
Posted 苏导




Markdown对于各类写作而言,非常有用,因为书写格式很简单,关键是能转成各种格式的文档,比如word pdf ppt这种,也能转成html等网页形式,这样就能适合在各种场合,写一次内容就能用于不同场景下的展示。比如这篇CSDN博客就是Marddown写的~


之前Windows下用MarddownPad,但是貌似只支持基本Markdown语法,但是有时候整理一些比较专业的文档时,就有些不够用了,需要用Pandoc扩展语法。找了一下觉得还是直接用Sublime Text吧,起码跨平台,以后换电脑系统了可以继续用,另外MarddownPad还没找到支持Pandoc,可能付费版本有,但是不免费,觉得没必要了吧。
Pandoc看起官方介绍是,需要用命令行去进行格式转换,不过Sublime Text可以找到插件,避免这个命令行操作。

About Pandoc

写技术文档之前主要是MS Office相关办公工具来写,但是有些时候,比如需要放在网站,直接粘贴上去的情况,就不太好用了。Markdown是比较好的选择了。不过使用Markdown下来,发现功能限制还是很多的,因此要想用markdown写出更好的技术文档,就找到了pandoc了,pandoc是一个格式转换工具,同时也有更多的markdown扩展语法。


markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, Txt2Tags, Microsoft Word docx, LibreOffice ODT, EPUB, Haddock markup


HTML格式XHTML, HTML5, HTML slide shows
Word processor格式Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT, OpenDocument XML
EbooksEPUB version 2 or 3, FictionBook2
Documentation格式DocBook, TEI Simple, GNU TexInfo, Groff man pages, Haddock markup
Page layout格式InDesign ICML
TeX格式LaTeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX Beamer slides
轻量级markup格式Markdown (including CommonMark), reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki markup, DokuWiki markup, Emacs Org-Mode, Textile




首先当然是要确认已经安装了package control,我早前已经安装好,其安装方法网络搜索一下,就有许多的参考。
然后安装Monokai Extended插件,MarkdownEditing插件,MarkdownTOC插件,Pandoc插件(Pandoc软件也需要首先先安装好)。如果要转换pdf,还要安装LaTex软件。


新建.md的markdown文档后在sublime中打开,在软件右下角的文档格式选择为Markdown Extended。



  // There are 2 possible top level settings keys, "user" and "default". If you
  // use "default" in your user settings file, the default settings will be
  // overwritten, but if you use "user" your settings will be merged into the
  // default settings.

    // path to the pandoc binary. Default locations per platform:
    // -  mac
    //    "pandoc-path": "/usr/local/bin/pandoc",
    // -  windows
    //    "pandoc-path": "C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/Pandoc/pandoc.exe",
    "pandoc-path": null,

    // transformations

      // label of transformation, to appear in sublime quick panel. This should
      // be a name related to the format of the output.
      "Markdown (Pandoc)": 
        // Opens output in new buffer (instead of replacing input in same buffer)
        "new-buffer": 1,
        // maps sublime scope to input format. If the input matches against the
        // given scope, this transformation becomes available, and the input
        // format is used as the pandoc --from option.
        // @see
        // @see score_selector()
        // @see
          "text.html": "html"
        // sublime syntax file of output format, will set output to this syntax
        "syntax_file": "Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage",
        // additional arguments passed to pandoc
        // -  --from is automatically set, see "scope" above
        // -  --to=FORMAT or one of its aliases is required
        // @see
        "pandoc-arguments": [

      "HTML 5": 
        "new-buffer": 1,
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage",
        "pandoc-arguments": [

      // note these are examples of output formats that should not be opened in a
      // sublime text buffer. See "pandoc-format-file" below

      // @see
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        // use to place the output in the same directory as the curent file
        // if -o or --output are set in "pandoc-arguments" this is ignored
        // "out-local": true,
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "pdf"
          // use --latex-engine=engine where engine is
          // pdflatex|lualatex|xelatex. This may need to be specified with a
          // full path, e.g. on a mac with BasicTeX
          // "--latex-engine=/usr/texbin/pdflatex"
          // or on Windows with MiKTeX
          // "--latex-engine=C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/pdflatex.exe"
          // if -o or --output missing, will write to a temporary file
          // "--output=~/Downloads/output.pdf"

      "Microsoft Word": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "docx"
          // if -o or --output missing, will write to a temporary file
          // "--output=~/Downloads/output.pdf"

      "PDF TOC (Narrow margins)": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown",
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-V", "geometry:margin=1.25in",
          "-s", "--toc", "--number-sections", "--parse-raw",
          "-t", "pdf",

      "PDF TOC": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown",
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-s", "--toc", "--number-sections", "--parse-raw",
          "-t", "pdf",

      "HTML TOC": 
        "new-buffer": 1,
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage",
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-s", "--toc"

      "Beamer Slides (PDF)": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown",
        // Use the "out-ext" parameter to define a custom output file extension. Commonly used for pdf.
        "out-ext": "pdf",
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "beamer",
          "--latex-engine=C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/pdflatex.exe"

      "Beamer Slides (LaTeX)": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown",
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "beamer",

      "s5 Slides": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown",
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "slidy", "-s", "--self-contained",
    // these should not need to be customized

    // output formats that are written to file, using -o parameter. These we do
    // not output to a sublime text buffer.
    "pandoc-format-file": ["docx", "epub", "pdf", "odt", "beamer"]

    "pandoc-path": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Pandoc",


          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        "pandoc-arguments": [

          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "pdf", **"--latex-engine=/usr/texbin/pdflatex"**,

      "Microsoft Word": 
          "text.html": "html",
          "text.html.markdown": "markdown"
        "pandoc-arguments": [
          "-t", "docx",


    "pandoc-format-file": ["html", "docx", "epub", "pdf", "odt"]

  // Sets the path to the pandoc binary.
  "pandoc-path": null,

  // Opens output in new buffer (instead of replacing input in same)
  "new-buffer": 1,

  // configure Pandoc executable
  // see

  // enabled Pandoc formats
  // key: label, value: Pandoc format key (-f or -t values)
    "AsciiDoc": "asciidoc",
    "LaTeX beamer slide show": "beamer",
    "ConTeXt": "context",
    "DocBook XML": "docbook",
    "Word docx": "docx",
    "HTML5 + javascript slide show": "dzslides",
    "EPUB v2": "epub",
    "EPUB v3": "epub3",
    "FictionBook2 e-book": "fb2",
    "Haddock": "haddock",
    "XHTML 1": "html",
    "HTML 5": "html5",
    "JSON version of native AST": "json",
    "LaTeX": "latex",
    "Groff man": "man",
    "Markdown": "markdown",
    "Markdown (Github extended)": "markdown_github",
    "Markdown (php Markdown Extra extended)": "markdown_phpextra",
    "Markdown (Strict)": "markdown_strict",
    "MediaWiki markup": "mediawiki",
    "Native Haskell": "native",
    "OpenOffice text document": "odt",
    "OpenDocument XML": "opendocument",
    "OPML": "opml",
    "Emacs Org-Mode": "org",
    "PDF": "pdf",
    "reveal.js HTML5 + javascript slide show": "revealjs",
    "Rich Text Format": "rtf",
    "plain text": "plain",
    "reStructuredText": "rst",
    "S5 HTML and javascript slide show": "s5",
    "Slideous HTML and javascript slide show": "slideous",
    "Slidy HTML and javascript slide show": "slidy",
    "GNU Texinfo": "texinfo",
    "Textile": "textile"

  // format configuration
  // key: format_[key] where [key] is the Pandoc format key (-f or -t values)
  // - scope: input sublime scope. Missing implies pandoc can not accept the
  //   format as input (@todo fix this, allow multiple input formats per scope)
  // - syntax_file: sublime syntax file of output format, will set output to
  //   this syntax
  // - from: list of pandoc options to add when used as input
  // - to: list of pandoc options to add when used as output
  "format_asciidoc": ,
    "syntax_file": "Packages/LaTeX/LaTeX Beamer.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/LaTeX/LaTeX.tmLanguage"
    // "scope": "text.xml",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/XML/XML.tmLanguage"
  "format_docx": ,
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/XML/XML.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/XML/XML.tmLanguage"
  "format_fb2": ,
  "format_haddock": ,
    "scope": "text.html",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"  ,
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"  ,
    "scope": "source.json",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/JavaScript/JSON.tmLanguage"
    "scope": "text.tex.latex",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/LaTeX/LaTeX.tmLanguage"
  "format_man": ,
  // pandoc by default uses an enhanced version of markdown, see
  // to disable:
  //    -   pandoc <1.10: add "--strict" to "to" or "from"
  //    -   pandoc >=1.10: use markdown_strict output format
    "scope": "text.html.markdown",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage",
    "to": ["--no-wrap", "--atx-headers"],
    "from": ["--no-highlight"]
    // "scope": "text.html.markdown",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage"
    // "scope": "text.html.markdown",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage"
    // "scope": "text.html.markdown",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Markdown/Markdown.tmLanguage"
    "scope": "text.html.mediawiki",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Mediawiker/Mediawiki.tmLanguage"
    "scope": "source.haskell",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Haskell/Haskell.tmLanguage"
  "format_odt": ,
    "syntax_file": "Packages/XML/XML.tmLanguage"
    // use --latex-engine=engine where engine is one of pdflatex|lualatex|xelatex
    // This may need to be specified with a full path (e.g. on a mac with
    // BasicTeX "/usr/texbin/pdflatex").
    "to": ["--latex-engine=/usr/texbin/pdflatex"]
  "format_rtf": ,
    // "scope": "text.xml",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/XML/XML.tmLanguage"
  "format_org": ,
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Text/Plain text.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"
    "scope": "text.restructuredtext",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/RestructuredText/reStructuredText.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage"
    "syntax_file": "Packages/LaTeX/LaTeX Beamer.tmLanguage"
    "scope": "text.html.textile",
    "syntax_file": "Packages/Textile/Textile.tmLanguage"

我这里选择了第一种配置,在写完了markdown文档后,用Ctrl + Shift + P调出package control,然后输入Pandoc,选择Pandoc插件,会弹出如下的界面:

就可以选择要转换的格式,我这里选择了带目录的html格式–HTML TOC,然后会生成对应的html文档并自动在sublime中打开,转换其他格式的文档也是类似流程。




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如何优雅地使用Sublime Text

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如何优雅地使用Sublime Text