
Posted 恒奇恒毅




一、 BeanDefinition定义


 * A BeanDefinition describes a bean instance, which has property values,
 * constructor argument values, and further information supplied by
 * concrete implementations.
 * <p>This is just a minimal interface: The main intention is to allow a
 * @link BeanFactoryPostProcessor such as @link PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
 * to introspect and modify property values and other bean metadata.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @since 19.03.2004
 * @see ConfigurableListableBeanFactory#getBeanDefinition
 * @see
 * @see
public interface BeanDefinition extends AttributeAccessor, BeanMetadataElement 

	 * Scope identifier for the standard singleton scope: "singleton".
	 * <p>Note that extended bean factories might support further scopes.
	 * @see #setScope
	String SCOPE_SINGLETON = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_SINGLETON;

	 * Scope identifier for the standard prototype scope: "prototype".
	 * <p>Note that extended bean factories might support further scopes.
	 * @see #setScope
	String SCOPE_PROTOTYPE = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE;

	 * Role hint indicating that a @code BeanDefinition is a major part
	 * of the application. Typically corresponds to a user-defined bean.

	 * Role hint indicating that a @code BeanDefinition is a supporting
	 * part of some larger configuration, typically an outer
	 * @link org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition.
	 * @code SUPPORT beans are considered important enough to be aware
	 * of when looking more closely at a particular
	 * @link org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition,
	 * but not when looking at the overall configuration of an application.
	int ROLE_SUPPORT = 1;

	 * Role hint indicating that a @code BeanDefinition is providing an
	 * entirely background role and has no relevance to the end-user. This hint is
	 * used when registering beans that are completely part of the internal workings
	 * of a @link org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.ComponentDefinition.

	// Modifiable attributes

	 * Set the name of the parent definition of this bean definition, if any.
	void setParentName(String parentName);

	 * Return the name of the parent definition of this bean definition, if any.
	String getParentName();

	 * Specify the bean class name of this bean definition.
	 * <p>The class name can be modified during bean factory post-processing,
	 * typically replacing the original class name with a parsed variant of it.
	 * @see #setParentName
	 * @see #setFactoryBeanName
	 * @see #setFactoryMethodName
	void setBeanClassName(String beanClassName);

	 * Return the current bean class name of this bean definition.
	 * <p>Note that this does not have to be the actual class name used at runtime, in
	 * case of a child definition overriding/inheriting the class name from its parent.
	 * Also, this may just be the class that a factory method is called on, or it may
	 * even be empty in case of a factory bean reference that a method is called on.
	 * Hence, do <i>not</i> consider this to be the definitive bean type at runtime but
	 * rather only use it for parsing purposes at the individual bean definition level.
	 * @see #getParentName()
	 * @see #getFactoryBeanName()
	 * @see #getFactoryMethodName()
	String getBeanClassName();

	 * Override the target scope of this bean, specifying a new scope name.
	void setScope(String scope);

	 * Return the name of the current target scope for this bean,
	 * or @code null if not known yet.
	String getScope();

	 * Set whether this bean should be lazily initialized.
	 * <p>If @code false, the bean will get instantiated on startup by bean
	 * factories that perform eager initialization of singletons.
	void setLazyInit(boolean lazyInit);

	 * Return whether this bean should be lazily initialized, i.e. not
	 * eagerly instantiated on startup. Only applicable to a singleton bean.
	boolean isLazyInit();

	 * Set the names of the beans that this bean depends on being initialized.
	 * The bean factory will guarantee that these beans get initialized first.
	void setDependsOn(String... dependsOn);

	 * Return the bean names that this bean depends on.
	String[] getDependsOn();

	 * Set whether this bean is a candidate for getting autowired into some other bean.
	 * <p>Note that this flag is designed to only affect type-based autowiring.
	 * It does not affect explicit references by name, which will get resolved even
	 * if the specified bean is not marked as an autowire candidate. As a consequence,
	 * autowiring by name will nevertheless inject a bean if the name matches.
	void setAutowireCandidate(boolean autowireCandidate);

	 * Return whether this bean is a candidate for getting autowired into some other bean.
	boolean isAutowireCandidate();

	 * Set whether this bean is a primary autowire candidate.
	 * <p>If this value is @code true for exactly one bean among multiple
	 * matching candidates, it will serve as a tie-breaker.
	void setPrimary(boolean primary);

	 * Return whether this bean is a primary autowire candidate.
	boolean isPrimary();

	 * Specify the factory bean to use, if any.
	 * This the name of the bean to call the specified factory method on.
	 * @see #setFactoryMethodName
	void setFactoryBeanName(String factoryBeanName);

	 * Return the factory bean name, if any.
	String getFactoryBeanName();

	 * Specify a factory method, if any. This method will be invoked with
	 * constructor arguments, or with no arguments if none are specified.
	 * The method will be invoked on the specified factory bean, if any,
	 * or otherwise as a static method on the local bean class.
	 * @see #setFactoryBeanName
	 * @see #setBeanClassName
	void setFactoryMethodName(String factoryMethodName);

	 * Return a factory method, if any.
	String getFactoryMethodName();

	 * Return the constructor argument values for this bean.
	 * <p>The returned instance can be modified during bean factory post-processing.
	 * @return the ConstructorArgumentValues object (never @code null)
	ConstructorArgumentValues getConstructorArgumentValues();

	 * Return the property values to be applied to a new instance of the bean.
	 * <p>The returned instance can be modified during bean factory post-processing.
	 * @return the MutablePropertyValues object (never @code null)
	MutablePropertyValues getPropertyValues();

	// Read-only attributes

	 * Return whether this a <b>Singleton</b>, with a single, shared instance
	 * returned on all calls.
	boolean isSingleton();

	 * Return whether this a <b>Prototype</b>, with an independent instance
	 * returned for each call.
	 * @since 3.0
	boolean isPrototype();

	 * Return whether this bean is "abstract", that is, not meant to be instantiated.
	boolean isAbstract();

	 * Get the role hint for this @code BeanDefinition. The role hint
	 * provides the frameworks as well as tools with an indication of
	 * the role and importance of a particular @code BeanDefinition.
	 * @see #ROLE_SUPPORT
	int getRole();

	 * Return a human-readable description of this bean definition.
	String getDescription();

	 * Return a description of the resource that this bean definition
	 * came from (for the purpose of showing context in case of errors).
	String getResourceDescription();

	 * Return the originating BeanDefinition, or @code null if none.
	 * Allows for retrieving the decorated bean definition, if any.
	 * <p>Note that this method returns the immediate originator. Iterate through the
	 * originator chain to find the original BeanDefinition as defined by the user.
	BeanDefinition getOriginatingBeanDefinition();


  • parentName:父BeanDefinition名,一般没有,只有父子关系的BeanDefinition才有
  • beanClassName:表示一个bean的类型,比如UserService.class、OrderService.class,Spring在创建Bean的过程中会根据此属性来实例化得到对象。
  • scope:表示一个bean的作用域,比如:scope等于singleton,该bean就是一个单例Bean; scope等于prototype,该bean就是一个原型Bean。
  • lazyInit:表示一个bean是不是需要懒加载,prototype类型的bean的lazyInit属性不起作用。懒加载的单例bean,会在第一次getBean的时候生成该bean,非懒加载的单例bean,则会在Spring启动过程中直接生成好。
  • dependsOn:表示一个bean在创建之前所依赖的其他bean,在一个bean创建之前,它所依赖的这些bean得先全部创建好。
  • autowireCandidate:表示该bean是否支持自动注入候选
  • primary:表示一个bean是主bean,在Spring中一个类型可以有多个bean对象,在进行依赖注入时,如果根据类型找到了多个bean并且没有使用@Qulifier指定,此时会判断这些bean中是否存在一个主bean,如果存在,则直接将这个bean注入给属性。
  • factoryBeanName:工厂Bean名字,标注@Configuration的类
  • factoryMethodName:工厂Bean方法名字,以上两者来自@Bean注解的
  • constructorArgumentValues(ConstructorArgumentValues):构造方法参数值
  • propertyValues(MutablePropertyValues):所有的属性值
  • initMethodName:表示一个bean的初始化方法,一个bean的生命周期过程中有一个步骤叫初始化,Spring会在这个步骤中去调用bean的初始化方法,初始化逻辑由程序员自己控制,表示程序员可以自定义逻辑对bean进行加工。




public interface AttributeAccessor 

	 * Set the attribute defined by @code name to the supplied	@code value.
	 * If @code value is @code null, the attribute is @link #removeAttribute removed.
	 * <p>In general, users should take care to prevent overlaps with other
	 * metadata attributes by using fully-qualified names, perhaps using
	 * class or package names as prefix.
	 * @param name the unique attribute key
	 * @param value the attribute value to be attached
	void setAttribute(String name, Object value);

	 * Get the value of the attribute identified by @code name.
	 * Return @code null if the attribute doesn't exist.
	 * @param name the unique attribute key
	 * @return the current value of the attribute, if any
	Object getAttribute(String name);

	 * Remove the attribute identified by @code name and return its value.
	 * Return @code null if no attribute under @code name is found.
	 * @param name the unique attribute key
	 * @return the last value of the attribute, if any
	Object removeAttribute(String name);

	 * Return @code true if the attribute identified by @code name exists.
	 * Otherwise return @code false.
	 * @param name the unique attribute key
	boolean hasAttribute(String name);

	 * Return the names of all attributes.
	String[] attributeNames();



public abstract class AbstractBeanDefinition extends BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor
		implements BeanDefinition, Cloneable 
	private volatile Object beanClass;

	private String scope = SCOPE_DEFAULT;

	private boolean abstractFlag = false;

	private boolean lazyInit = false;

	private int autowireMode = AUTOWIRE_NO;

	private int dependencyCheck = DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE;

	private String[] dependsOn;

	private boolean autowireCandidate = true;

	private boolean primary = false;

	private final Map<String, AutowireCandidateQualifier> qualifiers =
			new LinkedHashMap<String, AutowireCandidateQualifier>(0);

	private boolean nonPublicAccessAllowed = true;

	private boolean lenientConstructorResolution = true;

	private String factoryBeanName;

	private String factoryMethodName;

	private ConstructorArgumentValues constructorArgumentValues;

	private MutablePropertyValues propertyValues;

	private MethodOverrides methodOverrides = new MethodOverrides();

	private String initMethodName;

	private String destroyMethodName;

	private boolean enforceInitMethod = true;

	private boolean enforceDestroyMethod = true;

	private boolean synthetic = false;

	private int role = BeanDefinition.ROLE_APPLICATION;

	private String description;

	private Resource resource;


RootBeanDefinition代表普通的BeanDefinition实现,通过其构造方法直接new BeanDefinitionChildBeanDefinition 代表可以设置父BeanDefinition的。



public interface AnnotatedBeanDefinition extends BeanDefinition 

	 * Obtain the annotation metadata (as well as basic class metadata)
	 * for this bean definition's bean class.
	 * @return the annotation metadata object (never @code null)
	AnnotationMetadata getMetadata();

	 * Obtain metadata for this bean definition's factory method, if any.
	 * @return the factory method metadata, or @code null if none
	 * @since 4.1.1
	MethodMetadata getFactoryMethodMetadata();



public class AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition extends GenericBeanDefinition implements AnnotatedBeanDefinition 

	private final AnnotationMetadata metadata;

	private MethodMetadata factoryMethodMetadata;

	 * Create a new AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition for the given bean class.
	 * @param beanClass the loaded bean class
	public AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition(Class<?> beanClass) 
		this.metadata = new StandardAnnotationMetadata(beanClass, true);

	 * Create a new AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition for the given annotation metadata,
	 * allowing for ASM-based processing and avoidance of early loading of the bean class.
	 * Note that this constructor is functionally equivalent to
	 * @link org.springframework.context.annotation.ScannedGenericBeanDefinition
	 * ScannedGenericBeanDefinition, however the semantics of the latter indicate that a
	 * bean was discovered specifically via component-scanning as opposed to other means.
	 * @param metadata the annotation metadata for the bean class in question
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition(AnnotationMetadata metadata) 
		Assert.notNull(metadata, "AnnotationMetadata must not be null");
		if (metadata instanceof StandardAnnotationMetadata) 
			setBeanClass(((StandardAnnotationMetadata) metadata).getIntrospectedClass());
		this.metadata = metadata;

	 * Create a new AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition for the given annotation metadata,
	 * based on an annotated class and a factory method on that class.
	 * @param metadata the annotation metadata for the bean class in question
	 * @param factoryMethodMetadata metadata for the selected factory method
	 * @since 4.1.1
	public AnnotatedGenericBeanDefinition(AnnotationMetadata metadata, MethodMetadata factoryMethodMetadata) 
		Assert.notNull(factoryMethodMetadata, "MethodMetadata must not be null");
		this.factoryMethodMetadata = factoryMethodMetadata;

	public final AnnotationMetadata getMetadata() 
		 return this.metadata;

	public final MethodMetadata getFactoryMethodMetadata() 
		return this.factoryMethodMetadata;



public class ScannedGenericBeanDefinition extends GenericBeanDefinition implements AnnotatedBeanDefinition 

	private final AnnotationMetadata metadata;

	 * Create a new ScannedGenericBeanDefinition for the class that the
	 * given MetadataReader describes.
	 * @param metadataReader the MetadataReader for the scanned target class
	public ScannedGenericBeanDefinition(MetadataReader metadataReader) 
		Assert.notNull(metadataReader, "MetadataReader must not be null");
		this.metadata = metadataReader.getAnnotationMetadata();

	public final AnnotationMetadata getMetadata() 
		return this.metadata;

	public MethodMetadata getFactoryMethodMetadata() 
		return null;



public class BeanDefinitionBuilder 

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link GenericBeanDefinition.
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder genericBeanDefinition() 
		BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = new BeanDefinitionBuilder();
		builder.beanDefinition = new GenericBeanDefinition();
		return builder;

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link GenericBeanDefinition.
	 * @param beanClass the @code Class of the bean that the definition is being created for
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder genericBeanDefinition(Class<?> beanClass) 
		BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = new BeanDefinitionBuilder();
		builder.beanDefinition = new GenericBeanDefinition();
		return builder;

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link GenericBeanDefinition.
	 * @param beanClassName the class name for the bean that the definition is being created for
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder genericBeanDefinition(String beanClassName) 
		BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = new BeanDefinitionBuilder();
		builder.beanDefinition = new GenericBeanDefinition();
		return builder;

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link RootBeanDefinition.
	 * @param beanClass the @code Class of the bean that the definition is being created for
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder rootBeanDefinition(Class<?> beanClass) 
		return rootBeanDefinition(beanClass, null);

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link RootBeanDefinition.
	 * @param beanClass the @code Class of the bean that the definition is being created for
	 * @param factoryMethodName the name of the method to use to construct the bean instance
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder rootBeanDefinition(Class<?> beanClass, String factoryMethodName) 
		BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = new BeanDefinitionBuilder();
		builder.beanDefinition = new RootBeanDefinition();
		return builder;

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link RootBeanDefinition.
	 * @param beanClassName the class name for the bean that the definition is being created for
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder rootBeanDefinition(String beanClassName) 
		return rootBeanDefinition(beanClassName, null);

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link RootBeanDefinition.
	 * @param beanClassName the class name for the bean that the definition is being created for
	 * @param factoryMethodName the name of the method to use to construct the bean instance
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder rootBeanDefinition(String beanClassName, String factoryMethodName) 
		BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = new BeanDefinitionBuilder();
		builder.beanDefinition = new RootBeanDefinition();
		return builder;

	 * Create a new @code BeanDefinitionBuilder used to construct a @link ChildBeanDefinition.
	 * @param parentName the name of the parent bean
	public static BeanDefinitionBuilder childBeanDefinition(String parentName) 
		BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = new BeanDefinitionBuilder();
		builder.beanDefinition = new ChildBeanDefinition(parentName);
		return builder;

	 * The @code BeanDefinition instance we are creating.
	private AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition;

	 * Our current position with respect to constructor args.
	private int constructorArgIndex;

	 * Enforce the use of factory methods.
	private BeanDefinitionBuilder() 

	 * Return the current BeanDefinition object in its raw (unvalidated) form.
	 * @see #getBeanDefinition()
	public AbstractBeanDefinition getRawBeanDefinition() 
		return this.beanDefinition;

	 * Validate and return the created BeanDefinition object.
	public AbstractBeanDefinition getBeanDefinition() 
		return this.beanDefinition;

	 * Set the name of the parent definition of this bean definition.
	public BeanDefinitionBuilder setParentName(String parentName) 
		return this;

	 * Set the name of a static factory method to use for this definition,
	 * to be called on this bean's class.
	public BeanDefinitionBuilder setFactoryMethod(String factoryMethod) 
		return this;

	 * Set the name of a non-static factory method to use for this definition,
	 * including the bean name of the factory instance to call the method on.
	 * @since 4.3.6
	public BeanDefinitionBuilder setFactoryMethodOnBean(String factoryMethod, String factoryBean) 
		return this;

	 * Add an indexed constructor arg value. The current index is tracked internally
	 * and all additions are at the present point.
	 * @deprecated since Spring 2.5, in favor of @link #addConstructorArgValue.
	 * This variant just remains around for Spring Security 2.x compatibility.
	public BeanDefinitionBuilder addConstructorArg(Object value) 
		return addConstructorArgValue(value);

	 * Add an indexed constructor arg value. The current index is tracked internally
	 * and all additions are at the present point.
	public BeanDefinitionBuilder addConstructorArgValue(Object value) 




BeanDefinition 解析流程解析所有配置类

