





1,to have missed

2,can they expect


4,those5,now that

6,were working


8,will have perpared

9,was required

二,词性转化(去年例题:Nowadays, electronic(pay) ________ is a more convenient way to pay for purchases than cash and checks.

1,work---has worked


3,complete---will be completed


5,take---had taken

6,impress---were impressed




1,to have your car serviced at the serveice station
2,Mileage(里程碑) figures
3,It is money-saving and easy to learn
4,they become worn out
5,ALL kinds of spanners(扳手)

6,frequent passengers
7,get free tickets
8,pay for their flighe at least once within twenty months
9,I vory is the starting membership level
10,Introduction to Flying Blue

1,olvera street ,the (birth place) of Los Angeles
2,the oldest (church) in the city
3,Mann's (chinese Theatre)
4,cement (hand and foot ) prints of the Hollywood great people
5,Beverly Hills and (Rodeo prive)

单价:unit price
合同号:contract No
运输方式:Mode of transport
商品编码:Code of goods
买方:Buyer总值:Total value
发证日期:License date 六,根据文章的提问,从文章内容中找出答案回答问题,部分题目给出,()内为答案
1,A worker (fell) from a water tower
2, He was (24 years old)
3, He (was painting ) the inside of the tower
4, He did not wear (fall protection equipment)
5, Employees should be instructed to avoid (unsafe conditions)
2,在你们订购 .......产品的说明
八,作文 重点词汇(作文中要用到的词汇):
1,关系,关心 concern
2,相当的,非常的 considerably
3,由于,因为 due to

4,不景气的市场 weak market
5,总的趋势 general trend
6,周期,期间 period

7,向上的,上升的 upward
8,情况与建设 situation and suggestions

9,销售增加 sales up

1, I am writing this letter to thank you for ......

2, ....is certain to help increase our future cooperation

3, The cost of raw materials has moved up greatly.....

4, labor cost

5, to readjust prices

6, price list

7, welcome to order our products
Dear Sir
I would like to say"Thank you" most at he moment. I can never pay you back for you kindness and your patience. I used to be lazy to learn English and too shy to speak English English in front of the class. You found my problem and helped me out. With your help I made great progress and became the top student in our class. It was you who gave me a hand when I was in difficulties.
Li Ping
参考技术A 一.1.to have missed 2.can they expect 3.leading 4.those 5.now that 6.were working 7.from 8.will have prepared 9.was requived 10.although
二.work--has worked 2.successful--successfully 3.complete--will the completed 4.diffevent--diffevence 5.take--had taken 6.impress--were impressed 7.employ--employers 8.go--going 9.achieve--achieve ment 10.bad--worse
三.1.to have your car serviced at the (service) station
2.(Mileage) figures
3.It is(money-saving) and easy to learn
4.they become (worn out)
5.All kinds of(spanners)
6.(frequent passengers)
7.get free tickets
8.pay for their flight (at least once within twenty months)
9.lvory is the starling (membership level)
10.introduction to (Flying Blue)
四.1.Olvera street the (birth place) of los
2.the oldest (church) in the city
3.Mann's (chinese theatre)
4.cement (hand and foot) prints of the
5.Beverly Hills and (Rodeo Drive)
五.单价(Unit price) 出口商(exporter) 合同号(contrart NO) 卖方(seller) 运输方式(Mode of transport) 商品编码(code of goods) 买方(Buyer) 总值(Total value) 数量(adantity ) 发证日期(Licehse date)
六.1.A worker (fell) from a water tower
2.He was(24 years old)
3.He (was painting) the inside of the tower
4.He did not wear fall (protection equipment)
5.Employees should be instructed to avoid (unsafe conditions)
con cern 关系,关心
sales up 销售增加
situation and suggestions 情况与建议
upward 向上的
period 周期
general trend 总的趋势
weak mcrket 不景气的市场
due to 由于,因为
considerably 相当的,非常的
参考技术B 你这样是找不到真的,免费的东西谁会给你,何况还是这个东西。你也不想想。真心要就Q我们 参考技术C 202604475,讨论

2011年6月 英语3A考试答案

续靠2年了 3次都是50分多点 我都考郁闷 去年也发了问题 没求到正确的答案 今年继续顶起 0.0
FUKE 3A 郁闷..............................
有答案的GG、MM给点力 帮忙发下 0.0连
汗一个 貌似FUCK都打成FUKE了 悲剧..........

1. The new drug will not be put on the market _B______it has proved sage on humans .
A. if B. until C .since D when
2.It was because of his good performance at the interview_
_C__he got the job with the big company.
A. so B. what C. .that D. while
3.Our company is visitors decided to stay in our city for_C___two days as they wanted to have a look around.
A. oter B .the other C, another D. other's
4.According to the time table, the rain for Beijing _C___at 9:10pm.from Monday to Friday .
A. was leaving B. is leaving C. leaves D. has left
5.Although she is only 14,she looks like a
_D__woman, beautiful and full in figure.
A. ripe B. grown C. big D. mature
6.The proposal _____at the meeting now is of great importance department.
A. being discussed B. to be discussing C. having discussed D. discussing
7.When he patted her on the shoulder, she was very upset at his _B___style.
A. where B. that C. which D. how
9.It is reasonable for people to pursue a career in frelds related_B____there favorite hobbies.
A. pleserve B. pelsrst C. insist D. endure
1.Nowadays,electronic (pay) _payment_____in a more convenment way to pay for purchase than cash and checks.
2.Most of the high school students who (interview)_were _interviewed____yesterday believed that they should continue with then education.
3.It is important that he__was____ (be)called back ……
4.According to the survey (conduct)_conducted______recently ,52% of American business people booked then business travel online last year .
5.If I (be)_were____ you ,I will study hard.
6.It is the (responsible)_responsibility__of the human resources department to employ new staff members.
7.It was reported that the (injure)_injured____people were taken to the hospital immediately after the accident.
8.The bank refused (accept)__to accept______my application for the loan because they weren’t convinced by my business plan .
10.It is important to realize how(quick)_quickly_____this disease can spread over the globe.
1.(内容:只是一点内容,文章的第一句)College is a place to explorer many possibilities,you really can't do it all ----unless you manage your time wisely……………………………………………….
(问题)(1).We need to plan ahead in order to__B______?
B. better organize our activities
(2)Strategic times are best for to? C
C.study sfficiently
(3)Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments ? B
B.Any activities we're eager to do
(5).Which of the following could be the best little for the article ? A
A.Study Habits and Time Management.
Welcome to our small business set-up guide,providing all the information you…….
1. This guide is intended to help people to __………
答案:start a nem small business.(下同)
2. What are most important for a business to surrive?
Determination and orginality.
3. What does the word “forewarn”mean?
Advise beforehand.
4. What kind of businesses are regard as “small”in the UK?
Those with fevrer than 50 empcoyees.
5. More information about how to start a small………
Linking to other relevant articles.
3. 阅读理解 三
How to write contact details in your CV?
Print your name in lage letters……………
Top of page:
(Print) your name inlarge letters
To be in cluded:1.(address) 2.(email) 3.mobile phone number
Not to be included:1.(personal information),such as......
2.(Include a photograph)unless it is requested.
5. 五
Sale contract
Done and signed in Beijing on this 4th day...
1. What is the brand of the Apple Jam?
答案:Great wall Brand(下同)
2. What is the total value of the contract?
Us $30.00.
3. When will the goods be shipped?
Auyust 2009.
4. What are the terms of payment?
By letter of credit.
5. Where are the goods to be sent to?
Vancouver Canada.
Trade agreement贸易协定
Cash price现金价格
Sales contract销售合同
Port of arvival …..到达港
Supply agreement供货合同
Late panyment逾期付款
Note of claim索赔通知
Letter of credit信用证
Fixed price固定价格
Prompt shipment即期转运
1. When exporting goods,it is essential to arrange in surance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit.
2. If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action.
3. Party B has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to party Aunder the following conditions.
4. I have already given instructions for the tash to be taken up firit.
我已经给予了说明,对tash firit挪开。
1. This is to introduce that……
2. We have great pleasure in introducing to you,by this letter,Ms/Miss/Ms……..
3. Thsnk you fou the trouble you will have to take for…….
4. We are writing to introduce that……..
5. I am looking for ward to hearing frow you soon ………
6. yours sincerely.
参考技术A 一.1.to have missed 2.can they expect 3.leading 4.those 5.now that 6.were working 7.from 8.will have prepared 9.was requived 10.although
二.work--has worked 2.successful--successfully 3.complete--will the completed 4.diffevent--diffevence 5.take--had taken 6.impress--were impressed 7.employ--employers 8.go--going 9.achieve--achieve ment 10.bad--worse
三.1.to have your car serviced at the (service) station
2.(Mileage) figures
3.It is(money-saving) and easy to learn
4.they become (worn out)
5.All kinds of(spanners)
6.(frequent passengers)
7.get free tickets
8.pay for their flight (at least once within twenty months)
9.lvory is the starling (membership level)
10.introduction to (Flying Blue)
四.1.Olvera street the (birth place) of los
2.the oldest (church) in the city
3.Mann's (chinese theatre)
4.cement (hand and foot) prints of the
5.Beverly Hills and (Rodeo Drive)
五.单价(Unit price) 出口商(exporter) 合同号(contrart NO) 卖方(seller) 运输方式(Mode of transport) 商品编码(code of goods) 买方(Buyer) 总值(Total value) 数量(adantity ) 发证日期(Licehse date)
六.1.A worker (fell) from a water tower
2.He was(24 years old)
3.He (was painting) the inside of the tower
4.He did not wear fall (protection equipment)
5.Employees should be instructed to avoid (unsafe conditions)
con cern 关系,关心
sales up 销售增加
situation and suggestions 情况与建议
upward 向上的
period 周期
general trend 总的趋势
weak mcrket 不景气的市场
due to 由于,因为
considerably 相当的,非常的本回答被提问者采纳
参考技术B http://user.qzone.qq.com/768377116/blog/1308415561参考下吧,目前出镜率最高的答案了 参考技术C 兄弟你只是2010年6月的啊 我们要的是2011年的! 参考技术D 我今年也考 正愁呢 我英语不好追问

不管真假 先带进去再说.....哎.......


我考3B 不考3A




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