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Adjusts a text file to local conventions.

The set of files to be adjusted can be refined with the includesincludesfileexcludesexcludesfile and defaultexcludes attributes. Patterns provided through the includes or includesfile attributes specify files to be included. Patterns provided through the exclude or excludesfile attribute specify files to be excluded. Additionally, default exclusions can be specified with the defaultexcludes attribute. See the section on directory-based tasks, for details of file inclusion/exclusion patterns and their usage.

This task forms an implicit FileSet and supports most attributes of <fileset> (dir becomes srcdir) as well as the nested <include><exclude> and <patternset> elements.

The output file is only written if it is a new file, or if it differs from the existing file. This prevents spurious rebuilds based on unchanged files which have been regenerated by this task.

Since Apache Ant 1.7, this task can be used in a filterchain.


Attribute Description Required
As Task As Filter
srcDir Where to find the files to be fixed up. One of these  
file Name of a single file to fix. Since Ant 1.7  
destDir Where to place the corrected files. Defaults to srcDir (replacing the original file). No  
includes comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be included. All files are included when omitted. No  
includesfile the name of a file. Each line of this file is taken to be an include pattern. No  
excludes comma- or space-separated list of patterns of files that must be excluded. No files (except default excludes) are excluded when omitted. No  
excludesfile the name of a file. Each line of this file is taken to be an exclude pattern. No  
defaultexcludes indicates whether default excludes should be used or not ("yes"/"no"). Default excludes are used when omitted. No  
encoding The encoding of the files. No; defaults to default JVM encoding.  
outputencoding The encoding to use when writing the files. Since Ant 1.7 No; defaults to the value of the encoding attribute.  
preservelastmodified Whether to preserve the last modified date of source files. Since Ant 1.6.3 No; default is false  
eol Specifies how end-of-line (EOL) characters are to be handled. The EOL characters are CR, LF and the pair CRLF. Valid values for this property are:
  • asis: leave EOL characters alone
  • cr: convert all EOLs to a single CR
  • lf: convert all EOLs to a single LF
  • crlf: convert all EOLs to the pair CRLF
  • mac: convert all EOLs to a single CR
  • unix: convert all EOLs to a single LF
  • dos: convert all EOLs to the pair CRLF
Default is based on the platform on which you are running this task. For Unix platforms (including Mac OS X), the default is "lf". For DOS-based systems (including Windows), the default is "crlf". For Mac environments other than OS X, the default is "cr".

This is the preferred method for specifying EOL. The "cr" attribute (see below) is now deprecated.

N.B.: One special case is recognized. The three characters CR-CR-LF are regarded as a single EOL. Unless this property is specified as "asis", this sequence will be converted into the specified EOL type.

cr Deprecated. Specifies how CR characters are to be handled at end-of-line (EOL). Valid values for this property are:
  • asis: leave EOL characters alone.
  • add: add a CR before any single LF characters. The intent is to convert all EOLs to the pair CRLF.
  • remove: remove all CRs from the file. The intent is to convert all EOLs to a single LF.
Default is based on the platform on which you are running this task. For Unix platforms, the default is "remove". For DOS based systems (including Windows), the default is "add".

N.B.: One special case is recognized. The three characters CR-CR-LF are regarded as a single EOL. Unless this property is specified as "asis", this sequence will be converted into the specified EOL type.

javafiles Used only in association with the "tab" attribute (see below), this boolean attribute indicates whether the fileset is a set of java source files ("yes"/"no"). Defaults to "no". See notes in section on "tab". No
tab Specifies how tab characters are to be handled. Valid values for this property are:
  • add: convert sequences of spaces which span a tab stop to tabs
  • asis: leave tab and space characters alone
  • remove: convert tabs to spaces
Default for this parameter is "asis".

N.B.: When the attribute "javafiles" (see above) is "true", literal TAB characters occurring within Java string or character constants are never modified. This functionality also requires the recognition of Java-style comments.

N.B.: There is an incompatibility between this and the previous version in the handling of white space at the end of lines. This version does not remove trailing whitespace on lines.

tablength TAB character interval. Valid values are between 2 and 80 inclusive. The default for this parameter is 8. No
eof Specifies how DOS end of file (control-Z) characters are to be handled. Valid values for this property are:
  • add: ensure that there is an EOF character at the end of the file
  • asis: leave EOF characters alone
  • remove: remove any EOF character found at the end
Default is based on the platform on which you are running this task. For Unix platforms, the default is remove. For DOS based systems (including Windows), the default is asis.
fixlast Whether to add a missing EOL to the last line of a processed file.
Ignored if EOL is asis.
Since Ant 1.6.1
No; default is true


<fixcrlf srcdir="${src}" includes="**/*.sh"
         eol="lf" eof="remove" />

Replaces EOLs with LF characters and removes eof characters from the shell scripts. Tabs and spaces are left as is.

<fixcrlf srcdir="${src}"
         includes="**/*.bat" eol="crlf" />

Replaces all EOLs with cr-lf pairs in the batch files. Tabs and spaces are left as is. EOF characters are left alone if run on DOS systems, and are removed if run on Unix systems.

<fixcrlf srcdir="${src}"
         includes="**/Makefile" tab="add" />

Sets EOLs according to local OS conventions, and converts sequences of spaces and tabs to the minimal set of spaces and tabs which will maintain spacing within the line. Tabs are set at 8 character intervals. EOF characters are left alone if run on DOS systems, and are removed if run on Unix systems. Many versions of make require tabs prior to commands.

<fixcrlf srcdir="${src}" includes="**/*.java"
         tab="remove" tablength="3"
         eol="lf" javafiles="yes" />

Converts all EOLs in the included java source files to a single LF. Replace all TAB characters except those in string or character constants with spaces, assuming a tab width of 3. If run on a unix system, any CTRL-Z EOF characters at the end of the file are removed. On DOS/Windows, any such EOF characters will be left untouched.

<fixcrlf srcdir="${src}"
         includes="**/README*" tab="remove" />

Sets EOLs according to local OS conventions, and converts all tabs to spaces, assuming a tab width of 8. EOF characters are left alone if run on DOS systems, and are removed if run on Unix systems. You never know what editor a user will use to browse READMEs.



refer : /






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