
Posted we1less



[ 特殊疑问句 ]


注意:疑问词 where、what、why、whose、when、whom、who、which、how


句型:疑问词 + 一般疑问句(类似一般疑问句)

        where 主语、表语、介词宾语、宾补

                介词宾语:Where are you from?        

                宾补:Where did you put it?

        what 宾语、表语、介词宾语、宾补(直接宾语)、主语

                动词不定式宾语:What do you want to eat?        你想吃什么?

                宾补:What are you going to tell me?        你要告诉我什么?

                宾补:What did she give you just now?        她刚刚给你什么?

        why 状语、主语(做主语表示 何必,表示反问)

                主语:Why get upset just because you got one bad grade?        何必因为一次成绩不好就不开心呢?

                主语:Why bother to write?We'll see him tomorrow.        还费事写信干什么?我们明天就见到他了

        whose 定语、表语

        when 表语、状语

                表语:When is your birthday?        你的生日是什么时候?

        whom 宾语(who的宾格)

        which 定语 which + 名词 = 宾语、which + 名词 = 主语

        how 表语、方式状语(方式状语只能出现在主谓宾句型中)

                表语:How are you?        你好吗?

                表语:How is your business?        你生意怎么样?

                表语:How was your holiday?        你假期过的怎么样?

                表语:How have you been?        最近好吗?(用于很久不见)

        how long 时间状语(多久,多长 )、表语(多少长度)

                时间状语:How long have you been a teacher?        你做老师多久了?

                时间状语:How long have you learned English?        你学英语多久了?

                表语:How long is the river?        这条河有多长?

        how far 表语、状语

                表语:How far is your home?        你家有多远?

        how much 表语(多少钱)、定语(修饰不可数名词) how much + 名词 = 宾语、主语

        how many 定语(修饰可数名词) how many + 名词 = 宾语、表语、主语

                表语:How much is it?        这个多少钱?

                宾语:How many books did you buy last year?        你去年买了多少书?

                宾语:How much beer did you drink last night?        你昨晚喝了多少酒?

                主语:How many boys love you?        多少男孩爱你?

                主语:How much money is in the bag?        多少钱在这个袋子里面

                主语:How many people are there is your house?        你家里有多少人?

                主语:How much oil is there in the bottle?        瓶子里面有多少油?

        how often 状语

                状语:How often do you go home?        你多久回一次家?

                状语:How often does she go shopping?        她多久购一次物?

        who 主语、表语

                表语:Who are you?

[ there be ]



句型:there + (情态动词) + be + 主语 + 地点状语 + (时间状语)

        There can / may / must / should be four students in my house.

[ 一般现在时态 ]




        You are a student.        你是一个学生

        Are you a student?        你是一个学生吗

        You are not (arent't) a student.        你不是一个学生


        I eat rice every day.        我每天吃米饭

        Do you eat rice every day?        你每天吃米饭吗?

        I don't read books every day.        我每天不读书

        My friend works every day.        我朋友每天洗澡

        Does you father like wine?        你爸爸喜欢喝酒吗?

        He doesn't have a cat.        他没有一只猫

there be:there "be" + 数词( a / an / one / three ) + 名词 + 地点状语

        There are three schools in our village.        我们村有三所学校

        Are there the people in the room?        房间里面有十个人吗?

        There is ( not / no / any ) a stone beside the river.        河边没有一个石头


① where 做地点状语

        Where do you learn English?        你在哪里学英语?

        Where does she bake sweet potatoes every day?        她每天在哪里考红薯

② where 做表语

        Where is your husband?        你丈夫在哪里?

① what 做宾语

        What do my friends eat every day?        我朋友每天吃什么?

        What does your wife like?        你老婆喜欢什么?

② what 做表语

        What is this tool?        这个工具是什么?        What is your name?        你的名字是什么

        What kind of persion is she?        她是什么样的人?

③ what 做主语 三单形式

        What is in your pocket?        什么东西在你口袋?

        What is the most important in life        什么是生命中最重要的?

        What makes you unhappy?        什么事情让你不开兴?

        What brings you here?        什么风把你吹来了?

        What computer is the samllest?        什么电脑是最小的?

① why 做状语


        Why do you learn English?        你为什么学英文?

        Why does she order fish every time?        为什么她每次都点鱼?


        Why are you so sad?        你为什么如此伤心?

① whose 做定语  whose + 名词 = 宾语

        Whose book do you like?        你喜欢谁的书?

        Whose songs does she listen to every day?        她每天听谁的歌?

② whose 做定语 whose + 名词 = 表语 / whose 单独做表语

        Whose cars are they?        哪些是谁的车?

        Whose is the book?       这书是谁的?

③ whose 做定语  whose + 名词 = 主语

        Whose books are useful?        谁的书有用?

        Whose boss likes my products?        谁的老板喜欢我的产品?

① when 做状语


        When do you get up every morning?        你每天早上什么时候起床?

        When does she do homework?        她什么时候做作业?

        主系表        when + "be" + 主语 + 表语 ?

        When is she away?        他什么时候走的?

① whom 做宾语

        Whom do you love?        你爱谁?

① which 做定语 将 which + 名词 = 宾语

        Which girl do you like?        你喜欢哪个女孩?

        Which book does she like?        她喜欢哪本书?

② which + 名词 做主语

        Which boss is the worst?        哪个老板最坏?

        Which boos has a car?        哪个老板有一辆车?

① how 做方式状语 只能出现在主谓宾句型中

        How do you make cake?        你怎么做蛋糕?

        How does she do business?        她是怎么做生意的?

① who 做主语 三单形式

        Who is the most beautiful in our class?        我们班谁最漂亮?

        Who believes me?        谁相信我?

[ 一般过去时态 ]


主系表:was were

        You were busy yesterday.        你昨天忙

        Was Nick a teacher before?        Nick以前是老师吗?

        I was not (wasn't) farmers before.        我以前不是农民

主谓宾:-ed 谓语动词过去式

        We slept last night.        我们昨晚睡觉

        Did they speak English before?        他们以前讲英语吗?

        I didn't borrow money last month.        我上个月没有借钱

there be:there were / was + 数词( a / an / one / three ) + 名词 + 地点状语

        There was a car beside my house yesterday.        昨天我家旁边有一辆车

        Was there wine in the pot before?        罐子里面以前有酒吗

        There were ( not / no / any ) temples nearby before.        这之前没有庙


① where 做地点状语

        Where did he earn money last night?        昨晚他在哪里赚钱

② where 做表语

        Where were you last night?        你昨晚在哪里?

① what 做宾语

        What did you eat just now?        你刚才吃什么?

① why 做状语


        Why did you tell me this story just now?        你刚才为什么跟我讲这个故事?


        Why was she late just now?        她刚才为什么迟到?

① whose 做定语 将 whose + 名词 看成主语、宾语、表语

        Whose book did you take?        你拿走了谁的书?

① when 做状语


        When did you find my video?        你什么时候找到我的视频的?


        When was she angry?        他什么时候生气的?

① whom 做宾语

        Whom did you find?

① which 做定语 将 which + 名词 = 宾语

        Which shirt did you pick just now?        你刚才挑了哪一件衬衫?  

② which + 名词 做主语

        Which student made a mistake just now?        刚才哪个学生犯了一个错误?

① how 做方式状语(只能出现在主谓宾句型中)

        How did you open the door last night?        他昨晚是怎么打开这个门的?

① who 做主语

        Who took my book just now?        刚才谁拿了我的书?

[ 一般将来时态 ]


注意:有两套句式 will        "be" going to

主系表:will + be(系动词原型)        "be" going to be(系动词原型)

        We will be famous in the future.        我们在未来会出名的

        Will you be a manager next month?        下个月你要做经理了吗?

        Her husband will not (won't) be a driver next year.        她丈夫明年不会成为一名司机

        I am going to be a teacher next year.        我明年要称为老师

        Are you going to be beautiful tomorrow?        你明天会变漂亮吗

        She is not (isn't) going to be a manager next month.        她下个月不做经理

主谓宾:will + 动词原形        "be" going to + 谓语动词原型

        My wife will kill a chicken tomorrow.        我妻子明天会杀一只鸡

        Will you write a composition tomorrow?        你明天写一篇作文吗?

        He will not (won't) find a job this summer.        今年夏天,他不会找到一份工作的

        Nick is going to bake corn romorrow.        nick明天烤玉米

        Is she going to find a job next year?        她明天会找到一份工作吗?

        I'm not going to write a composition tomorrow.        我明天不写作文

there be:there will be / there "be" going to be

        There will be two middle schools in our village next year.   将来我们村附近会有两所学校

        Will there be a hospital near my village in the future?        在未来这将会有一所医院吗?

        There will not be a hospital near my village in the future.        在未来这不会有一所医院

        There is going to be gas in the bottle soon.        很快瓶子里面就有气体了

        Is there going to be gas in the bottle?        瓶子里面会有气体吗?

        There is not going to be gas in the bottle.        瓶子里面不会有气体出现。


① where 做地点状语

        Where will she buy a house in the future?        你以后在哪里买房?

        Where is she going to look for a job next month?        下个月她去哪里找工作?

② where 做表语

        Where will my car be tomorrow?        明天我的车会在哪里?

        Where is my car going to be tomorrow?        明天我的车会在哪里?

① what 做宾语

        What will you eat tomorrow?        你明天吃什么?

        What is she going to write?        她准备写什么?

① why 做状语

        Why will you leave the company next year?        明年你为什么离开公司?

        Why are you going to leave the company next year?        明年你为什么离开公司?

① whose 做定语 将 whose + 名词 看成主语、宾语、表语

        Whose daughter will be marry next year?        他明年要娶谁的女儿?

        Whose car is Jeff going to drive after class?        下课之后,杰夫会开谁的车?

① when 做状语


        When will you buy a house in Beijing?        你什么时候在北京买房?

        When is she going to buy a ticket?        她什么时候买票?


        When will nick be famous?        nick什么时候出名?

        When is the girl going to be my student?        这女孩什么时候会成为我的学生?

① whom 做宾语

        Whom will you kill tomorrow?        你明天要杀了谁?

① which 做定语 将 which + 名词 = 宾语

        Which house will you buy?        你要买哪个房子?

        Which man is Nick going to marry?        nick要嫁给哪个男人?

① how 做方式状语(只能出现在主谓宾句型中)

        How will they build the house?        他们将如何建这个房子

        How are you going to cook the duck?        你准备怎么烹饪这只鸭子?

① who 做主语

        Who will help me tomorrow?        明天谁会帮我?

        Who is going to bake the duck?        谁将要烤这只鸭子?

[ 现在进行时态 ] 



句型:"be" + 动词的现在分词

        She is learing English right now.        她正在学英语

        Are you working now?        你正在工作吗?

        We are not (aren't) playing a game.        我们没有在玩游戏


① where 做地点状语

        Where are you having dinner now?        你现在在哪里吃饭?

① what 做宾语

        What are you doing / saying / thinking / eating ?        你在 做 / 说 / 想 / 吃 什么?

        What book are you reading?        你在读什么书?

① why 做状语

        Why is she singing so loudly?        为什么她现在如此大声地唱歌?

① whose 做定语 将 whose + 名词 看成主语、宾语、表语

        Whose food are you tasting?        你在品尝谁的食物?

① whom 做宾语

        Whom are you taliking about?        你们正在谈论谁?

① which 做定语 将 which + 名词 = 宾语

        Which lesson are you listening to?        你正在听哪一课?

② which + 名词 做主语

        Which student is talking with others?        哪个学生在跟别人聊天?

① who 做主语

        Who is knocking my door?        谁在敲我的门?

[ 现在完成时态 ]

用法:用来表达从过去某时开始一致延续到现在的动作或状态 (我已经学了10年英语了),当表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果的时候(这些工人已经完成了工作)

注意:have / has + 过去分词( -ed 或 been )

主系表:have / has + been + 表语

        She has been rich for 50 years.        她已经富有了50年

        Have you been busy?        你忙过吗?

        She hasn't been a nurse.        她没当过护士

主谓宾:have / has + -ed

        These works have finished the work.        这些工人已经完成了工作

        Has she finished her homework?        她完成她的作业了吗?

        She hasn't given me a gift for three years.        他已经三年没有给我礼物了

there be:there have / has been

        There has been a big supermarket here.        这里已经有一个大超市了


① where 做地点状语

        Where have they learned English?        他们已经在哪里学英语了?

② where 做表语

        Where have you been?        你去哪里了?

① what 做宾语

        What have you done?        你到底做了什么        What has he eaten?        他吃了什么?

① whose 做定语 将 whose + 名词 看成主语、宾语、表语

        Whose cellphone has she borrowed?        她借了谁的手机?

① whom 做宾语

        Whom has he fallen in love with?        他已经爱上了谁?

① which 做定语 将 which + 名词 = 宾语

        Which movie have you watched        你已经看过哪部电影了?

① who 做主语

        Who has finished the task?        谁已经完成了任务?


① 从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态


再加上表示时间延续的状语 for two years 两年了,since 1998

[ 主谓宾 ]

        She has introduced her book for five minutes.


[ 主系表 ]

        He has been an English teacher for 2 years.


② 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果


不能加表示时间延续的状语,可以用不确定的时间状语 already、yet、once、twice、just、never、before放在助动词"have、has"的后面

        I have already known the story.     


[ 被动语态 ] 

用法:用来表达 被骗了、被打了,







注意:只有及物动词有被动语态。被动语态宾语在主语位置,没有宾语,(by + 单词)是介词短语充当方式状语

        I am helped by you.

句型:助动词be(没有含义) + 及物动词-ed

[ 一般现在时态 ] 助动词 "be" + 及物动词-ed

        I am believed by my friends.        我朋友信任我

[ 一般过去时态 ] 助动词 "was / were" + 及物动词-ed

        The ploblem was discussed yesterday.


[ 一般将来时态 ] will + be + 及物动词-ed  /  "be" going to + be + 及物动词-ed

        The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in a few months.


        She is going to be forgiven tomorrow.        他明天会被原谅

[ 现在进行时态 ] "be" + being + 及物动词-ed

        Many people are being helped.        很多人正得到帮助

[ 现在完成时态 ] have / has + been + 及物动词-ed

        The work has been finished.        工作已经完成了

[ 过去进行时态 ]



句型:"be" ( was / were ) + 动词的现在分词

        I was taking a shower just now.        我刚才正在洗澡

        Were you watching TV?        你刚才正在看电视吗?

        They were not (weren't) talking loudly.        他们刚才讲话没有很大声

[ 过去将来时态 ]

[ 过去完成时态 ]

[ 现在完成进行时态 ]

[ 动词不定式 ]

[ 动名词 ]

[ 动词短语 ]

[ 双重所有格 ]

[ 不定代词 ]

[ 过去分词 / 现在分词 做非谓语 ]

[ 主语从句 ]

英语句式参考纯享版 - 主语从句 - 表语从句_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 表语从句 ]

英语句式参考纯享版 - 主语从句 - 表语从句_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 宾语从句 ]

英语句式参考纯享版 - 宾语从句_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 定语从句 ]

英语句式参考纯享版 - 定语从句_we1less的博客-CSDN博客

[ 状语从句 ]

[ 虚拟语气 ]



英语句式参考纯享版 - 主语从句 - 表语从句

英语句式参考纯享版 - 定语从句

英语句式参考纯享版 - 定语从句

英语句式参考纯享版 - 状语从句

英语句式参考纯享版 - 状语从句