关于App Sandbox



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了关于App Sandbox相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

参考技术A App Sandbox(以下或简称应用程序沙盒,应用程序沙箱,沙盒或者沙箱)是 OS X 系统提供的一种访问控制技术,它在内核级别被强制要求。一旦某个应用遭到破坏,沙盒能够保护系统和用户数据免受波及。通过 Mac App Store 分发的应用程序必须采用沙盒。还有一些应用程序不通过 Mac App Store 分发,而是使用开发者账号做签名的(大多数情况下)也要使用沙盒。

系统越复杂便越是容易遭受攻击,软件不断迭代并随着时间的推移变得越来越复杂。你采取安全编码实践来防止 bug 的出现,但攻击者只需要穿透你的防御即可成功入侵。尽管沙盒不能阻止应用程序遭受攻击,但它能把入侵造成的损害控制在最小程度。





在系统运行时,对在项目定义中未明确请求任何资源的访问都是拒绝的。比如,如果你正在使用 sketch(编辑图片之类),你知道应用程序不需要访问到麦克风,你当然也不会去请求,同时系统会拒绝任何尝试通过应用程序(可能已被入侵)启用麦克风的行为。



About App Sandbox



About App Sandbox

App Sandbox is an access control technology provided in macOS, enforced at the kernel level. It is designed to contain damage to the system and the user’s data if an app becomes compromised. Apps distributed through the Mac App Store must adopt App Sandbox. Apps signed and distributed outside of the Mac App Store with Developer ID can (and in most cases should) use App Sandbox as well.

At a Glance

Complex systems will always have vulnerabilities, and software complexity only increases over time. No matter how carefully you adopt secure coding practices and guard against bugs, attackers only need to get through your defenses once to succeed. While App Sandbox doesn’t prevent attacks against your app, it does minimize the harm a successful one can cause.

A non-sandboxed app has the full rights of the user who is running that app, and can access any resources that the user can access. If that app or any framework it is linked against contain security holes, an attacker can potentially exploit those holes to take control of that app, and in doing so, the attacker gains the ability to do anything that the user can do.

Designed to mitigate this problem, the App Sandbox strategy is twofold:

  1. App Sandbox enables you to describe how your app interacts with the system. The system then grants your app the access it needs to get its job done, and no more.

  2. App Sandbox allows the user to transparently grant your app additional access by way of Open and Save dialogs, drag and drop, and other familiar user interactions.


App Sandbox is not a silver bullet. Apps can still be compromised, and a compromised app can still do damage. But the scope of potential damage is severely limited when an app is restricted to the minimum set of privileges it needs to get its job done.

App Sandbox is Based on a Few Straightforward Principles

By limiting access to sensitive resources on a per-app basis, App Sandbox provides a last line of defense against the theft, corruption, or deletion of user data, or the hijacking of system hardware, if an attacker successfully exploits security holes in your app. For example, a sandboxed app must explicitly state its intent to use any of the following resources using entitlements:

  • Hardware (Camera, Microphone, USB, Printer)

  • Network Connections (Inbound or Outbound)

  • App Data (Calendar, Location, Contacts)

  • User Files (Downloads, Pictures, Music, Movies, User Selected Files)

Access to any resource not explicitly requested in the project definition is rejected by the system at run time. If you are writing a sketch app, for example, and you know your app will never need access to the microphone, you simply don’t ask for access, and the system knows to reject any attempt your (perhaps compromised) app makes to use it.

以上是关于关于App Sandbox的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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