JSP + Servlet 图书管理系统
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了JSP + Servlet 图书管理系统相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
JS+Servlet、bootstrap前端框架、JQuery Validate 验证框架、mysql数据库;
DAO 设计模式;
基于Servlet + JSP + JavaBean 的MVC设计模式。

1 --删除数据库 2 drop database booksystem; 3 4 --创建数据库 5 create database booksystem; 6 7 --使用数据库 8 use booksystem; 9 10 --删除数据表 11 drop table if exists admin; 12 13 drop table if exists item; 14 15 drop table if exists books; 16 17 drop table if exists member; 18 19 drop table if exists lenbooks; 20 21 --创建数据表 22 /*==============================================================*/ 23 /* Table: admin 管理员表 */ 24 /*==============================================================*/ 25 create table admin 26 ( 27 aid varchar(50) not null, 28 password varchar(32), 29 lastdate datetime, 30 flag int, --1 超级管理员 31 status int, --1 表示激活 32 primary key (aid) 33 ); 34 35 /*==============================================================*/ 36 /* Table: item 图书类别表 */ 37 /*==============================================================*/ 38 create table item 39 ( 40 iid int not null auto_increment, 41 name varchar(100), 42 note text, --备注、简介 43 primary key (iid) 44 ); 45 46 /*==============================================================*/ 47 /* Table: books 图书详情表 */ 48 /*==============================================================*/ 49 create table books 50 ( 51 bid int not null auto_increment, 52 iid int, --图书类别id 53 aid varchar(50), --管理员id 54 name varchar(100), --书名儿 55 credate datetime, --上架日期 56 status int, --1 上架 57 note text, --简介 58 primary key (bid) 59 ); 60 61 alter table books add constraint FK_Reference_1 foreign key (iid) 62 references item (iid) on delete cascade; 63 64 alter table books add constraint FK_Reference_3 foreign key (aid) 65 references admin (aid) on delete cascade; 66 67 /*==============================================================*/ 68 /* Table: member 用户表 */ 69 /*==============================================================*/ 70 create table member 71 ( 72 mid varchar(50) not null, 73 name varchar(50), 74 age int, 75 sex int, 76 phone varchar(32), 77 primary key (mid) 78 ); 79 80 /*==============================================================*/ 81 /* Table: lenbook 借书详情表 */ 82 /*==============================================================*/ 83 create table lenbook 84 ( 85 leid int not null auto_increment, 86 mid varchar(50), --用户id(借书人id) 87 bid int, --图书id 88 credate datetime, --借出时间 89 retdate datetime, --归还时间 90 primary key (leid) 91 ); 92 93 alter table lenbook add constraint FK_Reference_2 foreign key (mid) 94 references member (mid) on delete cascade; 95 96 alter table lenbook add constraint FK_Reference_4 foreign key (bid) 97 references books (bid) on delete cascade; 98 99 --增加测试数据 100 --管理员ID:admin,管理员密码:admin123 101 --F5866C4A4D6014ECCED47960C2E3D07F 是进行MD5加密后的字符串 102 insert into admin(aid,password,flag,status) values(‘admin‘,‘F5866C4A4D6014ECCED47960C2E3D07F‘,1,1); 103 insert into admin(aid,password,flag,status) values(‘root‘,‘F5866C4A4D6014ECCED47960C2E3D07F‘,1,1); 104 105 --图书表 106 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘1‘, ‘root‘, ‘Java WEB 开发‘, ‘2017-09-04 20:42:21‘, ‘1‘, ‘Java WEB 从入门到精通有木有呀。‘); 107 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘2‘, ‘admin‘, ‘二胡鉴赏‘, ‘2017-09-04 20:45:51‘, ‘1‘, ‘二胡从入门到精通呀。‘); 108 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘1‘, ‘admin‘, ‘C语言原理‘, ‘2017-09-04 21:09:04‘, ‘1‘, ‘C语言基础和原理篇(计算机系必修)。‘); 109 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘2‘, ‘root‘, ‘古典音乐鉴赏‘, ‘2017-09-04 21:09:47‘, ‘1‘, ‘古典音乐通俗化鉴赏(必修)‘); 110 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘1‘, ‘admin‘, ‘C++ 面向对象编程和设计‘, ‘2017-09-04 21:10:58‘, ‘1‘, ‘体会面向过程编程和面向对象编程的区别和好处。‘); 111 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘2‘, ‘root‘, ‘竹笛基础教程‘, ‘2017-09-04 21:11:33‘, ‘1‘, ‘竹笛基础教程(选修之一),多动手。‘); 112 INSERT INTO books(iid,aid,name,credate,status,note) VALUES (‘1‘, ‘admin‘, ‘数据结构(C语言版)‘, ‘2017-09-04 21:12:02‘, ‘1‘, ‘体会数据结构的无穷魅力。‘); 113 114 --图书分类表 115 INSERT INTO item VALUES (‘1‘, ‘计算机科学&技术‘, ‘计算机相关专业书籍。‘); 116 INSERT INTO item VALUES (‘2‘, ‘文化艺术‘, ‘文艺专业相关书籍。‘); 117 118 --提交 119 commit;
1 package com.shawn.book.dbc; 2 3 import java.sql.Connection; 4 import java.sql.DriverManager; 5 import java.sql.SQLException; 6 7 public class DatabaseConnection { 8 9 public static final String DBDRIVER = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver"; 10 11 public static final String DBURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/booksystem"; 12 13 public static final String DBUSER = "root"; 14 15 public static final String DBPASSWORD = "root"; 16 17 private Connection conn = null; 18 19 public DatabaseConnection(){ 20 try { 21 //加载驱动 22 Class.forName(DBDRIVER); 23 //创建数据库连接 24 this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DBURL, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD); 25 } catch (SQLException e) { 26 e.printStackTrace(); 27 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 28 e.printStackTrace(); 29 } 30 } 31 32 /** 33 * 获取数据库连接 34 * @return 35 */ 36 public Connection getConn() { 37 return this.conn; 38 } 39 40 /** 41 * 关闭数据库连接 42 */ 43 public void close(){ 44 if(this.conn != null){ 45 try { 46 this.conn.close(); 47 } catch (SQLException e) { 48 e.printStackTrace(); 49 } 50 } 51 } 52 53 }
2、建AbstractDAOImpl 类,只有两个属性 pstmt(PreparedStatement类型)、conn(Connection 类型),一个构造方法;
1 package com.shawn.book.dao; 2 3 import java.sql.Connection; 4 import java.sql.PreparedStatement; 5 6 public abstract class AbstractDAOImpl { 7 8 protected Connection conn; 9 10 protected PreparedStatement pstmt; 11 12 public AbstractDAOImpl(Connection conn){ 13 this.conn = conn; 14 } 15 16 }
IDAO 公共的方法
---> IAdminDAO 继承IDAO,如果有需要可以添加自己特定的方法
---> IAdminDAOImpl(实现IAdminDAO接口,继承AbstractDAOImpl类)
---> DAOFactory进行注册 静态获取各个实现类
1 package com.shawn.book.dao; 2 3 import java.sql.SQLException; 4 import java.util.List; 5 import java.util.Set; 6 7 /** 8 * 这个接口表示一个公共的DAO接口 9 * @author Shawn 10 * 11 * @param <K> 表示主键 12 * @param <V> 表示要操作的对象 13 */ 14 public interface IDAO<K,V> { 15 16 /** 17 * 实现数据增加操作 18 * @param vo 表示要执行操作的对象 19 * @return 成功返回 true,失败返回 false 20 * @throws SQLException 21 */ 22 boolean doCreate(V vo) throws SQLException; 23 24 /** 25 * 实现数据更新操作 26 * @param vo 表示要执行更新的对象 27 * @return 成功返回 true,失败返回 false 28 * @throws SQLException 29 */ 30 boolean doUpdate(V vo) throws SQLException; 31 32 /** 33 * 实现数据批量删除 34 * @param ids 表示要执行删除的数据集合 35 * @return 成功返回 true,失败返回 false 36 * @throws SQLException 37 */ 38 boolean doRemove(Set<?> ids) throws SQLException; 39 40 /** 41 * 根据用户提供的id执行查询 42 * @param id 表示要查询的id 43 * @return 查询成功返回该数据行的记录,失败返回null 44 * @throws SQLException 45 */ 46 V findById(K id) throws SQLException; 47 48 /** 49 * 实现数据全部查询 50 * @return 成功返回全部数据,失败返回null 51 * @throws SQLException 52 */ 53 List<V> findAll() throws SQLException; 54 55 /** 56 * 实现数据分页操作 57 * @param column 表示要执行查询的列 58 * @param keyWord 表示查询关键字 59 * @param currentPage 表示当前页 60 * @param lineSize 表示每页显示记录数 61 * @return 查询成功返回满足条件的数据,失败返回null 62 * @throws SQLException 63 */ 64 List<V> findBySplit( 65 String column, 66 String keyWord, 67 Integer currentPage, 68 Integer lineSize 69 ) throws SQLException; 70 71 /** 72 * 实现数据量统计操作 73 * @param column 表示要查询的列 74 * @param keyWord 表示查询关键字 75 * @return 成功返回数据量,失败返回0 76 * @throws SQLException 77 */ 78 Integer getAllCount( 79 String column, 80 String keyWord 81 ) throws SQLException; 82 }
1 package com.shawn.book.dao; 2 3 import com.shawn.book.vo.Admin; 4 5 public interface IAdminDAO extends IDAO<String, Admin> { 6 7 /** 8 * 实现用户登录检查操作 9 * @param vo 表示要执行检查的对象(aid,password,flag) 10 * @return 成功返回 ture,失败返回 false 11 * @throws Exception 12 */ 13 public boolean findLogin(Admin vo) throws Exception; 14 15 /** 16 * 实现用数据更新操作 17 * @param aid 要更新的主键 18 * @return 19 * @throws Exception 20 */ 21 public boolean doUpdateByLastDate(String aid) throws Exception; 22 }
1 package com.shawn.book.dao.impl; 2 3 import java.sql.Connection; 4 import java.sql.ResultSet; 5 import java.sql.SQLException; 6 import java.sql.Timestamp; 7 import java.util.ArrayList; 8 import java.util.Date; 9 import java.util.List; 10 import java.util.Set; 11 12 import com.shawn.book.dao.AbstractDAOImpl; 13 import com.shawn.book.dao.IAdminDAO; 14 import com.shawn.book.vo.Admin; 15 16 public class AdminDAOImpl extends AbstractDAOImpl implements IAdminDAO{ 17 18 public AdminDAOImpl(Connection conn) {//conn从外部传入 19 super(conn); 20 } 21 22 @Override 23 public boolean doCreate(Admin vo) throws SQLException { 24 String sql = "insert into admin(aid,password,status) values(?,?,?)"; 25 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 26 super.pstmt.setString(1, vo.getAid()); 27 super.pstmt.setString(2, vo.getPassword()); 28 // super.pstmt.setTimestamp(3, new java.sql.Timestamp(vo.getLastDate().getTime())); 29 super.pstmt.setInt(3, vo.getStatus()); 30 int rel = super.pstmt.executeUpdate(); 31 return rel > 0; 32 } 33 34 @Override 35 public boolean doUpdate(Admin vo) throws SQLException { 36 return false; 37 } 38 39 @Override 40 public boolean doRemove(Set<?> ids) throws SQLException { 41 return false; 42 } 43 44 @Override 45 public Admin findById(String id) throws SQLException { 46 Admin vo = null; 47 String sql = "select aid,password,lastdate,flag,status from admin where aid = ?"; 48 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 49 super.pstmt.setString(1, id); 50 ResultSet rs = super.pstmt.executeQuery(); 51 if(rs.next()){ 52 vo = new Admin(); 53 vo.setAid(rs.getString("aid")); 54 vo.setFlag(rs.getInt("flag")); 55 vo.setStatus(rs.getInt("status")); 56 vo.setPassword(rs.getString("password")); 57 vo.setLastDate(rs.getTimestamp("lastdate")); 58 } 59 return vo; 60 } 61 62 @Override 63 public List<Admin> findAll() throws SQLException { 64 List<Admin> all = new ArrayList<Admin>(); 65 String sql = "select aid,password,lastdate,flag,status from admin"; 66 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 67 ResultSet rs = super.pstmt.executeQuery(); 68 while(rs.next()){ 69 Admin vo = new Admin(); 70 vo.setAid(rs.getString("aid")); 71 vo.setPassword(rs.getString("password")); 72 vo.setLastDate(rs.getTimestamp("lastdate")); 73 vo.setFlag(rs.getInt("flag")); 74 vo.setStatus(rs.getInt("status")); 75 all.add(vo); 76 } 77 return all; 78 } 79 80 @Override 81 public List<Admin> findBySplit(String column, String keyWord, 82 Integer currentPage, Integer lineSize) throws SQLException { 83 return null; 84 } 85 86 @Override 87 public Integer getAllCount(String column, String keyWord) 88 throws SQLException { 89 return null; 90 } 91 92 @Override 93 public boolean findLogin(Admin vo) throws Exception { 94 boolean flag = false; 95 String sql = "select lastdate,flag from admin where aid=? and password=? and status=1"; 96 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 97 super.pstmt.setString(1, vo.getAid()); 98 super.pstmt.setString(2, vo.getPassword()); 99 ResultSet rs = super.pstmt.executeQuery(); 100 if(rs.next()){ 101 flag = true; 102 vo.setLastDate(rs.getTimestamp("lastdate"));//设置lastdate 103 vo.setFlag(rs.getInt("flag")); 104 } 105 return flag; 106 } 107 108 @Override 109 public boolean doUpdateByLastDate(String aid) 110 throws Exception { 111 boolean flag = false; 112 String sql = "update admin set lastdate = ? where aid = ?"; 113 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 114 //登陆成功后,使用当前日期为最后一次登陆日期 115 super.pstmt.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime())); 116 super.pstmt.setString(2, aid); 117 int rel = super.pstmt.executeUpdate(); 118 if(rel > 0){ 119 flag = true; 120 } 121 return flag; 122 } 123 124 }
----> ServiceImpl
---> 创建并注册 ServiceFactory
1 package com.shawn.book.service; 2 3 import com.shawn.book.vo.Admin; 4 5 public interface IAdminService { 6 7 /** 8 * 实现管理员登录检查操作,调用IAdminDAO接口中的findLogin方法 9 * @param vo 表示要操作的对象(aid,password) 10 * @return 成功返回true并且将最后一次登陆日期传递到页面,失败返回false 11 * @throws Exception 12 */ 13 boolean login(Admin vo) throws Exception; 14 15 /** 16 * 实现增加操作 17 * @param vo 18 * @return 19 * @throws Exception 20 */ 21 boolean insert(Admin vo) throws Exception; 22 23 }
1 package com.shawn.book.service.impl; 2 3 import com.shawn.book.dbc.DatabaseConnection; 4 import com.shawn.book.factory.DAOFactory; 5 import com.shawn.book.service.IAdminService; 6 import com.shawn.book.vo.Admin; 7 8 public class AdminServiceImpl implements IAdminService { 9 10 private DatabaseConnection dbc = new DatabaseConnection(); 11 12 @Override 13 public boolean login(Admin vo) throws Exception { 14 try{ 15 if(DAOFactory.getIAdminDAOInstance(this.dbc.getConn()).findLogin(vo)){ 16 return DAOFactory.getIAdminDAOInstance(this.dbc.getConn()).doUpdateByLastDate(vo.getAid()); 17 } 18 return false; 19 } catch(Exception e){ 20 throw e; 21 } finally{ 22 dbc.close();//最后一定要关闭数据库连接 23 } 24 } 25 26 @Override 27 public boolean insert(Admin vo) throws Exception { 28 try{ 29 if(DAOFactory.getIAdminDAOInstance(this.dbc.getConn()).findById(vo.getAid()) == null){ 30 DAOFactory.getIAdminDAOInstance(this.dbc.getConn()).doCreate(vo); 31 return true; 32 } 33 } catch(Exception e){ 34 throw e; 35 } finally{ 36 this.dbc.close(); 37 } 38 return false; 39 } 40 41 }

1 package com.shawn.book.servlet; 2 3 import java.io.IOException; 4 5 import javax.servlet.ServletException; 6 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; 7 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; 8 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; 9 10 import com.shawn.book.factory.ServiceFactory; 11 import com.shawn.book.util.MD5Code; 12 import com.shawn.book.util.ValidateUtils; 13 import com.shawn.book.vo.Admin; 14 15 public class AdminServlet extends HttpServlet{ 16 17 private static final long serialVersionUID = -9132124124978042276L; 18 19 @Override 20 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 21 throws ServletException, IOException { 22 23 String path = "/pages/errors.jsp"; //定义错误页面 24 25 ///pages/back/AdminServlet/login 截取login这个字段 26 String status = request.getRequestURI().substring(request.getRequestURI().lastIndexOf("/")+1); 27 28 if(status != null){ 29 if("login".equals(status)){ 30 path = this.login(request); 31 } else if("logout".equals(status)){ 32 path = this.logout(request); 33 } else if("reg".equals(status)){ 34 path = this.reg(request); 35 } 36 } 37 38 request.getRequestDispatcher(path).forward(request, response); 39 } 40 41 public String reg(HttpServletRequest request) { 42 String msg = ""; 43 String url = ""; 44 45 String aid = request.getParameter("aid"); 46 String password = request.getParameter("password"); 47 if(ValidateUtils.validateEmpty(aid) && 48 ValidateUtils.validateEmpty(password)){ 49 Admin vo = new Admin(); 50 vo.setAid(aid); 51 vo.setFlag(0); 52 vo.setPassword(new MD5Code().getMD5ofStr(vo.getPassword()+vo.getAid())); 53 vo.setStatus(1);//默认激活 54 try { 55 if(ServiceFactory.getIAdminServiceInstance().insert(vo)){ 56 msg = "添加管理员成功!"; 57 url = "pages/back/admin/admin_insert.jsp"; 58 } else { 59 msg = "添加管理员失败,请重新添加!"; 60 url = "pages/back/admin/admin_insert.jsp"; 61 } 62 } catch (Exception e) { 63 msg = "添加管理员出现异常,请重新添加!"; 64 url = "pages/back/admin/admin_insert.jsp"; 65 e.printStackTrace(); 66 } 67 } else { 68 msg = "数据不能为空!"; 69 url = "pages/back/admin/admin_insert.jsp"; 70 } 71 72 request.setAttribute("msg", msg); 73 request.setAttribute("url", url); 74 return "/pages/forward.jsp"; 75 } 76 77 @Override 78 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 79 throws ServletException, IOException { 80 this.doGet(request, response); 81 } 82 83 /** 84 * 实现登录 85 * @param request 86 * @return 87 */ 88 public String login(HttpServletRequest request){ 89 String msg = ""; //表示提示信息 90 String url = ""; //表示跳转路径 91 92 //去的页面中传递过来的数据 93 String aid = request.getParameter("aid"); 94 String password = request.getParameter("password"); 95 96 //判断数据是否为空 97 if(ValidateUtils.validateEmpty(aid) && ValidateUtils.validateEmpty(password)){//表示数据存在 98 Admin vo = new Admin(); 99 vo.setAid(aid); //取得参数 100 vo.setPassword(new MD5Code().getMD5ofStr(password+aid)); //需要加盐处理 101 try { 102 if(ServiceFactory.getIAdminServiceInstance().login(vo)){ 103 request.getSession().setAttribute("aid", aid); //保存aid 104 request.getSession().setAttribute("lastdate", vo.getLastDate()); 105 request.getSession().setAttribute("flag", vo.getFlag()); 106 msg = "登陆成功!"; 107 url = "pages/back/index.jsp"; 108 } else { 109 msg = "登录失败,错误的ID或密码!"; 110 url = "login.jsp"; 111 } 112 } catch (Exception e) { 113 e.printStackTrace(); 114 } 115 } else { 116 msg = "数据不能为空"; 117 url = "login.jsp"; 118 } 119 request.setAttribute("msg",msg); 120 request.setAttribute("url",url); 121 return "/pages/forward.jsp"; 122 } 123 124 public String logout(HttpServletRequest request) { 125 String msg = ""; 126 String url = ""; 127 128 request.getSession().invalidate();//表示session失效 129 msg = "已经成功退出系统,请重新登录!"; 130 url = "login.jsp"; 131 132 request.setAttribute("msg", msg); 133 request.setAttribute("url", url); 134 return "/pages/forward.jsp"; 135 } 136 137 }
添加功能:先写dao方法 ---> service 方法 ---> 控制层逻辑;可以先把页面写好,有利于理清思路。

1 MD5Code
package com.shawn.util; import com.shawn.book.util.MD5Code; public class MD5CodeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(new MD5Code().getMD5ofStr("admin123admin")); } }

1 <%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> 2 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mldn.css"> 3 <%-- 4 <div id="splitBarDiv" style="float:right"> 5 <jsp:include page="/pages/split_page_plugin_bars.jsp"/> 6 </div> 7 --%> 8 <% 9 String path = request.getContextPath(); 10 String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/"; 11 %> 12 <% 13 String url = null ; 14 int currentPage = 1 ; 15 int lineSize = 5 ; 16 String column = null ; 17 String keyWord = null ; 18 int allRecorders = 0 ; 19 int pageSize = 0 ; 20 int lsData [] = new int [] {1,5,10,15,20,30,50,100} ; 21 int seed = 3 ; // 种子数 22 String paramName = request.getParameter("paramName") ; 23 String paramValue = request.getParameter("paramValue") ; 24 %> 25 26 <% // 接收传递的参数 27 try { 28 currentPage = (Integer) request.getAttribute("currentPage") ; 29 } catch (Exception e) {} 30 try { 31 allRecorders = (Integer)request.getAttribute("allRecorders") ; 32 } catch (Exception e) {} 33 try { 34 lineSize = (Integer) request.getAttribute("lineSize") ; 35 } catch (Exception e) {} 36 column = (String) request.getAttribute("column") ; 37 keyWord = (String) request.getAttribute("keyWord") ; 38 url = basePath + request.getAttribute("url") ; 39 %> 40 <% 41 if (allRecorders > 0) { 42 pageSize = (allRecorders + lineSize - 1) / lineSize ; 43 } else { // 没有记录 44 pageSize = 1 ; 45 } 46 %> 47 48 <script type="text/javascript"> 49 function goSplit(vcp) { // 根据外部传递的cp内容进行操作 50 try { 51 var eleKw = document.getElementById("kw").value ; 52 var eleCol = document.getElementById("colSel").value ; 53 window.location = "<%=url%>?cp=" + vcp + "&ls=" + <%=lineSize%> + "&kw=" + eleKw + "&col=" + eleCol + "&<%=paramName%>=<%=paramValue%>" ; 54 } catch (Exception) { 55 window.location = "<%=url%>?cp=" + vcp + "&ls=" + <%=lineSize%> + "&<%=paramName%>=<%=paramValue%>" ; 56 } 57 } 58 </script> 59 <ul class="pagination"> 60 <% 61 if (pageSize > seed * 3) { 62 %> 63 <li class="<%=currentPage == 1?"active":""%>"><a onclick="goSplit(1)">1</a></li> 64 65 <% 66 if (currentPage > seed * 2) { 67 %> 68 <li class="disabled"><span>...</span></li> 69 <% 70 int startPage = currentPage - seed ; 71 int endPage = currentPage + seed ; 72 for (int x = startPage ; x <= endPage ; x ++) { 73 if(x < pageSize) { 74 %> 75 <li class="<%=currentPage == x?"active":""%>"><a onclick="goSplit(<%=x%>)"><%=x%></a></li> 76 <% 77 } 78 } 79 if ((currentPage + seed * 2) <= pageSize) { 80 %> 81 <li class="disabled"><span>...</span></li> 82 <% 83 } 84 } else { // 还在6页以前 85 for (int x = 2 ; x <= currentPage + seed ; x ++) { 86 %> 87 <li class="<%=currentPage == x?"active":""%>"><a onclick="goSplit(<%=x%>)"><%=x%></a></li> 88 <% 89 } 90 if ((currentPage + seed * 2) <= pageSize) { 91 %> 92 <li class="disabled"><span>...</span></li> 93 <% 94 } 95 } 96 %> 97 <li class="<%=currentPage == pageSize?"active":""%>"><a onclick="goSplit(<%=pageSize%>)"><%=pageSize%></a></li> 98 <% 99 } else { 100 for (int x = 1 ; x <= pageSize ; x ++) { 101 %> 102 <li class="<%=currentPage == x?"active":""%>"><a onclick="goSplit(<%=x%>)"><%=x%></a></li> 103 <% 104 } 105 } 106 %> 107 </ul>

1 Integer currentPage = 1; //当前页 2 Integer lineSize = 5; //每页显示行数 3 try{ 4 currentPage = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cp") == null ? "1" : request.getParameter("cp")); //当前页参数 5 lineSize = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("ls") == null ? "5" : request.getParameter("ls")); //每页显示行数 6 } catch(Exception e){ 7 e.printStackTrace(); 8 } 9 String keyWord = request.getParameter("kw"); //查询关键字 10 String column = request.getParameter("col"); //查询字段 11 if(keyWord == null){ 12 keyWord = ""; 13 } 14 if(column == null){ 15 column = "name"; 16 } 17 18 try { 19 Map<String,Object> map = 20 ServiceFactory.getIBookServiceInstance().listBySplit(column, keyWord, currentPage, lineSize); 21 request.setAttribute("allBook", map.get("allBook")); 22 request.setAttribute("allRecorders", map.get("allRecord")); 23 } catch (Exception e) { 24 e.printStackTrace(); 25 } 26 27 request.setAttribute("url", "pages/back/book/BookServlet/listSplit"); 28 request.setAttribute("currentPage", currentPage); 29 request.setAttribute("lineSize", lineSize); 30 request.setAttribute("currentPage", currentPage); 31 request.setAttribute("keyWord", keyWord); 32 33 return "/pages/back/book/book_list.jsp"; 34
service 层:

1 @Override 2 public Map<String, Object> listBySplit(String column, String keyWord, 3 int currentPage, int lineSize) throws Exception { 4 Map<String, Object> map = null; 5 try{ 6 map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 7 map.put("allBook", DAOFactory.getIBookDAOInstance(this.dbc.getConn()).findBySplit(column, keyWord, currentPage, lineSize)); 8 map.put("allRecord", DAOFactory.getIBookDAOInstance(this.dbc.getConn()).getAllCount(column, keyWord)); 9 } catch(Exception e){ 10 throw e; 11 } finally{ 12 this.dbc.close(); 13 } 14 return map; 15 }
dao 层:

1 @Override 2 public List<Book> findBySplit(String column, String keyWord, 3 Integer currentPage, Integer lineSize) throws SQLException { 4 List<Book> all = new ArrayList<Book>(); 5 String sql = "select * from " 6 + "(select b.bid,b.name,i.name iname,b.aid,b.credate,b.status,b.note " 7 + "from books b,admin a,item i where b.iid = i.iid and b.aid = a.aid and b."+column+" like ?) t" 8 + " order by t.bid limit ?,?"; 9 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 10 super.pstmt.setString(1, "%" + keyWord + "%"); 11 super.pstmt.setInt(2, (currentPage - 1)*lineSize); 12 super.pstmt.setInt(3, lineSize); 13 ResultSet rs = super.pstmt.executeQuery(); 14 while(rs.next()){ 15 Book vo = new Book(); 16 vo.setBid(rs.getInt("bid")); 17 vo.setCredate(rs.getTimestamp("credate")); 18 vo.setName(rs.getString("name")); 19 vo.setNote(rs.getString("note")); 20 vo.setStatus(rs.getInt("status")); 21 Item item = new Item(); 22 item.setName(rs.getString("iname")); 23 vo.setItem(item); 24 Admin admin = new Admin(); 25 admin.setAid(rs.getString("aid")); 26 vo.setAdmin(admin); 27 all.add(vo); 28 } 29 return all; 30 } 31 32 @Override 33 public Integer getAllCount(String column, String keyWord) 34 throws SQLException { 35 String sql = "select count(name) num from books where " + column + " like ?"; 36 super.pstmt = super.conn.prepareStatement(sql); 37 super.pstmt.setString(1, "%" + keyWord + "%"); 38 ResultSet rs = super.pstmt.executeQuery(); 39 if(rs.next()){ 40 int rel = rs.getInt("num"); 41 return rel; 42 } 43 return 0; 44 }
代码链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eRWhAb4 密码: u5m9
以上是关于JSP + Servlet 图书管理系统的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
图书管理系统( ( JSP + JDBC + Servlet ) )实现-05: 实现登录功能