Spring Cloud Alibab简介及初始环境搭建
Posted 潮汐先生
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Spring Cloud Alibab简介及初始环境搭建相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Spring Cloud Alibab简介及初始环境搭建
Spring Cloud Alibaba简介
Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for distributed application development. It contains all the components required to develop distributed applications, making it easy for you to develop your applications using Spring Cloud. – 摘自官网
译文:Spring Cloud Alibaba是阿里巴巴为分布式应用开发提供一站式解决方案。它包含了开发分布式应用程序所需的所有组件,使您可以轻松地使用Spring Cloud开发应用程序。
Spring Cloud Alibaba组件
- Flow control and service degradation:flow control, circuit breaking and system adaptive protection with Alibaba Sentinel
- Service registration and discovery:instances can be registered with Alibaba Nacos and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans. Supports Ribbon, the client side load-balancer via Spring Cloud Netflix
- Distributed Configuration:using Alibaba Nacos as a data store
- Event-driven:building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with Spring Cloud Stream RocketMQ Binder
- Message Bus: link nodes of a distributed system with Spring Cloud Bus RocketMQ
- Distributed Transaction:support for distributed transaction solution with high performance and ease of use with Seata
- Dubbo RPC:extend the communication protocols of Spring Cloud service-to-service calls by Apache Dubbo RPC
Spring Cloud组件 | 组件的作用及描述 | Spring Cloud Alibaba组件 |
Eureka | consul | 服务注册与发现 | Nacos |
RestTemplate OpenFeign | 服务间通信 | Dubbo RPC |
Hystrix | 服务降级、熔断 | Sentinel |
Bus | 事件驱动 | RocketMQ |
– | 消息总线(异步处理) | Message Bus |
– | 分布式事务 | Seata |
Config | 统一配置中心 | Nacos |
- 服务注册中心 ---------- Nacos
- 服务间通信与负载均衡 ---------- HttpRest(a:RestTemplate+Ribbon b: OpenFeign)
- 服务流控与服务降级 ---------- Sentinel
- 服务网关组件 ---------- Gateway
- 统一配置中心 ---------- Nacos
这里我们使用的SpringBoot版本是2.2.5.RELEASE、SpringCloud版本是Hoxton.SR6、SpringCloud alibaba的版本是最新的2.2.1.RELEASE
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以上是关于Spring Cloud Alibab简介及初始环境搭建的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
spring cloud 与 spring boot 和 spring cloud alibab 版本号对应
spring cloud alibab nacos:nacos作为注册中心如何使用