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function AdoToJs(ado: TADOQuery): string; var I, J: Integer; json: string; begin json := \'{columns:[\'; for I := 0 to ado.FieldCount - 1 do begin json := json + \'{name:"\' + ado.Fields[I].FieldName + \'",type:"\' + DbTypeToStr(ado.Fields[I].DataType) + \'"}\'; if I < ado.FieldCount - 1 then json := json + \',\'; end; json := json + \'],rows:[\'; for I := 0 to ado.RecordCount - 1 do begin json := json + \'{\'; for J := 0 to ado.FieldCount - 1 do begin json := json + ado.Fields[J].FieldName + \':"\' + ado.FieldByName(ado.Fields[J].FieldName).AsString + \'"\'; if J < ado.FieldCount - 1 then json := json + \',\'; end; json := json + \'}\'; if I < ado.RecordCount - 1 then json := json + \',\'; end; json := json + \']}\'; Result := json; end; function AdoToXml(ado: TADOQuery): string; begin Result := RecordsetToXMLString(ado.Recordset); end; function XmlToAdo(xml: string): TADOQuery; var ado: TADOQuery; begin ado := TADOQuery.Create(nil); ado.Recordset := RecordsetFromXMLString(xml); Result := ado; end; function RecordsetToXMLString(const Recordset: ADOInt._Recordset): string; var RS: Variant; Stream: TStringStream; begin Result := \'\'; if Recordset = nil then Exit; Stream := TStringStream.Create(\'\', TEncoding.UTF8); try RS := CreateOleObject(\'ADODB.Recordset\'); RS := Recordset; RS.Save(TStreamAdapter.Create(Stream) as IUnknown, adPersistXML); Stream.Position := 0; Result := Stream.DataString; finally Stream.Free; end; end; function RecordsetFromXMLString(const xml: string): ADOInt._Recordset; var RS: Variant; Stream: TStringStream; begin Result := nil; if xml = \'\' then Exit; try Stream := TStringStream.Create(xml, TEncoding.UTF8); Stream.Position := 0; RS := CreateOleObject(\'ADODB.Recordset\'); RS.Open(TStreamAdapter.Create(Stream) as IUnknown); Result := IUnknown(RS) as ADOInt._Recordset; finally Stream.Free; end; end; function DbTypeToStr(dbtype: TFieldType): string; begin Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TFieldType), Ord(dbtype)) end; function StrToDbType(const dbtype: string): TFieldType; begin Result := TFieldType(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TFieldType), dbtype)); end;