Posted 青衫执卷
在jdk1.6以前synchronized的java内置锁不存在 偏向锁->轻量级锁->重量级锁 的锁膨胀机制,锁膨胀机制是1.6之后为了优化java线程同步性能而实现的。而1.6之前都是基于monitor机制的重量级锁。因为java内部对锁实现的封装,就算现在我们也只需要了解重量级锁就可以了。深入了解monitor机制对学习线程同步非常重要。
- 什么是monitor
- monitor的作用
- monitor的组成
- 寻找monitor锁
- java monitor机制的实现
什么是monitor 参考
3.1 monitor对象
3.2 临界区
3.3 条件变量
条件变量和下方wait signal方法的使用有密切关系 。在获取锁进入临界区之后,如果发现条件变量不满足使用wait方法使线程阻塞,条件变量满足后signal唤醒被阻塞线程。 tips:当线程被signal唤醒之后,不是从wait那继续执行的,而是重新while循环一次判断条件是否成立。参考
3.4 定义在monitor对象上的wait() signal() signalAll()操作
4.1 首先先看一下synchronized同步代码块和同步方法编译后的字节码指令文件分别是什么样子
public class SynchronizedTest { public synchronized void test1(){ } public void test2(){ synchronized (this){ } } }
4.2 线程执行到同步方法处和同步代码块monitorenter和monitorexit指令分别发生了什么
同步方法 文档

2.11.10. Synchronization The Java Virtual Machine supports synchronization of both methods and sequences of instructions within a method by a single synchronization construct: the monitor. Method-level synchronization is performed implicitly, as part of method invocation and return (§2.11.8). A synchronized method is distinguished in the run-time constant pool\'s method_info structure (§4.6) by the ACC_SYNCHRONIZED flag, which is checked by the method invocation instructions. When invoking a method for which ACC_SYNCHRONIZED is set, the executing thread enters a monitor, invokes the method itself, and exits the monitor whether the method invocation completes normally or abruptly. During the time the executing thread owns the monitor, no other thread may enter it. If an exception is thrown during invocation of the synchronized method and the synchronized method does not handle the exception, the monitor for the method is automatically exited before the exception is rethrown out of the synchronized method. Synchronization of sequences of instructions is typically used to encode the synchronized block of the Java programming language. The Java Virtual Machine supplies the monitorenter and monitorexit instructions to support such language constructs. Proper implementation of synchronized blocks requires cooperation from a compiler targeting the Java Virtual Machine (§3.14). Structured locking is the situation when, during a method invocation, every exit on a given monitor matches a preceding entry on that monitor. Since there is no assurance that all code submitted to the Java Virtual Machine will perform structured locking, implementations of the Java Virtual Machine are permitted but not required to enforce both of the following two rules guaranteeing structured locking. Let T be a thread and M be a monitor. Then: The number of monitor entries performed by T on M during a method invocation must equal the number of monitor exits performed by T on M during the method invocation whether the method invocation completes normally or abruptly. At no point during a method invocation may the number of monitor exits performed by T on M since the method invocation exceed the number of monitor entries performed by T on M since the method invocation. Note that the monitor entry and exit automatically performed by the Java Virtual Machine when invoking a synchronized method are considered to occur during the calling method\'s invocation. 2.11.10。同步化 Java虚拟机通过单个同步结构(监视器)支持方法和方法中指令序列的同步。 作为方法调用和返回的一部分,方法级同步是隐式执行的(第2.11.8节)。甲synchronized方法是在运行时间常量池中的区分method_info结构(§4.6由)ACC_SYNCHRONIZED标志,这是由方法调用指令进行检查。调用方法时ACC_SYNCHRONIZED设置为1时,无论方法调用是正常完成还是突然完成,执行线程都将进入监视器,调用方法本身并退出监视器。在执行线程拥有监视器的时间内,没有其他线程可以进入它。如果在调用synchronized方法期间引发了异常并且该synchronized方法不处理该异常,则在将该异常重新抛出该方法之前,该方法的监视器将自动退出synchronized。 指令序列的同步通常用于对synchronizedJava编程语言的块进行编码 。Java虚拟机提供了 monitorenter和monitorexit指令来支持这种语言构造。正确实现synchronized块需要目标Java虚拟机(第3.14节)的编译器的配合。 当方法调用期间,给定监视器上的每个出口与该监视器上的先前条目匹配时,就是结构锁定。由于不能保证提交给Java虚拟机的所有代码都将执行结构化锁定,因此允许但不要求强制执行以下两个保证结构化锁定的规则的Java虚拟机实现。设 T为线程, M为监视器。然后: 进行监控条目的数量由Ť上中号的方法调用期间必须等于由执行监控退出的数目Ť上中号 是否该方法调用完成正常或突然的方法调用期间。 在一个方法调用期间没有点可以通过执行监控退出的数目Ť 上中号,因为该方法的调用超过执行监视器条目的数量Ť 上中号,因为该方法调用。 请注意,在调用synchronized方法时,Java虚拟机在调用方法时自动执行的监视器进入和退出 被视为发生。
同步代码块指令 文档

The objectref must be of type reference. Each object is associated with a monitor. A monitor is locked if and only if it has an owner. The thread that executes monitorenter attempts to gain ownership of the monitor associated with objectref, as follows: If the entry count of the monitor associated with objectref is zero, the thread enters the monitor and sets its entry count to one. The thread is then the owner of the monitor. If the thread already owns the monitor associated with objectref, it reenters the monitor, incrementing its entry count. If another thread already owns the monitor associated with objectref, the thread blocks until the monitor\'s entry count is zero, then tries again to gain ownership. 该objectref的类型必须是reference。 每个对象都与一个监视器关联。监视器只有在拥有所有者的情况下才被锁定。执行monitorenter的线程 尝试获得与objectref关联的监视器的所有权,如下所示: 如果与objectref关联的监视器的条目计数 为零,则线程进入监视器,并将其条目计数设置为1。然后,该线程是监视器的所有者。 如果线程已经拥有与objectref关联的监视器 ,则它将重新进入监视器,从而增加其条目计数。 如果另一个线程已经拥有与objectref相关联的监视器 ,则该线程将阻塞,直到该监视器的条目计数为零为止,然后再次尝试获取所有权。

The thread decrements the entry count of the monitor associated with objectref. If as a result the value of the entry count is zero, the thread exits the monitor and is no longer its owner. Other threads that are blocking to enter the monitor are allowed to attempt to do so. 该线程减少与objectref关联的监视器的条目计数。结果,如果条目计数的值为零,则线程退出监视器,并且不再是其所有者。其他被阻止进入监视器的线程也可以尝试这样做。
4.3 寻找monitor锁
- 普通同步方法,锁是当前实例对象。
- 静态同步方法,锁是当前类的class对象。
- 同步代码块,锁是括号中的对象。
4.3.1 对象头
|-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------| | Mark Word (32 bits) | State | |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------| | identity_hashcode:25 | age:4 | biased_lock:1 | lock:2 | Normal | |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------| | thread:23 | epoch:2 | age:4 | biased_lock:1 | lock:2 | Biased | |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------| | ptr_to_lock_record:30 | lock:2 | Lightweight Locked | |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------| | ptr_to_heavyweight_monitor:30 | lock:2 | Heavyweight Locked | |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------| | | lock:2 | Marked for GC | |-------------------------------------------------------|--------------------|
每个java对象在内存中由对象头,实例数据和对齐填充三块区域组成。其中对象头存储了一些增强对象功能的信息,对象头中的Mark word 记录了锁的相关信息。如果此刻该对象锁升级为重量级锁,那么其中在对象头中存储了指向基于monitor锁的指针ptr_to_heavyweight_monitor。这个指针指向的就是我们苦苦寻找的锁。
4.3.2 揭开monitor锁神秘面纱
_header |
定义: volatile markOop _header; // displaced object header word - mark
说明: _header是一个markOop类型,markOop就是对象头中的Mark Word |
_count | 定义:
volatile intptr_t _count; // reference count to prevent reclaimation/deflation
// at stop-the-world time. See deflate_idle_monitors().
// _count is approximately |_WaitSet| + |_EntryList|
_waiters |
定义: volatile intptr_t _waiters; // number of waiting threads
说明:等待线程数 |
_recursions |
定义: volatile intptr_t _recursions; // recursion count, 0 for first entry
说明:锁重入次数 |
_object |
定义: void* volatile _object; // backward object pointer - strong root
说明:监视器锁寄生的对象。锁不是平白出现的,而是寄托存储于对象中 |
_owner |
定义: void * volatile _owner; // pointer to owning thread OR BasicLock
说明: 指向获得ObjectMonitor对象的线程或基础锁 |
_WaitSet |
定义: ObjectWaiter * volatile _WaitSet; // LL of threads wait()ing on the monitor
说明:处于wait状态的线程,被加入到这个linkedList |
_WaitSetLock |
定义: volatile int _WaitSetLock; // protects Wait Queue - simple spinlock
说明:protects Wait Queue - simple spinlock ,保护WaitSet的一个自旋锁(monitor大锁里面的一个小锁,这个小锁用来保护_WaitSet更改) |
_Responsible |
定义: Thread * volatile _Responsible
_succ |
定义: Thread * volatile _succ ; // Heir presumptive thread - used for futile wakeup throttling
说明:当锁被前一个线程释放,会指定一个假定继承者线程,但是它不一定最终获得锁。参考: |
_cxq |
定义: ObjectWaiter * volatile _cxq ; // LL of recently-arrived threads blocked on entry.
// The list is actually composed of WaitNodes, acting
// as proxies for Threads.
说明:ContentionList 参考: |
FreeNext |
定义: ObjectMonitor * FreeNext ; // Free list linkage
说明:未知 |
_EntryList |
定义: ObjectWaiter * volatile _EntryList ; // Threads blocked on entry or reentry.
说明:未获取锁被阻塞或者被wait的线程重新进入被放入entryList中 |
_SpinFreq |
定义: volatile int _SpinFreq ; // Spin 1-out-of-N attempts: success rate
说明:未知 可能是获取锁的成功率 |
_SpinClock |
定义: volatile int _SpinClock ;
说明:未知 |
OwnerIsThread |
定义: int OwnerIsThread ; // _owner is (Thread *) vs SP/BasicLock
说明:当前owner是thread还是BasicLock |
_previous_owner_tid |
定义: volatile jlong _previous_owner_tid; // thread id of the previous owner of the monitor
说明:当前owner的线程id |
4.3.3 线程的千里追踪
- 线程访问同步代码,需要获取monitor锁
- 线程被jvm托管
- jvm获取充当临界区锁的java对象
- 根据java对象对象头中的重量级锁 ptr_to_heavyweight_monitor指针找到objectMonitor
- 将当前线程包装成一个ObjectWaiter对象
- 将ObjectWaiter假如_cxq(ContentionList)队列头部
- 如果owner是其他线程说明当前monitor被占据,则当前线程阻塞。如果没有被其他线程占据,则将owner设置为当前线程,将线程从等待队列中删除,count--。
- 当前线程获取monitor锁,如果条件变量不满足,则将线程放入WaitSet中。当条件满足之后被唤醒,把线程从WaitSet转移到EntrySet中。
- 当前线程临界区执行完毕
- Owner线程会在unlock时,将ContentionList中的部分线程迁移到EntryList中,并指定EntryList中的某个线程为OnDeck线程(一般是最先进去的那个线程)。Owner线程并不直接把锁传递给OnDeck线程,而是把锁竞争的权利交个OnDeck,OnDeck需要重新竞争锁