title Install Ubuntu
find --set-root /ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso
kernel /vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso locale=zh_CN.UTF-8
initrd /initrd.gz
注意,这个命令里面的ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso 是下载的iso文件的名字,你的文件可能不是这个名字,所以要把它改为你自己的文件的名字。
在启动安装程序之前把已经挂载的分区卸载 ,在终端中输入命令:
sudo umount -l /isodevice (一定要加-l)
sudo umount -l /cdrom
但这里有一个要点,就是我们所下载的grldr应该是最新版的。原因是,现在的ubuntu的分区的主流都是ext4啦。只有最新版的grldr才能识别ext4分区。这个问题我遇到过,结果傻傻地到处求助 参考技术A 下载个wingrup 吧
把wingrup 装到机上
按照里面做就行啦 参考技术B 用wubi装
在 ubuntu 18.04 LTS 中安装 rock-robotics 包时出现问题 [已解决]
【中文标题】在 ubuntu 18.04 LTS 中安装 rock-robotics 包时出现问题 [已解决]【英文标题】:problem while installing rock-robotics package in ubuntu 18.04 LTS [SOLVED] 【发布时间】:2020-06-24 11:03:14 【问题描述】:已解决(见答案)
我已按照“https://www.rock-robotics.org/documentation/installation.html”中建议的安装指南进行操作。安装“rock-robotics”时出现错误,我最初在较轻的发行版“Lubuntu”中尝试过,现在我正在尝试“ Ubuntu 18.04 LTS”并且它再次发生,我对此感到疯狂,问题是我需要这个软件包来开发我的学位论文。请我在这件事上需要帮助,最后你可以在我运行 $sudo sh bootstrap.sh 时看到完整的输出(我尝试了建议的两个引导程序,它们都给了我同样的问题),在这里你有 错误信息的输出行:
configuring CMake for base/orogen/std configured CMake for tools/pocolog_cpp ERROR: got an error processing base/orogen/std, waiting for pending jobs to end updated environment Command failed base/orogen/std(/home/emi/rock-robotics/base/orogen/std): failed in configure phase
'cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/emi/rock-robotics/install -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH= -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/emi/rock-robotics/install;/home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/orogen
-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DROCK_TEST_ENABLED=OFF /home/emi/rock-robotics/base/orogen/std' returned status 1
see /home/emi/rock-robotics/install/log/base/orogen/std-configure.log for details
last 10 lines are:
-- Checking for module 'orocos-rtt-corba-gnulinux>=2.1.0'
-- No package 'orocos-rtt-corba-gnulinux' found
CMake Error at .orogen/config/FindOrocosCORBA.cmake:8 (MESSAGE):
RTT has not been built with CORBA support
Call Stack (most recent call first):
.orogen/typekit/transports/corba/CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/emi/rock-robotics/base/orogen/std/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
--2020-06-24 12:02:16-- http://rock-robotics.org/master/autoproj_bootstrap
Resolviendo rock-robotics.org (rock-robotics.org)...
Conectando con rock-robotics.org (rock-robotics.org)[]:80... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 301 Moved Permanently
Ubicación: https://rock-robotics.org/master/autoproj_bootstrap [siguiente]
--2020-06-24 12:02:17-- https://rock-robotics.org/master/autoproj_bootstrap
Conectando con rock-robotics.org (rock-robotics.org)[]:443... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 301 Moved Permanently
Ubicación: https://www.rock-robotics.org/master/autoproj_bootstrap [siguiente]
--2020-06-24 12:02:17-- https://www.rock-robotics.org/master/autoproj_bootstrap
Resolviendo www.rock-robotics.org (www.rock-robotics.org)...,,, ...
Conectando con www.rock-robotics.org (www.rock-robotics.org)[]:443... conectado.
Petición HTTP enviada, esperando respuesta... 200 OK
Longitud: 30078 (29K) [application/octet-stream]
Guardando como: “autoproj_bootstrap”
autoproj_bootstrap 100%[===================>] 29,37K --.-KB/s en 0,03s
2020-06-24 12:02:17 (906 KB/s) - “autoproj_bootstrap” guardado [30078/30078]
Which protocol do you want to use to access rock-core/buildconf.git on github.com? [git|ssh|http] (default: http)
Detected 'gem' to be /usr/bin/gem2.5
Detected bundler at /home/emi/.local/share/autoproj/gems/ruby/2.5.0/bin/bundle
Installing autoproj in /home/emi/.local/share/autoproj/gems/ruby/2.5.0
Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and
installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root
users on this machine.
[DEPRECATED] The --binstubs option will be removed in favor of `bundle binstubs`
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/......
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake 12.3.3
Using equatable 0.5.0
Using tty-color 0.4.3
Using pastel 0.7.2
Using tty-cursor 0.5.0
Using necromancer 0.4.0
Using timers 4.3.0
Using tty-screen 0.6.5
Using wisper 2.0.1
Using tty-reader 0.2.0
Using tty-prompt 0.15.0
Using facets 3.1.0
Using utilrb 3.0.1
Using autobuild 1.20.0
Using backports 3.18.1
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using concurrent-ruby 1.0.5
Using ffi 1.13.1
Using rb-inotify 0.10.1
Using thor 0.20.3
Using tty-spinner 0.8.0
Using xdg 2.2.5
Using autoproj 2.12.1
Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 23 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `/home/emi/.local/share/autoproj/gems`
starting the newly installed autoproj for stage2 install
saving temporary env.sh and .autoproj/env.sh
running 'autoproj envsh' to generate a proper env.sh
[DEPRECATED] `Bundler.with_clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`. If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.with_original_env` (called at /home/emi/rock-robotics/.autoproj/bin/autoproj:8)
Which prepackaged software (a.k.a. 'osdeps') should autoproj install automatically (all, none or a comma-separated list of: os gem pip) ?
The software packages that autoproj will have to build may require other
prepackaged softwares (a.k.a. OS dependencies) to be installed (RubyGems
packages, packages from your operating system/distribution, ...). Autoproj
is able to install those automatically for you.
Advanced users may want to control this behaviour. Additionally, the
installation of some packages require administration rights, which you may
not have. This option is meant to allow you to control autoproj's behaviour
while handling OS dependencies.
* if you say "all", it will install all packages automatically.
This requires root access thru 'sudo'
* if you say "pip", only the Python packages will be installed.
Installing these packages does not require root access.
* if you say "gem", only the Ruby packages will be installed.
Installing these packages does not require root access.
* if you say "os", only the OS-provided packages will be installed.
Installing these packages requires root access.
* if you say "none", autoproj will not do anything related to the
OS dependencies.
Finally, you can provide a comma-separated list of pip gem and os.
As any configuration value, the mode can be changed anytime by calling
autoproj reconfigure
Finally, the "autoproj osdeps" command will give you the necessary information
about the OS packages that you will need to install manually.
So, what do you want ? (all, none or a comma-separated list of: os gem pip) [all]
Would you like autoproj to keep apt packages up-to-date? [yes]
updated environment
running 'autoproj osdeps' to re-install missing gems
[DEPRECATED] `Bundler.with_clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`. If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded, use `Bundler.with_original_env` (called at /home/emi/rock-robotics/.autoproj/bin/autoproj:8)
updated environment
Command finished successfully at 2020-06-24 12:02:30 +0200 (took 1 sec)
The current directory is not empty, continue bootstrapping anyway ? [yes]
checked out autoproj main configuration
autoproj bootstrap successfully finished
To further use autoproj and the installed software, you
must add the following line at the bottom of your .bashrc:
source /home/emi/rock-robotics/env.sh
WARNING: autoproj will not work until your restart all
your consoles, or run the following in them:
$ source /home/emi/rock-robotics/env.sh
To import and build the packages, you can now run
The resulting software is installed in
How should I interact with github.com (git, http, ssh)
If you give one value, it's going to be the method used for all access
If you give multiple values, comma-separated, the first one will be
used for pulling and the second one for pushing. An optional third value
will be used to pull from private repositories (the same than pushing is
used by default) [http,ssh]
operating system: ubuntu,debian - 18.04,18.04.4,lts,bionic,beaver
updating bundler
updating autoproj
bundler: connected to https://rubygems.org/
already up-to-date autoproj main configuration
checking out git:https://github.com/rock-core/package_set.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/rock-core/package_set.git repository_id=github:/rock-c checked out git:https://github.com/rock-core/package_set.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/rock-core/package_set.git repository_id=github:/rock-core/package_set.git retry_count=10
Which flavor of Rock do you want to use ?
Stay with the default ('master') if you want to use Rock on the most recent
distributions (Ubuntu 16.04 and later). Use 'stable' only for
now officially unsupported distributions (Ubuntu 14.04) [master]
Do you want to activate python? [no]
checking out git:https://github.com/rock-core/rock-package_set.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/rock-core/rock-package_set.git repository_id=gith checked out git:https://github.com/rock-core/rock-package_set.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/rock-core/rock-package_set.git repository_id=github:/rock-core/rock-package_set.git retry_count=10
checking out git:https://github.com/rock-tutorials/tutorials-package_set.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/rock-tutorials/tutorials-package_set.gi checked out git:https://github.com/rock-tutorials/tutorials-package_set.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/rock-tutorials/tutorials-package_set.git repository_id=github:/rock-tutorials/tutorials-package_set.git retry_count=10
checking out git:https://github.com/orocos-toolchain/autoproj.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/orocos-toolchain/autoproj.git repository_id=github checked out git:https://github.com/orocos-toolchain/autoproj.git interactive=false push_to=git@github.com:/orocos-toolchain/autoproj.git repository_id=github:/orocos-toolchain/autoproj.git retry_count=10
WARN: osdeps definition for cmake, previously defined in /home/emi/.local/share/autoproj/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/autoproj-2.12.1/lib/autoproj/default.osdeps overridden by /home/emi/rock-robotics/autoproj/remotes/rock.core/rock.osdeps:
WARN: resp. apt-dpkg: cmake
WARN: osdep: build-essential
WARN: and apt-dpkg: cmake
Do you need compatibility with OCL ? (yes or no)
New Rock users that don't need backward compatibility with legacy Orocos components
probably want to say 'no'. Otherwise, say 'yes'.
Saying 'yes' will significantly impact compilation time and the size of the resulting binaries
Please answer 'yes' or 'no' [no]
the target operating system for Orocos/RTT (gnulinux, xenomai, or macosx) [gnulinux]
which CORBA implementation should the RTT use ?
Answer "none" to disable CORBA, otherwise pick either tao or omniorb [omniorb] "none"
invalid value: invalid value '"none"', accepted values are 'none', 'tao', 'omniorb' (without the quotes)
which CORBA implementation should the RTT use ?
Answer "none" to disable CORBA, otherwise pick either tao or omniorb [omniorb] none
checked out base/templates/cmake_vizkit_widget
checked out base/orogen/std
checked out base/console_bridge
checked out base/numeric
checked out base/logging
checked out base/templates/bundle
checked out base/templates/vizkit3d_plugin
checked out base/templates/ruby_lib
checked out base/orogen/types
checked out base/templates/cmake_lib
checked out base/scripts
checked out base/cmake
checked out bundles/rock
checked out drivers/orogen/aggregator
checked out bundles/common_models
checked out drivers/orogen/iodrivers_base
checked out drivers/aggregator
checked out drivers/iodrivers_base
checked out drivers/orogen/transformer
checked out drivers/transformer
checked out base/types
checked out perception/frame_helper
checked out perception/jpeg_conversion
checked out gui/osgviz
checked out tools/log_tools
checked out gui/rock_webapp
checked out gui/vizkit3d
checked out tools/logger
tools/class_loader: checking out branch indigo-devel
checked out gui/rock_widget_collection
checked out tools/class_loader
checked out tools/orogen_metadata
checked out gui/vizkit
checked out tools/pocolog2msgpack
checked out tools/pocolog_cpp
checked out tools/pocolog
checked out tools/telemetry
checked out base/templates/doc
checked out tools/rest_api
checked out rtt_typelib
checked out utilrb
checked out tools/orocos.rb
checked out orogen
checked out tools/metaruby
checkout of tools/syskit failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/syskit and retrying (1/10)
checkout of tools/msgpack-c failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/msgpack-c and retrying (1/10)
checked out tools/syskit
tools/msgpack-c: resetting branch master to 83a82e3eb512b18d4149cabb7eb43c7e8bc081af
checked out tools/msgpack-c
WARN: tools/msgpack-c from rock.core does not have a manifest
checkout of tools/service_discovery failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/service_discovery and retrying (1/10)
checkout of typelib failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/typelib and retrying (1/10)
checkout of tools/roby failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/roby and retrying (1/10)
checkout of external/sisl failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/external/sisl and retrying (1/10)
checked out typelib
typelib: using the castxml importer
checked out tools/service_discovery
checked out external/sisl
checked out tools/roby
checkout of rtt failed, deleting the source directory /home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/rtt and retrying (1/10)
checked out rtt
building initial autoproj import log, this may take a while
bundler: connected to https://rubygems.org/
updated environment
Command finished successfully at 2020-06-24 12:08:47 +0200 (took 6 mins 9 secs)
bundler: connected to https://rubygems.org/
updated environment
Command finished successfully at 2020-06-24 12:08:52 +0200 (took 3 secs)
operating system: ubuntu,debian - 18.04,18.04.4,lts,bionic,beaver
WARN: osdeps definition for cmake, previously defined in /home/emi/.local/share/autoproj/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/autoproj-2.12.1/lib/autoproj/default.osdeps overridden by /home/emi/rock-robotics/autoproj/remotes/rock.core/rock.osdeps:
WARN: resp. apt-dpkg: cmake
WARN: osdep: build-essential
WARN: and apt-dpkg: cmake
WARN: tools/msgpack-c from rock.core does not have a manifest
typelib: using the castxml importer
configured CMake for tools/msgpack-c
built tools/msgpack-c
installed tools/msgpack-c
configured CMake for rtt
built rtt (10 warnings)
set up Ruby package utilrb
installed rtt
configured CMake for external/sisl
set up Ruby package tools/metaruby
configured CMake for typelib
set up Ruby package tools/roby
built typelib (2 warnings)
set up Ruby package base/scripts
installed typelib
built external/sisl (165 warnings)
set up Ruby package tools/pocolog
configured CMake for rtt_typelib
installed external/sisl
built rtt_typelib
configured CMake for base/cmake
installed rtt_typelib
built base/cmake
set up Ruby package orogen
installed base/cmake
set up Ruby package tools/log_tools
configured CMake for tools/orogen_metadata
configured CMake for gui/osgviz
built tools/orogen_metadata
configured CMake for base/logging
built gui/osgviz (6 warnings)
installed tools/orogen_metadata
installed gui/osgviz
built base/logging
configured CMake for gui/vizkit3d
built gui/vizkit3d (7 warnings)
installed base/logging
installed gui/vizkit3d
configured CMake for tools/service_discovery
configured CMake for base/console_bridge
configured CMake for base/types
built tools/service_discovery
installed tools/service_discovery
built base/types (3 warnings)
built base/console_bridge
generated oroGen base/orogen/std
installed base/types
installed base/console_bridge
configuring CMake for base/orogen/std
configured CMake for tools/pocolog_cpp
ERROR: got an error processing base/orogen/std, waiting for pending jobs to end
updated environment
Command failed
base/orogen/std(/home/emi/rock-robotics/base/orogen/std): failed in configure phase
'cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/emi/rock-robotics/install -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH= -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/emi/rock-robotics/install;/home/emi/rock-robotics/tools/orogen -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DROCK_TEST_ENABLED=OFF /home/emi/rock-robotics/base/orogen/std' returned status 1
see /home/emi/rock-robotics/install/log/base/orogen/std-configure.log for details
last 10 lines are:
-- Checking for module 'orocos-rtt-corba-gnulinux>=2.1.0'
-- No package 'orocos-rtt-corba-gnulinux' found
CMake Error at .orogen/config/FindOrocosCORBA.cmake:8 (MESSAGE):
RTT has not been built with CORBA support
Call Stack (most recent call first):
.orogen/typekit/transports/corba/CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/emi/rock-robotics/base/orogen/std/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
mkdir rock-workspace
cd rock-workspace
wget https://www.rock-robotics.org/bootstrap.sh
sh bootstrap.sh
Do you need compatibility with OCL ? (yes or no)
New Rock users that don't need backward compatibility with legacy Orocos components
probably want to say 'no'. Otherwise, say 'yes'.
Saying 'yes' will significantly impact compilation time and the size of the resulting binaries
Please answer 'yes' or 'no' [no] no
the target operating system for Orocos/RTT (gnulinux, xenomai, or macosx) [gnulinux] gnulinux
which CORBA implementation should the RTT use ?
Answer "none" to disable CORBA, otherwise pick either tao or omniorb [omniorb] omniorb
所以答案是 no、gnulinux 和 omniorb