2.grant create session to xyz(用户名) on abc(表空间名),执行时报错说没有有效权限是怎么回事
To use Import, you need the privilege CREATE SESSION to log on to the Oracle
database server. This privilege belongs to the CONNECT role established during
database creation.
You can do an import even if you did not create the export file. However, keep in
mind that if the export file was created by a user with EXP_FULL_DATABASE
privilege, then you must have IMP_FULL_DATABASE privilege to import it. Both of
these privileges are typically assigned to DBAs.
To use Export, you must have the CREATE SESSION privilege on an Oracle
database. To export tables owned by another user, you must have the EXP_FULL_
DATABASE role enabled. This role is granted to all DBAs.
If you do not have the system privileges contained in the EXP_FULL_DATABASE
role, you cannot export objects contained in another user’s schema. For example,
you cannot export a table in another user’s schema, even if you created a synonym
for it. 参考技术A 最大权限sysdba 参考技术B grant connect,resoure to user;
--1. 查询DBLINK权限 select * from sys.user_sys_privs t where t.privilege like upper(‘%link%‘); --2. 赋予DBLINK权限 grant CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK,DROP PUBLIC DATABASE LINK to demobase; --3. 查询创建的DBLINK连接 select * from DBA_DB_LINKS; --4. 创建DBLINK连接 create public database link to_db11 connect to demobase identified by demobase using ‘ (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = demo) ) )‘; --5. 删除DBLINK连接 drop public database link to_db11;
--查询远程数据库的信息 select * from demobase.my_demo@to_db11; --复制表信息 create table my_test as select * from my_demo where 1=2 ; --全表复制 create table my_test as select * from demobase.my_demo@to_db11; --创建临时表,复制LOB字段 create global temporary table my_temp as select * from demobase.my_demo@to_db11;
oracle数据库的导入对于用户需要啥权限? 必须用导出时的用户导入么?