



测试数据:自行设计,n>20, k随机输入


int partition(const int * na, int low, int hight);
int new_qsort(const int * na, int low, int high, int nNeed);
* find the k-th biggest element in a integer array, using a
* modified quick sort algorithm.
* Prarameters:
* narray : the start address of the integer array.
* n : the size of the integer array.
* k : the priority of the needed element.
* Return Value:
* -1 : array size error.
* -2 : k value invalid.
* other : the index of the k-th biggest element in the array.
int find_orderk(const int * narray, const int n, const int k)

if ( n < 1)
return -1;
if ( (K < 1) || (K > n) )
return -2;
// store a copy of the original int arrray.
int * pN = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
pN[i] = narray[i];
// find the k-th biggest VALUE in the int array.

int nVal = new_qsort(pN, 0, n-1, k-1);
// find the first position of the k-th biggest VALUE in the original array.

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if ( narray[i] == nVal)
return i;

/*** one pass of standard quik sort.*
* Parameters:* na : the start address of the integer array.
* low : the lower boundary of the elements needed to be processed.
* hight : the upper boundary of the elements needed to be processed.*
* Return Value:
* the index of the pivot element after this pass.

int partition(const int * na, int low, int hight)

int nTmp = na[low];
while (low < high )

while(low < high && na[high] <= nTmp)
na[low] = na[high];
while (low < high && na[low] >= nTmp)
na[higt] = na[low];
na[low] = nTmp;
return low;

/*** modified qsort, only sort the part that contains the
* nNeed-th biggest element. The return value is the value of
* the nNeed-th biggest element, not the position.*
* Parameters:
* na : the start address of the integer array.
* low : the lower boundary of the elements needed to be processed.
* hight : the upper boundary of the elements needed to be processed.
* nNeed : the priority of the needed element.*
* Return Value:
* the value of the nNeed-th biggest element in the given integer array.

int new_qsort(const int * na, int low, int high, int nNeed)

int nFound = partition(na, low, high);
if (nFound == nNeed)

return na[nFound];

if (nFound < nNeed)

return new_qsort(na, nFound, high);

if (nFound > nNeed)

return new_qsort(na, low, nFound);


参考技术A 用链表吧,很方便的,很简洁的



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;

int part(int *arr, int l , int r)
    c_num += r - l;
    int q = r--;
    while( l < r)
        while(l <= r && arr[l] <= arr[q]) ++l; 
        while(l < r && arr[r] >= arr[q]) --r;
        if(l<r&&arr[l]>arr[r]) swap(arr[l], arr[r]);
    if(l<q&&arr[l]>arr[q]) swap(arr[l], arr[q]);    
    return l;

int part2(int *arr, int l , int r)
    c_num += r - l;
    int k, q = l;
    swap(arr[l], arr[l+rand()%(r-l)]);
    for(k = l+1; k <= r; ++k) 
        if(arr[k] <= arr[q])
            if(++l != k)
                swap(arr[l], arr[k]);
    swap(arr[l], arr[q]);    
    return l;

void qsort(int *arr, int l, int r)
    if(l >= r) return;
    int mid = part(arr, l , r);
    qsort(arr, l, mid-1);
    qsort(arr,mid+1, r);

int findNumK(int *arr, int l, int r, const int k)
    if(l >= r)
        return arr[k];
    int mid = part(arr, l , r);
    if(k < mid)
        return findNumK(arr, l, mid-1, k);
    else if (k > mid)
        return findNumK(arr,mid+1, r, k);
        return arr[k];
#define MAX_RAND 82934829
int myRand(int n)
    return  (long((double)rand()/RAND_MAX * MAX_RAND))%n;
const int n = 10000000;
int ki = 100;
int arr[n];
int brr[n];
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        arr[i] = i;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        brr[i] = arr[i];
        printf("\n%d %d\n", c_num, findNumK(brr, 0, n-1, n-ki));
        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            brr[i] = arr[i];
        c_num = 0;
    c_num = 0;
    qsort(arr, 0, n-1);
    for(int i = n-1; i >= n - ki; --i)
        printf("%d ", arr[i]);
    return 0;




如何查找无序数组中的Top n

P1923 求第 k 小的数

P1923 求第 k 小的数

P1923 求第 k 小的数

P1923 求第 k 小的数