玩转华为数据中心交换机系列 | 配置LACP模式的跨设备聚合(单机)

Posted COCOgsta


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了玩转华为数据中心交换机系列 | 配置LACP模式的跨设备聚合(单机)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。



附上汇总贴:玩转华为数据中心交换机系列 | 汇总_COCOgsta的博客-CSDN博客





  1. 分别在DeviceA、DeviceB、DeviceC上创建Eth-Trunk1,并配置为静态LACP模式,将成员接口加入Eth-Trunk1,实现链路聚合功能。
  2. 在DeviceB和DeviceC上配置相同的LACP系统ID。
  3. 在DeviceB和DeviceC上配置相同的系统LACP优先级。
  4. 在DeviceC上配置Eth-Trunk成员接口在LACP协议中的编号扩展,使成员接口编号均增加32768,避免和设备DeviceB上的成员接口在LACP协议中的编号相同。


  1. 分别在DeviceA、DeviceB和DeviceC上创建Eth-Trunk1并配置为LACP模式,并将成员口加入Eth-Trunk1。
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] sysname DeviceA
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~DeviceA] interface eth-trunk 1
[*DeviceA-Eth-Trunk1] mode lacp-static
[*DeviceA-Eth-Trunk1] trunkport 10ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/4
[*DeviceA-Eth-Trunk1] commit
[~DeviceA-Eth-Trunk1] quit
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] sysname DeviceB
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~DeviceB] interface eth-trunk 1
[*DeviceB-Eth-Trunk1] mode lacp-static
[*DeviceB-Eth-Trunk1] trunkport 10ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/2
[*DeviceB-Eth-Trunk1] commit
<HUAWEI> system-view
[~HUAWEI] sysname DeviceC
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~DeviceC] interface eth-trunk 1
[*DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] mode lacp-static
[*DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] trunkport 10ge 1/0/1 to 1/0/2
[*DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] commit
  1. 配置DeviceB和DeviceC的系统ID为00e0-fc12-3456。
[~DeviceB-Eth-Trunk1] lacp system-id 00e0-fc12-3456
[*DeviceB-Eth-Trunk1] commit
[~DeviceB-Eth-Trunk1] quit
[~DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] lacp system-id 00e0-fc12-3456
[*DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] commit
[~DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] quit
  1. 在DeviceB和DeviceC上配置系统LACP优先级为100。
[~DeviceB] lacp priority 100
[*DeviceB] commit
[~DeviceC] lacp priority 100
[*DeviceC] commit
  1. 在DeviceC上配置Eth-Trunk成员接口编号扩展,使成员接口编号均增加32768。
[~DeviceC] interface eth-trunk 1
[~DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] lacp port-id-extension enable
[*DeviceC-Eth-Trunk1] commit
  1. 验证配置结果

# 查看各Device设备的Eth-Trunk信息,查看链路是否协商成功。

[~DeviceA] display eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
LAG ID: 1                       Working Mode: Static
Preempt Delay: Disabled         Hash Arithmetic: profile default
System Priority: 100            System ID: 00e0-fc12-3457
Least Active-linknumber: 1      Max Active-linknumber: 16Operating Status: up            Number Of Up Ports In Trunk: 4
Timeout Period: Slow
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
10GE1/0/1              Selected 10GE     32768   3      321     10111100  1
10GE1/0/2              Selected 10GE     32768   1      321     10100010  1
10GE1/0/3              Selected 10GE     32768   4      321     10111100  1
10GE1/0/4              Selected 10GE     32768   2      321     10100010  1

ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
10GE1/0/1              100      00e0-fc12-3456  32768   32769  321     10111100
10GE1/0/2              100      00e0-fc12-3456  32768   32770  321     10111100
10GE1/0/1              100      00e0-fc12-3456  32768   4      321     10111100
10GE1/0/2              100      00e0-fc12-3456  32768   5      321     10111100
[~DeviceB] display eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
LAG ID: 1                       Working Mode: Static
Preempt Delay: Disabled         Hash Arithmetic: profile default
System Priority: 100            System ID: 00e0-fc12-3456
Least Active-linknumber: 1      Max Active-linknumber: 32Operating Status: up            Number Of Up Ports In Trunk: 2
Timeout Period: Slow
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
10GE1/0/1              Selected 10GE     32768   4      321     10111100  1
10GE1/0/2              Selected 10GE     32768   5      321     10111100  1

ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
10GE1/0/3              100      00e0-fc12-3457  32768   4      321     10111100
10GE1/0/4              100      00e0-fc12-3457  32768   2      321     10100010
[~DeviceC] display eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
LAG ID: 1                       Working Mode: Static
Preempt Delay: Disabled         Hash Arithmetic: profile default
System Priority: 100            System ID: 00e0-fc12-3456
Least Active-linknumber: 1      Max Active-linknumber: 16Operating Status: up            Number Of Up Ports In Trunk: 2
Timeout Period: Slow
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
10GE1/0/1              Selected 10GE     32768   32769  321     10111100  1
10GE1/0/2              Selected 10GE     32768   32770  321     10111100  1

ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
10GE1/0/1              100      00e0-fc12-3457  32768   3      321     10111100
10GE1/0/2              100      00e0-fc12-3457  32768   1      321     10100010

通过以上显示信息可以看到,各Device的Operating Status均为Up,表明Eth-Trunk1已经协商成功。DeviceB和DeviceC上的成员接口成为活动接口,处于“Selected”状态,表示DeviceB和DeviceC上的成员接口均可以负载分担。DeviceC的PortNo显示成员口的LACP编号已经增加32768。


以上是关于玩转华为数据中心交换机系列 | 配置LACP模式的跨设备聚合(单机)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


玩转华为数据中心交换机系列 | 配置手工负载分担模式链路聚合示例

玩转华为数据中心交换机系列 | 配置M-LAG维护模式下升级示例



华为交换机配置链路聚合(手工模式链路聚合和lacp模式聚合)UBUNTU 20.04 服务器配置多网卡链路聚合