
Posted weixin_ancenhw



企业管理员可以在系统上查看到员工的考勤情况,员工自己能查询到异常考勤记录,做到公正管理。本系统主要功能是实现单位的考勤管理,单位员工可以登录系统,查看考勤记录,查看是否有考勤异常,如果有异常可以进行异常审批,可以提交休假申请,加班申请。领导可以登录系统查看员工考勤记录,对员工提交的申请进行审批,从而实现单位考勤高效管理。核心业务需求,考勤管理几乎每一个用人单位都需要的系统,系统由两种角色参与一种是员工也就是普通用户使用该系统可以查看考勤记录,提交异常考勤,加班,休假审批。另一个角色则是单位领导也是系统管理员,可以查看员工记录,异常考勤,加班,休假申请审批。本系统前后端分离,开发框架使用Vue + Spring boot,引入Element UI和jQuery UI使页面更美观,后端代码使用Java语言编写,并且使用Spring Boot框架高效快速的进行开发。

关键词:考勤管理,Spring Boot,Vue,B/S

Design and Implementation of Online Office Website Based on Vue

The enterprise personnel management is faced with a relatively big problem is the increasing number of enterprise personnel information is also growing, attendance has become a difficult point. But use computer storage, can solve this problem more easily.With the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional management is not conducive to the development of enterprises. The attendance management tools of information technology can help enterprises standardize management and improve the work efficiency.
The enterprise administrator can view the employee’s attendance situation on the system, and the employee can inquire the abnormal attendance record, so as to achieve fair management. The main function of this system is to achieve the unit of attendance management, unit staff can log in the system, check the attendance records, check whether there is abnormal attendance, if there is abnormal can be abnormal approval. Leaders can log in the system to view the employee attendance records, and approve the applications submitted by employees, so as to realize efficient management of the unit’s attendance. Core business requirements, attendance management, almost every employer needs the system, the system is involved in two roles, one is the employee, that is, ordinary users can use the system to view the attendance records, submit abnormal attendance, overtime, leave approval. The other role is the leader of the unit and the system administrator, who can check the employee’s attendance records, apply for approval of abnormal attendance, overtime work and leave. The system is separated from the front end, the development framework uses VUE + Spring Boot, introducing element UI and jQuery UI to make the page more beautiful. The back-end code is written in Java language, and use spring boot framework for efficient and rapid development.
This system page is concise, can let the user who browses this system inquire the information that he wants to obtain quickly and make corresponding treatment.The system has good ease of use, which can fully meet the needs of job applicants and intermediaries.

Key words: The attendance management, Spring Boot, Vue, B/S

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 目的与意义 1
1.3 论文研究主要内容 1
1.4 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 关键技术介绍 3
2.1 Vue.js 3
2.2 jQuery 3
2.3 Spring Boot框架 3
2.4 MyBatis 4
第3章 需求分析 5
3.1 业务需求 5
3.1.1 业务流程 5
3.1.2 对象 5
3.2 功能性需求 6
3.2.1 用例概述 6
3.2.2 用例描述 7
3.3 非功能性需求 14
3.4 系统开发环境 15
3.5 系统可行性分析 15
3.5.1 技术可行性分析 15
3.5.2 操作可行性分析 15
3.5.3 经济可行性分析 16
第4章 系统设计 17
4.1 技术路线 17
4.2 软件体系结构设计 17
4.2.1 功能结构 17
4.2.2 系统架构 17
4.3 数据库设计 18
4.3.1 概念结构设计 18
4.3.2 表的详细设计 19
4.4 用例实现 21
4.4.1 员工申请用例实现 21
4.4.2 审批申请用例实现 22
4.4.3 员工管理用例实现 22
4.5 对象设计 23
4.5.1 模块设计 23
4.5.2 业务实体类的设计 24
4.5.3 业务处理类的设计 24
4.5.4 类的描述 27
第5章 系统实现 30
5.1 核心功能实现 30
5.2 关键技术难点与解决方案 33
第6章 系统测试 35
6.1 功能测试 35
6.2 非功能测试 38
6.3 测试总结 38
第7章 结 论 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 41






开发者涨薪指南 48位大咖的思考法则、工作方式、逻辑体系






