



我是个C++的初学者,在书上没有找到fstream 关于文件流的介绍.麻烦大虾们下 关于文件流有什么函数 怎么用法 格式是什么 等等最好具体点 越具体越好. 小弟在此谢过.

Public members
(constructor) Construct object and optionally open file (constructor member)

rdbuf Get the associated filebuf object (public member function)
is_open Check if a file is open (public member function)
open Open file (public member function)
close Close file (public member function)

Members inherited from istream
operator>> Extract formatted data (public member function)
gcount Get number of characters extracted by last unformatted input operation (public member function)
get Get unformatted data from stream (public member function)
getline Get line from stream (public member function)
ignore Extract and discard characters (public member functions)
peek Peek next character (public member function)
read Read block of data (public member function)
readsome Read block of data available in the buffer (public member function)
putback Put character back (public member function)
unget Decrement get pointer (public member function)
tellg Get position of the get pointer. (public member function)
seekg Set position of the get pointer (public member function)
sync Synchronize input buffer with source of characters (public member function)
sentry Perform exception safe prefix/suffix operations (public member class)

Members inherited from ostream
operator<< Insert data with format (public member function)
put Put character (public member function)
write Write block of data (public member function)
tellp Get position of put pointer (public member function)
seekp Set position of put pointer (public member function)
flush Flush output stream buffer (public member function)
sentry Perform exception safe prefix/suffix operations (public member classes)

Member functions inherited from ios
good Check if the state of the stream is good for i/o operations. (public member function)
eof Check if eofbit is set (public member function)
fail Check if either failbit or badbit is set (public member function)
bad Check if badbit is set (public member function)
operator! Evaluate stream object (public member function)
operator void* Convert to pointer (public member function)
rdstate Get error state flags (public member function)
setstate Set error state flag (public member function)
clear Set error state flags (public member function)
copyfmt Copy formatting information (public member functions)
fill Get/set the fill character (public member function)
exceptions Get/set exception mask (public member function)
imbue Imbue locale (public member function)
tie Get/set the tied stream (public member function)
narrow Narrow character (public member function)
widen Widen character (public member function)

Member functions inherited from ios_base
flags Get/set format flags (public member function)
setf Set specific format flags (public member function)
unsetf Clear specific format flags (public member function)
precision Get/Set floating-point decimal precision (public member function)
width Get/set field width (public member function)
imbue Imbue locale (public member function)
getloc Get current locale (public member function)
xalloc Return a new index for the internal extensible array [static] (public static member function)
iword Get reference to integer element of the internal extensible array (public member function)
pword Get reference to pointer of the internal extensible array (public member function)
register_callback Register event callback function (public member function)
sync_with_stdio Activate/deactivate synchronization of iostream and cstdio streams [static] (public static member function)


参考技术A ifstream fin("输入文件名");
ofstream fout("输出文件名");






