xamarin.ios 本地通知推送
Posted 醉梦ai天涯
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了xamarin.ios 本地通知推送相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
1 public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) 2 { 3 global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(); 4 global::ZXing.Net.Mobile.Forms.iOS.Platform.Init(); 5 Renderers.KeyboardOverlapRenderer.Init(); 6 7 if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(10, 0)) 8 { 9 //Notification framework. 10 UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.RequestAuthorization(UNAuthorizationOptions.Alert | UNAuthorizationOptions.Badge | UNAuthorizationOptions.Sound, (approved, err) => 11 { 12 // Handle approval 13 }); 14 15 //Get current notification settings. 16 UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.GetNotificationSettings((settings) => 17 { 18 var alertsAllowed = (settings.AlertSetting == UNNotificationSetting.Enabled); 19 }); 20 UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.Delegate = new UserNotificationCenterDelegate(); 21 } 22 }

1 public class UserNotificationCenterDelegate : UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate 2 { 3 #region Constructors 4 public UserNotificationCenterDelegate() 5 { 6 } 7 #endregion 8 9 #region Override Methods 10 public override void WillPresentNotification(UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotification notification, Action<UNNotificationPresentationOptions> completionHandler) 11 { 12 // Do something with the notification 13 Console.WriteLine("Active Notification: {0}", notification); 14 15 // Tell system to display the notification anyway or use 16 // `None` to say we have handled the display locally. 17 completionHandler(UNNotificationPresentationOptions.Alert | UNNotificationPresentationOptions.Sound); 18 } 19 #endregion 20 }

1 public void ShowNotification(string strNotificationTitle, 2 string strNotificationSubtitle, 3 string strNotificationDescription, 4 string strNotificationIdItem, 5 string strDateOrInterval, 6 int intervalType, 7 string extraParameters) 8 { 9 //intervalType: 1 - set to date | 2 - set to interval 10 11 12 //Object creation. 13 var notificationContent = new UNMutableNotificationContent(); 14 15 16 //Set parameters. 17 //notificationContent.Title = "Mesince"; 18 notificationContent.Subtitle = strNotificationSubtitle; 19 notificationContent.Body = strNotificationDescription; 20 //notificationContent.Badge = 1; 21 notificationContent.Badge = Int32.Parse(strNotificationIdItem); 22 notificationContent.Sound = UNNotificationSound.Default; 23 24 25 //Set date. 26 //DateTime notificationContentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(strDateOrInterval); 27 DateTime notificationContentDate = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(10); 28 29 NSDateComponents notificationContentNSCDate = new NSDateComponents(); 30 notificationContentNSCDate.Year = notificationContentDate.Year; 31 notificationContentNSCDate.Month = notificationContentDate.Month; 32 notificationContentNSCDate.Day = notificationContentDate.Day; 33 notificationContentNSCDate.Hour = notificationContentDate.Hour; 34 notificationContentNSCDate.Minute = notificationContentDate.Minute; 35 notificationContentNSCDate.Second = notificationContentDate.Second; 36 notificationContentNSCDate.Nanosecond = (notificationContentDate.Millisecond * 1000000); 37 38 39 //Set trigger and request. 40 var notificationRequestID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 41 UNNotificationRequest notificationRequest = null; 42 //在某月某日某时触发 43 if (intervalType == 1) 44 { 45 var notificationCalenderTrigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger.CreateTrigger(notificationContentNSCDate, false); 46 47 notificationRequest = UNNotificationRequest.FromIdentifier(notificationRequestID, notificationContent, notificationCalenderTrigger); 48 } 49 else 50 { 51 //一定时间后触发 52 var notificationIntervalTrigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger.CreateTrigger(Int32.Parse(strDateOrInterval), false); 53 54 notificationRequest = UNNotificationRequest.FromIdentifier(notificationRequestID, notificationContent, notificationIntervalTrigger); 55 } 56 57 58 //Add the notification request. 59 UNUserNotificationCenter.Current.AddNotificationRequest(notificationRequest, (err) => 60 { 61 if (err != null) 62 { 63 System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error : " + err); 64 } 65 }); 66 }
三、上面是Ios 10以上版本的方法,旧版本的方法在此也放出来:

1 if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(10, 0)) 2 { 3 ShowNotification(Title, Title, Content, "1", "2017-28-02 08:30:00", 1, ""); 4 } 5 else 6 { 7 var settings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes(UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Sound, null); 8 UIApplication.SharedApplication.RegisterUserNotificationSettings(settings); 9 10 UILocalNotification notification = new UILocalNotification(); 11 notification.TimeZone = NSTimeZone.DefaultTimeZone; 12 notification.AlertLaunchImage = "ico.png"; 13 notification.FireDate = NSDate.FromTimeIntervalSinceNow(0); 14 notification.AlertAction = AppResource.提示;//获取得访问消息中心权限对话框标题 15 notification.AlertTitle = Title; 16 notification.AlertBody = Content; 17 if (CurrentApp.HasSound) 18 { 19 notification.SoundName = UILocalNotification.DefaultSoundName; 20 } 21 if (CurrentApp.HasVibrate) 22 { 23 } 24 //判断是否开启新邮件提醒 25 if (CurrentApp.NewMialRemind) 26 { 27 //UIApplication.SharedApplication.ScheduleLocalNotification(notification); 28 //立即触发一个通知 29 UIApplication.SharedApplication.PresentLocalNotificationNow(notification); 30 } 31 }
以上是关于xamarin.ios 本地通知推送的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Xamarin.iOS 应用程序未运行时未处理 Amazon SNS 推送通知