Posted Vanguard
1 /** 2 * 1.从键盘接收两个文件夹路径,把其中一个文件夹中(包含内容)拷贝到另一个文件夹中 3 * @author vanguard 4 * 5 */ 6 public class Demo01 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 //键盘输入两个文件夹路径 9 Scanner sc = new Scanner(; 10 System.out.println("请输入源目录:"); 11 String srcPath =; 12 System.out.println("请输入目标目录:"); 13 String destPath =; 14 File src = new File(srcPath); 15 File dest = new File(destPath); 16 try { 17 copyDir(src, dest); 18 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 19 System.out.println("源文件不存在"); 20 e.printStackTrace(); 21 } catch (IOException e) { 22 System.out.println("读取文件失败"); 23 e.printStackTrace(); 24 } 25 26 } 27 /** 28 * 复制文件夹 29 * @param src 30 * @param dest 31 * @throws IOException 32 */ 33 private static void copyDir(File src, File dest) throws IOException { 34 //遍历源文件夹 35 for(File file : src.listFiles()) { 36 //如果是文件夹,调用复制文件夹细节方法 37 if(file.isDirectory()) { 38 copyDirDetail(file, dest); 39 } else { 40 //否则,调用复制文件夹方法 41 copyFile(file, new File(dest, file.getName())); 42 } 43 } 44 } 45 /** 46 * 复制文件夹细节 47 * @param src 48 * @param dest 49 * @throws IOException 50 */ 51 private static void copyDirDetail(File src, File dest) throws IOException { 52 dest = new File(dest, src.getName()); 53 //目标文件夹下创建文件夹 54 dest.mkdirs(); 55 //遍历文件夹下文件及文件夹 56 for(File file : src.listFiles()) { 57 if(file.isDirectory()) { 58 copyDirDetail(file, dest); 59 } else { 60 copyFile(file, new File(dest, file.getName())); 61 } 62 } 63 } 64 65 /** 66 * 复制文件 67 * @param src 68 * @param dest 69 * @throws IOException 70 */ 71 private static void copyFile(File src, File dest) throws IOException { 72 //定义字节输入流缓冲流对象 73 BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(src)); 74 //定义字节输出流缓冲流对象 75 BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dest)); 76 //定义直接缓冲数组 77 byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; 78 //定义读取长度 79 int len = 0; 80 while(-1 != (len = { 81 bos.write(buf, 0, len); 82 } 83 bos.flush(); 84 85 //释放资源 86 bos.close(); 87 bis.close(); 88 } 89 }
1 /** 2 * 2.获取指定目录及子目录下所有txt文件的个数,并将这些txt文件复制到D盘下任意目录 3 * @author vanguard 4 * 5 */ 6 public class Demo02 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 File src = new File("d:\\TortoiseSVN"); 9 File dest = new File("d:\\txt"); 10 //定义文件个数 11 int count = 0; 12 try { 13 count = fileNum(src, dest, count); 14 } catch (IOException e) { 15 16 e.printStackTrace(); 17 } 18 System.out.println("txt文件的个数为:" + count); 19 } 20 21 /** 22 * 统计指定目录及子目录下所有txt文件的个数 23 * @param src 24 * @throws IOException 25 */ 26 private static int fileNum(File src, File dest, int count) throws IOException { 27 //遍历目录下的文件及目录 28 for(File f : src.listFiles()) { 29 if(f.isDirectory()) { 30 count = fileNum(f, dest, count); 31 } else { 32 //如果是文件,且以.txt结尾,文件个数加1,调用复制文件方法 33 if(f.getName().endsWith(".txt")) { 34 count++; 35 copyFile(f, new File(dest, f.getName())); 36 } 37 } 38 } 39 return count; 40 } 41 42 /** 43 * 复制文件 44 * @param src 45 * @param dest 46 * @throws IOException 47 */ 48 private static void copyFile(File src, File dest) throws IOException { 49 //定义字节输入流缓冲流对象 50 BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(src)); 51 //定义字节输出流缓冲流对象 52 BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dest)); 53 //定义直接缓冲数组 54 byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; 55 //定义读取长度 56 int len = 0; 57 while(-1 != (len = { 58 bos.write(buf, 0, len); 59 } 60 bos.flush(); 61 62 //释放资源 63 bos.close(); 64 bis.close(); 65 } 66 }
3. 用代码实现以下需求
(1)有如下字符串"If you want to change your fate I think you must come to the dark horse to learn java"(用空格间隔)
1 /** 2 * 2. 用代码实现以下需求 3 (1)有如下字符串"If you want to change your fate I think you must come to the dark horse to learn java"(用空格间隔) 4 (2)打印格式: 5 to=3 6 think=1 7 you=2 8 //........ 9 (3)按照上面的打印格式将内容写入到D:\\count.txt文件中(要求用高效流) 10 * @author vanguard 11 * 12 */ 13 public class Demo04 { 14 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 15 String str = "If you want to change your fate I think you must come to the dark horse to learn java"; 16 //将字符串分割成字符串数组 17 String[] arrays = str.split(" "); 18 //定义存放单词和个数的Map集合,单词为键,个数为值 19 Map<String, Integer> letters = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); 20 //遍历Map集合,统计单词的个数 21 for(String arr : arrays) { 22 if(!letters.containsKey(arr)) { 23 letters.put(arr, 1); 24 } else { 25 letters.put(arr, letters.get(arr) + 1); 26 } 27 } 28 //遍历Map集合打印输出 29 for(String letter : letters.keySet()) { 30 System.out.println(letter + "=" + letters.get(letter)); 31 } 32 //定义字符缓冲输出流 33 BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("count.txt")); 34 //遍历Map集合,写数据 35 for(String letter : letters.keySet()) { 36 bw.write(letter + "=" + letters.get(letter)); 37 bw.newLine(); 38 bw.flush(); 39 } 40 //释放资源 41 bw.close(); 42 } 43 }
1 /** 2 * 4.java写一个程序,实现从文件中读出文件内容,并将其打印在屏幕当中,并标注上行号 3 * @author vanguard 4 * 5 */ 6 public class Demo05 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 8 //定义计算行号的变量 9 int lineNumber = 0; 10 //定义字符缓冲输入流 11 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("count.txt")); 12 //定义读取一行内容的字符串 13 String line = null; 14 //读取一行,读取null时,跳出循环 15 while(null != (line = br.readLine())) { 16 //行号加1 17 lineNumber++; 18 //控制台输出行号和读取的字符串 19 System.out.println(lineNumber + " " + line); 20 } 21 br.close(); 22 } 23 }