Apache 官宣,正式成为 Apache Member 一员

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Apache 官宣了,正式成为 Apache Member 一员,热爱开源的伙伴们,欢迎参与开源,说不定哪天你也就是了!

The Apache Software Foundation Welcomes 52 New Members

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) welcomes the following new Members who were elected during the annual ASF Members' Meeting on 1 and 3 March 2022:

Akira Ajisaka, Ahmet Altay, Mike Beckerle, Ash Berlin-Taylor, László Bodor, Michael Bolz, Javier Borkenztain, Robert Bradshaw, Etienne Chauchot, Zili Chen, Marcus Christie, Ed Coleman, Lidong Dai, Heng Du, Eric Friedrich, Sunil Govindan, Anshum Gupta, Xiaoqiao He, Alex Herbert, Jim Hughes, Zhiyuan Ju, Zhenxu Ke, Calvin Kirs, Carter Kozak, Benjamin Lerer, Yizhi Liu, Alfonso Nishikawa Muñumer, Lukas Ott, Eric Payne, Brian Proffitt, Lee Rhodes, Kevin Risden, Alexey Romanenko, Ryan Skraba, Mechtilde Stehmann, Michael Stehmann, Kouhei Sutou, Jerry Tan, Zhankun Tang, Chia-Ping Tsai, Isuru Udana, Dimuthu Upeksha, Talat Uyarer, Roger Whitcomb, Liu Xun, Weiwei Yang, Volkan Yazici, Tilmann Zäschke, Stamatis Zampetakis, Wenli Zhang, Yanhui Zhao, Xinyu “Yukon” Zhou.

In addition, ASF Members Eric Pugh and Jason van Zyl have been reinstated from emeritus status.

The ASF incorporated in 1999 with a core membership of 21 individuals who oversaw the progress of the Apache HTTP Server. This group grew with Committers —developers who contributed code, patches, documentation, and other contributions, and were subsequently granted access by the Membership:

  • to "commit" or "write" directly to Apache code repositories as well as make non-code contributions;
  • the right to vote on community-related decisions; and
  • the ability to propose an active contributor for Committership.

Those Committers who demonstrate merit in the Foundation's growth, evolution, and progress are nominated for ASF Membership by existing Members.

This election brings the total number of active ASF Members to 918 today. Individuals elected as ASF Members legally serve as the "shareholders" of the Foundation Apache Corporate Governance - Members

For more information, visit


The Apache Software Foundation Welcomes 52 New Members : The Apache Software Foundation Bloghttps://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the-apache-software-foundation-welcomes13

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