PHPPhalcon 请求的生命周期

Posted 半塘少年


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了PHPPhalcon 请求的生命周期相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

真实世界中当我们了解了一件工具的运行原理后,我们将能够更好的使用它,程序也是一样。现在框架大多是基于 MVC 的架构,Phalcon 也不例外。下面来看下 Phalcon 是如何来处理一个请求的。

首先看下 Phalcon 的入口程序 index.php,一个最基础的入口文件,主要做了哪些事情。

use Phalcon\\Loader;
use Phalcon\\Mvc\\View;
use Phalcon\\Mvc\\Application;
use Phalcon\\Di\\FactoryDefault;
use Phalcon\\Mvc\\Url as UrlProvider;
use Phalcon\\Db\\Adapter\\Pdo\\mysql as DbAdapter;

// Register an autoloader
$loader = new Loader();
$loader->registerDirs( [ 

// Create a DI
$di = new FactoryDefault();

// Setup the view component
$di->set( "view", function ()  
    $view = new View(); 
    return $view;

// Setup a base URI so that all generated URIs include the "tutorial" folder
$di->set( "url", function ()  
    $url = new UrlProvider(); 
    return $url; 

$application = new Application($di);

// Handle the request 
    $response = $application->handle(); 
 catch (\\Exception $e)  
    echo "Exception: ", $e->getMessage();


  1. 创建自动加载器 $loader,注册自动加载目录;
  2. 创建服务容器 $di, 注册服务(其他一些服务使用默认的,如:路由 Router 服务。可以打印 $di查看已注册的服务);
  3. 创建程序对象 $application,运行程序 $application->handle()
  4. 发送响应的内容。

从以上几点可以看出,程序的主要处理逻辑还是在 Applicationhandle() 函数中,在到 handle() 函数中看下它做了什么事。

// ################################################
// 源码文件 cphalcon/phalcon/mvc/application.zep
// 这里截取 handle() 函数出来看下, 
// ################################################

     * Handles a MVC request
    public function handle(string uri = null) -> <ResponseInterface> | boolean
        var dependencyInjector, eventsManager, router, dispatcher, response, view,
            module, moduleObject, moduleName, className, path,
            implicitView, returnedResponse, controller, possibleResponse,
            renderStatus, matchedRoute, match;

        let dependencyInjector = this->_dependencyInjector;
        if typeof dependencyInjector != "object" 
            throw new Exception("A dependency injection object is required to access internal services");

        let eventsManager = <ManagerInterface> this->_eventsManager;

         * Call boot event, this allow the developer to perform initialization actions
        if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
            if eventsManager->fire("application:boot", this) === false 
                return false;

        let router = <RouterInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("router");

         * Handle the URI pattern (if any)

         * If a 'match' callback was defined in the matched route
         * The whole dispatcher+view behavior can be overriden by the developer
        let matchedRoute = router->getMatchedRoute();
        if typeof matchedRoute == "object" 
            let match = matchedRoute->getMatch();
            if match !== null 

                if match instanceof \\Closure 
                    let match = \\Closure::bind(match, dependencyInjector);

                 * Directly call the match callback
                let possibleResponse = call_user_func_array(match, router->getParams());

                 * If the returned value is a string return it as body
                if typeof possibleResponse == "string" 
                    let response = <ResponseInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("response");
                    return response;

                 * If the returned string is a ResponseInterface use it as response
                if typeof possibleResponse == "object" 
                    if possibleResponse instanceof ResponseInterface 
                        return possibleResponse;

         * If the router doesn't return a valid module we use the default module
        let moduleName = router->getModuleName();
        if !moduleName 
            let moduleName = this->_defaultModule;

        let moduleObject = null;

         * Process the module definition
        if moduleName 

            if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
                if eventsManager->fire("application:beforeStartModule", this, moduleName) === false 
                    return false;

             * Gets the module definition
            let module = this->getModule(moduleName);

             * A module definition must ne an array or an object
            if typeof module != "array" && typeof module != "object" 
                throw new Exception("Invalid module definition");

             * An array module definition contains a path to a module definition class
            if typeof module == "array" 

                 * Class name used to load the module definition
                if !fetch className, module["className"] 
                    let className = "Module";

                 * If developer specify a path try to include the file
                if fetch path, module["path"] 
                    if !class_exists(className, false) 
                        if !file_exists(path) 
                            throw new Exception("Module definition path '" . path . "' doesn't exist");

                        require path;

                let moduleObject = <ModuleDefinitionInterface> dependencyInjector->get(className);

                 * 'registerAutoloaders' and 'registerServices' are automatically called


                 * A module definition object, can be a Closure instance
                if !(module instanceof \\Closure) 
                    throw new Exception("Invalid module definition");

                let moduleObject = call_user_func_array(module, [dependencyInjector]);

             * Calling afterStartModule event
            if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
                eventsManager->fire("application:afterStartModule", this, moduleObject);

         * Check whether use implicit views or not
        let implicitView = this->_implicitView;

        if implicitView === true 
            let view = <ViewInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("view");

         * We get the parameters from the router and assign them to the dispatcher
         * Assign the values passed from the router
        let dispatcher = <DispatcherInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("dispatcher");

         * Start the view component (start output buffering)
        if implicitView === true 

         * Calling beforeHandleRequest
        if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
            if eventsManager->fire("application:beforeHandleRequest", this, dispatcher) === false 
                return false;

         * The dispatcher must return an object
        let controller = dispatcher->dispatch();

         * Get the latest value returned by an action
        let possibleResponse = dispatcher->getReturnedValue();

         * Returning false from an action cancels the view
        if typeof possibleResponse == "boolean" && possibleResponse === false 
            let response = <ResponseInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("response");

             * Returning a string makes use it as the body of the response
            if typeof possibleResponse == "string" 
                let response = <ResponseInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("response");

                 * Check if the returned object is already a response
                let returnedResponse = ((typeof possibleResponse == "object") && (possibleResponse instanceof ResponseInterface));

                 * Calling afterHandleRequest
                if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
                    eventsManager->fire("application:afterHandleRequest", this, controller);

                 * If the dispatcher returns an object we try to render the view in auto-rendering mode
                if returnedResponse === false && implicitView === true 
                    if typeof controller == "object" 

                        let renderStatus = true;

                         * This allows to make a custom view render
                        if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
                            let renderStatus = eventsManager->fire("application:viewRender", this, view);

                         * Check if the view process has been treated by the developer
                        if renderStatus !== false 

                             * Automatic render based on the latest controller executed

                 * Finish the view component (stop output buffering)
                if implicitView === true 

                if returnedResponse === true 

                     * We don't need to create a response because there is one already created
                    let response = possibleResponse;

                    let response = <ResponseInterface> dependencyInjector->getShared("response");
                    if implicitView === true 

                         * The content returned by the view is passed to the response service

         * Calling beforeSendResponse
        if typeof eventsManager == "object" 
            eventsManager->fire("application:beforeSendResponse", this, response);

         * Headers and Cookies are automatically sent

         * Return the response
        return response;


  1. 匹配路由;
  2. 调用派遣器,分发匹配的路由;
  3. 渲染视图;
  4. 返回响应对象 response

还有一些事件处理,具体查看源码了解。所以可以看出 Phalcon 请求的生命周期大致如下图所示:


以上是关于PHPPhalcon 请求的生命周期的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

PHPPhalcon 请求的生命周期


Laravel 请求的生命周期介绍



[译] ASP.NET 生命周期 – ASP.NET 请求生命周期