





ag, act做 agent, active; aster, astro星 disaster, astronomy;

audi听 audience, audio-visual(AV) ; cap,cept,ceive拿、取 capture, receive;

bio生命 biochemist, antibiotic; cede,ceed,cess行、移动procedure, successive;

cide, cis切,杀 suicide, decision; clued, clus闭合 include, exclusion;

cur, curr跑 occur, currency; cred相信 creditor, incredible;

cycle圆、环 bicycle, recycle; fac,fic,fect,fact做、制affect,fiction,infect;

dict, dic说 dictionary, indication; duct, duc引导 educate, conduct, prouuce;

fer运送、带 transfer, conference; flect, flex弯、曲 reflect, flexible;

flu流fluid, influence, fluent; gen起源、种类、人种intelligence, generation;

geo地球、土地geography,geometry; grad, gress走gradual, aggressive;

gram写、记录grammar, telegram; graph写、记录; photo光 photograph;

ject 投、掷、抛reject, project, injection;

med中间immediately, medium;

lect, leg挑选、采集、读elect, collect, legend;

mob, mot, mov 移动automobile, promote

mani,manu手manual, manipulate; miss,mit送、派、放开transmit, permit;

pel推、逐expel, propeller; pend悬挂indispensable, suspend;

phon声microphone, phoney; pon, pos放置postpone, compose;

port搬运、带transport, portable; rupt裂、破坏interrupt, rupture;

scribe写describe, prescribe; spec, spect,spic看perspective, respective;

volv转、滚动revolve, revolution; tract拖、拉、吸引tractor, attract, distraction;

vid, vis看见evident, invisible; tend,tens,tent伸张、倾向extend, intense


anti-反、抗、对立antisocial, antibody; auto-自己/动的autobiography, autonomous;

be-使得、视作become, belittle; bi-两,双面bilingual, bimonthly;

centi-百century, centigrade; co-共同,联合coordinate, cooperate;

con-,col-,com-,cor-与、和、共、全colleague, combination, conform, coordinate;


counter-反、逆对、等counteract, counterpart

de-取消、脱离、向下decline, departure;

dis-否定、除去discriminate, disorder;

en(m)-使成为、使进入enable, enclose;

ex-向外、出自、超出、离开exceed, exclude

extra-越出、超过extraordinary, extreme;

fore-前面、预先forehead, forecast;

in(m)-,il-,ir-不,无,非illegal, important;

in-在……里,内部inclusive, indoor;

inter-互相、在……中间interaction, intervene;

intra(o)-内部、向内introduce, introvert

macro-大的、宏观的macroeconomics; mal-坏、恶、不良maltreat, malnutrition

micro-微小的、微量的microphone, microwave;

mid-中部、当中midland, midwife;

mini-极小的、极短的minibus, minimum; mis-错、不当、相反misery, mismatch

mono-一、单一的monotonous, monopoly; multi-多倍的multiple, multitude;

non-非、无、不nonsense, non-stop; out-超出、在外outstanding, outlive;

over-在上面、越过overwhelming, overtake; poly-多,众polysyllable, polytechnic;

post-后postgraduate, postpone; pre-预先、前precedence, predominant;

psudo-伪、假、拟pseudonym, pseudoscience;

re-又、再、往后replace, replenish;

semi-半、部分的semiconductor, semi sphere;

sub-下一级、次要subordinate, substitute

super-上方的、超过的superfluous, supervisor; tele-远的、远距离telephone, telescope

therm(o)-热、热电的thermos, thermometer; trans-横越、通过transplant, transmit;

tri-三、三次tricycle, triangle, triple;

ultra-在……之外、极端、过分ultraviolet, ultrasonic;

un-不、非、相反unknown, unsay; uni-单、一uniform, unity, universal;

vice-代替、代理、付 vice-president, vice-principal.



-age 状态、行为、集合 shortage, baggage; -al动作、人、事物refusal, professional

-ance, -ence状态、性质、行为 entrance, reliance, correspondence;

-ant, -ent人,物inhabitant, pollutant; -ar, -er, -or人banker, scholar, sailor;

-ery, -ary, -ory,-ry 人、地点、学科、集合secretary, library, history, shrubbery, scenery;

-dom范围、状态kingdom, freedom; -ee动作的承受者 refugee, referee;

-eer从事……的人engineer; -ese某国的人、预言Japanese;

-ess女性hostess, actress; -hood状况livelihood, neighborhood;

-ian人 magician, physician; -ics学科 linguistics, athletics;

-(s)ion,-(a)tion状况、行为presentation, intuition;

-ism主义materialism, optimism; -ist主义者dentist, Buddhist

-th结果、过程length, warmth; -(i)ty多抽象名词的性质、状态ability, loyalty;

-ment行为、状态、性质enjoyment, argument, government, payment;

-ness性质、状态sickness, blindness; -ology学科psychology, physiology;

-ship性质、状况、状态hardship, leadership;

-ure性质、状况、状态pleasure, pressure;


-ate使……irritate, originate;

-ize, -ise, -yze, -yse……化modernize, normalize, analyze;

-en 使……变成sharpen, hasten, lengthen;

-ify 使……成,使……化simplify, amplify, diversify;


-able, -ible能(为)……的sensible, permissible;

-al 具有……性质的 ignorant, consistent, passionate, fortunate;

-ary, -ory与……相关的imaginary, obligatory; -ed有……的wooded, pleased;

-en有……质的,似……的wooden, golden; -free免于……的carefree, duty-free;

-ic(al)类似……的,具有……的poetic, energetic;

-ful充满……的cheerful, faithful;

-ive表倾向,关系,特征collective, destructive;

-ish似……的childish, selfish, foolish;

-less没……的shameless, fearless; -like似……的womanlike, warlike;

-ly有……特征的roughly, leisurely; -ous充满……的dangerous, precious;

-some有……性质的burdensome, lonesome;

-ward表举止、方向awkward, eastward; -y状态、性质、行为sunny, thirsty;


-ward(s)方向straightforward; -ly……地(状态、成都、性质、方式)consequently;

-wise 方向、位置likewise, counter-clockwise;


参考技术A acu == sharp
acute 敏锐的;尖锐的
acumem 敏锐;聪明
acupuncture 针灸
alti == high
altitude 高度
altimeter 高度计
exalt 提高;提升
ambula == walk
ambulance 救护车
ambulant 流动的
ambulate 行走、移动
ann == year
anniversary 周年纪念
annual 每年的
annals 编年史
anthro == man
anthropoid 似人类的;类人猿
anthropology 人类学
anthroposociology 人类社会学
arch == ruler
anarchism 无政府主义
patriarch 家长、族长
aster/astr == star
astrology 占星术
astronomy 天文学
asterisk 星号,星标
audi == hearing
audience 听众
audible 听得见的
audiphone 助听器
auto == self
automation 自动化
autobiography 自传
autosuggestion 自我暗示
bio == life
biology 生物学
biography 传记
biocide 杀虫剂
brevi == short
brief 简短的
brevity 简洁
abbreviate 缩写
capit == head
capital 首都
decapitate 斩首
capitation 人头税;按人收费
ced == go;move
recede 后退;引退
unprecedented 史无前例的
precede 先行,居先
cess == go;move
access 通路
process 进展
chron == time
chronology 年表,年代学
chronic 慢性的
synchronal 同步的,同时发生的
cide == kill;cut
suicide 自杀
insecticide 杀虫剂
bactericide 杀菌剂
confid == trust
confidential 机密的
confide 吐露(秘密)
cord == heart
accordance 一致,调和
concord 协调,同意
discord 不和,不一致
cred == trust;belief
credit 信用;信任
incredible 难以置信的
credulous 轻信的
cur == run;move
current 潮流
incursion 入侵,进入
cycl == circle;wheel
bicycle 自行车
tricycle 三轮车
hemicycle 半圆的
dic/dict == say;speak
indicate 指示,暗示
dictate 口授
diction 措词
domin == rule;control
dominate 主宰
indomitable 不屈不挠的
duce/duct == lead;take
introduce 介绍
induce 引诱
conduct 指导
equ == same;equal
equality 平等
equivalence 对应物
equator 赤道
faci == easy
facile 易得到的,不花力气的
facilitate 使...容易
fact == make;do
manufacture 制造
factory 工厂
benefactor 恩人,施恩者
fer == carry;bring
ferry 轮渡
transfer 搬运,转移
interfere 干预
fin == end;limit
finalize 使...了结
infinite 无限的
define 限定,下定义
flect/flex == bend
reflect 反射,反映
flexible 易弯曲的
reflexctor 反射镜
flu == flow
influence 影响
fluent 流利
fluid 流动的;液,流体
form == shape
reform 改革
conform 符合
frag == break
fragile 易碎的
fragment 碎片
fracture 骨折
gen == produce
generate 产生
genetics 遗传学
genesis 起源,创始
geo == land;earth
geology 地理学
geometry 几何学
geocide 地球末日
grad == go;step
graduate 毕业
gradual 逐步的
degrade 退化,堕落
graph/gram == write;writing
telegraph 电报
program 节目,说明书
diagram 图表
grate/grati == thanks
grateful 衷心感谢的
gratitude 感谢
grav == heavy;serious
gravity 重力;严重性
grave 严重的
gravimeter 比重计,测重器
gress == go;walk
progress 进步
aggressive 侵略的
congress 会议
herb == grass
herbal 草本植物的;草药书
herby 长满草的,似草的
humid == wet
humidity 湿度,湿气
humidify 使湿润
hydr == water;liquid
hydroelectric 水电的
hydroplane 水上飞机
hydrospace 海洋世界
ject == throw
eject 喷射;逐出
inject 注射
reject 拒绝
juven == young
juvenile 青少年
rejuvenate (使)返老还童
juvenilia 少年文艺读物
just/jur == just
justify 证明正确
jurist 法学家
jury 陪审团
labor == work
laborious 费力的
collaborate 合作,协作
later == side;party
bilateral 双边的
unilateral 单方的
equilateral 等边的
leg == law
legislate 立法
illegitimate 非法的
legislature 立法机关
literat == letter
literature 文学
illiterate 文盲
semiliterate 半文盲的
loc == place
location 地点
allocate 分配
localism 地方主义
lumi == light;bright
illuminate 照明
illuminance 照明度
luminary 发光体,杰出人物
magni == big;great
magnificent 宏大的
magnify 放大
magnitude 巨大,广大
man(u) == hand
manufacture 生产,加工
manage 管理
manuscript 手稿
mar == sea
submarine 潜艇
maritime 海事的,海运的
mariner 海员
meter/metri == measure
thermemeter 温度计
altimeter 高度计
mit/miss == send
emit 放射
vomit 呕吐
transmission 播送,传送
mort == death
mortal 致命的
immortal 不朽的
postmortem 死后的
nomin == name
nominal 名义上
nominate 提名
innominate 无名的,匿名的
nounce == proclaim
pronounce 发音
denounce 公开指责
ortho == straight;correct
orthodox 正统的
orthopaedy 矫正术
pater/patr == father
paternal 父亲般的
patriarch (男性)族长
patricide 弑父;杀父者
pathy == feeling
sympathy 同情
antipathy 反感
empathy 移情
ped == foot
pedestrain 行人
expedition 远征(队)
pedal 足的;踏板
pel/pulse == push;drive
expel 驱逐
impulse 冲动
dispel 驱散
pend/pens == use up;hang
expense 花费
expenditure 开支
suspend 悬浮;使悬而未决
phon == sound
headphone 耳机
symphony 交响乐
microphone 麦克风
plic = fold
duplicate 二倍的,副本
complication 综合症;并发症;复杂
implicit 含蓄的
port == carry
porter 脚夫
export 出口
passport 护照
pose == put;place
propose 建议
dispose 处理
expose 使暴露,揭发
prim == initial;first
primary 初级的
primitive 原始的
prime 首要的,最初的
psych == mind
psychology 心理学
psychoanalysis 心理分析
punct == point
punctuate 加标点
acupuncture 针灸
punctual 准时的,精确的
rupt == break
corruption 腐败
interrupt 打断
bankrupt 破产
scop == see;look at
microscopic 微观的
macroscopic 宏观的
scope == instrument for observing
microscope 显微镜
telescope 望远镜
scribe/script == write;writing;look at
describe 描述
prescription 处方
sequ == follow
consequence 后果
sequence 次序
sequel 结局,续集
sens/sent == sense;feeling
sentimental 多愁善感的
sensitivity 灵敏度
consent 赞同
simil == like
similarity 共性
simile 明喻
similar 类似的
sol == alone
sole 唯一的
solitary 单独的
soliloquy 独白
soph == wise
philosopher 哲学家
sophisticated 老练的,尖端的
pansophic 无所不知的
spec(t) == see;look at
inspect 视察
expect 盼望
retrospect 回顾
suspect 怀疑
prospect 展望
respect 尊敬
spir == breathe
respiration 呼吸
perspire 出汗
expire 死亡断气
struct == build
constructive 富有建设性的
superstructure 上层建筑
destruction 毁灭
stup == be motionless
stupid 愚蠢
stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡
stupor 昏迷,麻木
sum == use up;take
consumption 消费
assume 自以为
resume 继续进行
tain == hold
maintain 维持
attain 获得
abstain 放弃,戒,禁
the(o) == god
theology 神学
theist 有神论者
atheism 无神论
thermo == heat
thermometer 温度计
thermonuclear 热核的
thermos 热水瓶
tract == draw
tractor 拽引机,拖拉机
attract 吸引
distract 分散
vent == come
advent 来到,出现
convention 会议
contravention 违反,抵触
verb == word
verbal 词语的,动词的
hyperverbal 说话太多的
vert/vers == turn
convert 转移
version 译本
subvert 推翻,颠覆
vid/vis == see
vision 视力,视觉
invisible 看不见的
visibility 能见度
viv == life
vivid 生动的
revive 复活
survive 幸存,逃生
voc/vok == call;voice
evoke 唤起,召唤
advocate 倡议,倡导
vocalist 歌唱家,声乐家
volv == roll
revolver 左轮手枪;转炉
revolution 革命
evolve 进化,演化
ag, act做 agent, active; aster, astro星 disaster, astronomy;
audi听 audience, audio-visual(AV) ; cap,cept,ceive拿、取 capture, receive;
bio生命 biochemist, antibiotic; cede,ceed,cess行、移动procedure, successive;
cide, cis切,杀 suicide, decision; clued, clus闭合 include, exclusion;
cur, curr跑 occur, currency; cred相信 creditor, incredible;
cycle圆、环 bicycle, recycle; fac,fic,fect,fact做、制affect,fiction,infect;
dict, dic说 dictionary, indication; duct, duc引导 educate, conduct, prouuce;
fer运送、带 transfer, conference; flect, flex弯、曲 reflect, flexible;
flu流fluid, influence, fluent; gen起源、种类、人种intelligence, generation;
geo地球、土地geography,geometry; grad, gress走gradual, aggressive;
gram写、记录grammar, telegram; graph写、记录; photo光 photograph;
ject 投、掷、抛reject, project, injection;
med中间immediately, medium;
lect, leg挑选、采集、读elect, collect, legend;
mob, mot, mov 移动automobile, promote
mani,manu手manual, manipulate; miss,mit送、派、放开transmit, permit;
pel推、逐expel, propeller; pend悬挂indispensable, suspend;
phon声microphone, phoney; pon, pos放置postpone, compose;
port搬运、带transport, portable; rupt裂、破坏interrupt, rupture;
scribe写describe, prescribe; spec, spect,spic看perspective, respective;
volv转、滚动revolve, revolution; tract拖、拉、吸引tractor, attract, distraction;
vid, vis看见evident, invisible; tend,tens,tent伸张、倾向extend, intense
anti-反、抗、对立antisocial, antibody; auto-自己/动的autobiography, autonomous;
be-使得、视作become, belittle; bi-两,双面bilingual, bimonthly;
centi-百century, centigrade; co-共同,联合coordinate, cooperate;
con-,col-,com-,cor-与、和、共、全colleague, combination, conform, coordinate;
counter-反、逆对、等counteract, counterpart
de-取消、脱离、向下decline, departure;
dis-否定、除去discriminate, disorder;
en(m)-使成为、使进入enable, enclose;
ex-向外、出自、超出、离开exceed, exclude
extra-越出、超过extraordinary, extreme;
fore-前面、预先forehead, forecast;
in(m)-,il-,ir-不,无,非illegal, important;
in-在……里,内部inclusive, indoor;
inter-互相、在……中间interaction, intervene;
intra(o)-内部、向内introduce, introvert
macro-大的、宏观的macroeconomics; mal-坏、恶、不良maltreat, malnutrition
micro-微小的、微量的microphone, microwave;
mid-中部、当中midland, midwife;
mini-极小的、极短的minibus, minimum; mis-错、不当、相反misery, mismatch
mono-一、单一的monotonous, monopoly; multi-多倍的multiple, multitude;
non-非、无、不nonsense, non-stop; out-超出、在外outstanding, outlive;
over-在上面、越过overwhelming, overtake; poly-多,众polysyllable, polytechnic;
post-后postgraduate, postpone; pre-预先、前precedence, predominant;
psudo-伪、假、拟pseudonym, pseudoscience;
re-又、再、往后replace, replenish;
semi-半、部分的semiconductor, semi sphere;
sub-下一级、次要subordinate, substitute
super-上方的、超过的superfluous, supervisor; tele-远的、远距离telephone, telescope
therm(o)-热、热电的thermos, thermometer; trans-横越、通过transplant, transmit;
tri-三、三次tricycle, triangle, triple;
ultra-在……之外、极端、过分ultraviolet, ultrasonic;
un-不、非、相反unknown, unsay; uni-单、一uniform, unity, universal;
vice-代替、代理、付 vice-president, vice-principal.
-age 状态、行为、集合 shortage, baggage; -al动作、人、事物refusal, professional
-ance, -ence状态、性质、行为 entrance, reliance, correspondence;
-ant, -ent人,物inhabitant, pollutant; -ar, -er, -or人banker, scholar, sailor;
-ery, -ary, -ory,-ry 人、地点、学科、集合secretary, library, history, shrubbery, scenery;
-dom范围、状态kingdom, freedom; -ee动作的承受者 refugee, referee;
-eer从事……的人engineer; -ese某国的人、预言Japanese;
-ess女性hostess, actress; -hood状况livelihood, neighborhood;
-ian人 magician, physician; -ics学科 linguistics, athletics;
-(s)ion,-(a)tion状况、行为presentation, intuition;
-ism主义materialism, optimism; -ist主义者dentist, Buddhist
-th结果、过程length, warmth; -(i)ty多抽象名词的性质、状态ability, loyalty;
-ment行为、状态、性质enjoyment, argument, government, payment;
-ness性质、状态sickness, blindness; -ology学科psychology, physiology;
-ship性质、状况、状态hardship, leadership;
-ure性质、状况、状态pleasure, pressure;
-ate使……irritate, originate;
-ize, -ise, -yze, -yse……化modernize, normalize, analyze;
-en 使……变成sharpen, hasten, lengthen;
-ify 使……成,使……化simplify, amplify, diversify;
-able, -ible能(为)……的sensible, permissible;
-al 具有……性质的 ignorant, consistent, passionate, fortunate;
-ary, -ory与……相关的imaginary, obligatory; -ed有……的wooded, pleased;
-en有……质的,似……的wooden, golden; -free免于……的carefree, duty-free;
-ic(al)类似……的,具有……的poetic, energetic;
-ful充满……的cheerful, faithful;
-ive表倾向,关系,特征collective, destructive;
-ish似……的childish, selfish, foolish;
-less没……的shameless, fearless; -like似……的womanlike, warlike;
-ly有……特征的roughly, leisurely; -ous充满……的dangerous, precious;
-some有……性质的burdensome, lonesome;
-ward表举止、方向awkward, eastward; -y状态、性质、行为sunny, thirsty;
-ward(s)方向straightforward; -ly……地(状态、成都、性质、方式)consequently;
-wise 方向、位置likewise, counter-clockwise;
参考技术B acu == sharp
acute 敏锐的;尖锐的
acumem 敏锐;聪明
acupuncture 针灸

alti == high
altitude 高度
altimeter 高度计
exalt 提高;提升

ambula == walk
ambulance 救护车
ambulant 流动的
ambulate 行走、移动

ann == year
anniversary 周年纪念
annual 每年的
annals 编年史

anthro == man
anthropoid 似人类的;类人猿
anthropology 人类学
anthroposociology 人类社会学

arch == ruler
anarchism 无政府主义
patriarch 家长、族长

aster/astr == star
astrology 占星术
astronomy 天文学
asterisk 星号,星标

audi == hearing
audience 听众
audible 听得见的
audiphone 助听器

auto == self
automation 自动化
autobiography 自传
autosuggestion 自我暗示

bio == life
biology 生物学
biography 传记
biocide 杀虫剂

brevi == short
brief 简短的
brevity 简洁
abbreviate 缩写

capit == head
capital 首都
decapitate 斩首
capitation 人头税;按人收费

ced == go;move
recede 后退;引退
unprecedented 史无前例的
precede 先行,居先

cess == go;move
access 通路
process 进展

chron == time
chronology 年表,年代学
chronic 慢性的
synchronal 同步的,同时发生的

cide == kill;cut
suicide 自杀
insecticide 杀虫剂
bactericide 杀菌剂

confid == trust
confidential 机密的
confide 吐露(秘密)

cord == heart
accordance 一致,调和
concord 协调,同意
discord 不和,不一致

cred == trust;belief
credit 信用;信任
incredible 难以置信的
credulous 轻信的

cur == run;move
current 潮流
incursion 入侵,进入

cycl == circle;wheel
bicycle 自行车
tricycle 三轮车
hemicycle 半圆的

dic/dict == say;speak
indicate 指示,暗示
dictate 口授
diction 措词

domin == rule;control
dominate 主宰
indomitable 不屈不挠的

duce/duct == lead;take
introduce 介绍
induce 引诱
conduct 指导

equ == same;equal
equality 平等
equivalence 对应物
equator 赤道

faci == easy
facile 易得到的,不花力气的
facilitate 使...容易

fact == make;do
manufacture 制造
factory 工厂
benefactor 恩人,施恩者

fer == carry;bring
ferry 轮渡
transfer 搬运,转移
interfere 干预

fin == end;limit
finalize 使...了结
infinite 无限的
define 限定,下定义

flect/flex == bend
reflect 反射,反映
flexible 易弯曲的
reflexctor 反射镜

flu == flow
influence 影响
fluent 流利
fluid 流动的;液,流体

form == shape
reform 改革
conform 符合

frag == break
fragile 易碎的
fragment 碎片
fracture 骨折

gen == produce
generate 产生
genetics 遗传学
genesis 起源,创始

geo == land;earth
geology 地理学
geometry 几何学
geocide 地球末日

grad == go;step
graduate 毕业
gradual 逐步的
degrade 退化,堕落

graph/gram == write;writing
telegraph 电报
program 节目,说明书
diagram 图表

grate/grati == thanks
grateful 衷心感谢的
gratitude 感谢

grav == heavy;serious
gravity 重力;严重性
grave 严重的
gravimeter 比重计,测重器

gress == go;walk
progress 进步
aggressive 侵略的
congress 会议

herb == grass
herbal 草本植物的;草药书
herby 长满草的,似草的

humid == wet
humidity 湿度,湿气
humidify 使湿润

hydr == water;liquid
hydroelectric 水电的
hydroplane 水上飞机
hydrospace 海洋世界

ject == throw
eject 喷射;逐出
inject 注射
reject 拒绝

juven == young
juvenile 青少年
rejuvenate (使)返老还童
juvenilia 少年文艺读物

just/jur == just
justify 证明正确
jurist 法学家
jury 陪审团

labor == work
laborious 费力的
collaborate 合作,协作

later == side;party
bilateral 双边的
unilateral 单方的
equilateral 等边的

leg == law
legislate 立法
illegitimate 非法的
legislature 立法机关

literat == letter
literature 文学
illiterate 文盲
semiliterate 半文盲的

loc == place
location 地点
allocate 分配
localism 地方主义

lumi == light;bright
illuminate 照明
illuminance 照明度
luminary 发光体,杰出人物

magni == big;great
magnificent 宏大的
magnify 放大
magnitude 巨大,广大

man(u) == hand
manufacture 生产,加工
manage 管理
manuscript 手稿

mar == sea
submarine 潜艇
maritime 海事的,海运的
mariner 海员

meter/metri == measure
thermemeter 温度计
altimeter 高度计

mit/miss == send
emit 放射
vomit 呕吐
transmission 播送,传送

mort == death
mortal 致命的
immortal 不朽的
postmortem 死后的

nomin == name
nominal 名义上
nominate 提名
innominate 无名的,匿名的

nounce == proclaim
pronounce 发音
denounce 公开指责

ortho == straight;correct
orthodox 正统的
orthopaedy 矫正术

pater/patr == father
paternal 父亲般的
patriarch (男性)族长
patricide 弑父;杀父者

pathy == feeling
sympathy 同情
antipathy 反感
empathy 移情

ped == foot
pedestrain 行人
expedition 远征(队)
pedal 足的;踏板

pel/pulse == push;drive
expel 驱逐
impulse 冲动
dispel 驱散

pend/pens == use up;hang
expense 花费
expenditure 开支
suspend 悬浮;使悬而未决

phon == sound
headphone 耳机
symphony 交响乐
microphone 麦克风

plic = fold
duplicate 二倍的,副本
complication 综合症;并发症;复杂
implicit 含蓄的

port == carry
porter 脚夫
export 出口
passport 护照

pose == put;place
propose 建议
dispose 处理
expose 使暴露,揭发

prim == initial;first
primary 初级的
primitive 原始的
prime 首要的,最初的

psych == mind
psychology 心理学
psychoanalysis 心理分析

punct == point
punctuate 加标点
acupuncture 针灸
punctual 准时的,精确的

rupt == break
corruption 腐败
interrupt 打断
bankrupt 破产

scop == see;look at
microscopic 微观的
macroscopic 宏观的

scope == instrument for observing
microscope 显微镜
telescope 望远镜

scribe/script == write;writing;look at
describe 描述
prescription 处方

sequ == follow
consequence 后果
sequence 次序
sequel 结局,续集

sens/sent == sense;feeling
sentimental 多愁善感的
sensitivity 灵敏度
consent 赞同

simil == like
similarity 共性
simile 明喻
similar 类似的

sol == alone
sole 唯一的
solitary 单独的
soliloquy 独白

soph == wise
philosopher 哲学家
sophisticated 老练的,尖端的
pansophic 无所不知的

spec(t) == see;look at
inspect 视察
expect 盼望
retrospect 回顾

suspect 怀疑
prospect 展望
respect 尊敬

spir == breathe
respiration 呼吸
perspire 出汗
expire 死亡断气

struct == build
constructive 富有建设性的
superstructure 上层建筑
destruction 毁灭

stup == be motionless
stupid 愚蠢
stupefy 使麻木;使呆若木鸡
stupor 昏迷,麻木

sum == use up;take
consumption 消费
assume 自以为
resume 继续进行

tain == hold
maintain 维持
attain 获得
abstain 放弃,戒,禁

the(o) == god
theology 神学
theist 有神论者
atheism 无神论

thermo == heat
thermometer 温度计
thermonuclear 热核的
thermos 热水瓶

tract == draw
tractor 拽引机,拖拉机
attract 吸引
distract 分散

vent == come
advent 来到,出现
convention 会议
contravention 违反,抵触

verb == word
verbal 词语的,动词的
hyperverbal 说话太多的

vert/vers == turn
convert 转移
version 译本
subvert 推翻,颠覆

vid/vis == see
vision 视力,视觉
invisible 看不见的
visibility 能见度

viv == life
vivid 生动的
revive 复活
survive 幸存,逃生

voc/vok == call;voice
evoke 唤起,召唤
advocate 倡议,倡导
vocalist 歌唱家,声乐家

volv == roll
revolver 左轮手枪;转炉
revolution 革命
evolve 进化,演化




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