
Posted aiguangyuan



1. 主语从句的写作应用

1. 小明通过了考试让他爸爸很开心。

That Ming passed the exam makes his father joyful.

It makes his father joyful that Ming passed the exam.

2. 熬夜使人变丑是真的。

That staying up late make one ugly proves true.

It proves true that staying up late make one ugly.

2. 主语从句的满分句型

主语从句的满分表达就是 it 作形式主语,从句后置。


it is universally acknowledged that ….

it is widely accepted that …

it is generally agreed that …

it is self-evident that …


it becomes my idea that …

it is my belief that …


it is common knowledge that …


it is beyond dispute that …



1. 父母在孩子的成长中起着关键作用,这是毋庸置疑的。

It is beyond dispute that parents play a vital role in children's growth.

2. 我认为父母是孩子最好的老师。

It becomes my idea that parents are the best teachers for kids.

3. 主语从句的满分句型的拓展

1. It is + adj. / n. + to do sth.

1. 努力学习是很重要的。

It is very important to study hard for kids.

2. 找朋友帮忙是个好主意。

It is a good idea to ask friends for help.

2. It + v. + to do sth.

1. 我花了2个小时的时间完成作业。

It takes me 2 hours to accomplish my assignment.

2. 我刚好遇见你。

It happens that I meet you.

3. It is + adj. / n. + doing sth.

此处主要有:waste, no good, useless, dangerous, no use 等等。

1. 和陌生人说话很危险。

It is dangerous talking to stranger.

2. 天天玩游戏是没有好处的。

It is no good playing games every day.

3. 和这个男人谈恋爱就是浪费时间。

It is waste of time keeping in a relationship with this man.

4. 同位语从句的写作应用

1. 她不喜欢我这件事让我很沮丧。

The fact makes me depressed that she doesn't lik me.

2. 我们都知道父母正在变老这个事实。

We know the truth that our parents are aging.

5. 同位语从句的满分句型



The fact / truth / evidence that… 

suggests / indicates / manifests / tells / shows / that…


1. 为什么说父母是孩子最好的老师?

The truth that the behaviors of parents have a key impact on kid's growth tells that parents are the best teachers for kids.

2. 为什么说我们要保护环境

The evidence that natural resources are important for our life manifests that we ought to protect our environment.

6. 课后作业

1. 分析结构再翻译下列句子

1. 我觉得学生们应该努力学习。

It's my belief that students should study hard.

2. 她不知道她是否可以通过这次考试。

She doesn't know whether she can pass this exam.

3. 众所周知,谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

It is widely agreed that  being modest allows one to move forward and being arrogant makes to leg behind.

4. 我不相信黑猫都是厄运这个迷信。

I don't believe in superstition that black cats symbolize misfortune.

5. 很多人无法找到工作让我很紧张。

It makes me restless that a lot of citizens fail to get their positions

6. 大多数同学被老师惩罚这事让我很开心。

The fact that most classmates are punished by the teacher keeps me cheerful.

7. 很多男孩子熬夜看电视这个事实说明比赛已经开始了。

The reality that many boys stay up late to watch TV shows that the match has begun.

2. 根据所提供句式翻译下列句子

主 + 谓 + it + adj. / n. + to do / doing sth. / 从句.

1. 他们觉得你没有完成这次任务很可惜。

They think it regrettable that you faild to fullfill this mission.

2. 我必须说清楚,小孩子不应该熬夜。

I must make it clear that young kids ought not to stay up late.

3. 每个人都觉得和他交流很痛苦。

Everyone finds it sick to communicate with him.

4. 我发现读书是一件好事。

I find it a good thing to read books.

3. 试着用英语回答下列问题

1. 我们为什么要关注社会的发展?

The evidence that one fail to make progress without our society tells that we should pay attention to the development of our society.

2. 为什么说合作是成功的重要因素?

The truth that cooperation can improve greatly our working efficiency indicates that cooperation is a vital path to success.






