
Posted Herman-Hong








所谓封装,也就是把客观事物封装成抽象的类,并且类可以把自己的数据和方法只让可信的类或者对象操作,对不可信的进行信息隐藏。封装是面向对象的特征之一,是对象和类概念的主要特性。 简单的说,一个类就是一个封装了数据以及操作这些数据的代码的逻辑实体。在一个对象内部,某些代码或某些数据可以是私有的,不能被外界访问。通过这种方式,对象对内部数据提供了不同级别的保护,以防止程序中无关的部分意外的改变或错误的使用了对象的私有部分。

所谓继承是指可以让某个类型的对象获得另一个类型的对象的属性的方法。它支持按级分类的概念。继承是指这样一种能力:它可以使用现有类的所有功能,并在无需重新编写原来的类的情况下对这些功能进行扩展。 通过继承创建的新类称为“子类”或“派生类”,被继承的类称为“基类”、“父类”或“超类”。继承的过程,就是从一般到特殊的过程。要实现继承,可以通过“继承”(Inheritance)和“组合”(Composition)来实现。继承概念的实现方式有二类:实现继承与接口继承。实现继承是指直接使用基类的属性和方法而无需额外编码的能力;接口继承是指仅使用属性和方法的名称、但是子类必须提供实现的能力;



单一职责原则SRP(Single Responsibility Principle)

开放封闭原则OCP(Open-Close Principle) 

替换原则(the Liskov Substitution Principle LSP) 

依赖原则(the Dependency Inversion Principle DIP) 具体依赖抽象,上层依赖下层抽象接口。假设B是较A低的模块,但B需要使用到A的功能,
这个时候,B不应当直接使用A中的具体类: 而应当由B定义一抽象接口,并由A来实现这个抽象接口,B只使用这个抽象接口:这样就达到

接口分离原则(the Interface Segregation Principle ISP) 



面向对象设计原则是OOPS(Object-Oriented Programming System,面向对象的程序设计系统)编程的核心,但大多数Java程序员追逐像SingletonDecoratorObserver这样的设计模式,而不重视面向对象的分析和设计。甚至还有经验丰富的Java程序员没有听说过OOPS和SOLID设计原则,他们根本不知道设计原则的好处,也不知道如何依照这些原则来进行编程。

众所周知,Java编程最基本的原则就是要追求高内聚和低耦合的解决方案和代码模块设计。查看Apache和Sun的开放源代码能帮助你发现其他Java设计原则在这些代码中的实际运用。Java Development Kit则遵循以下模式:BorderFactory类中的工厂模式、Runtime类中的单件模式。你可以通过Joshua Bloch的《Effective Java》一书来了解更多信息。我个人偏向的另一种面向对象的设计模式是Kathy Sierra的Head First Design Pattern以及Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design


原则1:DRY(Don't repeat yourself)

即不要写重复的代码,而是用“abstraction”类来抽象公有的东西。如果你需要多次用到一个硬编码值,那么可以设为公共常量;如果你要在两个以上的地方使用一个代码块,那么可以将它设为一个独立的方法。SOLID设计原则的优点是易于维护,但要注意,不要滥用,duplicate 不是针对代码,而是针对功能。这意味着,即使用公共代码来验证OrderID和SSN,二者也不会是相同的。使用公共代码来实现两个不同的功能,其实就是近似地把这两个功能永远捆绑到了一起,如果OrderID改变了其格式,SSN验证代码也会中断。因此要慎用这种组合,不要随意捆绑类似但不相关的功能。


在软件领域中唯一不变的就是“Change”,因此封装你认为或猜测未来将发生变化的代码。OOPS设计模式的优点在于易于测试和维护封装的代码。如果你使用Java编码,可以默认私有化变量和方法,并逐步增加访问权限,比如从private到protected和not public。有几种Java设计模式也使用封装,比如Factory设计模式是封装“对象创建”,其灵活性使得之后引进新代码不会对现有的代码造成影响。


即对扩展开放,对修改关闭。这是另一种非常棒的设计原则,可以防止其他人更改已经测试好的代码。理论上,可以在不修改原有的模块的基础上,扩展功能。这也是 开闭原则的宗旨。




这个设计原则的亮点在于任何被DI框架注入的类很容易用mock对象进行测试和维护,因为对象创建代码集中在框架中,客户端代码也不混乱。有很多方式可以实现依赖倒置,比如像AspectJ等的AOP(Aspect Oriented programming)框架使用的字节码技术,或Spring框架使用的代理等。


如果可能的话,优先利用组合而不是继承。一些人可能会质疑,但我发现,组合比继承灵活得多。组合允许在运行期间通过设置类的属性来改变类的行为,也可以通过使用接口来组合一个类,它提供了更高的灵活性,并可以随时实现。 《Effective Java》也推荐此原则。






该原则可以使代码更加灵活,以便可以在任何接口实现中使用。因此,在Java中最好使用变量接口类型、方法返回类型、方法参数类型等。《Effective Java》 和《head first design pattern》书中也有提到。


该原则最典型的例子是Java中的equals() 和 hashCode() 方法。为了平等地比较两个对象,我们用类本身而不是客户端类来做比较。这个设计原则的好处是没有重复的代码,而且很容易对其进行修改。



Object Oriented Design Principles are core of OOP programming, but I have seen most of the Java programmers chasing design patterns likeSingleton pattern, Decorator pattern or Observer pattern, and not putting enough attention on learningObject oriented analysis and design. It's important to learn basics of Object oriented programming like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance. But, at the same time, it's equally important to know object oriented design principles, to create clean and modular design. I have regularly seen Java programmers and developers of various experience level, who either doesn't heard about theseOOP and SOLID design principle, or simply doesn't know whatbenefits a particular design principle offers, or how to apply these design principle in coding. 

Bottom line is, always strive for highly cohesive and loosely couple solution, code or design. Looking open source code from Apache and Sun are good examples of learning Java and OOPS design principles. They show us,  how design principles should be used in coding and Java programs. Java Development Kit follows several design principle like Factory Pattern in BorderFactory class,  Singleton pattern in Runtime class, Decorator pattern on various classes. By the way if you really interested more on Java coding practices then read Effective Java by Joshua Bloch , a gem by the guy who wrote Java Collection API.

 If you are interested in learning object oriented principles and patterns, then you can look at my another personal favorite Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design. This an excellent book and probably the best material available in object oriented analysis and design, but it often shadowed by its more popular cousin Head First Design Pattern by Eric Freeman. Later is more about how these principle comes together to create pattern you can use directly to solve known problems. These books helps a lot to write better code, taking full advantage of various Object oriented and SOLID design principles.

Though best way of learning any design principle or pattern is real world example and understanding the consequences of violating that design principle, subject of this article is IntroducingObject oriented design principles for Java Programmers, who are either not exposed to it or in learning phase. I personally think each of these OOPS and SOLID design principle need an article to explain them clearly, and I will definitely try to do that here, but for now just get yourself ready for quick bike ride on design principle town :)

DRY (Don't repeat yourself)

Our first object oriented design principle is DRY, as name suggest DRY (don't repeat yourself) means don't write duplicate code, instead use Abstraction to abstract common things in one place. If you have block of code in more than two place consider making it a separate method, or if you use a hard-coded value more than one time make them public final constant. Benefit of this Object oriented design principle is in maintenance. It's important  not to abuse it, duplication is not for code, but for functionality . It means, if you used common code to validate OrderID and SSN it doesn’t mean they are same or they will remain same in future. By using common code for two different functionality or thing you closely couple them forever and when your OrderID changes its format , your SSN validation code will break. So beware of such coupling and just don’t combine anything which uses similar code but are not related.

Encapsulate What Changes

Only one thing is constant in software field and that is "Change", So encapsulate the code you expect or suspect to be changed in future. Benefit of this OOPS Design principle is that Its easy to test and maintain proper encapsulated code. If you are coding in Java then follow principle of making variable and methods private by default and increasing access step by step e.g. from private to protected and not public. Several of design pattern in Java uses Encapsulation, Factory design pattern is one example of Encapsulation which encapsulate object creation code and provides flexibility to introduce new product later with no impact on existing code.

Open Closed Design Principle

Classes, methods or functions should be Open for extension (new functionality) and Closed for modification. This is another beautiful SOLID design principle, which prevents some-one from changing already tried and tested code. Ideally if you are adding new functionality only than your code should be tested and that's the goal of Open Closed Design principle. By the way, Open Closed principle is "O" from SOLID acronym.

 Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Single Responsibility Principle is another SOLID design principle, and represent  "S" on SOLID acronym. As per SRP, there should not be more than one reason for a class to change, or a class should always handle single functionality. If you put more than one functionality in one Class in Java  it introduce coupling between two functionality and even if you change one functionality there is chance you broke coupled functionality,  which require another round of testing to avoid any surprise on production environment.

Dependency Injection or Inversion principle

Don't ask for dependency it will be provided to you by framework. This has been very well implemented in Spring framework, beauty of this design principle is that any class which is injected by DI framework is easy to test with mock object and easier to maintain because object creation code is centralized in framework and client code is not littered with that.There are multiple ways to  implemented Dependency injection like using  byte code instrumentation which some AOP (Aspect Oriented programming) framework like AspectJ does or by using proxies just like used in Spring. See this example of IOC and DI design pattern to learn more about this SOLID design principle. It represent "D" on SOLID acronym.

Favor Composition over Inheritance

Always favor composition over inheritance ,if possible. Some of you may argue this, but I found that Composition is lot more flexible than Inheritance. Composition allows to change behavior of a class at run-time by setting property during run-time and by using Interfaces to compose a class we use polymorphism which provides flexibility of to replace with better implementation any time. Even Effective Java advise to favor composition over inheritance. See here to learn more about why you Composition is better than Inheritance for reusing code and functionality. 

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

According to Liskov Substitution Principle, Subtypes must be substitutable for super type i.e. methods or functions which uses super class type must be able to work with object of sub class without any issue". LSP is closely related to Single responsibility principle and Interface Segregation Principle. If a class has more functionality than subclass might not support some of the functionality ,and does violated LSP. In order to follow LSP SOLID design principle, derived class or sub class must enhance functionality, but not reduce them. LSP represent  "L" on SOLID acronym.

Interface Segregation principle (ISP)

Interface Segregation Principle stats that, a client should not implement an interface, if it doesn't use that. This happens mostly when one interface contains more than one functionality, and client only need one functionality and not other.Interface design is tricky job because once you release your interface you can not change it without breaking all implementation. Another benefit of this design principle in Java is, interface has disadvantage to implement all method before any class can use it so having single functionality means less method to implement.

Programming for Interface not implementation

Always program for interface and not for implementation this will lead to flexible code which can work with any new implementation of interface. So use interface type on variables, return types of method or argument type of methods in Java. This has been advised by many Java programmer including in Effective Java and Head First design pattern book.

Delegation principle

Don't do all stuff  by yourself,  delegate it to respective class. Classical example of delegation design principle is equals() and hashCode() method in Java. In order to compare two object for equality we ask class itself to do comparison instead of Client class doing that check. Benefit of this design principle is no duplication of code and pretty easy to modify behavior.
Here is nice summary of all these OOP design principles :

All these object oriented design principle helps you write flexible and better code by striving high cohesion and low coupling. Theory is first step, but what is most important is todevelop ability to find out when to apply these design principle. Find out, whether we are violating any design principle and compromising flexibility of code, but again as nothing is perfect in this world, don't always try to solve problem with design patterns and design principle they are mostly for large enterprise project which has longer maintenance cycle.

Recommended books to learn Object Oriented analysis, design and patterns :
  • Head First Design Pattern by Eric Freeman [see here ]
  • Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design by O'Rielly [see here]

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