



what is an accounting period and how is it linked to the accounting cycle

Accounting period is period for which a firm prepares its internal or external accounts; the period covered by the financial statements. For internal accounts, it may be a month or a quarter; for external accounts it is normally a period of 12 months.

Accounting Cycle is series of steps in recording an accounting event from the time a transaction occurs to its reflection in the financial statements; also called bookkeeping cycle. The order of the steps in the accounting cycle are: recording in the journal, posting to the ledger, preparing a trial balance, and preparing the financial statements.

The primary objectives of the accounting function in an organization are to process financial information and to prepare financial statements at the end of the accounting period. Companies must systematically process financial information and must have staff who prepare financial statements on a monthly, quarterly, and/or annual basis. To meet these primary objectives, a series of steps is required. Collectively these steps are known as the accounting cycle.


参考技术A A:Accounting Period :

(1) In general, the time period reflected by a set of financial statements.

(2)"Time covered by financial statements, which can be for any length but is usually annual, quarterly, or monthly. The annual financial statements may be on a calendar or fiscal year basis. Quarterly (interim) financial statements are common and required of publicly owned companies."

B: The Accounting period is linked to the Accounting Cycle in this way:

"The primary objectives of the accounting function in an organization are to process financial information and to prepare financial statements at the end of the accounting period. Companies must systematically process financial information and must have staff who prepare financial statements on a monthly, quarterly, and/or annual basis. To meet these primary objectives, a series of steps is required. Collectively these steps are known as the accounting cycle."


参考技术B 什么是会计期间以及与会计循环的关系



参考技术A 这个问题无法解决。因为MS office的文件格式不公开,openoffice无法跟它做到完全兼容,微软的办公软件不同版本的文件格式尚且不能兼容。

参考技术B 用最新版本OFFICE2007,兼容性比较好本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术C 最省事的重装吧。 参考技术D 有没有试过永中?openoffice有些方面确实不适合国人,



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