NHibernate *.hbm.xml 文档

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了NHibernate *.hbm.xml 文档相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

# class
        name="ClassName"                              (1)
        table="tableName"                             (2)
        discriminator-value="discriminator_value"     (3)
        mutable="true|false"                          (4)
        schema="owner"                                (5)
        proxy="ProxyInterface"                        (6)
        dynamic-update="true|false"                   (7)
        dynamic-insert="true|false"                   (8)
        select-before-update="true|false"             (9)
        polymorphism="implicit|explicit"              (10)
        where="arbitrary sql where condition"         (11)
        persister="PersisterClass"                    (12)
        batch-size="N"                                (13)
        optimistic-lock="none|version|dirty|all"      (14)
        lazy="true|false"                             (15)
        abstract="true|false"                         (16)
(1) name: The fully qualified .NET class name of the persistent class (or interface), including its assembly name.
(2) table(optional - defaults to the unqualified class name): The name of its database table.
(3) discriminator-value (optional - defaults to the class name): A value that distinguishes individual subclasses, used for polymorphic behaviour. Acceptable values include null and not null.
(4) mutable (optional, defaults to true): Specifies that instances of the class are (not) mutable.
(5) schema (optional): Override the schema name specified by the root <hibernate-mapping> element.
(6) proxy (optional): Specifies an interface to use for lazy initializing proxies. You may specify the name of the class itself.
(7) dynamic-update (optional, defaults to false): Specifies that UPDATE SQL should be generated at runtime and contain only those columns whose values have changed.
(8) dynamic-insert (optional, defaults to false): Specifies that INSERT SQL should be generated at runtime and contain only the columns whose values are not null.
(9) select-before-update (optional, defaults to false): Specifies that NHibernate should never perform an SQL UPDATE unless it is certain that an object is actually modified. In certain cases (actually, only when a transient object has been associated with a new session using update()), this means that NHibernate will perform an extra SQL SELECT to determine if an UPDATE is actually required.
(10)    polymorphism (optional, defaults to implicit): Determines whether implicit or explicit query polymorphism is used.
(11)    where (optional) specify an arbitrary SQL WHERE condition to be used when retrieving objects of this class
(12)    persister (optional): Specifies a custom IClassPersister.
(13)    batch-size (optional, defaults to 1) specify a "batch size" for fetching instances of this class by identifier.
(14)    optimistic-lock (optional, defaults to version): Determines the optimistic locking strategy.
(15)    lazy (optional): Lazy fetching may be completely disabled by setting lazy="false".
(16)    abstract (optional): Used to mark abstract superclasses in <union-subclass> hierarchies.

# id
        name="PropertyName"                      (1)
        type="typename"                          (2)
        column="column_name"                     (3)
        unsaved-value="any|none|null|id_value"   (4)

        <generator class="generatorClass"/>
(1) name (optional): The name of the identifier property.
(2) type (optional): A name that indicates the NHibernate type.
(3) column (optional - defaults to the property name): The name of the primary key column.
(4) unsaved-value (optional - defaults to a "sensible" value): An identifier property value that indicates that an instance is newly instantiated (unsaved), distinguishing it from transient instances that were saved or loaded in a previous session.
(5) access (optional - defaults to property): The strategy NHibernate should use for accessing the property value.

# property
        name="propertyName"                 (1)
        column="column_name"                (2)
        type="typename"                     (3)
        update="true|false"                 (4)
        insert="true|false"                 (4)
        formula="arbitrary SQL expression"  (5)
        access="field|property|ClassName"   (6)
        optimistic-lock="true|false"        (7)
        generated="never|insert|always"     (8)
        lazy="true|false"                   (9)
(1) name: the name of the property of your class.
(2) column (optional - defaults to the property name): the name of the mapped database table column.
(3) type (optional): a name that indicates the NHibernate type.
(4) update, insert (optional - defaults to true) : specifies that the mapped columns should be included in SQL UPDATE and/or INSERT statements. Setting both to false allows a pure "derived" property whose value is initialized from some other property that maps to the same column(s) or by a trigger or other application.
(5) formula (optional): an SQL expression that defines the value for a computed property. Computed properties do not have a column mapping of their own.
(6) access (optional - defaults to property): The strategy NHibernate should use for accessing the property value.
(7) optimistic-lock (optional - defaults to true): Specifies that updates to this property do or do not require acquisition of the optimistic lock. In other words, determines if a version increment should occur when this property is dirty.
(8) generated (optional - defaults to never): Specifies that this property value is actually generated by the database. See the discussion of Section 5.5, “Generated Properties”.
(9) lazy (optional - defaults to false): Specifies that this property is lazy. A lazy property is not loaded when the object is initially loaded, unless the fetch mode has been overridden in a specific query. Values for lazy properties are loaded when any lazy property of the object is accessed.

以上是关于NHibernate *.hbm.xml 文档的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


NHibernate错误:Could not compile the mapping document的解决

NHibernate:no persister for 异常

使用保持身份递增的 NHibernate 映射我现有的 ID 列


在 NHibernate 映射中为未使用的列提供默认默认值