



通过对系统进行结构分析,采用了层次化的设计方法,给出了各个模块的VHDL程序,并且利用Max PlusⅡ对应用程序进行了仿真,并给出了相应的仿真结果。在用VHDL语言进行电路设计时,应充分认识到VHDL语言的特点,从设计思想、语句运用及描述方法上等多方面对电路进行优化设计。通过电路优化设计,可以使用规模更小的可编程逻辑芯片,从而降低系统成本。


In this epoch of automation, equipments in many industries, like traffic light control, are closely related to computers. Therefore, a decent/fine/satisfying traffic light control will provide technical innovation in areas like road congestion and control of traffic violation.
With the skyrocketing development of the massive integrated circuit and computer technology, along with the extensive application of artificial intellengence at control technology, there has been a significant growth in intelligent devices, which represents the mainstream of modern technology. This paper, thereby, makes a introduction to a novel design of traffic light system.
技术革新,最常用的说法是technical innovation.
交通拥挤,堵塞 road congestion
迅猛发展,用skyrocketing developmen,作为一种常用的比喻说法。

Traditional traffic light control systems are majorly realised through Single-chip Microcomputer (SCM) and PLC, whereas this paper reveals an alternative solution based on EDA technique to design a traffic light system. A remarkable feature of EDA technique is to utilize Hardware Description Language (HDL) to complete the design documents of the system, with a digital circuit experiment applying VHDL, which is widely adopted in the field of electronic design by designers, in order to reduce the difficulty in designing the digital system. This design thus projects a hardware implementation method of traffic light system based on VHDL, on account of the design of traffic light controllers.
注释:介绍,为了避免重复,不用introduce, 用了reveals。
你的文章是一种新方案,所以用 an alternative solution

By means of structural analysis of the system and design technique of layering, this paper shows VHDL programmes of various modules, and implemented a simulation of application programmes using Max Plus II, with the results of corresponding simulations given. The features of VHDL language should be fully understood when designing circuits using the language, while a circuit could be optimized by design philosophy, utilization of statements and method of description. Smaller scale of programmable logic chip could be applied through the optimal design of circuits, so as to reduce the cost of the system.
优化设计:optimal或optimum design
原文:通过对系统进行结构分析,采用了层次化的设计方法,给出了各个模块的VHDL程序,并且利用Max PlusⅡ对应用程序进行了仿真,并给出了相应的仿真结果。在用VHDL语言进行电路设计时,应充分认识到VHDL语言的特点,从设计思想、语句运用及描述方法上等多方面对电路进行优化设计。通过电路优化设计,可以使用规模更小的可编程逻辑芯片,从而降低系统成本。
参考技术A It it hoped that the answe as below will give you a help on English learning.

The modern age is an era of automation, traffic light control equipment, and many other industries are closely related with the computer. Therefore, a good traffic light control system, will give road congestion, illegal control give technical innovations. With the large scale integrated circuits and the rapid development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology in the control of the extensive use of intelligent devices has been great development in the mainstream of modern science and technology development direction. This paper describes a traffic light system.
Traditional traffic light control system or PLC to achieve a majority by a single chip, this paper is based on EDA technology design a scheme of traffic signal systems. An important feature of EDA technology is the use of hardware description language (HDL) to complete the design of the system files, applications VHDL digital circuit experiment reduces the difficulty of digital system design, which designers of electronic design has been widely adopted. This design is for the traffic signal controller design problem, a traffic light based on VHDL language system hardware implementation.
Structure of the system by using a hierarchical design method, each module is given VHDL program, and using Max Plus Ⅱ on applications of simulation, and the corresponding simulation results. In the circuit design with VHDL, should be fully aware of the characteristics of VHDL language, from the design, method statement and description of the use of many of the upper circuit to optimize the design. Through circuit optimization design, you can use smaller programmable logic chip, thereby reducing system cost.
参考技术B Today is a traffic control automation, equipment and many industry is closely related to the computer. Therefore, a good traffic control system, will give road congestion control, etc, to technical innovation. With large scale integrated circuit and the rapid development of computer technology, and artificial intelligence in the control technology is widely used, intelligent equipment, is the development of modern science and technology, the mainstream of development direction. This paper introduces a traffic system design.
The traditional traffic control system by single-chip microcomputer and PLC majority are introduced in this paper, based on the system design of EDA lights a solution. EDA an important feature is the use of hardware description language (HDL) to finish the design documents, the application system of digital circuit experiment of VHDL reduced the number of system design, the difficulty in electronic design domain has been widely adopted by the designer. This design is targeted traffic signal controller design problems is proposed based on VHDL language, the traffic lights system hardware realization method.
Through the analysis of system structure, the design method of hierarchical, gives each module of the program, and using the Max VHDL for application Ⅱ Plus simulation, and presents the corresponding simulation results. With VHDL language in the circuit design, should be fully aware of the characteristic of language VHDL design ideas, and describe methods to optimize the circuit superior design. Through optimizing design, can use circuit smaller programmable logic chips, which can reduce the cost of system
参考技术C 当今时代是一个自动化时代,交通灯控制等很多行业的设备都与计算机密切相关。The modern age is an era of automation, traffic light control equipment, and many other industries are closely related with the computer. 因此,一个好的交通灯控制系统,将给道路拥挤、违章控制等方面给予技术革新。 Therefore, a good traffic light control system, will give road congestion, illegal control give technical innovations. 随着大规模集成电路及计算机技术的迅速发展,以及人工智能在控制技术方面的广泛运用,智能设备有了很大的发展,是现代科技发展的主流方向。 With the LSI and the rapid development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology in the control of the extensive use of intelligent devices has been great development in the mainstream development of modern science and technology direction. 本文介绍了一个交通灯系统的设计。 This paper describes a traffic light system.
传统的交通灯控制系统多数由单片机或PLC实现,本文介绍的是基于EDA技术设计交通灯系统的一种方案。 Traditional traffic light control system or PLC to achieve a majority by a single chip, this paper is based on EDA technology design a scheme of traffic signal systems. EDA技术的一个重要特征就是使用硬件描述语言(HDL)来完成系统的设计文件,应用VHDL的数字电路实验降低了数字系统的设计难度,这在电子设计领域已得到设计者的广泛采用。 An important feature of EDA technology is the use of hardware description language (HDL) to complete the design of the system files, applications VHDL digital circuit experiment reduces the difficulty of digital system design, which designers of electronic design has been widely adopted. 本设计就是针对交通信号灯控制器的设计问题,提出了基于VHDL语言的交通信号灯系统的硬件实现方法。 This design was for the traffic signal controller design problem, a traffic light based on VHDL language system hardware implementation.
通过对系统进行结构分析,采用了层次化的设计方法,给出了各个模块的VHDL程序,并且利用Max PlusⅡ对应用程序进行了仿真,并给出了相应的仿真结果。 Structure of the system by using a hierarchical design method, each module is given VHDL program, and using Max Plus Ⅱ on applications of simulation, and the corresponding simulation results. 在用VHDL语言进行电路设计时,应充分认识到VHDL语言的特点,从设计思想、语句运用及描述方法上等多方面对电路进行优化设计。 In the circuit design with VHDL, should be fully aware of the characteristics of VHDL language, from the design, method statement and description of the use of many of the upper circuit to optimize the design. 通过电路优化设计,可以使用规模更小的可编程逻辑芯片,从而降低系统成本。 Through circuit optimization design, can use smaller programmable logic chip, thereby reducing system cost.
参考技术D Our age is an automated age, traffic signals, and so many sectors of the device and computer are closely related. Therefore, a good traffic light control system, road congestion and traffic control and technology innovation. With LSI and the rapid development of computer technology and artificial intelligence in control technology is widely used, smart devices have evolved, is the mainstream of development of modern science and technology. This article describes a traffic light system design. The traditional traffic light control system most chip or PLC, this article is based on EDA design traffic light system. EDA is an important feature is the use of hardware description languages (HDL) to complete the system design of rail, VHDL digital circuits reduces the difficulty of digital system design, which in the field of electronic design has been the designer of the widely adopted. This design is for traffic signal controller design problems VHDL language of traffic signal system hardware implementation methods. Through the analysis of the structure of the system, using a hierarchical design methods, gives each module VHDL program, and Max P l u s II on application for the simulation, and the appropriate simulation results. In VHDL for circuit designs should be fully aware of the VHDL language features, from the design ideas, statements, and describes methods, and more on optimizing design circuits. Through the circuit design, you can use the smaller can programming logic chips, thereby reducing system costs. 第5个回答  2010-05-15 应该是Today is a traffic control automation, equipment and many industry is closely related to the computer. Therefore, a good traffic control system, will give road congestion control, etc, to technical innovation. With large scale integrated circuit and the rapid development of computer technology, and artificial intelligence in the control technology is widely used, intelligent equipment, is the development of modern science and technology, the mainstream of development direction. This paper introduces (90)a traffic system design.
The traditional traffic control system by single-chip microcomputer and PLC majority are introduced in this p(09)aper, based on the system design of EDA lights a solution. EDA an important feature is the use of hardware description language (HDL) to finish the design documents, the application system of digital circuit experiment of VHDL reduced the number of system design, the difficulty in electronic design domain has been widely adopted by the designer. This design is targeted traffic signal controller design problems is proposed based on VHDL language, the traffic lights system hardware realization method.
Through the analysis of system structure, the design method of hierarchical, gives each module of the program, and using the Max VHDL for application Ⅱ Plus simulation, and presents the corresponding simulation results. With VHDL language in the circuit design, should be fully aware of the characteristic of language VHDL design ideas, and describe methods to optimize the circuit superior design. Through optimizing design, can use circuit smaller programmable logic chips, which can reduce the cost of system.



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参考技术A 第一图:eclipse环境变量没有默认值,需要设置的话,点击window--preferences--java--build path--classpath variables
参考技术B 不使用GIT的话,把那个checkbox选中就可以了。






