Posted microwhite
‘use strict‘; module.exports = { types: [ {value: ‘feat‘, name: ‘feat: A new feature‘}, {value: ‘fix‘, name: ‘fix: A bug fix‘}, {value: ‘docs‘, name: ‘docs: Documentation only changes‘}, {value: ‘style‘, name: ‘style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code‘}, {value: ‘refactor‘, name: ‘refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature‘}, {value: ‘perf‘, name: ‘perf: A code change that improves performance‘}, {value: ‘pod‘, name: ‘pod: Pod update‘}, {value: ‘revert‘, name: ‘revert: Revert to a commit‘}, {value: ‘config‘, name: ‘config: Change config file‘}, {value: ‘merge‘, name: ‘merge: Merge operation‘}, {value: ‘test‘, name: ‘test: Add Test‘}, {value: ‘hoc‘, name: ‘hoc: Release Hoc‘}, {value: ‘release‘, name: ‘release: Release to App Store‘}, ], scopes: [ {name: ‘Podspec‘}, {name: ‘Documentation‘}, {name: ‘AuthorizationManager‘}, {name: ‘Base‘}, {name: ‘Camera‘}, {name: ‘Microphone‘}, {name: ‘Notification‘}, {name: ‘Photos‘}, {name: ‘CellularNetwork‘}, {name: ‘Contact‘}, {name: ‘Calendar‘}, {name: ‘Reminder‘}, {name: ‘Location‘}, {name: ‘AppleMusic‘}, {name: ‘SpeechRecognizer‘}, {name: ‘Siri‘}, {name: ‘Motion‘}, {name: ‘Bluetooth‘}, {name: ‘Health‘}, ], //苹果小蜜助手激活码 // override the messages, defaults are as follows messages: { type: ‘Select the type of change that you‘re committing:‘, scope: ‘ Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):‘, // used if allowCustomScopes is true customScope: ‘Denote the SCOPE of this change:‘, subject: ‘Write a SHORT, IMPERATIVE tense description of the change: ‘, body: ‘Provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "|" to break new line: ‘, breaking: ‘List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional): ‘, footer: ‘List any ISSUES CLOSED by this change (optional). E.g.: #31, #34: ‘, confirmCommit: ‘Are you sure you want to proceed with the commit above?‘ }, //苹果小蜜助手激活码 allowCustomScopes: true, allowBreakingChanges: [‘feat‘, ‘fix‘] };
4.在展示系统权限的对话框前,先向用户显示自定义的对话框,若用户选择不允许,默认无操作,若用户选择允许,再展示系统对话框。 -
- 联网权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
- 相册权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
- 相机、麦克风权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
- 定位权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
- 推送权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
- 通讯录权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
- 日历、备忘录权限(苹果小蜜助手激活码)
#小蜜助手激活码 QQ:1399245890
CTCellularData *cellularData = [[CTCellularData alloc]init]; cellularData.cellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier = ^(CTCellularDataRestrictedState state){ //获取联网状态 switch (state) { case kCTCellularDataRestricted: NSLog(@"Restricrted"); break; case kCTCellularDataNotRestricted: NSLog(@"Not Restricted"); break; case kCTCellularDataRestrictedStateUnknown: NSLog(@"Unknown"); break; default: break; }; };
[_javascriptBridge registerHandler:@"setSubjectiveQuestionScore" handler:^(id data, WVJBResponse *response){ //获取用户选择的选项 NSInteger userScoreChoice = [(NSString *)data integerValue]; //更新选项内容到服务器端 //判断当前选项跟已经提交到服务器端的时候一致,如果不一致,则提交到服务器端 //如果选择新的分数,则同步到服务器端 if (userScoreChoice!=self.currentQuestionScore) { [self.delegate updateQuestionUserChooseScoreWithPid:self.paperId questionSequence:self.currentQuestionSequence score:userScoreChoice sender:self]; } }];
document.title //设置文档标题等价于html的 document.bgColor //设置页面背景色 document.fgColor //设置前景色(文本颜色) document.linkColor //未点击过的链接颜色 document.alinkColor //激活链接(焦点在此链接上)的颜色 document.vlinkColor //已点击过的链接颜色 document.URL //设置URL属性从而在同一窗口打开另一网页 document.fileCreatedDate //文件建立日期,只读属性 document.fileModifiedDate //文件修改日期,只读属性 document.fileSize //文件大小,只读属性 document.cookie //设置和读出cookie document.charset //设置字符集 简体中文:gb2312 document:方法 document.write() //动态向页面写入内容 document_createElement_x_x_x(Tag) //创建一个html标签对象 document.getElementByIdx_xx_x_x(ID) //获得指定ID值的对象 document.getElementsByName(Name) //获得指定Name值的对象 document.body.a(oTag) body:子对象 document.body //指定文档主体的开始和结束等价于 document.body.bgColor //设置或获取对象后面的背景颜色 document.body.link //未点击过的链接颜色 document.body.alink //激活链接(焦点在此链接上)的颜色 document.body.vlink //已点击过的链接颜色 document.body.text //文本色 document.body.innerText //设置…之间的文本 document.body.innerHTML //设置…之间的HTML代码 document.body.topMargin //页面上边距 document.body.leftMargin //页面左边距 document.body.rightMargin //页面右边距 document.body.bottomMargin //页面下边距 document.body.background //背景图片 document.body.a(oTag) //动态生成一个HTML对象 location:子对象 document.location.hash // #号后的部分 document.location.host // 域名+端口号 document.location.hostname // 域名 document.location.href // 完整URL document.location.pathname // 目录部分 document.location.port // 端口号 document.location.protocol // 网络协议(http:) document.location.search // ?号后的部分 常用对象事件: documeny.location.reload() //刷新网页 document.location.reload(URL) //打开新的网页 document.location.assign(URL) //打开新的网页 document.location.replace(URL) //打开新的网页 selection-选区子对象 document.selection
// JavaScript Document //创建一个可以执行简单动画的函数 //参数1:要执行动画的对象(obj);参数2:要执行动画的样式,可以是left,right,top等(attr);参数3:执行动画的目标位置(target);参数4:表示移动的速度正数向右移动,负数向左移动(speed);参数5:回调函数(callback),这个函数将会在动画执行完毕以后执行 function move(obj,attr,target,speed,callback) { //在开启一个定时器之前,先关闭上一个元素的定时器 clearInterval(obj.timer); //获取元素目前的位置 var current=parseInt(getStyle(obj,attr)); //判断速度的正负 //如果从0向800移动,则speed为正,如果从800向0移动,则speed为负 if(current>target) { speed=-speed; } //开启一个定时器来实现动画效果 //向执行动画的对象中添加一个timer属性值,用来保存它自己的定时器标识 obj.timer=setInterval(function(){ //获取div的原来的值 var oldvalue=parseInt(getStyle(obj,attr)); //在旧值的基础上增加 var newvalue=oldvalue+speed; //判读newvalue是否大于800 if(speed<0 && newvalue<target || speed>0 && newvalue>target) { newvalue=target; } //将新值赋给box obj.style[attr]=newvalue+"px"; //当元素移动到800px时,则停止执行动画 if(newvalue==target) { //达到目标关闭定时器 clearInterval(obj.timer); //动画执行完毕,调用回调函数 callback && callback(); }},30); } //定义一个函数用来获取指定元素的当前样式,参数,obj代表需获取样式的元素,name代表需获取的样式名 function getStyle(obj,name) { if(window.getComputedStyle) { //正常浏览器有getComputedStyle()方法 return getComputedStyle(obj,null)[name]; } else { //IE8的浏览器没有getComputedStyle()方法 return obj.currentStyle[name]; } } ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「dweblover」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/dweblover/java/article/details/87127087
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } //清除默认y样式 .box { position: relative; width: 600px; height: 370px; margin: 50px auto; overflow: hidden; } //给盒子宽高,然后给图片溢出隐藏 .box #imgul { width: 600px; height: 370px; } .box #imgul li { width: 600px; height: 370px; } .box #imgul li img { width: 600px; height: 370px; display: block; float: left; } .box span { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -30px; width: 30px; height: 60px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); color: #fff; font-size: 40px; } .box #left { left: 0px; } .box #right { right: 0px; } .box ol { position: absolute; bottom: 20px; left: 30px; } .box ol li { width: 20px; height: 20px; background: yellow; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; float: left; margin: 0px 3px; text-align: center; } .box ol .active { background: #fff; color: red; }
function $(names) { return document.getElementById(names); } var left = $(‘left‘); //左按钮 var right = $(‘right‘); //右按钮 var box = document.getElementsByClassName(‘box‘)[0]; var li_list = document.querySelectorAll(‘#imgul li‘); //获取图片的li var ol_list = document.querySelectorAll(‘ol li‘); var timer = null; //声明定时器 var count = 0; function auto() { //执行自动轮播 count++; if (count > li_list.length - 1) { count = 0; } for (var i = 0; i < li_list.length; i++) { li_list[i].style = ‘display:none;‘; ol_list[i].className = ‘‘; } li_list[count].style = ‘display:block;‘ ol_list[count].className = ‘active‘; } timer = setInterval(auto, 500); //调用定时器 // 点击右侧,切换下一个 right.onclick = function () { auto(); } // 点击左侧,切换上一个 left.onclick = function () { count--; if (count < 0) { count = li_list.length - 1; } console.log(count); for (var i = 0; i < li_list.length; i++) { li_list[i].style = ‘display:none;‘; ol_list[count].className = ‘‘; } li_list[count].style = ‘display:block;‘; ol_list[count].className = ‘active‘; } box.onmouseover = function () { //鼠标划上去,停止轮播 clearInterval(timer); } box.onmouseout = function () { //鼠标划出,继续轮播 timer = setInterval(auto, 500); //调用定时器 } //点击小按钮,切换图片 for (var j = 0; j < ol_list.length; j++) { ol_list[j].ind = j; //为每个小按钮添加下标 ol_list[j].onclick = function () { //进入点击事件 for (var i = 0; i < li_list.length; i++) { //干掉所有人 li_list[i].style = ‘display:none;‘; ol_list[i].className = ‘‘; } li_list[this.ind].style = ‘display:block;‘; //留下我自己 ol_list[this.ind].className = ‘active‘; //留下我自己 count = this.ind; // 把当前的角标值赋值给count 希望他从当前再开始 } }