





The first year of the Chinese lunar year is called the Spring Festival. It is the most solemn traditional festival of the Chinese people. It also symbolizes the festival of unity, prosperity and new hope for the future. According to records, the Chinese people's Spring Festival has a history of more than 4,000 years. It was started by Yu Shun.


One day more than 2,000 B.C., Shun, the emperor of heaven, led his subordinates to worship heaven and earth. From then on, people regard this day as the first year of the year, which is the first day of the first month of the first lunar month. It is said that this is the origin of the Lunar New Year, later called the Spring Festival. Spring Festival used to be called New Year's Day. The month in which the Spring Festival is held is called January.


Others say that the Spring Festival originates from the La Festival, the Spring Festival originates from the witchcraft ceremony, and the Spring Festival originates from the ghost festival and so on.


The Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty at the earliest. It began to be valued in the Tang Dynasty and paid more attention to the Lantern Festival in the Song Dynasty. Chinese folk tradition is to watch lanterns, guess lantern riddles, eat Lantern Festival, family reunion, happy and harmonious on the night of Lantern Festival with a bright moon hanging high.

参考技术A 农历正月十五夜,是我国民间传统的元宵节,又称“上元节”、“灯节”。正月十五闹元宵,将从除夕开始延续的庆祝活动推向又一个高潮。元宵之夜,大街小巷张灯结彩,人们赏灯,猜灯谜,吃元宵,成为世代相沿的习俗。


Lunar fifteenth day night, China's traditional Lantern Festival civil, also known as the "Spring Festival," "Festival of Lights." A Festive Lantern Festival 15th day of the first month, beginning on New Year's Eve will be to continue the celebration activities and an upsurge. Dynamism nights, decorated the streets, people Shangding, guess lantern riddles, eating Lantern Festival has become the custom for generations Xiangyan.

Lantern Festival Shangding began the custom of the Han dynasty. Sui and Tang dynasties, the development of a grand city lights. To the Song and Yuan Dynasties period, Kyoto often stretching dozens of lights in the city. Festival time, only the first month in the Han Dynasty Shiwuyi night Xuanzong extended to three nights, from the provisions of the Ming Dynasty to the first month Chuba continued until the 17th day of the first month. Tang spectacular acrobatic skills have emerged, began to riddle the Song Dynasty. Tang lights in the city 100 music and dance drama performances, and thousands of ladies, civil girls in the singing and dancing lights, called "line song," "Tage." Ming added opera performances. Used by the city lights of the lanterns, and formulated the "orange light", "silk lamps," "colorful sheepskin lights", "no bone straw lights," and "thrice", "release a Hung Ming lantern." Started in the Southern Song Dynasty riddles, lively, interesting sense of humor. After creating history, the mystery is still using a lattice grid foundation, swing grid, Rolling grid, remain a grid, and Xu Fei grid, and grid-feng, such as more than 100 species, mostly confined to the format and Yiqiao the requirements of reluctance , Miao Italian passengers.

During the Lantern Festival, is Valentine's young men and women meet with the timing, the Lantern Festival and become China's "Valentine's Day."
参考技术B  春节,是农历的岁首,也是我国古老的传统节日。古代过“年”不是在腊月二十九日或三十日,而是在“蜡日”,即后来的“腊八”。南北朝以后,把“蜡祭”移至岁末。到了民国时 ,改用阳历,才把阴历年叫“春节”,因为春节一般都在“立春”前后。


  春节,顾名思义就是春天的节日。春天来临,万象更新,新一轮播种和收获季节又要开始。 人们有足够的理由载歌载舞来迎接这个节日。于是,节前就在门脸上贴上红纸黄字的新年寄语。

  春节的另一名称叫过年。“年”是什么呢?是一种为人们带来坏运气的想象中的动物。“年”一来。树木凋蔽,百草不生;“年”一“过”,万物生长,鲜花遍地。“年”如何才能过去呢?需用鞭炮轰 ,于是有了燃鞭炮的习俗。1993年,北京市人民政府颁布了禁放烟花爆竹的法律,使这一沿续了几百年的习俗成为历史。

  春节是个亲人团聚的节日,这一点和西方的圣诞节很相似。离家的孩子这时要不远千里回到父母家里。真正过年的前一夜叫“除夕”,又叫“团圆夜”,“团年”。传统的庆祝活动则从除夕一直持续到正月十五元宵节。喜庆气氛要持续一个月。 正月初一前有祭灶、祭祖、 扫除污秽。三十日要贴门神、对联、挂旗、吃饺子、放鞭炮,除夕“守岁”等 仪 式;正月初一晚辈向长辈拜年,然后至亲友家贺年。亲友第一次见面时,说些“恭贺新喜”、“恭喜发财”、“恭喜”、“过年好”等话,互相祝贺。

Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year, living, but also China's oldest traditional festivals. The ancient "," not in the腊月29 30, but in the "wax on," then a "Laba." After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, "wax Festival" moved to the end of the year. To the Republic of China, to switch to solar calendar before the lunar calendar, called the "Spring Festival", as the Spring Festival is generally in the "Beginning" before and after.

China's Spring Festival is the biggest, most popular of an ancient traditional festivals. Commonly known as the "New Year." According to China's Lunar New Year, the end of the day Originally known Yuanri, Yuan Chen, Yuan is, Yuanshuo, New Year's Day, commonly known as the Day, also the previous day, moving three Schomburg, three North Korea, the three before, such as ternary another name, that is, the first month first day is the year, month, day three start.

Spring Festival, the name implies that the spring holiday. The advent of spring, everything looks new and fresh, a new round of planting and harvesting seasons have begun. People have every reason to welcome this singing and dancing festival. Therefore, the pre-affixed to the door faces the Red Canvas Huang word New Year message.

Another named the Spring Festival holiday. "" What? Is a kind of bad luck for people's imagination in animals. "" First. Trees been languishing, not Baicao Health "," one "the" and everything is growing, flowers everywhere. "" How can the past? Preparing whip shelling, there was the custom of burning firecrackers. 1993, the Beijing Municipal People's Government promulgated a law to ban fireworks, so that this followed several hundred years of practices become history.

Spring Festival is a family reunion holiday, and this is very similar to the Western Christmas. Home when the children returned to their parents to Buyuanqianli home. The night before New Year's really called "New Year's Eve," is known as the "reunion night," "Mission in." The traditional New Year's Eve celebrations from the 15th day of the first month has been continued until the Lantern Festival. Mood to continued for a month. Jizao before the end of the day, the ancestors, wiping filthy. On the 30th to paste the door god, couplet, flags, eating dumplings, setting off firecrackers, the New Year's Eve "detainees" ceremony; the end of the day New Year's elders to younger people, and then to the family and friends of Chinese New Year. Relatives and friends that first meeting, saying "to congratulate the new-hi," "Kung Hei Fat Choy", "Congratulations" and "Happy New Year", congratulating each other.

December 23, 1949, the People's Republic of the Central People's Government provides an annual three-day Lunar New Year holiday. Spring Festival - China's civil grandest, the most boisterous of an ancient traditional festivals.



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    1、首先查看数据包的“目标 MAC 地址”;
    2、将目标 MAC 地址与“MAC地址表”中的条目进行匹配;
              厂商代码 - 24bit
              自己的编码 - 24bit        
    源MAC -- 目标MAC
    源IP  -- 目标IP    
          每个条目都是 MAC 地址与 Port的对应关系,
          表示去往该 MAC 地址的数据,从对应的 Port 发送出去;
            动态学习 -  

                源MAC地址,从而形成 源MAC 与 入端口的对应关系
               2、分析数据包的 目标MAC地址,并且查找 MAC地址表
          显示 MAC 地址表  
           SW1# show mac-address-table  






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