广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第三周

Posted sinat_32097435


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第三周相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。



if age < 21:





if (age < 21)








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######## procedure control #####  
## if else  
if expression: # bool type and do not forget the colon  
    statement(s) # use four space key   

if expression:   
statement(s) # error!!!! should use four space key   

if 1<2:  
    print 'ok, ' # use four space key  
    print 'yeah' # use the same number of space key  

if True: # true should be big letter True  
    print 'true'  

def fun():  
    return 1  

if fun():  
    print 'ok'  
    print 'no'  

con = int(raw_input('please input a number:'))  
if con < 2:  
    print 'small'  
elif con > 3:  
    print 'big'  
    print 'middle'  

if 1 < 2:  
    if 2 < 3:  
        print 'yeah'  
        print 'no'    
    print 'out'  
    print 'bad'  

if 1<2 and 2<3 or 2 < 4 not 0: # and, or, not  
    print 'yeah'  



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######## procedure control #####  
## for  
for iterating_val in sequence:  
# sequence type can be string, tuple or list  

for i in "abcd":  
    print i  

for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]:  
    print i  

# range(start, end, step), if not set step, default is 1,   
# if not set start, default is 0, should be noted that it is [start, end), not [start, end]  
range(5) # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]  
range(1, 5) # [1, 2, 3, 4]  
range(1, 10, 2) # [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]  
for i in range(1, 100, 1):   
    print i  

# ergodic for basis sequence  
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango']  
for fruit in range(len(fruits)):   
    print 'current fruit: ', fruits[fruit]  

# ergodic for dictionary  
dic = 1: 111, 2: 222, 5: 555  
for x in dic:  
    print x, ': ', dic[x]  

dic.items() # return [(1, 111), (2, 222), (5, 555)]  
for key,value in dic.items(): # because we can: a,b=[1,2]  
    print key, ': ', value  
    print 'ending'  

import time  
# we also can use: break, continue to control process  
for x in range(1, 11):  
    print x  
    time.sleep(1) # sleep 1s  
    if x == 3:  
        pass # do nothing  
    if x == 2:  
    if x == 6:  
    if x == 7:    
        exit() # exit the whole program  
    print '#'*50  



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######## procedure control #####  
## while  
while expression:  

while True:  
    print 'hello'  
    x = raw_input('please input something, q for quit:')  
    if x == 'q':  
    print 'ending'  



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## switch ####  
## this structure do not support by python  
## but we can implement it by using dictionary and function  
## ##  

from __future__ import division  
# if used this, 5/2=2.5, 6/2=3.0  

def add(x, y):  
    return x + y  
def sub(x, y):  
    return x - y  
def mul(x, y):  
    return x * y  
def div(x, y):  
    return x / y  

operator = "+": add, "-": sub, "*": mul, "/": div  
operator["+"](1, 2) # the same as add(1, 2)  
operator["%"](1, 2) # error, not have key "%", but the below will not  
operator.get("+")(1, 2) # the same as add(1, 2)  

def cal(x, o, y):  
    print operator.get(o)(x, y)  
cal(2, "+", 3)  
# this method will effect than if-else  




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######## function #####   
def functionName(parameters): # no parameters is ok  

def add(a, b):  
    return a+b # if we do not use a return, any defined function will return default None   

a = 100  
b = 200  
sum = add(a, b)  

##### #####  
#coding:utf8  # support chinese  
def add(a = 1, b = 2): # default parameters  
    return a+b  # can return any type of data  
# the followings are all ok  
add(y = 1)  
add(3, 4)  

###### the global and local value #####  
## global value: defined outside any function, and can be used  
##              in anywhere, even in functions, this should be noted  
## local value: defined inside a function, and can only be used  
##              in its own function  
## the local value will cover the global if they have the same name  
val = 100 # global value  
def fun():  
    print val # here will access the val = 100  
print val # here will access the val = 100, too  

def fun():  
    a = 100 # local value  
    print a  
print a # here can not access the a = 100  

def fun():  
    global a = 100 # declare as a global value  
    print a  

print a # here can not access the a = 100, because fun() not be called yet  
print a # here can access the a = 100  

## other types of parameters  
def fun(x):  
    print x  
# the follows are all ok  
fun(10) # int  
fun('hello') # string  
fun(('x', 2, 3))  # tuple  
fun([1, 2, 3])    # list  
fun(1: 1, 2: 2) # dictionary  

## tuple  
def fun(x, y):  
    print "%s : %s" % (x,y) # %s stands for string  
fun('Zou', 'xiaoyi')  
tu = ('Zou', 'xiaoyi')  
fun(*tu)    # can transfer tuple parameter like this  

## dictionary  
def fun(name = "name", age = 0):  
    print "name: %s" % name  
    print "age: " % age  
dic = name: "xiaoyi", age: 25 # the keys of dictionary should be same as fun()  
fun(**dic) # can transfer dictionary parameter like this  
fun(age = 25, name = 'xiaoyi') # the result is the same  
## the advantage of dictionary is can specify value name  

## redundancy parameters ####  
## the tuple  
def fun(x, *args): # the extra parameters will stored in args as tuple type   
    print x  
    print args  
# the follows are ok  
fun(10, 12, 24) # x = 10, args = (12, 24)  

## the dictionary  
def fun(x, **args): # the extra parameters will stored in args as dictionary type   
    print x  
    print args  
# the follows are ok  
fun(x = 10, y = 12, z = 15) # x = 10, args = 'y': 12, 'z': 15  

# mix of tuple and dictionary  
def fun(x, *args, **kwargs):  
    print x  
    print args  
    print kwargs  
fun(1, 2, 3, 4, y = 10, z = 12) # x = 1, args = (2, 3, 4), kwargs = 'y': 10, 'z': 12  



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## lambda function ####  
## define a fast single line function  
fun = lambda x,y : x*y # fun is a object of function class  
fun(2, 3)  
# like  
def fun(x, y):  
    return x*y  

## recursion  
# 5=5*4*3*2*1, n!  
def recursion(n):  
    if n > 0:  
        return n * recursion(n-1) ## wrong  

def mul(x, y):  
    return x * y  
numList = range(1, 5)  
reduce(mul, numList) # 5! = 120  
reduce(lambda x,y : x*y, numList) # 5! = 120, the advantage of lambda function avoid defining a function  

### list expression  
numList = [1, 2, 6, 7]  
filter(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, numList)  
print [x for x in numList if x % 2 == 0] # the same as above  
map(lambda x : x * 2 + 10, numList)  
print [x * 2 + 10 for x in numList] # the same as above  



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## built-in function of python ####  
## if do not how to use, please use help()  
abs, max, min, len, divmod, pow, round, callable,  
isinstance, cmp, range, xrange, type, id, int()  
list(), tuple(), hex(), oct(), chr(), ord(), long()  

callable # test a function whether can be called or not, if can, return true  
# or test a function is exit or not  

isinstance # test type  
numList = [1, 2]  
if type(numList) == type([]):  
    print "It is a list"  
if isinstance(numList, list): # the same as above, return true  
    print "It is a list"  

for i in range(1, 10001) # will create a 10000 list, and cost memory  
for i in xrange(1, 10001)# do not create such a list, no memory is cost  

## some basic functions about string  
str = 'hello world'  
str.capitalize() # 'Hello World', first letter transfer to big  
str.replace("hello", "good") # 'good world'  
ip = ""  
ip.split('.') # return ['192', '168', '1', '123']  

import string  
str = 'hello world'  
string.replace(str, "hello", "good") # 'good world'  

## some basic functions about sequence  
len, max, min  
# filter(function or none, sequence)  
def fun(x):  
    if x > 5:  
        return True  
numList = [1, 2, 6, 7]  
filter(fun, numList) # get [6, 7], if fun return True, retain the element, otherwise delete it  
filter(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, numList)  
# zip()  
name = ["me", "you"]  
age = [25, 26]  
tel = ["123", "234"]  
zip(name, age, tel) # return a list: [('me', 25, '123'), ('you', 26, '234')]  
# map()  
map(None, name, age, tel) # also return a list: [('me', 25, '123'), ('you', 26, '234')]  
test = ["hello1", "hello2", "hello3"]  
zip(name, age, tel, test) # return [('me', 25, '123', 'hello1'), ('you', 26, '234', 'hello2')]  
map(None, name, age, tel, test) # return [('me', 25, '123', 'hello1'), ('you', 26, '234', 'hello2'), (None, None, None, 'hello3')]  
a = [1, 3, 5]  
b = [2, 4, 6]  
def mul(x, y):  
    return x*y  
map(mul, a, b) # return [2, 12, 30]  
# reduce()  
reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # return ((((1+2)+3)+4)+5)  

以上是关于广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第三周的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第八周

广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第一周

广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第三周

广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第三周

广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第五周

广东海洋大学 电子1151 孔yanfei python语言程序设计 第五周