Posted 一头牛这么多人放
if 标签
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace="com.doaoao.dao.StudentDao"> <select id="selectIf" resultType="student"> SELECT id,name,age,score FROM t_student WHERE 1 = 1 <if test="name != null and name != ‘‘"> AND name like ‘%‘ #{name} ‘%‘ </if> <if test="age > 0"> AND age > #{age} </if> </select> </mapper># 注:上方添加 where 1 = 1 的目的是,当用户未输入name和age两个条件是,不至于让where的条件为空,为空的话SQL语句就不正确
package com.doaoao.dao; import com.doaoao.bean.Student; import java.util.List; public interface StudentDao { List<Student> selectIf(Student student); }3:在测试类中进行测试
package com.doaoao.test; import com.doaoao.bean.Student; import com.doaoao.dao.StudentDao; import com.doaoao.util.MyBatisUtil; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.List; public class StudentTest01 { private StudentDao studentDao; private SqlSession sqlSession; // 执行测试方法之前会执行该方法 @Before public void init(){ sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSession(); studentDao = sqlSession.getMapper(StudentDao.class); } // 方法执行完成后需要关闭sqlSession @After public void closeSession(){ if(sqlSession != null){ sqlSession.close(); } } @Test public void selectIf(){ Student student = new Student("liu",0,0); List<Student> students = studentDao.selectIf(student); System.out.println(students); } }where 标签
where标签的作用与上方 " where 1 = 1 " 具有相同的作用
<select id="selectWhere" resultType="student"> SELECT id,name,age,score FROM t_student <where> <if test="name != null and name != ‘‘"> AND name like ‘%‘ #{name} ‘%‘ </if> <if test="age > 0"> AND age > #{age} </if> </where> </select>2:添加接口
List<Student> selectWhere(Student student);3:添加测试类
@Test public void selectWhere(){ Student student = new Student("liu",0,0); List<Student> students = studentDao.selectIf(student); System.out.println(students); }choose 标签
该标签的作用就是,若 name 不为空,就利用name进行查询,若name为空,则利用 age 进行查询;若age也为空可利用默认的进行查询
<select id="selectChoose" resultType="student"> SELECT id,name,age,score FROM t_student <where> <choose> <when test="name != null and name != ‘‘"> name like ‘%‘ #{name} ‘%‘ </when> <when test="age >= 0"> age > #{sge} </when> </choose> </where> </select>2:添加接口
List<Student> selectChoose(Student student);3:编写测试类
@Test public void selectChoose(){ Student student = new Student("liu",0,0); List<Student> students = studentDao.selectIf(student); System.out.println(students); }foreach标签
当用户想要查询 1,3,5,7,9这几条数据时,在sql语句中我们可以用以下方式实现
select id,name,age from t_student where id in(1,3,5,7,9)在mybatis中我们可以使用foreact来实现
<!-- 遍历数组 --> <select id="selectForeachArray" resultType="student"> SELECT id,name,age,score FROM t_student <if test="array != null and array.length > 0"> WHERE id in <foreach collection="array" open="(" close=")" item="id" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </if> </select>
<!-- 遍历集合 --> <select id="selectForeachList" resultType="student"> SELECT id,name,age,score FROM t_student <if test="list != null and list.length > 0"> WHERE id in <foreach collection="list" open="(" close=")" item="id" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </if> </select2:添加接口
// 遍历数组接口 List<Student> selectForeachArray(Object[] ids); // 遍历集合接口 List<Student> selectForeachList(Object[] ids);3:编写测试类
// 数组测试类 @Test public void selectForeachArray(){ Object[] ids = new Object[]{1,3,5,7,9}; List<Student> students = studentDao.selectForeachArray(ids); System.out.print(students) }
// 集合测试类 @Test public void selectForeachList(){ List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(5); list.add(6); list.add(10); list.add(15); List<Student> students = studentDao.selectForeachList(list); System.out.print(students) }sql 标签
<!-- 定义该标签 -->
<sql id="selectSql"> SELECT id,name,age,score FROM t_student </sql>
<select id="selectForeach" resultType="student">
<!-- 使用该标签 -->
<include refid="selectSql"> <if test="array != null and array.length > 0"> WHERE id in <foreach collection="array" open="(" close=")" item="id" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </if> </select>...
<!-- 不报错 --> <when test="age >= 0"> age > #{sge} </when> <!-- 报错 --> <when test="age >= 0"> age < #{sge} “<” 会被误认为是尖括号的开头,所有报错 </when>解决的第一种方式:实体符号代替的使用
原符号 实体符号 < < <= <= > > >= >= & & " " ‘ '解决的第二种方式: CDATA
可以将特殊的符号放在 < ! [ CDATA[ ] ]>中
<if test="age>=0"> AND age <![CDATA[ < ]]> #{age} </if>...