(value); } return \'[\' + results.join(\',\') + \']\'; break; } }, jsontoObject:function(strjson){ return eval("(" + strjson + ")"); } }; var addFunToYAN = function(functionName,func){ if(typeof(func) == \'function\') YAN[functionName] = func; }; for(var m in YANMethod){ if(typeof(YAN[m]) == \'undefined\'){ addFunToYAN(m,YANMethod[m]); } } $.extend(YAN.using("Plugin"),{ }); $.extend(YAN.using("Utils"),{ getQuery:function(name){ var paramList = location.search.replace("?","").split("&"); for(var i = 0 ; i < paramList.length ; i++) { if(paramList[i].split("=")[0] == name){ return paramList[i].substring(paramList[i].indexOf("=") + 1,paramList[i].length); } } return null; } }); var Plugin = YAN.using(\'Plugin\'); Plugin.AD = ad; Plugin.AD.getFlashAd(); window.AD || (window.AD = YAN.using(\'Plugin\').AD);
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