Article Number: GPU-635
There are four simple steps involved in the installation of the AMDGPU-Pro Driver: Download, Extract, Install and Configure. The instructions to perform the installation are intended for an Ubuntu installation of 16.04.2, and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Before installing the driver, a quick note on how to check if your system already has AMDGPU-PRO installed. In addition, the recommended best practice is to bring the system up-to-date before starting the driver installation, with:
apt update
apt dist-upgrade
System Check
The easiest way to find out if you have AMDGPU-Pro already installed on your Ubuntu System is to query the Debian package manager.
Using the following command at a terminal will provide you with the version of the AMDGPU-Pro stack on your system, or inform you that there are no packages found:
dpkg -l amdgpu-pro
A direct link to download the Linux AMDGPU-PRO driver is given below and it is also available on the Driver Download Page. This file has a "tar.xz" extension which reflects a more-effective c ompression algorithm that (in most cases) creates a smaller archive than the more common gzip format.
AMD Radeon™ Software AMDGPU-PRO Beta Driver for Linux® Version 17.10 for Ubuntu 16.04.2
NOTE: This file can also be located via the Driver Download Page by locating your card and selecting the Linux Driver link.
After the archive is downloaded, extract the contents to a temporary location from which you can install it. The example below assumes you have downloaded the archive to /tmp and will extract to the same location. If your file was downloaded into the ~/Downloads/ folder by default, you can also extract and install from there, and afterwards you can remove the install files.
cd /tmp
tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-17.10-401251.tar.xz
Once the archive is expanded on the local machine, run the included script (amdgpu-pro-install) to install the graphics stack. During the installation you will be required to provide sudo access, and also to provide two confirmations to:
Install the packages, and
Allow installation of "unverified" packages from the AMDGPU-PRO archive.
The script will use the package manager to install the components of the graphics stack, with a short delay during the DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) installation. From the directory where you extracted the archive, issue the following command:
cd amdgpu-pro-17.10-401251
./amdgpu-pro-install -y
After this you can restart your machine to launch using the new graphics stack.
Ensure that your user account is a member of the "video" group prior to using the vulkan driver. You can find which groups you are a member of with the following command:
To add yourself to the video group you will need the sudo password and can use the following command:
sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME
You will need to log out and in again to activate this change.
Uninstalling the AMD GPU-PRO Driver
If for any reason you wish to remove the AMDGPU-PRO graphics stack you can do this using the uninstallation script which was part of the installation and is present in your path. From the command prompt enter the following command:
amdgpu-pro-uninstall 参考技术A 下一个驱动人生这样的安装驱动的软件,会根据你的电脑配置帮你筛选适合的驱动程序·本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术B 驱动精灵或360驱动大师或官网去下载。
求助:Kali Linux怎么卸载啊
装完Kali Linux之后,win7启动项变为Vista了,现在想卸载Kali Linux,用哪个什么MbrFi之类的会提示拒绝访问,这个好像是什么Grub Grub2什么的问题,很不懂,有没有人知道怎么卸载Kali Linux啊!谢谢大侠...
不是的啊,我是这样弄的!sudo apt-get purge grub-pc ------>清除grub2sudo rm -fr /boot/grub/*sudo apt-get install grub ------->安装 grubsudo grub-install /dev/sda -------->安装grub到第一硬盘mbr,第二硬盘为/dev/sdb,若安装到分区引导扇区则为分区号如 /dev/sda7等sudo update-grub -------->重建menu.lst弄完就什么都没了.... 参考技术A 呵呵,在用Kali的时候,按错了一个键,结果出现Error...Rescue>,win7和Kali都进不去,上网查了一天也没解决,最后就重装了win7,好郁闷.... 参考技术B 修改下grub.cfg就行了,没必要卸载!要这样做的话看本版置顶贴中我的贴子有介绍……以上是关于求助amdgpu-pro显卡驱动怎么安装的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章