Posted JAVA之家TY
<select id="selectListPage" resultType="User">
SELECT id,name,password FROM(
SELECT id,name,password,ROWNUM rn FROM t_user
<if test="id!=null and id!=‘‘">AND id=#{id}
<if test="
name!=null and name!=‘‘">
AND name like #{name}
<if test="password!=null and password!=‘‘">
AND password like #{password}
<if test="columnName!=null and columnName!=‘‘">
ORDER BY ${columnName} ${sortType}
) WHERE rn>(#{page}-1)*#{pageSize} AND rn<=#{page}*#{pageSize}
<select id="selectListPage" resultMap="rm">
SELECT id,name,password,role FROM(
SELECT id,name,password,role,ROWNUM rn FROM t_user
<if test="id!=null and id!=‘‘">AND id=#{id}
<if test="
name!=null and name!=‘‘">
AND name like #{name}
<if test="password!=null and password!=‘‘">
AND password like #{password}
<if test="columnName!=null and columnName!=‘‘">
ORDER BY ${columnName} ${sortType}
WHERE rn>(#{page}-1)*#{pageSize} AND rn<=#{page}*#{pageSize}
modx - 当我在同上片段中使用“&documents =”参数时,分页不起作用
FragmentStatePagerAdapter 视图分页器片段在活动重新创建后不显示